#not to be dramatic but if this keeps getting notes while my comic flops I'll start killing btw
caspersscareschool · 9 months
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i wish there were more moments like this where little kids are just inexplicably obsessed with leo & drawn to her like a magnet. she should be a camp counselor or a swim instructor at the ymca or something like that. she babysits april's neighbors once & after that every time april sees them they go Where's Leelee🥺? she lies to them constantly for fun and says that chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows and stuff like that and they say whoaaa so cool and she says It's true and if you listen to my wisdom I can tell you so much more. About this world. and they love it they eat it up. this tracks btw because i can confirm firsthand that kids love pathetic losers who will say Hey watch me do a backflip n then trip n bust ass falling down 11 flights of stairs. while gay
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