#not the most elegantly done post but like. w/e its fine. it works
lusus · 5 years
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11/04/2020 EDIT - comms are still closed but i will try to open soonish, doing slots this time, however i will be raising prices as well as modifying some rules. if you are waiting for my comms to open again and read this, please be aware of that, thank you. new prices and rules do not effect current commissioners. (also: bear in mind i’m editing this post now and then and not All At Once to reflect new rules/prices/etc so if it looks kind of weird and scatterbrained for a while Thats Why)
i finally decided to just make a fantroll-centric commission info post since...... that’s what most of my art is lol whoops so. hello please pay me to draw!!! this is my only method of making money for the forseeable future so everything i can get helps. prices are in USD through paypal. payment due in full either upfront or after i send a sketch for approval, i will not finish your commission until payment is received.
WILL DO blood/gore/body horror/etc, most humanoid characters (fantrolls/kids, dnd characters, other ocs, etc etc), WON’T DO animals/furry/anthro, complex robot/mech designs, ns/fw content, real people (characters portrayed by actors on tv/movies/etc are fine but you or your friend or whatever are not, sorry i just feel weird drawing actual regular people and don’t want to do it lol)
you can contact me here via IM, or on my main blog @miskatonic​, or via discord miskatonic#6955.
more rules/info under the cut:
please have references, descriptions, photos, info, etc ready when you contact me. if you come to me for a commission and do not send me anything that i can actually work with to begin drawing within the week i will cancel your order and give the slot to somebody else. I really prefer you have all that sorted out before you even try to contact me/reserve a slot at all. to reiterate: send me your refs/info within a week or you forfeit your slot.
speaking of slots, now that i’m working by those: do not try to claim slots in advance if i talk about opening commissions soon, by the next day, etc etc on my blog or anywhere else. slots will not be claimed until i officially open them to everybody.
i take payment after getting a first draft sketch approved. please do not pay me in advance without asking me first and especially not without having refs/etc sent first. i will not finish your commission/send you the final image if i have not yet been paid in full, however i also don’t want you to send me money until i send that sketch so you know you’re getting something for your money. this system works for both of us!
backgrounds are usually just simple flat color, gradient, splash/shape, etc. anything more complex will require extra charge, depending on commission style. generally i don’t do heavily detailed/complex backgrounds; if for some reason you want to try and get that out of me anyway it’s going to cost a lot of extra cash and take a lot of extra communication. ie. a full scene/illustration is probably going to end up costing you at least two to three times the price of the art w/out the background upcharge if not more, depending on what you want/the style/etc.
extra charge for complex designs/outfits, as well as things like armor, lots of jewelry/accessories, etc. i tend to be a bit lax on this but please be prepared just in case!
extra charge for additional characters -- honestly in most cases i just double the price because that’s double the work and i don’t personally enjoy doing bundle discounts or anything sorry. for Very Simple styles/sizes/etc i may lower this but generally if you want another character you’re just gonna pay for a whole other character.
extra charge to draw characters that don’t have references or for custom design work. i like designing things, i don’t mind working off description when i have to, but that all takes a lot more effort/etc than already knowing exactly what the character is meant to look like. it’s encouraged + very helpful for you to provide things like moodboards, pinterest boards, fashion&aesthetic photos, etc + as much description and information as you can give for these sorts of things! if i’m working entirely on text descriptions you’re gonna get charged a lot more than if i at least have photos to help me.
all extra charges are to be determined based on complexity/detail level, amount of characters added, how much is based on description rather than reference material, etc. this is why i don’t have an exact +amount listed on any of the above points; complexities on a little lineless bust aren’t going to cost as much as complexities on a full body painting and so on. 
feel free to ask me about other styles/etc that you’ve seen me do and we can figure out the price on that!
payment goes to: paypal.me/thanatica
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