#not sure what I can do to improve things for myself 🫠
redemptiionss · 7 months
Not getting any younger and I can’t help but to feel like life is meaningless (for me at least). Feels like I’ve been stuck in a rut for nearly 10 years tbh and nothing’s changed lol
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eoieopda · 1 year
Hihi, Jade! Hope you’ve been well and are doing good hehe
I started learning the pre-chorus + chorus to Like Crazy and when I tell you it’s groovy as shit. Like damn. Though, if this doesn’t improve my hip-control, I genuinely have no idea what will 🤡
On another note, I’m meeting up with one of my friends on Monday! We’re going out for coffee and window shopping and I’m pretty excited because I haven’t seen her since the beginning of February of this year, and I’m excited to talk to her face to face (hah see what I did there ;))
I also did a little brainstorming for a story I’ve wanted to write since August of 2020, and I’m hoping it’s gonna help with my immense writers block concerning the idea itself lmfao
I was also wondering, but do you bake? I know it’s a pretty random question but a lot of my friends bake, and I’ve only ever baked once with one of said friends. We made chocolate muffins and, despite them being relatively messy, they actually tasted pretty good! I’m a bit sad we didn’t have chocolate chips though, I would’ve loved to take the famous(?) “you measure that shit with your heart” post as inspiration to make a mostly choc-chip choco muffin hehe.
Do you draw at all, either? I don’t draw much, and when I do I almost always draw exclusively doodles, but I’ve had a couple which came out pretty well. I drew this really tiny dragon a while ago (probably a few years back) which I thought came out pretty well hehet.
By the way, on a less random and softer note, I’ve been meaning to tell you but kept getting shy and insecure about how to say it, but I really appreciate you, you know? I know we don’t know each other super personally and everything, but our exchanges have been a consistent highlight to my everyday life since I’ve become your mutual.
Like, I can’t even begin to say how big of an impact you’ve had on me as a person just with a couple of our (admittedly short) interactions. Your posts brighten up my day, and I really love how full of love you are, and how you’re so unapologetically yourself. It’s really pushed me to become more comfortable in my own skin, which I couldn’t thank you enough for.
I know that probably went from zero (0) to one-hundred (100) real quick, lol, but I thought it was about time, you know? Sorry for putting something like this in an ask, I probably should’ve sent it in a PM but I thought, “I’m here, I might as well do it while I have the courage” 🥹
Anyway, sorry for all the blabbering xd.
I hope you have a wonderful day (or night, I’m not 100% what time of day you’re at rn)!
I hope this isn’t coming off as creepy as it’s starting to sound in my head 🥹 I admire you a lot is all; sorry if this makes you uncomfortable if it does lemme know pls. Okay bye ily 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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this is quite possibly the sweetest thing i anyone has told me in a very very very long time, and i am — OOF — misty in the damn eyeballs. like, i don’t even know how to thank you for that 😭🫠 i’m a whole mess omg. YOU ARE SO SPECIAL, LIL BABY HAN 😭💓💕💗🫶🏻
now i’m gonna stop wheezing and answer your actual questions and pretend i did not just fully tear up, lmao.
i do bake, but not as often as i used to? i kind of only do it when i’m home with my mom which is rare but will resume soon when i move back to my home state to be close again!! def prefer baking to cooking because there is some ridiculous disconnect in which i can do one fairly well but will burn the shit out of whatever meal i’m attempting and/or burn myself. i do not know why i am like this!!
i draw, but also not as often as i used to 🤪 like, i drew/designed all of my tattoos and used to be really into art, but my brain only lets me have 1-2 hobbies at a time, and this one fell by the wayside 🥲 rip art-phase jade.
and good luck with your wip!!! seriously, tag me in anything you post because i love FFF so much that i would surely love whatever else you write 💕🥹
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maeum-your · 2 years
hi minnie <3 i’m doing alright! i just feel kind of tired lately especially with all my hw 🥺 school’s been going pretty good for me, but i have a math retest coming up (i got a 66 the first time 🙈) so i need to start studying for that 🤧
- oh i recently got my learning permit for driving so my dad has been taking me,, and i don’t know if it’s normal to be this nervous but i really hate it sm 😭 my dad kind of expects me to improve quickly and he also keeps pressuring me to go faster which really scares me 😣 yesterday my dad made me drive home, when i only have experience driving in the parking lot (i’ve only been behind the wheel around 6 times), and it was genuinely terrifying … i really hope i get better quickly so i don’t have to do lessons every week 🫠
- also my parents have recently started asking me what i want to pursue once i graduate and i’m honestly not sure at all, like everyone else i know seems to have everything figured out except me 🥺 and idk if it’s okay or not but my parents have been scolding me for it … it’s honestly been making me kind of feel less than or just not good enough sometimes. yesterday my parents scolded me a lot and as soon as i went to bed, i just started crying and cried for maybe around an hour. i honestly cry a lot but sometimes it makes me feel as if i’m too sensitive or if i’m just overreacting 😔 i’ve been getting rejected a lot from some of the things that i’ve applied too so i worry that i’m just not good enough compared to my peers and it’s honestly my biggest complex bc i feel like i might be putting myself too much 🙁 i honestly don’t know to explain but my mind just feels really like tense rn and it’s hard for me to feel happy about everything … i just hope that everything lightens up soon
- ahhh i’m so sorry for rambling so much, but i really enjoy talking to you minnie!! i also apologize for creating such a sad mood T_T i hope you don’t mind 🥺 you’re really just so sweet and your blog just feels very comforting to me 🫶 i appreciate you sm & ty minnie! - battinson anon 🦇🧛‍♀️
hii ik it's been a while since you send this in so I apologize for only getting to it now ☹️
I hope that math retest went well! pls lemme know how you did (if you feel comfortable sharing)
ahhh I relate to the fear of driving. it has only been half a year for me since I got my license and my fear is still there but only because I barely get to practice 🤧 but it does really get easier and I hope you're already seeing improvements! as for tips... I don't think I have any other than drive as much as you can because experience really is the key here. and try to stay calm when you're being scolded (I still have not mastered that point either) or your emotions will make you drive even worse 😭
and no, I don't think it's okay for your parents to get mad at you over smth like this. you are still learning and need guidance and patience and that is not achievable by shouting and negative energy.
I do tend to cry a lot too but you're not too sensitive or overreacting. you know why? because your feelings are valid. every person is different and no matter what their feelings are okay and totally normal. I get shouted at when I cry so it's hard sometimes to remember it but if that is your way of showing emotions and releasing stress and that is totally okay and you shouldn't be ashamed of that <3
I really don't mind this ask and I feel rather happy about you confiding in me so don't worry 🥰
and I promise to answer as soon as I can the next time 😵
hope you're having a great week 💗
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