#not saying the underwear doesn't seem extremely uncomfortable but that doesn't make it harmful
2pen2wildfire · 10 months
Y'know I think people have a tendency to hate on the LDS Church for the things they find weird or cringe about it, rather than the actual morally wrong things it's done. It's always about the Mormon underwear or the temple rituals or the church programs or the belief that everyone who goes to the Celestial Kingdom gets to be god of their own planet eventually. And it's just like. You do know that every religion ever has stuff like that, right? Many religions have standards of modesty, many religions have strange rituals and strange beliefs. These are not inherently harmful in the slightest. Perhaps to some degree they have harmed people (I cried in second grade because I got in trouble for wearing a tank top), but they are not abnormal. The real problems of Mormonism are, y'know, bigotry. Bigotry against black people, native people, LGBTQ+ people, whatever. Like they've absolutely done extremely harmful things but "underwear with funny symbols on it" is not one of those. You might as well hate on like, hijabs or some other religious clothing. Which is kinda an asshole thing to do.
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