#not to sound like i hate all these anouncers cause i dont. as i said the three in antalya are absolutely on it but it sucks that have the
ranting about niche things in my own tags so i can come back to them at a later point and see if my opinions have changed (i was in a crowded area for longer than i wanted to today and need to get over my hater energy)
#the vball world anouncers in rio rn are pissing me off so bad.#like my girl emily usually doesnt annoy me but her points are being brought down by the absolute negativity of the other two...#like im not saying every anouncer gotta be like my man clayton cause im sure thats not everyones style but when hes not describing whats#happening the things hes adding are fun/mood lifting#like its such a chore to get through these anouncers negative ass commentary like every single play is a mistake#(unless it comes from their blorbos on the us team)#and instead of just telling us or framing it in an informative way they just have to use boring and overly negative tone.#its especially terrible since the 3 in antalya rn all have such better energy so like the contrast is brutal#hat off to clayton hes my fav but what i like about the 3 in antalya rn is that 1. they have a bit of whimsy in their soul 2. they sound#like theyre having a good time and enjoy the game 3. they will say a play that didnt go to plan without being an absolute fucking downer#about it.#like i fr have to mute games sometimes ...#idk clayton is blorbo from my anouncement panel like when he gets so excited i as a listener get so excited when hes scereaming cause the#rally is so intense im screaming when he is in tears over carolanne kiss at 22 world champs im also in tears like come on#also will never forgive /that one/ for the way they speak about the asian teams/brasil cause dont be a commentator for international events#if youre gonna be weird about it.....#not to sound like i hate all these anouncers cause i dont. as i said the three in antalya are absolutely on it but it sucks that have the#tournament is lowkey ruined for me....#thats dramatic but its just not as fun#like when brasil would score and we'd still be getting a run down of jordan larsons biography... like shes a good player but lets give the#teams equal energy here#sigh
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Baby Love - Part 5
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
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The car was silent as i sat staring at the scan photo, i had just come out from seeing my doctor and having everything confirmed. Chris and i had both cried when we saw the image on the screen and then we heard the heart beat!
"You okay?" Chris asked reaching out and taking hold of one of my hands.
"Yeah I'm good" i smiled giving his hand a reassuring squeeze "just taking it all in you know..... this is our baby!"
"Our perfect little bean" he grinned brigig my hand up to place a kiss on the back of my hand.
"Sure is"
"So i was thinking, we should tell people"
"What.... who?"
"Well my family for starters, anyone you wanna tell?"
"You know i dont talk to my family Chris, i not telling them anything. Aint we supposed to wait for 3 months before blabbing?"
"Says who?"
"Everyone! Theres more risk of things going wrong in the first 12 weeks"
"Well your already at 8 and the doctor said everything looks great"
"That doesn't mean things cant go wrong! Chris your family don't even know we're more than friends! We cant just drop this on them"
"Ok so we'll go visit, we'll tell them we're together now and then in a few weeks we'll tell them about the baby. Sound good?"
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2 days later i was sat at the kitchen table in the Evans family home talking to Chris's mom Lisa, Chris had been constantly fussing over me causing Lisa to look at us suspiciously.
"Okay, whats going on with you two?"
"Christopher dont lie to me"
"im not!" he said quickly before laughing nervously, for an actor he sure wasnt being very convincing!
"oh my god Evans just tell her already, your not fooling anyone with that nervous laughter of yours" i rolled my eyes playfully.
"tell me what?? Whats going on?"
"Y/N's pregnant" he blurted out making me freeze all movements, i swear i stopped breathing for a second..... did he really just do that?!!
"What?? Oh my god sweetheart thats great news!" Lisa beamed getting up from her chair and wrapping her arms around me "congratulations"
"I cant believe you just said that....." i mumbled looking at Chris who finally realised i had meant for him to tell his mom we were dating not that i was pregnant!
"I didnt even know you were seeing anyone"
"See thats the thing Lisa...."
"Its mine mom" Chris spoke up, Lisa let go of me and turned to face her son looking very confused.
"You got Y/N pregnant?...."
"Yeah, we're together now. Have been for a while"
"But you never said anything....."
"We wanted to make sure it was gonna work out before telling anyone, then when i was away filming Y/N got sick"
"Thought it was flu, turns out im pregnant" i shrugged like it wasnt a big thing.
"When you were filming.... but that was months ago" Lisa looked at Chris with wide eyes, he was nodding with a smile plastered on his face.
"Im about 8 weeks along, we only got it confirmed with the doctor 2 days ago. I was convinced the test was wrong.... but here, this is your grandchild" i said taking the scan photo from my bag and handing it to her. Lisa held a hand over her mouth as her eyes filled with tears, i looked at Chris nervously.... were these good tears or was she upset that her son got me pregnant??
"Mom you okay?" Chris asked
"Yeah. Im just..... this is such good news. I always said you two should be together, i told your sisters and Scott hundreds of times that Y/N was perfect for you" she gushed "they said it would never happen, that Y/N already put up with you enough" she laughed.
"That is true" i nodded before laughing along with her.
"hey!" he whined pouting like a sulking child that just made me laugh even more.
"awww i didnt mean it, i love spending time with you"
"I dont believe you now"
"What, the fact i spend most of my time with you when your not away filming isnt proof enough huh?"
"Fair point" he laughed pulling me into his arms and kissing me on the forehead.
"you two are so cute"
"Oh mom please stop, dont make this weird"
"Im sorry, im just so happy for you both. You wait until the others hear about this! Your dad will be over the moon Chris and your sisters and Scott.... when are you going to tell them?"
"Um i dont know..... we kinda wanted to wait for the 3 months to pass before we anounced anything"
"You can tell your family babe, i just dont want it being public knowledge yet. Im not ready to deal with that stress, its not good for the baby and you know im gonna get hate from some of your fans"
"Oh sweetie im sure it wont be that bad..." Lisa started to say until i scoffed
"I got so much hate online when i first got spotted out with Chris, until it became public knowledge that i was just his best friend. Can you imagine the reaction me being pregnant will get?? The thought of it actually terrifies me"
"Maybe we can try to keep it under wraps, no one ever has to know"
"Thats crazy mom, how am i going to do that? We cant keep Y/N locked away for the next 7 months, she's not gonna be able to hide it for much longer and Im eventually going to be seen out with my kid"
"I know honey, its just times like this i wish you werent famous. I want you to be able to enjoy this time..... both of you"
"We're gonna do our best do that".
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As i walked out of the bathroom wearing one of Chris's t-shirts he smiled instantly.
"Your wearing one of my shirts again?"
"So?.... your shirts are comfy" i shrugged getting into bed beside him.
"Im not going to have any clean shirts the rate your going sweetheart"
"Maybe its part of my plan, if you don't have clean shirts then you'll have to go without"
"Oh right is that what it is?" He chuckled pulling me into his arms so that my back was to his chest.
"Maybe a little" i laughed quietly "so today went well..."
"Yeah my mom was over the moon" he agreed pressing kisses to my neck "im sorry i blurted out about the baby, i honestly thought thats what you meant"
"Its fine"
"So your not mad?"
"Of course not" i replied stroking his arm that was wrapped around my waist "now go to sleep, im exhausted" we both chuckled and kissed goodnight.
After a few moments of silence i felt Chris shifting around, he usually did this when something was on his mind.
"What is it?" I mumbled sleepily.
"Nothing, go to sleep sweetheart"
"Evans i cant sleep when you keep fidgeting, spill it.... whats on your mind?" I turned around in his arms so that i was facing him.
"You know i have that Charity Event next week?"
"Would you come with me?....not just as my best friend, i want people to know that your my girlfriend".
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Baby love tags:
@jennmurawski13 @mybabyboytony
@ms-betsy-fangirl @vampgirl1997
@ajosieface @afuckingshituniverse
@chmedic @esoltis280 @southerngracela
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