#not that they’d let him know tjat
lunisoular · 29 days
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baby’s first water weakness incident
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eternalscribbles · 3 years
(I need to excersize my writing muscle more, otjerwise I’ll just keep making bad stuff like what I’m about to sjow. But you can never get better at anytjing if you don’t use it, like art or languages! Sp that’s wjy tjis also exists! Tjis is set as a sort of alternate occurrence of Season 1, Episode 41 of Steven Universe: Horror Club. It only jas spoilers for tje ending of tje episode kinda? It only goes to a certain point in tje end wjicj overlaps, but after tjat lil part, it’s a wjole new story kinda. Paragrapj 1 is tje part tjat overlaps. It’s pretty bad tjo still, so read at risk of cringe ig. BTW it’s under a cut after P1 cuz it’s kinda long-)
Angry, screeching, the house wails and roars, keeping Sadie behind the bars of it's teeth. She screams in fear as she tries her best to climb out. Ronaldo, Lars and Steven stare forward, taking in the scene. In a quick moment of thought, Ronaldo takes Lars in a headlock and marches forward. "Hey! Let go!" He struggles in his arm. "Wait, stop, what are you doing!" Ronaldo raises Lars up high like an offering. "SPIRIT, I DELIVER THE PACKAGE OF DARKNESS! RETURN TO US THE INNOCENT SADIE!" The wall screeches Lars' name. "C-c'mon man, we used to be friends!" "And you threw me AWAY!" Ronaldo chucks Lars in like garbage. Steven calls out, "Lars!" and runs after him, Ronaldo doing the same to Steven. "No! Steven! He's not worth it!" Steven jump in with Lars, who complains. "Why does everything bad always happen to me!?"
They struggle in its mouth, but they are no match, as its tongue pushes them to its pearly whites (somehow, they were spotless) which begin to close down. And in a last minute thinking, Steven pushes Lars out the Mouth, having to stretch to do so. Leaving his gem right below the incoming dentures. They  bite down with all their might, and two loud cracks echo around the room. For a moment, everyone stops, everything stops. It feels like they're all frozen in time. Suddenly, a large cloud obscures Steven, accompanied by the sound of a 'poof'. Curling in on himself, Steven shakes on the ground. At the same time, there's a 'clink' of a gemstone hitting the ground, and Sadie. "Sadie!" The boys smile, relief washing over them. Sadie smiles back and opens her mouth to say something, only for it to fall at the sight of a pained Steven. "Steven!" She rushes to his side. "What happened!?" "I... I think my- my gem- I- g-get me to- to the gems..." Each movement he makes rings with indescribable pain, and his brain is actually ringing. The boys now mirror Sadie's worried expression, although in their own way. Sadie tries to pick Steven up gently, he winces and curls in further, his arms covering his stomach. Next to Sadie, Ronaldo walks and picks up the gem. "What do we do with the spirit?" "Bring it w-with us, the- the gems'll know." He doubts his bubbling ability and the moment. And even if he knew he could bubble it, he would rather not move much at the moment. "Hang in there, we'll get you home." Carful not to harm Steven further, Sadie begins a speed walk, the boys following behind. Lars' eyes dart around as they go up stairs, go out doors, and travel through buckets worth of grass. "Is he bleeding?" "No. It might be something internal." "We did hear a crack when it bit down on him." "It BIT DOWN ON HIM?" Sadie turns her head slightly to Ronaldo. "Yea, then it disappeared!" Ronaldo waved around his arms in exaggeration. "Steven might have some anti-spirit properties! Steven, when you're okay, could I study you for research purposes?" "Wh- what? Nno!" He shifts uncomfortably in Sadie's arms as they enter the more beach-like part of Beach City, near his house. His eyes are shut tight. They delve back into conversation, but this time, the words all start to blur for Steven. They become muffled, as if they were behind a wall.
Next thing he knows, he hears the panicked screams (and gasps) of the Crystal Gems. He perks up a little, home at last. Turning his body around in Sadie's grip, which was surprisingly light yet also strong, he groans a little in pain. It burns, but he wants to see the gems. Opening his eyes feel like turning on the light after a day in the dark, they sting. Pearl has her arms out, shouting something in Steven's direction, most likely to be something of 'Don't move!', or maybe his name again. Garnet's usually quite stiff pose is broken, showing slight vulnerability even without her eyes being shown. And Amethyst, having fresh memories of being cracked, looks at him with the purest concern ever with a familiar bubbled gem in her hands. Steven strains himself to listen to what they say. "Why are we standing here, get moving! We need to get to Rose's fountain!" Pearl quickly snatches Steven from Sadie's arm, pausing for a moment as a pang of heightened pain makes Steven whimper. He opens his mouth, only to be cut off by a barrage of coughs. Pearl tried to pat them away. "Give him to me." Garnet's arms extend out to take him. Cautiously, she gives him to Garnet, who instantly spring into action to the warp pad, prompting everybody else to follow. They enter the warp stream.
Garnet's holding a weak, shaky and pained Steven, who has closed his eyes again. He shivers for two reasons now, one being the freezer that is the warp stream. Pearl is panicking, quietly talking to herself. Amethyst is fidgeting with her hands, starring at the poor boy. Sadie worriedly stares forward, her worry shared by Lars, although outwardly dulled. Ronaldo only has a bit of worry, instead examining the warp stream and asking the Crystal Gems questions they'd rather not answer in such a dire situation. Not like it mattered, considering Ronaldo would instantly switch the the next question anyway.
They quickly arrive to their destination, not that Steven notices. He's gone back into a state of complete drowsiness, any sounds of pain that accidentally leaks through being slightly more noticeable. Garnet pushes forward toward the fountain, everybody following close behind. And when they arrive, Garnet wastes no time in swiftly and harshly submerging Steven in the tears. His eyes shoot open in surprise and fear and he screams under the sort of shallow water and moves around like a madman. Good news though, he seems to have a lot more strength than before, so his gem must've fixed. With a smile, Garnet pulls a gasping Steven out of the water. He pulls up his shirt just enough to see a shining, clean rose quartz gem, no longer cracked. Garnet pulls him into a hug which he reciprocates, followed by all the gems and humans, minus Lars. Steven starts to laughs, now healed and safe, tears pooling in his eyes. Cracks littered his croaky voice. 
"I thought I was gonna die..!"
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hey strider who would win in a fite out of u and me
- Strider:
-- may be secretly a big huge strongemun. may actually have the capacity to dunk on you super hard
-- lol never mind, you and me both know he would never throw a punch regardless, look at that pathetic soft boy
-- like seriously just try to fight him, you can't. he'd either tell you you're a weak-ass or just help you work out your aggression in a therapist session. on a good day, both. either way, you'll get sucked into a 3 hour convo and probably leave to go home with money for a milkshake and a bus ride
-- no fight takes place. you get a hug and probably as piggyback ride too. 0/10 chance of winning because there's nothing to win. except maybe friendship. which is a 6/10
- Molly:
-- seriously? you would fight this? i don't think you'd be able to, one look at her heartbroken face after you announce you'll pummel her and all good people lose tjat motivation
-- i mean, sure, let's say you fight. she'll probably just walk away suddenly and feel bad. and you'll feel bad too. unless you talk hot mess about her friends, then she'll knock your stuffing out and then blog about how she loves them
-- 4/10 chance of winning. 100/100 chance of feeling like a monster and apologisjng the next day
-- no seriously if you insult her friends you're fucking dead kiddo
Neither of these cowards can clench a fist that isn't their fist of love and affection. It'd be like that one Spongebob fight where they end up crying and hugging it out. Plus, with the fear of Yaru's vengeance (being disappointed in them) they'd probably just vent their frustrations by flirting with their friends. (if you'd like to know how you would do in a fight, send me an ask or reblog request)
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