#not really cuz duviri exists for new players so—
ruinouslore · 2 months
destiny 2 character creator: ok so you got masculine or feminine—
warframe character creator: w h a t ‘ s g e n d e r
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retphienix · 1 year
@alteredsilicone replied to your post “I was more excited when I thought Duviri was "ESO...”:
you're right about damned if you do, damned if you do(n't) regarding drifter intrinsics and leaving it Duviri only, cuz I already saw people in YT comments complaining how it's "nothing like wf gameplay I don'y want to play drifter" and that's why the 'warframe only' mode exists. like, if you wanna add something new you gotta take some risks and that means pissing off everyone to a degree
​It really is inevitable because there will always be people pissed off at anything that deviates even slightly from the norm. I know of at least one huge warframe youtuber who has, for the past like year, just bashed Duviri constantly because it's different and he resents that.
I ain't about being the bigger man, such takes can fuck off lmao, ain't no one making you play.
But I do recognize it's inevitability.
Ridiculous in this case for those people though because the stream was pretty much 100% "Oh yeah, all of this is disconnected as HELL so if you hate it you have nothing to worry about!"
Unless I missed something, it sounded like the only relevant reward for long time players would be the adapters which "Sounded" like they were steel path only- meaning it's the warframe content only, and even locked to steel path, so like, the players who begrudge this content option existing will have bog standard content to farm for their relevant rewards and then they can happily fuck off (it sounds like).
Well, outside of intrinsic mastery, but as always some random exploit will be found and they will abuse it and that will be that, just like all the players who sat around as ivara in railjack actively making themselves have no fun and complaining that the thing they made themselves do wasn't fun (which is railjack's fault; I'm being obtuse considering RJ launched in a poor state but bleh, modern complaints lol)
Just like with railjack, I'm excited to see something so different thrown in as an option, but I am not a big fan of how disconnected this (or railjack) is from warframe still :/
Not gameplay wise, I WANT it different, I prefer for the different gameplay options to intertwine together into the bigger picture so it's a touch disappointing to see Duviri taking the opposite notes from railjack's reception and isolating itself to such extremes.
So I'm on the side of "I wish DE pissed more people off" and that this content was rewarding on all fronts and intertwined with the base game, like drifter melee being in the whole game etc.
And I say that AFTER saying I'm not the biggest fan of the open world look atm, because I'd prefer it be middling but rewarding and not middling and forgotten as everyone overlooks it.
Anyway, people love being mad, luckily for the vast majority of those people in this case it sounds like they won't have much reason to play this content in the first place, so they are mad about nothin' lol.
I'm stoked. I hope the open world surprises me and isn't just "bounties 2.0 with some rogue elements", or maybe it will just be that but good, idk, I think it'll be a fun time either way.
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