#not that this gets less priority its actually alot higher priority right now because i finally finished a 300-ish page long oc thing
lycanhood · 7 years
DCTV Crossover: Crisis on Earth-X Part 3 & 4
I just rewatched Part 1 & 2 of the crossover and something I didn’t catch the first time is how little Oliver and Sara are interacting. I’ve always really enjoyed their dynamic and all of the history between them, but they’ve barely spoken to each other in the crossover so far. I know Ollie is preoccupied with Felicity and Sara is dealing with Alex, but still I hope they have at least one convo. Though I suspect Sara is about to be very busy dealing with Snart. Also, I really enjoy Felicity and Iris’s friendship. It’s so obvious to me how much better friends they are the Iris and Caitlin, which is sad.
Anyway, here we go… The Flash 4x08
Stein seems to know alot about this :(
This gay prisoner :(
Aw Sara comforting Alex YASS!
Cisco! Dude, about damn time
Why didn’t the nazis take that ball from Wells?
I swear if this nazi bitch does anything to Kara
I am so not surprised Iris and Felicity have to save everyone. Girl Power indeed
“Because I like men and I like women.” SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE SCUM IN THE BACK!! Well thats not the only reason tho, right?
Omg Sara! My poor bb! I HATE anti-Quentin
Haha that gay prisoner is us to Snart “About time!” Are they in love?
Whoa who is this bright fellow?
“We’re not so different from them.” Kara freakin Danvers
Okay but if I hear the words “aryan perfection” ONE MORE TIME
“What do you care if I take your heart? You’re not using it.” damn
Iris and Felicity are the dream team
WINN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My boy is here! In the same episode as Cisco!!!! And he has a FUCKING BEARD!!!!!
“Fingerless gloves” Haha Sara
Alex, thats not how dopplegangers work! Why does no one understand that?
Alex and Sara bonding over their sisters is everything
Oh the bright guy is The Ray from CWSeed? Gotcha, never seen that tho
I KNEW they were in love!
I kinda like General Schott
Why does she have to be awake? Doesn’t seem medically relevant
I love how Kara’s last threat is “My cousin will find you” when it should be “Lena Luthor will find you”
Terminator reference! ……..aaaaand now there is a robot, damn
An anti-waverider?!?
Haha Felicity has them fucked up
Oliver get on with it, anti-Quentin is suspicious
What’s doppleganger!felicity gonna do with that gun?
Red Tornado? Throwback
Kara Danvers you beautiful self sacrificing angel *wipes away a single tear*
I ship The Ray and Snart so hard
Agent Canary make such a good team
God Red Tornado looks awful  
NOOOOO! Don’t split up! You’re stronger together!
No stein no! Don’t do it! SHIT!! Its happening
Legends of Tomorrow 3x08
Jax yelling for Stein is killing me
Haha Snart, I hate his voice, but I miss his humor
RAY!!! I have honestly never been so happy to see the Atom
Hahaha “How was the wedding?”
An army would have been nice, but legends will do
Felicity protecting Kara! YASS!
“As far as final words go, those aren’t bad.”
Ooo our Oliver has their Kara!
“I love a good pop culture reference in a crisis” Hahahaha Cisco is me
“I just want to be with you.” way to get your priorities straight, Ollie
Oh god, if they make Jax take the firestorm cure and then Stein dies that’s gonna tear Jax up
Mick was a hero on Earth X trying to save cops from a fire? Nice
Caitlin, this outfit is...lovely
I’m gonna need Alex and Caitlin to patch up Stein, stat
Mr. Terrific is still a terrible name, much worse than The Ray
WHY ARENT WE FIXING STEIN?!? Get him into surgery or something!
Don’t you dare let do, Jax! This isn’t the Titanic! There was plenty of room on that door for Jack and there has got to be a way to save Stein now!
Jax: “I can’t do this!”
Me: *crying* bitch, me too
Oh no, we gotta watch his wife and daughter find out? Fuck
There is the Sara & Ollie interaction I was looking for, however brief
Ha Zari finally broke down and got a costume
Caitlin: “Great speech”
Ollie is so pissed
*rousing dramatic music* “Now let’s go kick some ass.”
Call in the National Guard!
This hero walk tho
I’m cool with Mick roasting Nazis
I do so love Cisco Ramon
KillerFrost did a superhero landing!!! Love seeing her working with the team
STOP with the heat vision thing!
“Nailed it!” haha
Please just fucking end it. Kill him just this one time
NOOOOO! Don’t let him go! I’m sick of his ass
Aw Ollie wasn’t gonna shoot the man while he was down, nice
I guess, he is technically a man of steel :/
I’m sure Earth-X will require a lot of punching
Snart’s staying? But...but their love. Why?
“All he wanted was to come home” Holy fucking shit *bursts into tears*
“It’s a hug thing” haha :) I still love Agent Canary, friends, fucking, or fighting
The fist bump
Barry just snatched John up, damn, rude, not cool
Why wasn’t he invited to the wedding to begin with?
Oh so now Felicity is the maid of honor, I see how it is
Haha John is such a buff minister
“Friend, partner, *cough* sister *cough*”
They do have such a beautiful relationship/friendship tho, so I’ll continue to try and overlook the practically siblings thing
Felicity! You’re stealing their moment! Not cool!
Damn, just be married already all of you
Jonas? Wow
So that was actually really good! Despite all the Nazi ugliness, I actually liked this crossover way more than last years. I think, the stakes felt higher somehow, and we had even more heroes, but it somehow felt more organized to me. The dynamics and friendships and dialogue seemed smoother to me and way more fun, yet less cheesy. I of course loved have Alex there, and Killer Frost too. I liked it alot. I think, attention was appropriately split and all the subplots and interaction were given proper attention and care. Overall, well done
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nuevorealidad · 6 years
(2019) plot.plan.time
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$$ MONEY $$ The only economy that matters,  that can actually put money in your purse, wallet, or the cracks of your sofa, is the economy created by your thoughts, words, and actions. Every day, someone new, near you, becomes a millionaire. The Universe
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Most people believe they must “earn” money through hard work and this is why it’s so challenging for them to manifest more money. With this belief, the Law of Attraction must continue to bring money only as the result of hard work. When we can start to expect money to come in unexpected, easy ways, it will.
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It's time to give everyone the big fuck you and bloom how you choose. You get to be whatever kind of fucking flower you want to be. You inherit yourself.
This is where we make a choice, punks. What is the story you are going to choose to tell? Are you going to keep telling the same old fucking story, or are you going to take what you want? Are you the master of your own fate, or will you allow the illusion to suck you back in?
It tells us that we are finally shedding the bullshit, letting the hail storm knock away all that isn't fastened securely to the truth.
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‘’ Tess Mahal Ko , 1 way to defeat invisible, limiting beliefs, even ones you may not know you have, is to simply ‘’dream*think*create’’  a life so grand, that they couldn’t possibly make sense. And then start living that life today, however humbly at first. Make a decision of what you truly desire, want.. give your attention there ..  find the feeling place of it — and *bam* you are there instantly. ‘’ 😍 ‘’ ~ JS
****** OUR NEW GAME Commences November 2018  ***********
!!!!!! ^ - ^ !!!!! En Garde 😍 Get Ready For It  !!!!! ^ - ^ !!!!!!
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‘’He’ll always be there for her. Standing in the shadows to keep her safe. Laughing with her in the light. Watching through her eyes all those who get close. He’ll always be there. She will be fine.
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T.E.S.S. (the.eternal.spontaneous.spin#master) ~
*T*F*S* a #baddass mf gangsta/goddess in cahoots w/ CIA (cosmic intelligence agency) @undisclosed no.extradition.treaty.lat/long.domain in the  A.I.R. (alternate intelligence realm)
““  That’s My Girl  ““  
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Rewriting my story- Update 3/2018
Free at last/ free at last/ free to live my life the way I really choose it to be. I am Fearless & I am not afraid. I am sovereign/ I own my authority . No one/nadie/nada can impose itself on me. I am my own Higher Guidance Council how will I know.. if what I hear resonate or feel right to me then it is.. if not its kicked to the curb. I am not here to confirm or follow. I create my own reality / my own sets of beliefs it's my way or the highway .. everything always goes my way .. everything is always working out for me .. good shits are always lining up for me /awesome ideas /brilliant options flows to me in groves/ synchronocities leads to serendipities all the time. And why shouldn't it be.. I am worthy / I am integrity / I am a Privilege Being & a Pampered Soul.
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December 26, 2017 ·
Become self-reliant, self supporting. Prioritise your own highest interests - highest being the key word. Cut away anyone or anything that drains or feeds on your precious life force. From now on your mission is to engage only with creators, those who have already woken up Get real and be real. Stop curating your life. Become inner not outer directed. Find what you're really good at and do it all time. Do a personal resources inventory. What do you know or what skills you have that are valuable to others? You have physical, emotional and spiritual resources all around, lying neglected and unacknowledged in your psyche or hidden away in your very own dustbin of history. Now is the moment to excavate all of them – your finances, time investment, skills, talents, possessions, qualities – and release them into the light of day to form and reform into more authentic ways of self-expression and making a living.
Be strongly steadily directed from within. there is no outer, THERE IS NOTHING TO DO INSTEAD YOU CENTER URSELF AND ALIGN W/ WHO U TRULY ARE AND ADAMENTLY REMAIN IN THE PLACE OF AUTHORITY AND POWER AND INWARD TRUTH as your statement and the only thing you know.”
It is all about FEELING EMPOWERED OF YOUR OWN POWER, (UR OWN MC/AUTHORITY) your own soverignity. NOTHING TO DO .. ALL ABBOUT BEING ALL THAT U ARE . So instead of thinking what is there to do...FEEL WHAT U FEEL LIKE DOING and doing preceeds the being...here i rule my life to the fullest as i await my instant death w/out pain without knowing ... there;s really nothing else ofcourse xcept for the receiving of alot of abundance, cash, money , gifts, bonus, opps stuf jup sco. all about attaining desire for personal sovereignty.independence and detaching anything less of my being. i am and will always be a priviiledge being and pampered soul.
Just do the next right thing Walk your talk Redraw your boundaries SHIFT TO LIVING AT CAUSE, NOT AT EFFECT. Identify the one thing you’re afraid to say about your life and what you’re going to do about it.
Take concrete steps to becoming self-supporting and self-sustaining Make financial independence your priority, what would you do differently starting now? How can you deliberately live between structure and surprise; between safety and experimentation Recognise that the deeper mind is always on 24/7, not only does it have your back, it’s part of who you are - when you lose sight of it it’s because you’ve gone back to thinking you have to handle this life thing on your own.
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"Now I know better, I do better". It's time to commit to your own preferred reality Time to stop trying to fit into friendships, jobs and realities that have nothing to do with who you are. you no longer need to try to "save" or "heal" anyone nor urself because there is nothing to be working on urself anymore there are so few people to connect to who get your reality - as it should be..dont want otras cramping my space solitude santuary
This is what it feels like to be brilliantly alive. Alive and active not reactive on the good or bad
no choice but to find higher level solutions. As Einstein’ said: 'We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them'. But remember when such collective shifts happen, first comes confusion and chaos.
In your own life, this is a fertile moment to think out of the box or even to jump up and down on the box. Ask:” How have I been underestimating myself? What have I been settling for? What is my wildly impossible goal?” Doing new things is good. Going outside our comfort zones is what we are all about. We are not among those who are playing it safe. But we too can get stuck. So things happen to move stuck energies. They may come in the form of hurricanes, storms, celestial events, getting sick, losing a relationship or a job.This embodiment process is the most difficult thing a human being could ever do. You are being asked to do the impossible, or so if feels.
Pursuing what is desired and nothing else. Waiting, stalking, strategically watching for openings. One-pointedly intent upon grabbing and holding what you lost somewhere and must find again. Going for reminders, facsimiles, totems. Hungry for proof that it is there, that it is possible. Alone forever. You are deeply seeking the other side of yourself, the inner partner, the true motivating spark. You have got lost in the dark, identified with the one who needs and lacks, the one who is broken into fragments of experience. You search everywhere and come up empty. The one inside will be there, when the outer versions cannot sate your hunger,and as a last resort you feel into your own solitary spaces, willing to meet whoever is there and love them with all your heart."
the old world feels so dark eecky sucky that you're willing to let it go AS IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DELETED. Choice is not an option -the 3D time-lines are deleted. MAKE UR SHIFT QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY so ur transition thru 2018 will go smooth effortless MASTERY OR BUST I am immensely powerful and deeply hidden. I work between the lines and the worlds. But I am good at what I do.
"What we take to be true is our reality " This is start of the Return Home via a solo journey of ground breaking proportions. It is living in Free Fall without a Safety Net ..TO LIVE AND THRIVE IN MY OWN PREFERRED DESIRED ALTERNATIVE the edge between order and chaos -
<3 Become self reliant, self supporting. Prioritise your own highest interests - highest being the key word. Cut away anyone who drains or feeds on your precious life force. Get real and be real. Stop curating your life. Become inner not outer directed. Find what you're really good at and do more of it. Upgrade the quality of your thinking -the codes which determine the results you're getting . If you believe your own random thoughts, you're living in the feeling of your thinking, in a self -created matrix.
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Visionary Activist principles -
0. Believe nothing, entertain possibilities. Therefore everything hereafter is offered playfully.
1. Imagination lays the tracks for reality to follow. 2. Better to create prophecy than live prediction. What makes us passive is toxic. Predictions make us passive, but prophecy is active co-creation with the Divine. 3. The invisible world would like to help, but spiritual etiquette requires that we ask. Help is always available; operators are standing by. (WELL THIS IS ME TO T, IN MY CASE I DEMAND :D ) 4. The only way that the gods know we're asking for help is through ritual. 5. If something is a problem, make it bigger. If you cook rage into outrage, it takes it from personal tantrum yoga into the realm of useful action. 6. We only possess the power of an insight when we give it expression. 7. Creativity comes from paradox. We aspire to be disciplined wild people who are radical traditionalists. 8. Stay Strong, FOCUSED INTENT TO CREATE & STAY IN UR OWN WORLD WITHIN THE WORLD .
"There are no right answers. But there is a right question. It's the one that whispers "Why the f* not?"
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Transition is itself transformation. So in this frequency shift from 3D to wherever, reading Facebook posts about "taking back your power" or "moving out of victim mode" as you have thousands of times before then "liking" them because it appeals to the need to feel special without actually changing , is a dead end. It is just another go-around of working on yourself by using willpower to get to somewhere new/different/more exciting than here and now. It is a deadly psychic shortcut avoidance of the alchemy that needs to incubate in the dark to carry you across from personality level living to your emerging higher time-line.
in 5D perspective, frame it as an opportunity to master the arcane art of becoming your own Source - of life, of energy, of feedback and validation, of generative creator consciousness.This will prove a crucial skill to help you navigate 2018's radically different astrology.
In your own life, you need to ask yourself some hard questions – about what you really want and what is truly good for you. About how specifically you're underestimating yourself and about which victory is now available for you to claim.
Make two lists: what you want to resolve or eliminate and what you want to create.
You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want.
:are you channeling this insistent 5D wavelength consistently enough to expand your 3D paradigms and constructs so far out that they refract the whole, not just the parts?
We're in a freefall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It's a very interesting shift of perspective and that's all it is... joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes.” Joseph Campbell.
The single most radical decision to make now is is refusing 3D ways of operating -not swallowing the bait of making New Year's resolutions or buying into programs to reset you for 2018,or calibrating your 12th DNA strand (!)- and instead tracking your unique emergence as it is happening.
This is a Gateway aligning you to your High heart, your crystalline DNA and switching up your time-lines, your bandwidths of experience. Don't even try to shape it to your 3D desires-
As I keep saying: nothing is working because the 3D time-lines have been deleted. No modality, no matter how temporarily uplifting, can change you or rescue you. Look around you right now -the current chaos-climate, political, financial -is elemental,energetic and profoundly personal and collective all at the same time. I've been writing for ages about events arriving right at your front door and this will escalate in 2018 and the crunch year of 2020. You have to make hard choices based on your highest values, not on comfort or expediency. The time for superficiality of any kind is gone - life is being stripped down to essentials and you need to collaborate with it.
If you have never been called an incorrigible, defiant, impossible woman… have faith. There is yet time" Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
You don't need to fight to make life happen in the way you'd planned, in the way you had thought it would be. Instead, see where the hours, the days are inviting you to go and try to participate in the dance. Don't fight your flow, put your energy where doors are opening" Sophie Gregoire The Writing Wand.
When you suddenly just " know" that none of the old ways work anymore and you stop. Even those things that seemed like a spiritual safety net- such as must-follow rules of meditation, clean eating, entire New Age belief systems- are revealed as just masks and defences against the dark.
All dressed up as spiritual but in reality more never ending pressure to work on yourself. F* DAT AM DONE W/ WKG ON MY SELF! There is no more working on yourself- there never was.(DAMN STRAIGHT) Drop that and feel your animal body exhale in relief and release. There is only and utterly your dance with life as it unfolds moment by moment. And it's a solo journey of sacred proportions . 2018 will be a giant stair step on the way through the Connected Universe into the Age of Aquarius when Pluto enters the sign of the Futurist in 2023. 😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
{Onyx Radcliffe} oh awww. thank you! wow. that's validating. i needed that lol. phew. Tess, I have been thru the ringer with humans, and been so ashamed to share a bloodline, to the point of no return. I guess now I only realize that we all have our own perspectives and lives, and our purpose is only to be what/when/where we are, whatever that is. You just go shine all over the place, roll around in the sand or the grass. You dont have to be a human, a human is just a word. You're a child of God, of the sun, of the stars. You're an inspiration to all of us with all of your posts. You are a kind, warm heart in a brutal, wintery world. We need people to stop being humans, and start being themselves. Shine as bright as you can. You're not a starseed anymore. You're the real thing, the star blossom, the star fruit, the star itself♥
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Ultimate F* Goal ~ 2 B ..
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Im young..I don't know too much about cars yet. I was wondering, do older cars typically cost less to insure??? I know it sounds dumb but I really dont know. I had a 99 explorer, 91 sentra, 86 accord, and now I am probably getting a 74 Dart. I know insurance changes depending on your age and violations on your record..but it seems like older cars cost less than 'newer' cars. Will my Dart cost more since it is a classic? It is not restored yet, or sportin classic plates either. Does that change anything??? Is there a difference because of color, or model (ss, suv, convertible, truck, etc?) Let me know..""
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My parents won't let me drive their car without insurance (which i understand). To be added to their insurance policy will cost me $100 a month, but I would only use the car once or twice a week. I think its ridiculous to pay $100 when I would barely drive the car. Is there a cheaper way to drive their car just when i need it and still be insured?""
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Hi I am a 37y old male married moving to London from india soon. I checked som online quotes and it seems to be very expensive even if I buy a 10 yr old vw golf. I intend to get a uk license when I arrive, but will I be considered a new driver even though I have held a license in the us and India and have driven for close to 15 yrs""
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What would my insurance be for a supra?
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Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
Which car would the cheapest insurance (Civic ex (4dr) or Lancer ES)?
Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance?
Where can i get cheap sr-22 insurance?
Life Insurance :?
can i stop paying my premium and get back the amount i paid for? . I took insurance for 15 yr. Already 2 years over. Is ther any option to get the invested money back?
Insurance declared car total loss?
Insurance declared car total loss does that mean i have no more car insurance???
How much cheaper will my insurance be ?
Want to no how much cheaper my insurance would be if my mum insured my car but put me down as a name driver? I have just passed my test, looking to get a fiesta 05 plate 1.2 something like that, also my mum has been driving for over 20 years ?""
Can you get arrested for not having car insurance in the state of florida?
My father was arrested and claims its because of him not having car insurance. is this possible?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Is Mass Mutual insurance affiliated with any other insurance companies?
any agencies affiliated to Mass Mutual life insurance
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
A question about car insurance?
My mom is afraid of her car insurance going up once I get my license, so she wants me to get the car in my name and get my own insurance, but can I still get my license first before all of that? What would be the sequence of which to obtain first? Thanks!""
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Where can i find a school to take classes for insurance health and life in missouri?
i wanna know if theres a school im not asking about online courses im asking about actualy class i can attend and also for property and casualty also. thanks
What do i do for auto insurance?
so i live in Calgary and i'm buying a car in Airdre. i have to drive it back to Calgary. but i need all the information to pay for insurance and registration. and a licence plate that matches the car.. what should i do??? i have a licence plate but its on a kia and im buying a toyota.. HELP!!!!!
""If women get low car insurance rates, because they are rated as a group, shouldn't men have low medical rates?""
Women get low car rates b/c they, as a group, are less likely to have accidents. Feminists quote this fact all the time. Yet women live 8+ yrs. longer than men, and spend the last years of their lives using numerous and costly medical resources. Women use ~50% more medical resources than men. Why, then, aren't women required to pay higher medical premiums? Why aren't feminists marching on Washington demanding that women pay more? Oh, sorry ... I forgot. Feminists say they want equality, but their actions show different.""
Is this too high for heath insurance or is this how they all are?
I pay 130/month for health insurance through Humana for 1 adult and 2 children, full coverage. I usually have to pay a $20 copay for minor doctor visits. Recently I found out Humana is going to start charging an extra $20/week so it will be $150/week, so about $500-600/month, which is a little more than our mortgage payment. We pay less in groceries every week than the amount it costs us to pay for this insurance and we rarely visit the doctor, maybe twice a year, and the amount that is charged hardly adds up to the amount paid throughout the whole year. It's really ridiculous, in my opinion. I get this insurance through my work. I only have the option to cancel or change things about the insurance twice a year and the time has come up. So I am considering canceling and looking elsewhere for health insurance, or just paying out of pocket because if I cancel that's an extra 150 bucks in the bank. I will still keep my vision and dental. Is this a good idea to cancel? Pros. vs. Cons.? Are there any better health insurance companies I could go with that would charge less in the state of Ohio? Honestly I am considering applying for medicaid because we are struggling. We are behind in several medical bills that the insurance wouldn't cover and they are less than what the insurance company charges us monthly, yet because all our money is spent on the insurance, we can't pay for the actual bills - what's the point in the insurance? Enlighten me someone? I was told once that the two biggest crooks are lawyers and insurance companies and I'm starting to see why.""
Can getting on-line auto insurance quotes adversely affect one's credit history?
Since insurance companies do pull one's credit history. Thanks. GG_007
I need help on a car insurance question....?
so i got in a car crash and got the guys information; aside from his house address.... so my question is there any way that i can get a copy of that information or something with his name and adress included??
""If i damage a car by like 5,000 worth in damages how much will my insurance go up by?
im only 18 and still havent told my dad about it..this is my first accident..and i still have not yet recieved any word if the accident was my fault(accident happened 2 days ago) but what happened was i entered traffic from coming out a place into traffic and got hit...i mean i think it was her fault because i entered in traffic slowly and i assumed that she was speeding and hit me or tried passing me...i didnt just pop out into traffic because she would of have it me on my back znd i saw her car from a distance..there was a camera there i think is one of those pic/video camera for people who run red lights and the officer said that i couldnt use it which i dont get it what i plan to do is once i get word that it was my fault im going to pay for damages to my car by myself i just wanna know will my dads insurance billl be a BIG difference of like thousands i just feel anxious and nervous
Do I need insurance to drive with an instruction permit?
I am 19 years old in California. I tried looking at the CA DMV website, but it does not specify anywhere whether I need insurance in order to drive with an instruction permit...""
How much do you pay for auto insurance?
I just spent a few hours getting an auto insurance quote from a number of companies. I got a real good rate ($573 for a whole year) for our 2004 car and all the extras. I think this is a pretty good rate but wonder if others are paying more or less. How much are you paying?
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
The average price of car insurance for VA drivers?
I'm planning on getting my license very soon. I've been planning ahead by saving up car money and figuring out what type of car I want. However, my dad often mentions how insurance is gonna bite you in the ***. so I would like to know what the average price of car insurance is for young or new Virginia drivers. please and thank you. (I've heard rumors that sometimes it helps if you have a beige or gray car. true?)""
What company offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance in Toronto?
I Want to buy a motorcycle around $ 5000 and wondering how much would be the insurance for the following motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda CBR RR 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR 125 How can I be able to get discount on my premium. I have a full M licence with no accidents for like 2 years. I live on Dufferin st close to bloor and I am 25 years old male Serious replies only please because having a car is too expensive for me.
Will my car insurance increase?
I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.""
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
How much will it cost to insure my house cleaning business?
How much will it cost to insure and bond my house cleaning business? I have been running it solo for the last 6 months so I didn't to get bonded or anything, but I will be hiring 2-3 employees within the next month. How much can I expect the insurance and the bond to cost? And, for extra credit, what is the best type of insurance to get? I run it out of my home, if that makes a difference.""
How much does a HSG test cost?
My gyno wants me to get an HSG test done. I have PCOS and am trying to get pregnant. I live in Georgia and have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. I wanted to know how much it would cost and if i truely need to have this test done to get the perscription I need to become pregnant.
How much does a 09' Honda Civic Coupe run on insurance?
I'm looking to buy A new car, & just curious about the insurance costs.""
""Im an 18yr old girl, and can not find car insurance for under 2000, help?!?""
The car i'm trying to insure is a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, it has no modifications. The cheapest insurance i've found is with Tesco but this is still just shy of 2000. The comparison sites have all been useless, all coming out at over 3500. Any ideas would be appriciated?""
Camaro z28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... insurance costs?
how much would insurance cost for a 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost for a 16 year old boy
Can you renew a car's registration with non-owners insurance?
I am driving a car that has no insurance that is owned by someone else. Obviously because of no insurance the secretary of state won't renew the tags. Will they renew the registration if I show them my non-owners insurance?
Can someone please explain what these new insurance laws are?
are we required to have insurance? do all companies have to offer insurance now? What percentage do companies have to pay for insurance? Thanks
How is insurance on a 2004 GLI?
I am a 17 year old High School Student I am a male and make Good grades, How much would insurance be on a 2004 VW GLI. Most of the cars I've been looking at are way to expensive to insure. Does it being a 4 door sedan lower the price at all.""
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
What is the web site that offers free / affordable dental care?
my cousin told me to go online and look up free dental care. she didn't remember the name of the website. i did that and i got the website for my own dental insurance. i applied ...show more
Car Insurance when you're 17?
I'm starting driving lessons soon, and hopefully wanting to pass my test by the time I'm 18 and get a car, can you pay car insurance monthly at 17 or do you have to wait until you are 18 to do this? I would just like to know for in the future :) thanks!""
""Young Driver on Mitsubishi L200, what's the insurance like?""
Hey, I want to buy myself a pickup truck as I've wanted one since I was little. I'm currently driving a little 1.2 Corsa and it's WAY too small. Anyway I passed my test over a year ago and have now got a years no claims bonus, I also have done my Pass Plus, I'm wondering, if I were to buy a truck, I'm 18 at the moment and will still be 18 when I have it, what will the insurance be like if i'm the named driver? also how does this compare to if my parents are named drivers and i'm on their insurance? thankyou""
Car insurance for a 1973 corvette?
I'm 14 now but am starting to work. I want to buy a 1973 corvette. I would get it when I'm 16. What would the car insurance be for that car with my age?
Do I need to purchase additional insurance for a rental car?
I have my own insurance with good coverages. I am going on vacation and renting a car. Do I need to purchase the additional rental car insurance that they always offer you? Will my car insurance cover me at all in the event of an accident?
Do I still have to pay car insurance if....?
This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm sixteen, so please just answer... I've had my permit since last September. I've practiced, but my parents won't let me get my license because they can't afford the car insurance. We only have one car anyway. Well, say I were to register a motor vehicle, such as a 50cc moped, which only requires a basic license to use. Would I still have to pay car insurance for my family car if I don't drive it, AND a moped? Or can I stick to paying the motor bike insurance instead? I'm sorry, it's such a stupid question, but I don't know much more about car insurance other than the fact that we can't afford it. Thank you. (:""
Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable health insurance for the self employed?
I am a self employed horse trainer and can't find an insurance company to insure me for a reasonalbe amount of money.
Car insurance and Road Tax?
How many cars can be covered with a fully comp.insurance cover ... and road tax Is a person with a fleet of vehicles allowed to run a business for repairing and selling cars in a no through road, which is also taking up space for visitors and residents (who have to pay community tax) to park.""
Are VW Passats affordable cars to insure?
By affordable I mean are they good in crash tests and other factors like that which effect insurance?
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in G.A.?
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in georgia? the car i am trying to insure is financed, so I require the insurance to be full coverage, and i am also a new driver""
What would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance?
what would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance ? and there was no help from god?
How much would car insurance be for a first time driver ?
I'm getting my first car next month and i'm curious on how much car insurance will cost me ?
""My car insurance company sent me forms to fill out, after an accident. Do I need to do it?""
The police report states that I am not at fault. The passenger in my was badly hurt. My insurer wants me/my passenger to fill out a medical release/history form. I see no benefit in doing so. If the other driver does not have insurance, and we are not yet sure that they do, my insurer would pay my claim/my passengers claim under my uninsured coverage. If they have my passenger's medical history, they could try to find reasons to limit how much to pay out. They also want me to fill out a Report of Traffic Accident form. I have given a statement to the police, who said I'm not at fault. The other driver was cited, and I have also given an oral/recorded statement to my insurer. I don't' see the need to fill out an accident form. It just seems that my insurer is trying to cover their on *** in case my uninsured coverage kicks in. What if I don't fill these form out?""
What if i stop paying my insurance when i have a car loan?
i am leasing a new car, been paying for 3 years and this month i couldn't afford insurance so i stopped driving and started bike riding. well the insurance was cancelled for like 2 ...show more""
What penalities will I get having invalid car insurance?
Two nights ago police stopped me when I was delivering food and checked my insurance details. I had insurance for social purpose only. They told me to change my insurance to business insurance and they let me go with warning. Last night same guys stopped me again and again they checked my car and found me delivering food. Luckily they let me go again but they reported of the offense. What will happen now? will I get points or fine or what?
Is a 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC considered a sports car when getting insurance will the rate be more than getting 4
i want to get a 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC but not sure if its considered a sports car since its a coupe any know if the rate will go up alot ??
Proof of insurance?
My friend wants to use my car for his driving test here in california. I know the DMV will ask for proof of insurance. I have the insurance card in my glovebox, and am under my parents insurance, but im not the actual insurance holder with my name on the card. Im just a driver under there insurance. Is my friend still able to use my car, even though im not the primary insurance holder, just a driver on the policy? Do the parents have to be there in order for it to take place?""
Insurance for two vechiles with teen driver?
getting my license very soon and I want to buy a truck for many reasons but thats not important. With gas prices going up a pickup isnt the cheapest to just drive around so I also wanted a economy car. I was gonna buy a truck for around 5 grand and put that under my moms name and rank me as a restricted driver. Then get a beater civic for like 2500 insure it under my name and I would be the primary driver, and I could use that to drive to school and around town and use the truck to haul things and such. What would I be looking at in insurance costs""
Does Florida auto insurance work in Virginia?
What if you have Florida auto insurance coverage but you move to Virginia? Are you still insured?
Cheap health insurance that will cover dental?
I need some help. I can no longer work at one of my jobs and my new job wont provide insurance since it is part-time I need help and scared that i cant afford anything. i already cant afford student loans. is there any cheap insurance packages i can get in ct?
What is the definite BEST car insurance company?
My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old and we own a 2001 honda civic dx hatchback. Right now were on a plan with my brother so it's cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) but we are going to be moving out and getting our place and start paying for our own stuff. I'm confused as to which car insurance company is really the best because they all they they're the best. So really... tell me which car insurance company is the best and why. Allstate, The general, 21st century, geico, progressive, farmers, esurance or nationwide? Also note we live in california.""
Car Insurance question reguarding the color of the car?
I wanted to know if buying a red or black car will make you car insurance go up? or will it make it higher? Im looking in to buying a red car and lots of people are tell me that if i buy a red car that my insurance will go up. Is this true? like what it the percentage of this? Can some one explain this theory to me?
Dairyland insurance company for motorcycle?
How can they issue me registration over the phone? I'm located in Michigan and the local office has a different price then what I was quoted over the phone. Over the phone I pay $168, the office said it would be $330. I don't feel uncomfortable getting insurance over the phone but looks like I may have to. Is this okay to do and has anyone else done this before?""
My car insurance is renewing March 25th If i switch insurance companies March 1st?
Am i responsible for the whole amount of my insurance payment or am i responsible for being covered Feb 25 thru March 1st??
Does a car insurance company need to know the state in which the car will be used?
I am buying car insurance for a 21 year old child who will attend graduate school out of state. Primary address will still be with me. Car will be in my name; child/student will be listed as primary driver. Child/student will live in an apartment while at graduate school. Does the insurance company need to know in what state the student will be?
""In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
In California, can I get my car title change into my name when I don't have auto insurance?""
""On average, how much does it cost to make your car completely legal in arizona?""
Im sitting here looking at cars, and in Illinois where I live it's like 266 to get plates & registration for our car on top of like 288 for car insurance. Is it alot more in arizona? How much more?""
Can I get my own car insurance policy with State Farm and still be covered on my parent's policy?
I have been on my parents' car insurance for a few years. I have a car that is covered by their policy, but I just bought another car (I still have my old one) and I need insurance. Can I get my own policy with State Farm, or do I have to bundle it with my parents' current policy? Will that be cheaper?""
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?
I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!
Totally outrageous car insurance quote?
I had some issues paying my car insurance and it was cancelled. I called by ins company today to renew it. They told me they couldn't renew my policy but they have a buddy company that can give me an insurance policy. So they get all my info and they quoted me 730 dollars a month! I understand I have bad driving history and I let my insurance get cancelled, but that doesn't seem right at all, I was paying 100 dollars a month before. That doesn't even seem like a real number to charge someone for car insurance, it's more than I pay for rent!""
Where can i get good health insurance?
i just got kicked off healthfirst with no warning so i need to find something fast please help :-)
K what insurance is the best?
car insurance. ?
Please recommend any cheap auto insurance companies in Kentucky!?
Louisville, Kentucky insurances are preferable or any national ones are fine.""
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
Nordland Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98358
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