#not tagging linhardt cause hes not really actively participating in the story
claudemblems · 5 years
Hi! I am new and i really wish that you can write something for me please? Well i wanna a scenario where Linhardt (linny boi fan girl here) is too occuped to be with reader and Dimitri who is in love with her comfort her (like hug and some other things....) but she cant do because she is with Linny and it break Dima heart. A loooot of angst please!! Also idk the end so do what you wish to do at the end!! I am sorry if that doesnt make sense!!^^' luv u
Hey! I hope this came out all right. It didn’t end up as angsty as I thought it would, so if you’d like me to redo this or fix some things, I can try. :) I’m also trying not to make my writing too long either, because I have a problem of doing that 😂 Still hope you enjoy! I’ve realized how much I love writing for Dimitri...I need to write for him...
You knew Linhardt lived and breathed anything related to crests and furthering his research. That was part of his charm, having that one thing that he devoted his full attention and time to. However, that full attention to crest research had its downsides— at least for you— because it meant that you’d seen less and less of him even though the two of you had recently gotten together. 
You wanted to support Linhardt with your whole heart for what he so tirelessly worked towards, seeing that he had something he actually put effort in, but you began to feel more and more lonely as the days passed by. Linhardt was someone so precious and perfect to you, but you began to wonder if you meant the same to him, or if perhaps he’d rather live his life fully devoted to his research pursuits.
“Are you all right?”
You turned your head to Prince Dimitri who approached you in the dining hall. 
“May I sit beside you?” he asked, and you nodded.
“You haven’t seemed like yourself lately,” Dimitri remarked as he settled into the seat, and you couldn’t hold back a pitiful laugh.
“You could say that.”
He looked upon you, his eyes clearly showing his concern. “I know this is none of my business, but if you need to get things off your chest, you have my full attention. And I promise you that your secrets will stay safe with me.”
You considered Dimitri’s offer for a moment. The Prince was well-known for his kindness to all in Garreg Mach, always offering a hand to those who needed it. But the last thing you’d want to do is burden your precious friend. 
But these feelings couldn’t stay pent up forever, and you needed advice.
“I’ve been having some issues in my relationship with Linhardt.”
Dimitri’s eyebrows raised. “Issues with Linhardt? Are the two of you fighting?”
“No, we’re not fighting. In fact, we’re barely communicating.”
Dimitri kept quiet, his eyes focused on you as he listened intently.
“Lately he’s been so invested in his research, and I don’t mind that he has something that he’s so passionate about, but...it’s like I’ve faded into the background and he no longer sees me…” Your voice began to break as you brushed away tears lining your eyes. You took in a shaky breath. “I don’t know what to do. It’s not like I can walk up to him and tell him to pay attention to me. That’s just selfish. But is it so selfish of me to want to be sure that he actually wants to be with me...that he loves me?”
Dimitri sighed and reached for your hand. “I may not be Linhardt,” he began, “But I know that he only decides to get involved with things or people if he feels they’re worth his time. And you clearly are, seeing as he was so delighted to be your partner.” You gave Dimitri a small smile. “Linhardt sometimes gets too invested in what he’s doing, and he needs someone to bring him back to reality for a while. I don’t think he’s purposely intending to neglect your relationship, but perhaps you speaking honestly to him will make him consider that he needs to revisit his priorities.”
You were silent for a few moments before you gently squeezed Dimitri’s hand. “Thank you, Dimitri,” you said. “Somehow, you always know the right words to say. I should talk with Linhardt.”
“Of course.”
You stood to your feet and nodded your head in thanks before going to search for Linhardt to try to set things right.
Dimitri sat silently at the table in the dining hall, lost in thought.
“Hey, Dimitri,” Sylvain greeted as he ran into the prince by the Officer’s Academy. “Haven’t seen you much today.”
“Oh, I was just giving some advice to someone, is all.”
“Advice? Don’t tell me, you were totally giving love advice!”
The two burst into laughter as Sylvain clapped a hand on Dimitri’s shoulder. “Ingrid and I are going into town later. Wanna come?”
“...I’ll think about it,” Dimitri answered.
“Well, just let us know,” Sylvain said before walking off, probably to find a cute girl to flirt with. Dimitri couldn’t imagine otherwise. 
The prince took his time walking to his room, the crowds of students getting thinner and thinner until he was wandering into his room alone. Shutting the door behind him, Dimitri fell back onto his bed and let out a long sigh.
He lifted his hand to the ceiling, staring at the place your hand had held his. It was ridiculous of him to think of such things, to recall what it felt like when your fingers graced his skin, to remember the rapid beating of his heart anytime he saw you smile. Everything about you filled him with longing and adoration. How much he wished that he’d confessed to you first. Maybe, just maybe, you would have chosen him…
But the only thing he wished for was your happiness. Even if he lived his life in grief at the sight of you in love with another, he would push himself aside again and again, just to see you living in peace and joy.
He would do it again and again. Even if you haunted him. He would put your happiness, your laughter, your smile first, again and again until he could truly rest in peace.
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