#not surprised tho. she's a swiftie and a macroniste.
rapha-reads · 9 months
That moment when you jokingly ask your friend group on Insta why none of them are following Motaz Azaiza and send them a few posts about Palestine that could interest them, even though none of them has said a single word in support in three months, and one of your oldest friend immediately react all offended, saying that they can follow who they want and they don't have to report to me, and also this isn't the place to talk about the "conflict", and not everybody has the same opinions.
... Tell me you support IsraHell without telling me you support Isntreal.
And if I'm not supposed to talk about this genocide that's breaking my heart and making me cry for the past 3 months with my friend group of 10 years, then with whom the FUCK am I supposed to talk to? The walls? The void?
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