#not tryin to brag but im flawless ( canons )
hcrtbrokenn · 3 years
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Maya Hart, daughter of famous Actress Katy Hart, and actress herself - though, not by her choice but by her mother’s. Maya grew up on sets, grew up going from one home to the next, never really having a place to call home. When in LA, Katy would drop her off at her, Maya’s Aunt and Uncle’s place for her to get to know her cousins and would pick her up or have her Nanny pick her up. Maya didn’t get to know a lot of her cousins friends, not until she finally settled in LA at the age of fourteen. 
Sick of travelling and her mother’s antics, she begged her mother to at least let Maya live somewhere. It took a while, but finally Katy let her go and found a small apartment for her daughter & and Enrolled her in Los Feliz High School where her cousin and his friends went. Where she befriended them, and overtime came to care for them.
Maya still had to do jobs her mother signed her up for until she turned 18 years old. Maya’s apartment was open to her friends to crash in - should they have needed it. Alex had a key to her apartment, because she trusts him.
Twenty, Maya is paying for the apartment herself - and doesn’t take jobs her mother gets her, but only ones she actually auditioned for and only if they’re filmed in LA. The only travelling she ever plans to do is for fun not for work. 
She is working on an Art Major.
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hcrtbrokenn · 3 years
Maya 100% knows she's a nepotism child, in fact, as she grows older she points it out. Says that I got that part because of my mother. She's open about it and also states this is why she is straying away from acting, unless she herself goes for the role, and generally in projects with little connection to her mother. No Longer taking roles from people close to her mother, only taking roles that she wanted to audition for
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hcrtbrokenn · 3 years
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being friends with riley meant stories of her father’s friend - shawn. and maya first meet the man when she was fourteen. and, overtime - shawn ended up a father figure in her life, a bit more then cory did - but solely because shawn related a bit more to her situation with her parents then cory did. it was just that they were at opposite ends of the class scale at the age of fourteen - sixteen, with shawn being on the poor side, ana maya being on the rich.
into her adulthood, maya keeps in contact with shawn, and he is someone she trusts deeply. shawn and katy have barley meet as katy is too busy working, and is not home - or even in state a lot of the time.
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hcrtbrokenn · 3 years
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i am scrapping this completely. maya never held an interest in lucas, not when they were kids and not now that they’re older. maya always viewed him as a brother type figure, and would tease him. on the topic of teasing maya doesn’t tease him with those cowboy names when she is aware of how they make lucas uncomfortable. she does confront him, telling him that he should have told her and she would have stopped sooner.
now, in their older age, the teasing is back and forth, and maya can take the things he throws at her.
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hcrtbrokenn · 3 years
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when she was younger, maya had a crush on the matthews boy, there is no denying it. but the thing is, it was just that. a crush. something that maya grew out of completely when she was fifteen years old as she took a look into it, and realised that no she did not love josh. that he was just a someone who saw her for her, a friend of his niece and not the daughter of some famous actor. the crush was just like those child / young teen crushes get on older people. 
she respects that he always rejected her, and kept his stance because as she looks back on it now at her age, or hell when she turned josh’s age - she finally got why it wouldn’t work and shouldn’t have.
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hcrtbrokenn · 3 years
tag drop! basics
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