#not to mention being too antisemitic to actually just welcome jewish people without restriction in other countries
sundaysundya · 7 months
there's a post going around saying that jewish people would be considered settlers (perjorative) anywhere they went that's annoying me because it fundamentally misunderstands what settler colonialism is. Moving somewhere and joining an existing community isn't being destructive, and those who claim it is are xenophobes and racists, and historically have been being antisemitic when saying this to jewish peoples in various countries! On the other hand zionists creating settlements on the west bank and telling palestians who are Also indigenous to the land that they have to leave on pain of death (or just killing them up front) is a totally different situation. It's just not true that it's impossible to go anywhere without displacing people. I think that recognizing that jewish ppl have been and are frequently targeted by xenophobia can be really clearly separated from the criticisms being made of Israel and zionist ideology.
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