#not to toot my own horn here but im very happy with the coloring... but not the frames... idk what happened there LMAO
kth1 · 6 months
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i don't know why ♡ for @kimtaegis
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taniushka12 · 4 years
🌼 for the fanfic ask: A + W !!
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
HMM..........OKAY........ i have MANY fics so here are my FavoriteS:
Long Live The King: both forever unfinished and underappreciated from 2017, but its still dear to me bc I made pages of lore for this one, thought the individual timelines of every character that appeared, had TWO drafts of 21k originally and 11k the rewrite, and I had it all planned out :’) I loved this fic... (dark fantasy, it starts w/ a shapeshifter crow guy who asked the unawarely for him prince of demons to teach him dark magic, ends up w/ the demons and humans at war started by the king then prince and the crow as his lover and right hand, a tale of love and corruption 😔 the very last chapter was supposed to be the king telling the crow to kill his childhood bff for plot reasons and after he does it hes like holy shit... oh god what am i doing? and looking in the distance at the clouds bath in red of the war a war that he facilitated before going back to the castle, mind a mess) 
both Close Your Eyes And I’ll Kiss You (Tomorrow I’ll Miss You) and A Welcome Summer Rain bc i love min/ffel :’) they deserve to be happy and also maybe kiss!!
for tma... The Dance Of The Spider And The Flame, bc how couldn’t it be? It has web!martin and desolation!tim cuddling and hugging while talking about utterly destroying elias in any way that matters! Also I love blurring the lines of the powers like the colors they are, and considering the web and the desolation are considered “opposites” it was fun to point out the similarities! Desperately Safe is also a fave of mine... mikaele chilling a bit, peter being soft and actually caring for someone and also old men in love? love it...
Sweet Irony is also very good..... martin/elias sexual tension that ends up w/ martin essentially being like fuck you and elias being both quite offended but also into it? not to toot my own horn but my m/e content is the best m/e content this fandom has to offer u_u
also once I finish writing apiculture then you Know it goes on the fave list LMAO...ITS GONNA BE AWESOME
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read? 
fave pairing to READ? JON/SASHA.............. i reread the extremely few j/s fics of the fandom multiple times bc i love them so much 😭😭😭!! they make me so happy!!! i squeal like the nerd I am and remember that life can be beautiful!! my heart... swells... OTL 
love reading jon/tim but only some... I already read so many sad stuff w/ them two years ago, I only have time for happy sappy shit yknow? (same w/ min/ffel! only happy allowed! unless im the one making it! bc i love angst :))
as for fave to write...... it might be bc i already wrote 12k of it but martin/sasha is so fun, their ways to talk their ways to be clash a bit and its fun!! i love them!! (also i greatly enjoy both martin/elias and peter/martin bc martin gets to be a bit of an asshole at best and also in the first case I can go 🖕 elias)
[send me a letter!]
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daisydan · 5 years
let's continue the pity party shall we
what can i say. all my life, i've known myself as a person of positivity. i didnt even have to try. it just came out, yknow? it was so easy for me to hand out compliments, do people favors, be a nice kid, student, friend. you name it. i was just nice? added to that was the constant validation i'd get from friends and older people that i am positive. i was a happy person? once, my friend even named my aura "yellow". like the color of the sun. not to toot ny own horn but i think he meant that i was just bright? as a person. not the smarts area (altho dont mind if i do), byt more on the vibe i give into the room. alright, im getting too carried away.
basically: i was jolly.
and the plot twist to my life, is NEWS FLASH. YAH AINT GONNA BE LIKE THAT NO MOE.
/i dont want to say my age ever here, mostly because i enjoy the anonimity that i possess, but for the sake of this rant, let's just disclose that im still a student/
so, be that as it may, how did my ever jolly personality turn into a sad excuse of a life?
i took a path i never really wanted? yeah. man saying that outloud stings. but it helps.
i got depressed. for the very. first. time.
and these past few weeks, ive been rationalizing it. after just carrying the weight of that shift and change as a person for months on end.. BLINDLY. walking as of nothing is wrong. WHEN I KNOW. that something is.
I dont even know how to explain it well.
It's.. crippling.
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