#not really related but I do think he was jacob's prom date. makes everything just a bit more tragic
pinkninja236 · 9 months
not to go back to a show I havent talked about in ages, but I'm thinking about Shannon O'Connor again. this guy is mentioned by name 4 times in the entire show and yet we know that 1. he was in the same grade as Jacob at school 2. he was presumably at prom that night, explaining why Irene was there as a chaperone 3. he is likely one of the 'O'Connor men' who take part in the search parties for Jacob 4. he was at the new years eve party, and helps set up the turkey drop 5. he was on the search party for Woodsley. my guy manages to be directly involved with every single major plot point of isw, and yet is so minor a role that they didnt even cast anyone to play him. insane. I am obsessed with him
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that-one-bi-wizard · 4 years
Part 2 of Headcannons No One Asked For:
Punk aesthetic. He’s got the torn jean jacket, piercings, painted nails, and everything.
He’s still the sweetest boy you will ever meet. He is an absolute sweetheart and would never hurt a fly. Sure, he gets picked on for his disability, but he’s not gonna fight anyone. He’s the kind to forgive and forget (mostly. He doesn’t care for the Delanceys).
The only people that actually pick on him are the Delanceys. Everyone else at school thinks he’s pretty chill. He’s not exactly a popular kid, but everyone knows him as the “cute emo kid”. (He’s never bothered to correct anyone.)
He doesn’t like people feeling bad for him or treating him differently just because of his leg.
He’s the shortest one of the shortest in his friend group (him and Spot are the same height). He has black streaks in his hair too.
Him and Katherine are dating. No, I don’t take criticism. They’re cute couple. Since Kath is goth in this AU, they’re a cute punk/goth couple.
So, this boy, he can play guitar. And write songs. So, he writes songs for his girl all the time. That’s how she asked her to prom. He did it in front of everyone, and she said yes.
He also likes to go to Katherine’s house sometimes, and they’ll talk for hours while painting each other’s nails. They also cuddle a lot. And read books together. And listen to music. And watch television. The point is: they’re cute. They’re a soft couple.
Him and Jack have been friends forever because Medda knows Crutchie’s moms. So, you best bet that Crutchie and Jack tell each other everything. Like, Crutchie was the first one to know about Jack’s crush on Davey, and Jack was the first one to know about Crutchie’s crush on Kath. They’re almost like brothers.
His moms are basically Cordelia and Charlotte from Falsettos. They’re both just as nice as Crutchie, so you can tell that he’s their son. He’s also not adopted. The two wanted a kid, they got a donor, and boom, Crutchie came into the world. (He’s never met his dad though, but he could honestly care less.)
She’s got dark clothes but her hair is still the same bright red color she was born with.
Her dad is the principal of the school, so a lot of kids that don’t know her think that’s why she’s ranked #1 in her grade level. That’s not the case though. She’s a hard working that’s always trying to prove herself.
She’s kind of a drifter. She used to hang out with a bunch of different groups of students until she eventually started hanging out with Crutchie, Jack, Race and the others. She met them because she dated Jack for like a month or two in freshman year, but they realized they didn’t like each other that way and stayed friends instead. They’re still really good friends too.
So... In my last post, I said Jack was chubby in this AU. Well, so is Kath. She’s a cute chubby goth girl. It’s my AU, I do as I please.
Anyway, she can be a little insecure about her body at times, but mostly she just doesn’t care. She’s got brains, and that’s what matters to her.
Her and Davey are the mom friends of the group. They have to stop their friends from doing stupid shit. Because of that, they’ve also bonded a lot and become close best friends. They were such close friends that kids at school thought they were dating for a while.
People thought they were a power couple because principal’s daughter and top athlete? Ultimate couple. That’s when Katherine decided “oof. Okay, I gotta tell the guy I actually like that I like him.” So, she did.
Yeah, Katherine was the one to confess her feelings first. She told Crutchie, and Crutchie was like “dzhgshkd. I like you too.” She was also the one to kiss him first.
And her dad... is totally fine with this. He would’ve preferred it to be someone like Davey, it maybe even Jack, sure, but he thinks Crutchie’s fine. With how cute and polite he is, Crutchie won him over pretty easily. He trusts him enough (not a lot but enough) for his daughter to date a guy like Crutchie.
Huge theater nerd!
She’s been in every play the school’s out on, even if she gets minor roles. She started out a a tech kid in her freshman year, but thought “hey, I wanna try acting”. And she’s loved it ever since.
Even though she’s a grade above Davey, she still acts like a child. Singing her favorite show tunes all the time, talking about cartoons, being all over the place... she’s just a little ray of sunshine, honestly.
She doesn’t look a lot like Davey though, so when they say they’re related, people are surprised. She has really long, straight, light brown hair and she’s pretty short while Davey’s...well, the opposite.
Davey’s the better known of the Jacobs siblings, but Sarah’s pretty popular too. She’s pretty outgoing, so people know who she is.
Also, super proud of her little brother but loves to embarrass him. She’ll go to his games and make sure she and Les scream at the top of their lungs, so everyone knows who their brother is. Davey asked them to stop once, and they, of course said no.
She also likes to poke fun at him and Jack when Jack’s at their place. Once, he went over and Davey was in the shower, and in that span of time, Sarah and Les managed to to tell Jack so many stories about Davey when he was little.
She’s been best friends with Darcy since freshman year. Eventually, he asked her out, and she was like “Finally! Of course, I’ll go out with you.” She knew he liked her for a while. She would’ve confessed first but thought it was funny to see him try every time.
Now, these two... these two are a good couple. Darcy is the only person (besides Davey) who can calm Sarah down. Meanwhile, Sarah’s the only one who can help him come out of his shell.
This boi is the stereotypical shy geek. I usually see him as like a nerd or prep student, but in this AU, he’s a geek. Like, anime watching, shy, tech loving geek.
He doesn’t have many friends, besides Sarah and Bill. He keeps to himself most of the time but will talk when necessary. He joined theater but stayed as part of the tech crew. That’s initially how he met Sarah.
His dad’s a teacher at their high school, so he also knows Katherine pretty well. Their dad’s know each other and basically had them hang out when Katherine got to high school.
Since he’s really good at writing, he’s help Kath with a few essays and really got her into writing. He’s also really good with computers, so you bet he’s the one they go to when their laptops are broken or they accidentally download a virus on the school computers.
He’s always wearing a hoodies. His closet is full of them. And y’all ever seen that hentai face hoodie? He has it, never wears it, but he has it. It’s in the back of his closet.
It took him a while to build up enough courage to ask Sarah out. And he was super happy when she said yes. It took him practicing it on Bill twice until Bill was like “Bro, you’re ready”.
He’s actually gained a lot of confidence since then. With that, he’s always felt oddly out of place with Sarah’s friends but that doesn’t stop him from joking around with them. And that... that has gotten him into detention a few times, so he tries to be careful around Jack and Race.
Also, side note, he helps out a lot with the school paper because his dad is president of the newspaper club they have at school. Katherine is also part of the club, so they geek out over that kind of stuff.
Okay, I think that’s the main cast for my high school AU. If y’all want hcs for any other characters, just send me requests, and I’ll gladly give you some hcs. (I have Jack, Davey, Spot, and Race on another post though, but if y’all want more hcs about them, that’s cool too.)
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nikatyler · 6 years
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I’ve been feeling a little meh about my blog and everything lately, though that might just be another result of me being very stressed out these days. It’s less than two weeks until my prom. Oh, yeah, here in my country we usually have senior proms during months from October to February. Mine is in the beginning of November. I’m actually going to some of my former classmates’ proms as well, this Saturday and then in December, and who knows, I might throw some more in. My anxious ass will hate me for this when the date comes closer. I apparently like to suffer.
I’m also going to an eye doctor tomorrow and I’m a little scared. I haven’t been there for a while and I think my eyesight got worse. But hey, whether it actually got worse or not, I’ll have new glasses. That’s good. I need new ones.
As for the blog, I’ve been slowly but surely working on Roses again. Gen 6. It’s kind of a lot at the moment but I’m just out of practice, I guess. There’s too many sims in the household. The high school story, well...chapter three is coming soon and I’d like to get two more out until the end of 2018. Not sure if I’ll be able to do that after all but I’ll try. I care about that story and its characters way more than I should but what else is new. I know that for you, it’s probably not the most exciting thing ever but listen...some of the dialogues are my best work, okay? Give it a try.
calm down ron
Replies now.
melien replied to your photoset “In attempts of being a little more like her “superhuman friend”...”
Tag yourself I'm Val
Honestly who isn’t on this website? I feel like most of us need more sleep, correct me if I’m wrong lmao
melien replied to your photoset “Ross: “You don’t get it, Jordan. I love you a lot, but we’re over....”
I kinda agree that Jordan deserves better lmao
If I remember correctly, MCCC made him go and have a child with one of Ross’s ex-lovers. Later on, Jordan went and married another one of Ross’s ex-lovers. He’s not the only one though, more of them did the same thing. The family trees in this save are messed up, everyone is related to everyone in some way. It’s a small world. *shrugs*
jackssims replied to your photo “I’m slowly losing my mind. Long story short: I’m drowning in homework....”
Omg if they get together I’ll probably scream into the void
Never say never
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Marika? I haven’t seen her for months. And is that a…does she have a...”
Ohhh yeahh
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “This legacy has seriously been blessed with some Good Genes.”
She's a cutie!
She is! I can’t help but compare kids from this legacy to kids from my other sims 4 legacy. Here, they’re almost perfect the way they’re born. Truth to be told, in my Raven Legacy, I had to edit everyone a lot before showing them to the world. If I had said something else, I probably lied.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
they look gooood
Also happy birthday to them:3
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
They came out really nice! Especially Bianca!
melien replied to your photo “Exactly two years ago, the triplets were born and gen 4 officially...”
Love them! Caleb may be my fav
Thanks guys! They might not be 100% accurate but I still somehow get the right vibes from them, which is more than enough for me. Honestly I’m surprised I have never done this before.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Hi Zoey, what do you want?” “Hi Bianca. Hi…um…you.” “Sharon,” she...”
"I hate running." - honestly me too Zoey
I love working out but every time we have to run in P.E. I want to die. Also burpees. Burpees and running are my two worst enemies.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I felt it from the bottom of my heart. I knew I had the potential to...”
Or... To travel between the worlds!
Yeah, Bianca is pretty badass, even though most of her badass-ness was lost in the original legacy because she wasn’t around. I’m glad I can somehow fix it here.
melien replied to your photoset “Hey LMAO!” “That’s new. What do you want, Rosie?” “Will you take...”
This totally made my day thank you I'm living
You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see this scene happen but I didn’t have enough motivation to do the whole chapter. It was killing me. But hey, here we are, six months later.
melien replied to your photoset “There’s no point in trying to argue with him, seriously. But I swear...”
I actually have a few ideas for you Jacob
Do I wanna know
melien replied to your photoset “He’s been playing with me this whole time…ever since…ever since I...”
I kinda feel like Tyler and Ross would have been besties
I was thinking about this a lot because they’re similar in many ways but...I’m not sure. Tyler is just messing with his friends. He likes joking around. I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do, actually I think this is very insensitive and selfish of him. I can’t stand him in this chapter. Anyway, he’s just kidding. He kind of counts on the fact that no one takes him seriously because he’s been the “class clown” ever since he can remember and so he can do whatever he wants (breaking news Tyler, you can’t). He would never ever actually cheat on anyone though.
Ross on the other hand...he was cheating on everyone and he knew it and he didn’t feel bad about it - for most of the time, at least. I’m not trying to make excuses for Tyler, he is an ass, I’m not gonna say he’s not, but compared to Ross, he’s just a goof who doesn’t think about consequences of his dumb jokes.
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset “Just to explain what is going on,” Thomas said. “I’m willing to give...”
Was that an indirect comment on My First Pet stuff? Made me chuckle xD
It was! I wrote this chapter around the time My First Pet stuff was released...which explains everything haha. This joke would’ve been funnier if I had taken pictures for this chapter in spring. I mean, the hatred for that stuff pack is kinda dead now, isn’t it? At least I don’t care about it as much anymore.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Marika, long time no see! So you’re a mum now? How long has it...”
Here we goooo
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Well, yeah, but I also don’t need a child in my life and you’re...”
Y’know I’m not the biggest fan of Marika, but she’s got some really valid points here
Yeah. Yeah I can’t argue with that. She’s not the best person but neither is Ross
I swear I wanted to reply with something that was really good in my head, I just can’t remember what it is right now. It’s 11 pm and I’m tired. Sorry
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “I can’t take care of a baby!” Marika: “Well, you’ll have to...”
Okay I still don't like Marika overall but this whole interaction has warmed me up to her a little
I hate her for this, actually. She could’ve handled it as an adult, tell him when she found out she was pregnant, instead she did this. Though, again, she had a good point with “Ross being Sunset’s parent too”.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Hey Stella! Yes, the dumb fuck knows now and he took it well. You...”
Omg I love this
Not gonna lie I might like Stella and Val’s friendship more than I love Ross and Caleb’s friendship
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spotifypremiumapks · 3 years
Who is Sam Johnson? Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, CEO Accused of Harassing Teen Boy, Video
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Sam Johnson Wiki - Sam Johnson Biography
Sam Johnson is the CEO of VisuWell who is accused of harassing a teen boy who wore a dress to his prom in Tennessee in April 2021. Video of the incident involving the 46-year-old business leader went viral on TikTok, Twitter, and Reddit. The video was recorded by the boy’s boyfriend at a hotel before the Franklin High School prom on Saturday, April 24. Johnson has denied any wrongdoing. The boyfriend, Jacob Geittmann, originally posted the video on TikTok and then on Twitter. He said his boyfriend, Dalton Stevens, wore the dress “for his senior prom to kind of break the stigma around men wearing dresses. He looked gorgeous, everybody loved it and nobody had a problem with it.” Geitmann added, “We went to this hotel close to where we live and we got a lot of good photos and we were there for about an hour and right as we were about to leave we standing outside in this little middle area with a bunch of buildings surrounding us. This man comes up and he’s about an inch away from my boyfriend and he says, ‘What are you wearing?’ And he’s like, ‘A dress, why?’ And he’s like, ‘Why are you wearing that? You shouldn’t be wearing that.’” Geitmann said his boyfriend responded, “because I can and I want to.” According to Geitmann, Johnson then started “going on and on” and was “throwing insults at him … ‘You look disgusting, you look ridiculous, you look like an idiot. Men shouldn’t be wearing this.’ All this homophobic banter.” Johnson told Newsweek the accusations are “entirely false,” saying it “wasn’t anything personal or involving a dress.” He told the news site it was “about obnoxious, loud behavior by this group of teens.” Johnson added he had asked the teens to “tone down the vulgarities around the families and children who were present.” He told Newsweek, “We had just sat down for dinner at this restaurant that we frequent, and I was returning from the restroom when I was presented with their loud cursing. Making it about the dress was their idea and they edited out most of the exchange. I have no ill will towards anyone or their personal choices, so long as it does not harm me or my family.”
Sam Johnson Age
Sam Johnson is 46 years old.
Johnson lives in Franklin, Tennessee, which is about 20 miles south of Nashville. The video has also gone viral on Reddit, in a /r/publicfreakout thread titled, “Man harasses LGBTQ+ teen in dress, leers and tries to follow him.” Johnson and VisuWell did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Heavy. Johnson deleted his Twitter and Facebook accounts and VisuWell appears to have removed a “Meet Our CEO” page about Johnson from its website. Johnson has been the CEO of ValuWell since 2017, according to his now-deleted LinkedIn profile. He is also on the board of directors. According to a press release from VisuWell, the company, formerly known as WeCounsel, has a mission “to provide elegant platforms that allow healthcare organizations of all types to deliver continuity of care and improved access to health services by equipping practitioners and their patients with a convenient and effective platform for virtual care delivery.” A cached page on the VisuWell website includes a “Meet Our CEO: Sam Johnson” section that reads: Sam is a career-long healthcare technology innovator and problem solver with beginnings in the early days of electronic claims and scheduling systems. He was involved throughout the transformation of paper medical records to electronic (EHR), contributed innovations in the Patient Engagement and Population Health movements, and is now engaged in and challenging areas of virtual access, known as telemedicine. He is the founder of multiple healthcare tech startups and currently serves on the board of directors for several healthcare organizations as a growth and technology strategist. On LinkedIn, Johnson wrote about himself, “I’m a brand creator, a growth catalyst, and source of encouragement and problem solving for startup and early stage companies struggling to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. If you’re into making a difference in healthcare and people’s lives, let’s be in touch.” Johnson was previously the founder and CEO of “patient outreach and messaging platform” from 2012 to 2017. He was a board member of a Nashville healthcare startup from 2010 to 2016, and was sales director at a Franklin-based healthcare company from 2005 to 2012. He previously worked as a regional sales manager at a healthcare systems company in North Carolina from 2002 to 2005 and has other healthcare-related sales jobs dating back to 1996. Johnson was quoted in an April 6, 2021, press release about the University Hospitals system in Cleveland, Ohio, choosing VisuWell as its telehealth provider. Johnson and his company said the pandemic has increased the need for hospitals to have telehealth systems. He said in a statement, “At Visuwell, we partner with organizations to develop tailored virtual care strategies including telemedicine solutions to address healthcare’s biggest challenges, while providing them with a robust feature set and configurable options to help them successfully deliver virtual care for their patients. We are excited to work with an innovative organization like UH to expand their virtual care footprint and transform the telemedicine experience for providers and patients.”
Johnson Can Be Seen in the Video
https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1386529380529225730?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1386529380529225730%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fheavy.com%2Fnews%2Fsam-johnson-visuwell-ceo%2F The viral video begins with Johnson laughing as Stevens, wearing a red dress and a black mask, tells him to “f*** off.” Geittmann, who is recording with his cell phone, can be heard asking Johnson, “You think he looks gross?” and Johnson responds, “He does.” Stevens then begins to walk away and Johnson can be seen in the video following him. Johnson starts to say, “You look like…” and the teen boy cuts him off and says, “I look like what? F*** off.” Johnson then says, “You look like an idiot,” and continues to walk toward Stevens, who tells him to, “Get the f*** away from me.” The video then shows Johnson swinging his arm toward Geittmann and hitting his phone. He also hits Stevens with his arm as Stevens tries to walk away. Johnson then tries to tell Geittmann to stop recording. Geittmann then smirks and shrugs his shoulders as other people can be heard in the background telling him to stop and leave teens alone. A woman can be heard saying, “stop, stop, stop, please.” A man says to Geittmann, “It’s prom night. It’s a bunch of kids,” and the woman adds, “It’s a special night.” The video ends with Stevens telling Johnson, “I’m sorry, I’m gorgeous.” He replies, “Are you?” with a smirk. Read Also: Who is Alex Koo? Wiki, Biography, Age, Alber Elbaz’s Boyfriend, Cause of Death, Instagram
Geittmann Statement
In a follow-up video posted on TikTok, Geittmann described what can be seen in the video when Johnson swung at him. “He hits my phone out of my hand and it goes flying on the concrete. I go to grab it to start recording him again and he tries to swing at me again, which you can see in the original video when the camera goes out for a second, you can see him swinging, he tries to hit my phone out of my hand again but he misses and hits my boyfriend in the back,” Geittmann said. “So that’s when all of the moms that were there they’re getting really involved now, telling Johnson, ‘You need to calm down, this is absolutely ridiculous, you are out of your mind,’” Geitmann said on TikTok. “And at this point the hotel staff had gotten word from inside about what was going on, so two of their ladies come out and they’re like, ‘OK guys what’s going on out here?’ He pretends like he has absolutely no clue what’s going on and he’s standing there like, ‘I’ve just been standing here the whole time, I don’t know what’s going on, I didn’t try to talk to them, I didn’t hit them, I didn’t try to smack his phone out of his hand.'” Geittmann said, “I’m like, ‘Dude I have a minute-long video of you harassing us you can’t just blatantly deny it like that.'” https://twitter.com/jacobgeittmann2/status/1386402224524316676?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1386580446562107396%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fheavy.com%2Fnews%2Fsam-johnson-visuwell-ceo%2F Geittmann added, “The staff was really great about everything, they sent him back to the bar, because he was pretty obviously drunk, just cause they were calling the police and they didn’t want him to freak out anymore than he was. And as we were leaving, they told us that they were kicking him out and calling the police. So, I guess it’s a win.” Geittmann did not say in the video what hotel they were at when the incident took place. It was also not immediately clear if police actually responded to the hotel and if an investigation into the incident took place or is ongoing. Geittmann wrote on TikTok, “We left before the police got there so we could make our dinner reservations but he was removed from the hotel.” Geittmann said Johnson was at the hotel for the bar/restaurant on the property and was not part of the prom group. Johnson told Newsweek he not kicked out of the hotel and he and his family left on their own.
VisuWell Is Facing Calls on Social Media
VisuWell is facing calls on social media for the company to speak out about Johnson and to cut ties with their CEO. Geittmann tweeted the video at VisuWell and wrote, “you gonna address this publicly? not a good look!” Former Big Brother houseguest Rachel Swindler was one of the first to call out Johnson and the company, tweeting the video and adding, “Hey @VisuWell, do you know you employ a homophobic named @SJohnsonTN? That doesn’t look too good for your company in 2021. Boost this twitter. He harassed and threw homophobic slurs at a young teenage boy wearing a dress.” The Tennessee Holler, a progressive-leaning local news website, tweeted, “Looks like @sjohnsontn of @VisuWell (who has hopped in our mentions many times to be homophobic but has now deleted his account) appears to have now done some real-life homophobia to some young men at a prom in Nashville.” Political scientist and American Enterprise Institute scholar Norman Ornstein tweeted, “Hey, clients of @VisuWell, are you cool getting services from a company with a CEO like this?” Screenwriter, director, and TV producer Steven DeKnight tweeted, “Hey, @VisuWell. Is this your CEO Sam Johnson? He either needs to be ejected immediately or you need to make a statement saying you condone this kind of hateful, homophobic behavior. What’s it going to be?” FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Read the full article
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thenativeanne-blog · 7 years
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 11: My Current Relationship
I am currently in a relationship! Yes, boys I'm taken!
His name is Anthony, he is born one year before me and born ONLY FOR ME! It's hard for me to talk about him because I don't want other girls falling for him but I'm a pretty protective girlfriend when it comes to what is hers so, ya'll better back off.
I met Anthony through a friend on Facebook and at first we were texting each other and I was actually trying to "bro-zone him" because I was actually technically still in a relationship with my now ex.
My ex and I were also LDR, he lived in New Jersey but he cheated on me twice and I consider the second one cheating when I found out his prom date and him didn't go to prom.
I was already talking to Anthony when things started to go low for my ex and I and I was losing my mind because of my ex. He abused my trust and kindness, he didn't want anything to do with me when I was having my mood swings, and he told me I over react too much when it's just me being a caring girlfriend.
When I told Anthony everything that was going he told me one thing that changed my whole meaning to real love which was, "You deserve better."
When Anthony and I first face timed ya'll know that one scene in Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 when Jacob imprinted on Bella's daughter? Well, I had that moment with Anthony. No, it's not because I was going through a hard time and my heart and head wanted to throw myself to this guy to let the pain go away, but because I never had that moment with anyone, even my crushes and ex. Just him.
When I decided to break up with my ex, Anthony was there for me through it all. I cried but I knew that if I held on any longer I would've probably cried a lot more because of my ex.
After the breakup, I found out Anthony had just gotten out of a relationship too but I didn't want any of us to move fast into this relationship because we both just got out of one. So we spent like a week (before actually confessing our feelings for each other) to get ourselves together and I had to consult with my girlfriends about everything. Plus, I wanted to be sure we weren't using each other as rebounds.
In that week we got to know each other and with all honesty I felt as if I knew this guy since we were kids because we could relate to almost everything. A week after we confessed but the great thing I love about this guy is that he is a bit old school, he still wants to ask my dad if he could be my boyfriend. We've been together for a year since May 16,2016. My first and praying that it's my last longest relationship.
Anthony is a Filipino, born in Bacolod but is currently living in the States. He is a Christian and I do witness him pray every day. He took on my crazy butt and handles it very well. He doesn't leave me alone when I'm sad or having my mood swings, he makes sure I'm happy by the end of the day. My dad knows about him and supports us. Whenever Anthony and I argue we always talk it out like adults because we really want us to work. I found someone who doesn't think of me as "too much" but just enough for him. He helped me learn how to control my mood swings and how to control my GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). He also helped me become a happier girl, but I also helped him as well. I helped him through his depression and helped him become a better person also.
I don't believe that someone can change you because the only one who can change you is you but having someone who wants to help you change yourself is a keeper.
We pray everyday for each other and honestly, he is the greatest blessing I have ever received despite everything I have done.
So that's all I'm gonna say about my relationship. Hehe.
- K, Bye!
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