#not sure if chronic mania is a neurodivergency but i'm really not sure were i could put that headcanon
boimann · 1 year
i have some neurodivergent headcanons for the lads
Sniper is autistic
he has a cupple of special interests but his main one is survival
he has major light sensitivity issues and struggles with eye contact, his glasses help him not get overwhelmed and he rearly ever takes them off
he has a hard time showing emotions and he is VERY blunt
he goes non verbal frequently
Scout has adhd and dyslexia
time blindness the man
he has changed hobbie 17 times in the past week
he just follows the serotonin
what is impulse control???
reading is frustrating as hell because he will end up reading the same line 28 times and not even realize
he wears hand wraps because he balls his hands a bit too hard at times and ends up accidentally scratching his palms with his nails
he vocal stims
Soldier is also autistic
his special interest is 'MURICA BABYYY!!! (and war)
he has a very monotone voice and cannot control his tone of voice to save his life
he vocal stims a LOT
his helmet helps him not get visually overstimulated
deviations from his schedual will lead to you getting market gardened
every day he wakes up and rearranges his collection of heads based on the class order
Medic has chronic mania
what is impulse control 2: electric boogaloo
he has frequent hallucinations (he sees the hat man twice a day and they are very good friends)
archiemedes is his service dove and helps him come back to reality when his delusions get too intense
Pyro also has autism
they're mostly non verbal
he has really hard time understanding social ques
they hate being touched his suit helps them not get overstimulated
he has to have sound blasted in their ears 24/7 or he won't hear themselves think
he loves lying down on the floor with their flamethrower on top of them because the pressure is nice :)
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