#not to mention that if someone invented solid hydrogen like that it could absolutely be harnessed viably
very-hairy-wizard · 1 year
just watched the new knives out and while I really liked it I have to admit that it kinda fell flat compared to the last one.
the first knives out was a murder investigation that really leaned into the class warfare aspect of it all. it was dark, brutal, and heartfelt.
this one..... don't get me wrong it was heartfelt and the characters were the best part of the movie. but the story itself kinda shot itself in the foot by making the disruptors all already successful people at the top who really shouldn't be beholdant to some billionaire. like yeah he bankrolled them but so could Cassandra and making the suspects retroactively suspicious rather than actively malicious is what made this one feel less compelling than the first movie.
They also kept referencing a frankly more compelling mystery that already took place in the past rather than making it about that court case. essentially the theme should have been that the rich and successful are those willing to exploit others and risk lives for profit rather than "billionaires aren't (always) worthy of praise"
but this all rises from a more fundamental issue in the story. the twist in this one wasn't a story twist but a meta narrative twist. and that's ok for a movie in a long standing ontology that wants to freshen up and break the status quo but this was the second movie and everyone expected knives out not Agatha Kristy. everyone WANTED another knives out. you have to establish a pattern and get your audience used to trying to solve actually complex mysteries before you can surprise them with a simple one.
we should have been the ones yelling about how annoyingly simple the mystery is alongside Benoit, but we didn't because we haven't been solving these complex riddles for years only he.
That being said I really did like it I just know it could have been better and I was absolutely in love with the character work they did. the characters were great, the story was meh.
TLDR: this would have been a great 6th movie and hopefully next one will have a compelling story as well as good characters
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