#not up to date with anything Kpop but I still listen to shit occasionally
yixinglovebot · 3 years
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maliciouslycreative · 3 years
A totally fake-sounding story of how stupid I am at flirting, fake dating, and kpop
My life is for the most part a series of weird coincidences that once strung together sound entirely fake but I swear to god they are real.
Back in the early 2000s I found a lot of fame in the Beyblade fandom. I wrote a popular fic, it was pretty rad. One of my oldest and dearest friends from YGO once asked if she could introduce me to one of her friends who was apparently a HUGE fan of my writing. And I was like “absolutely” and that was the start of things with me and J. We got exceptionally close. Honestly I know I’m aro but the love I felt for her might be the closest I’ll ever feel to being in love.
Things were complicated though, we lived in different countries and were both in high school. We were super close friends and flirted a lot, everyone noticed. Our friend wrote poetry about us. Yes I still have some of that poetry saved somewhere. Everyone in the fandom shipped us and honestly we did talk about how if we weren’t in different countries and in high school that we would be together.
In my senior year of high school I had this biology teacher that enjoyed making us do a lot of group projects. There was another girl in my class that we weren’t really friends but neither of us had friends in the class and we didn’t mind each other so we always grouped up. Unfortunately we needed to do groups of 3 or more for this one project so this random guy in the class ENTHUSIASTICALLY volunteered to be in our group. Neither of us knew who he was but whatever we could survive some weird guy for one project. We exchanged emails so we could exchange notes easily. Except when I got home I noticed the guy had added me to MSN messenger. Ok sure, he probably just wanted to discuss something about the project. Except he didn’t. He wanted to talk to me about anime. Which… I guess? I mean there were not a lot of anime fans when I went to high school, it was distinctly not cool in 2005. 
I spent the next few weeks being mostly weirded out by this guy but he seemed harmless so I kind of talked to him intermittently. And then came the day before Valentines Day. He asked me what my plans were to which I responded that I was spending it with a good friend whose birthday was February 14th. He then proceeded to ask me what kind of flowers I liked and I was like “uhh I’m allergic to flowers so I guess fake ones?” And then I mentioned this to my one friend and she was like “OH MY GOD, STACEY. HE IS TRYING TO ASK YOU OUT.” And I was like “what? No, that’s………… fuck” so I had to in a panic tell the guy to not get me flowers and that I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. 
He seemed ok with this. But like any mediocre white man it didn’t stick. He proceeded to talk to me a lot about his favourite anime and how it’d make him cry. His favourite anime was Ayashi no Ceres. For those of you not familiar with it, it’s a series written by Yuu Watase that tells the tragic story of a selkie that was bound to a human man and they died tragically so they were cursed to forever reincarnate as fraternal twins in this one family’s bloodline. So yah, he’d cry to me over an anime about incest. Like yah it’s a great series but you’re not gonna woo someone by telling them how much it makes you cry.
I’m not sure who came up with the plan, my fandom “older sister” or J herself but eventually we decided the only way to get rid of him was if I had a girlfriend and J enthusiastically agreed to be her. So when he finally did outright ask me out I got to be like “sorry man, I have a girlfriend in the US.” He absolutely lost it. Was very upset and thought she was fake. I had to bring J into a chat and be like “yes, this is my loving girlfriend.” He told me how disappointed in me he was and how he didn’t think I was “that kind of girl” whatever that means. 
He didn’t speak to me for an entire year after that. I ran into him randomly at university and he asked me “did you really have a girlfriend or were you just saying that to let me down.” And I was like “excuse you? Yes, I had a girlfriend and we are still together now. What gives you the right to ask something like that?” And he got upset about it again and I’ve never seen him since. 
J and I were sort of together for a couple years. Nothing serious, just some casual flirting. I sent her a care package once full of chocolate. We both knew neither of us were ready to move across the continent for the other but we still loved each other deeply. When I started dating my abusive ex we were still friends. I got to meet up with her one of the times I visited the US. Like most of my fandom friends I lost contact with her in 2009 after my fandom big sister passed away. It hurt a lot to be in that space without her. My abusive ex also did a good job of isolating me from everything. I did briefly reconnect with her for a bit afterwards but it’s been a while since I’ve talked to her. 
To detour back to the fake dating, there’s another parallel story. So when I told one of my other friends about this, A, she was like “oh, well if you need another fake girlfriend I would be willing and I mean we only live like 5 and ½ hours apart.” And my stupid ass was like “oh of course! I’ll keep you in mind.” This girl who had the patience of a saint with my stupid ass. She started calling me “muffin” one night and I was like “why are you calling me muffin?” and she was like “because it’s cute” and I was like “ok but I feel like I need to give you a food nickname now…” but my brain short circuited. I couldn’t think of anything cute in turn and made a terrible comment about calling her porkchop. And this girl, bless her heart, told me I could call her porkchop. So for several years we went around calling each other Muffin and Porkchop. It took me almost a decade to figure out that she was FLIRTING with me. I have no contact with her any more so I can’t even apologise. 
So here comes to the kpop and how I stumbled into it. I had my sisters over for a movie night in 2018. While waiting for our food to cook somehow we wound up watching K/DA POP/STARS among some other stuff. But this planted the seed in my sister's mind and she descended into kpop hell. I’m sorry not sorry. She mostly got into girl groups and we let her gush to us about them. But then she found it, Lucifer by SHINee. This song is an absolute bop and the clothing was absolutely tragic. We were in love with it. Something always haunted me that I knew this song though but something was just not 100% right so I couldn’t figure it out. 
Lockdowns happened and we couldn’t do our regular family get togethers. However where we live if you were a family of 4 or less you can adopt into your bubble a single person that lives alone, just so that people that live alone aren’t so isolated. So once a week I’d go over to her place and we’d do supper together. Neither of us like do anything other than go to work and grocery shopping and the occasional shopping for other essentials. Anyway when I’d be at her place we’d often listen to her kpop playlist. It was a little more bubblegum than what was really my taste but I was starting to get a taste. 
Then my shit brain did what it always does and comes up with a cursed fic idea that involved everyone listening to kpop. I dove head first into kpop. I have learned so much in the last two weeks. It started with SHINee and branched out. One of those things that I discovered with SHINee though was that they recorded a lot of their songs also in Japanese. And then I found the Japanese music video to Lucifer and it was like someone plunged a knife deep into my heart and twisted. 
J was into SHINee. She tried to get me into them in 2011, right around the time we fell out of contact. We were both really big into jpop and jrock back then and she was right, I LOVE that song. So somehow I narrowly avoided becoming a shawol in 2011. I don’t know how I didn’t honestly. Probably has to do with my abusive ex. A lot of stuff from that time period is honestly a blur and I really don’t care to remember it.  
So that’s the story of how I, an aro, am a disaster when it comes to people flirting with me and how I almost became a kpop stan in 2011.
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
Hello! May I ask headcanons for Kiseki no Sedai? Their reaction to their girl being cool and sexually dancing (something like k-pop girl group cover dance, if you know it) with her dance team at a school festival (or something like that).
A/N: Since my character limit is five I chose to do hcs for Akashi, Aomine, Kise, Murasakibara and Midorima, hope that’s fine with you! I immediately thought of Loona’s dance cover of Cherry Bomb by NCT 127 (https://youtu.be/s7kxoMYg3l8) which is so BADASS (both the song and choreography) and Move by Taemin (inspired by Twice’s cover: https://youtu.be/QTfzryUBlO0). Reader is in a group that dances to both in one set! Also I’m assuming the reader is in the school’s dance club/group that decided to do a cover of a lit K-pop song for some kind of school festival!
Akashi Seijuro
Since he is president of the student council, he is backstage helping ensure the performances/festival runs smoothly
Has timings of each performance down to the second — and he knows exactly when you and your dance group is slated to perform
Since your dance group had to submit the songs + a short clip of your performance to the student council, Akashi already knows what songs you are going to perform
Was going to do some more research on what the choreography involved, but you begged him not to because you wanted to surprise him at the festival
Doesn’t stop him from listening to the songs and familiarizing himself with the melodies and lyrics - k-pop is something you are passionate about and he always want to learn more about his girlfriend
While you and your group are on deck and getting ready to go on stage (he knows there are still two more acts before you) he stands next to you
Maybe kisses your forehead I AM SO SOFT FOR FOREHEAD KISSES FIGHT ME
“I’d say good luck, but I don’t think you’ll need it darling” afjaofe;ja;feka
You’re Akashi fucking Seijuro’s girlfriend - he has high standards and probably would date someone who is equally as hardworking + high achieving as him 
Besides, outside of basketball he knows Rakuzan has an equally formidable dance program so the boy knows you are talented
Is so impressed when you start dancing to Cherry Bomb - the choreography is intense and requires so much synchronization as you switch between all the complex formations - he thinks you could teach the basketball team a thing or two about teamwork
You go HARD with the tutting at the end before you start doing edging your feet out until you’re almost doing the splits - Akashi respects how much strength and training went into performing the dance break + ending flawlessly
When the music changes to Move he is STARING at you - eyes are glued to your form as you perform
The moves are so sensual and he can see how you intensely look out into the audience - he can sense the sexual tension that fills the room 
At the same time is awed by how much control you have over your body - he can see how every movement is planned, from the position of your hands to the way you shift your weight between each dance move
As your hands glide along your body, he can’t help but get slightly turned on
Also glares at all the male members of the student body who are looking at you a little too intently
When you finish your set he calmly hands you a water bottle while smiling proudly
May ask you for a private encore later
Aomine Daiki
You mention the performance in passing, probably while you and Aomine are having lunch on the roof 
Despite his nonchalant response, Aomine remembers that you’re performing in the back of his mind - although he does get the occasional reminder from Momoi or teasing remark from Imayoshi 
Doesn’t really want to get too involved in the school festival - it’s far too rowdy and he thinks the idea his class came up with for the festival is a hassle (imagine if it was a butler cafe LMAO poor Aomine) 
Probably sneaks away from his shift managing his classroom’s booth or to find you and wish you luck (or uses you as an excuse to ditch his shift for a couple of minutes)
He knows you’re good at dance - he’s seen how many hours you spend rehearsing and how much you love dancing (and Kpop) 
Will sneak into the auditorium and probably stand in the middle of the crowd - probably doesn’t see the point of cramming in the crowded area right in front of the stage
Impatiently waits for you to come up on stage, he’s bored and is sick of the skits that other groups are putting on 
When it’s finally your turn he’s focusing intently on the stage. The instant you come out in a badass outfit with dark makeup and a black crop top he grins because you look AMAZING
The music starts and you launch into an intense sequence of tutting and formations shifts that has his eyes widening in surprise 
now he understands why you always felt the need to drill the choreography into your muscle memory, because remembering moves on top of switching spots with everyone else makes the performance that much more impressive
Proud of his badass girlfriend
When Move comes on he smirks - although you can’t see him, he watches you move your hips and trace the outline of your figure 
Can appreciate the sensual yet serious expression on your face that makes you look gorgeous, but definitely does not appreciate the dumbass boys in the audience who are drooling over your body 
After the performance he finds you and kisses you before wrapping his arm around your shoulders
Scowling at the now intimidated boys from before, he says “Gotta remind those idiots that you’re mine”
Will definitely invite you over to his place to spend the night for some “quality time” 
Kise Ryouta
Kise knows you’ll be performing a kpop dance at the school festival and is super excited
He probably helped style you and your team for each song - pulling out some leather jackets and ripped jeans for Cherry Bomb and picking out a diverse all black ensemble + accessories for your cover of Move
He hypes you up all day about the showcase: sends you good luck texts and gives you a hug before you have to go backstage + will keep you company when you do your make up before hand
Is not afraid to elbow his way through the audience so he can have a front row seat to your performance
Made the entire Kaijo basketball team come with him and instructs them to cheer loudly for your performance 
He’s pretty up to date with current music trends and listens to a fair amount k-pop himself so he’d probably recognize the songs you were dancing to + be somewhat familiar with the choreography
When you come on stage he’s already shouting “Go y/n-chii!!!” which makes you smile and you manage to make brief eye contact with him right before you get into your starting pose
It’s like a switch is flicked - you went from being his cute and smiley girlfriend to a serious BADASS - your expressions are so intense and serious Kise can’t help but be drawn in
When he hears the opening line of Cherry Bomb he’s thinking oh shit because damn that choreography is tough
From the tutting, to moving in sync with all the other members, to all the different formation changes - he knows this is a challenging piece to perform
Gave you his leather jacket (he probably got it from a modelling gig or something) to wear and seeing you dance in his jacket is just *chef’s kiss* stunning 
and it lets all the other annoying boys in the crowd know that you’re his because it has his jersey number embroidered on the back 
If people start shouting the fanchants he’ll join in because anything to support his amazing girlfriend
When you all change outfits and switch to move he is dying
He’s right in front of you and you are making very direct and SENSUAL eye contact with your boyfriend while you move your hips into another body roll
Kise smirks back and will pin you with an equally intense and lustful stare
When he sees you after the performance he immediately strides towards you and pulls you into a fierce kiss 
Spends the rest of the festival with his arm around you, bragging about his amazing girlfriend to anyone who will listen, then he’ll take you home and ;) 
May take advantage of perfect copy and learn a duet/routine with you sometime in the future
Midorima Shintaro
MY CARROT BOI — I swear I am taking this seriously
Midorima probably doesn’t listen to too much kpop - he prefers being able to enjoy the lyrics of a song and listening to Japanese music means he won’t have to look up lyric translations
Maybe has heard some Japanese versions of kpop songs on the radio, but is overall unfamiliar with the genre (context: Since Japan has such a huge market for K-pop, it’s not uncommon for groups to release Japanese albums where they sing the the in Japanese) 
When you first mention that your club is going to be performing at the school festival, he probably pictures some cutesy, bubblegum pop girl group song 
Is putting this into his calendar and making sure he sets reminders because he is NOT about to miss his girlfriend’s performance
Secretly happy because you are putting in extra practice for the rehearsal which means you stay late at school. Since basketball practice always runs late he’s glad he now has the chance to walk you home
Day of: checks your Oha-Asa horoscope and makes sure that you have your lucky item - he will buy it himself if necessary 
Knows you worked super hard on this performance so he knows you’re going to be fine
This tsundere carrot shyly wishes you good luck before you head backstage: “Good luck y/n, not that you’ll need it! Nanodayo…” with a slight blush on his cheeks 
Makes his way back to the audience - he made Takao save him a spot
Somehow Takao got his hands on a setlist/hear rumors and figured out what you were performing and is secretly filming Midorima’s reaction because your boyfriend is about to COMBUST
Cherry Bomb comes up and Midorima immediately realizes this is NOT the cute girl group dance he was envisioning
Is probably watching your performance intently - he never realized that your choreography would be this intense and physical 
Probably not as blushy during this one, just entranced and absorbed into your performance (will refuse to admit that he stared at you the entire time, even though Takao teases him about it later)
But when you transition to the cover of Move, oh gosh, this boy goes from stony faced to bright red tomato
Is 100% blushing and gaping at you while you perform the sensual routine, especially when your hands move across your body and you purposefully make eye contact with him
Realizing holy shit my girlfriend is so sexy holy shit you thought he was staring at you during Cherry Bomb his eyes are glued to your figure during Move
Probably rushes up to you awkwardly and gives you a surprise hug before whispering “Give me a little warning next time y/n.” 
You giggle a bit, not mentioning the routine you’re learning on your own (Dally by Hyolyn: https://youtu.be/b75eENj0WCQ) surprise him with it in the future hehehehehehe)
Murasakibara Atsuhi
Murasakibara is hanging out in your dorm room when you mention that you have an upcoming performance
“Ohh y/n-chan that sounds fun”
Lowkey pouty baby because he wanted to laze around during the festival and just spend the day trying all the food with you
Now he won’t have his girlfriend to keep him company for the whole day 
When you ask him if he’s going to come and watch, he’ll agree, because it’s at the school and it isn’t too much of a hassle and he knows you put in a lot of practice so he wants to support
Tatsuya probably still has to remind him about the performance on the day of
On the morning of your performance you wake up to find a bag of your favorite snacks and candies hanging on your doorknob
Murasakibara probably went to the nearby convenience store and bought you a bunch of “good luck” snacks to surprise you
Tatsuya and him walk into the auditorium, is kind of disappointed to see that it’s already packed so he has to settle for a seat farther away than what he liked
Thankfully he’s tall AF so he still gets a clear view of the stage 
Snacks through the other performances/skits and gets pretty bored, he’s here to see you and you only
Finally, they announce your club - Murasakibara immediately perks up with interest
Your group has a badass entrance before you start performing Cherry Bomb
You decided to temporarily dye your hair red for the performance and Murasakibara is surprised when you whip off the hat you were wearing to reveal bright cherry tinted hair
He’s watched you practice the moves several time and knows you struggled to master some of them - super proud when he sees you slay those hard bits of choreography on stage
Move comes on the speaker and he immediately can sense that this is definitely a very sensual dance
Like damn, watching you move your hips to the beat and confidently gazing into the crowd, he is very turned on definitely wants an encore from you in private
When you hit the last pose and the lights dim he is IMMEDIATELY walking out of the auditorium to find you 
Sees that you’re surrounded by some newly acquired fanboys and casually steps in behind you to wrap an arm around your waist
Towers over the guys surrounding at you, a scowl from him scares them off
You giggle at his antics because he’s cute when he’s jealous: “You don’t need to be that mean to them Atsushi” 
“Y/n-chaaaan, can we go get food now?” - probably buys you all the snacks you want because he is proud 
Also suggests that you dye your hair to match his purple locks just because
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Hey, what do you think is behind the decline in interest in VK in the West? It’s ridiculous how much the fandom has died down. Is it just because of the rise of kpop and the general decline in interest in all sorts of rock? Or are other factors at play - like how toxic the fandom could be?
In my opinion, kpop doesn’t really have much to do with it. People liked visual kei because it was different. What I think is responsible, because I’ve seen many fans admitting they grew out of it because of it, is a list of things (bear with me, it’s gonna be long):
1) disbands: While disbands were always a big thing in the visual kei scene, with more and more people translating stuff for fans and, bands getting on social media used by mostly western fans, like facebook and twitter, more western fans were exposed to how often this actually happens. Some fans maybe thought that visual kei is dying because of it, but truth is, disbands were always there, with smaller bands we might have never heard of, because there was sooo little information for us back then. Also, many big names in the visual kei scene have disbanded the last 5 years, which is why many fans thought that putting so much devotion and spending money on sth that could be destroyed at any moment isn’t worth it. For example (I am sorry if I am not wording this well ^^’), I knew fans who left vkei because they were tired of liking a band and then these bands kept disbanding. There is no stability. American artists and kpop artists do not break up or retire that easily, you know? And some fans want that stability or become too hearbroken when having lost a band they’ve been supporting for 10 years, or sth, and don’t want to go through that anymore (it might sound a little bit too much or dramatic, but there are fans out there who genuinely feel things about these bands, they have found some short of shelter in them and their music, so losing that band might hurt a lot and the best way to move on is by cutting ties with anything like them). In my case, this is the reason I barely like new bands anymore. I like finding newbies and keeping an eye on them but I do not actively follow them unless I am convinced they are in it for the long run. And honestly, so far, I’ve been lucky with this, because most of the people I chose to follow are still around, either as bandmen or sth else, or trying with new bands that I happen to like. Of course, I have lost some favorites too but I get it. It’s a hard life to live and, some people eventually change their mind, but not every fan feels this way and if they do, they try to “retire“ from the whole thing like their favorite artists and move on with their life. (I am in no way saying that a bandman shouldn’t leave his band when he feels like it, even if he is 20 years active. It’s their life, their rules and we should all respect that, but it seems to be hard for many people to do so, sometimes)
2) fandom. Like you mentioned, fandoms can be toxic. It happens with every fandom, though, not just visual kei, so I wouldn’t like to point fingers, especially because I’ve been lucky enough to meet some of my best friends through the fandom, most of whom aren’t even in it anymore. :P I can tell you with certainty that our lack of translators is entirely the fandom’s fault, though. People just don’t get what reblog or share with credits means and some people grow tired of it, you know? Contrary to common belief, translating a video of 30 minutes or an entire interview might take someone more than just a day, maybe even a week, and if people don’t respect that, then unfortunately the translator has to cut being nice to everyone and continue being a fan in privacy (they don’t get paid for this, they got their jobs, their families, but still wish to spend time sharing sth they love with others and helping them learn more about it through translating, even though, between us, some of those translations are illegal because we need permission to translate magazine stuff etc (a visual kei artist once said that, saying yes translations are great but guys be careful because some things are copyrighted and you might get in trouble), but some people just wish to take and take without helping others get to the initial source to find out more, too. I think there are still many visual kei fans out there, they just no longer blog about it because they want to enjoy it by themselves and without the negativity and opinions of anyone else. I started as a private fan for example. I liked fangirling on my own, I didn’t want anyone to intervene with that because it was my sole way of having fun, I didn’t want anyone to ruin it for me, but eventually, I wanted to help the bands spread their info beyond their social media and I am currently running 3 fanpages, 1 of which is on hiatus. I still get shit while doing that, by the way, there are still know-alls among us but I am not going to let anyone spoil it for me. So to cut everything short, I think that fandom could have played its role as to why so many left and why those of us left, became so quiet.
3) Some people might bite for this one but it’s a mixture of “Mainstream“ and “platform“. I believe the best people to talk about this are old-schoolers. When bands like A9 and the Gazette entered the scene, most old school visual kei fans had already started barking about the fact those bands were copying their predecessors and that they don’t really make cool music (they were making shallow stuff for their tastes, aka mainstream stuff). Truth is that, fans of that “new/2nd generation“ visual kei era are acting like old-schoolers did, when their faves came out, to the newbies coming out now, aka people following bands like Xaa Xaa or Kizu. But if you pay close attention you might notice this: When bands like A9 and the Gazette came about, old schoolers seemed to be very few among us, weren’t they? Many seemed to have disappeared and given up, because to them, visual kei was dead. Honestly, I follow many old schoolers right now. They are still around. They just don’t fangirl as loud as the rest of us do. They stick to old pics and the occasional updates from visual kei artists of that time that are still active like Sugizo, Malice Mizer members, Buck-Tick members, etc. This is what I see happening now too. There are still people listening to visual kei of the 2000s. They just aren’t loud enough and the new fans of visual kei are more present on twitter than here or facebook. Why? Because visual kei bands are also on twitter now and they can immediately fangirl on the posts of their favorites by retweeting the pics. (It also adds that some visual kei artists reply to those retweets either with words or likes) So yeah, I think we are few here now because many have moved to twitter and also because new bands sound mainstream to us fans of bands from the 2000s.
4) the Visual Kei scene. Ok, I am not that sure about this but I think it plays a role to this somehow. There are several visual kei artists that claimed visual kei is dead the last few years. I won’t name who cuz only one name comes to mind right now, but I know I had read it from many more people. I don’t know how the visual kei scene is like in Japan right now, but I know there are more bands forming than in the past, most of which are not serious about it (see bands disband within a year). This happened in the past, too, I don’t know to what extent though, but we didn’t know about those as much as those who actually had sth to say and still do to this day. I’ve heard artists complain that the new kids entering the scene have no concept. That all they care about is looking cool and nothing else. They are lucky to have more means of promoting their stuff, though. Twitter reaches out to western fans, some bands get a music video from their first release and maybe cool costumes from their first release, things that bands of older times would beg for, when they started. And still these kids do not use those means as creatively as they could so, they fail to impress the old fans enough to get an active following that fangirls about them everywhere. Not all new bands. But most. Like, Kizu, for example seem to have a vision (i am not their fan by the way, I have just seen some of their stuff and they seem to be in it for real). So, the result of all this, is fans getting bombarded by 100 new bands each year and having hard time sticking to anything. So they just retweet sth and comment about it and that’s it. They do not get into long talks about music or concept or anything because most of these bands have no concept. I dunno, I think it plays a role. And also, sth that I hadn’t thought about and was also brought up on twitter. Some big venues have closed in Japan the last two years and due to the big amount of bands wishing to perform, they are all struggling to find dates to perform. In other words, there is so much competition right now that if you aren’t a big name by now, you gotta wait in line for scheduling your lives. One of my favorite bands was like “yeah no live this week, everything was closed.“ and I was surprised. Also big events have stopped happening. I don’t know if you had experienced that but there was a time Nico Nico, the channel had several bands hosting their own shows. It was mostly PSC bands that did that but due to tough schedule it stopped. There was also the Xmas live, a festival with many bands which was broadcasted each year and that I’ve heard nth about the last two years. The show does still happen they just don’t broadcast it anymore. There was another festival called Stylish Wave. That stopped being broadcasted too so many events that were broadcasted for free are no longer happening so this is why I am saying that we’ve lost lots of the hype from Japan’s side too. I knew so many people who were looking forward to such events and then we’d all gif everything and translate stuff. It’s no longer there though. Only one interview show is still broadcasted on Nico Nico for free, the rest is paid stuff.
So yeah, all in all, these are the basics that I think played an important role in losing western fandoms. Of course, this is just my opinion, many people might disagree. Thank you for the question, I am always glad to exchange opinions on visual kei stuff. ^^
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We Are Stars For Each Other
Tumblr media
Genre - Fuffy eventual Smut
Female Reader x Hongjoong
Word count - 3,379
                        Chapter 2 : Combat Boots and Leather Skirts
The next morning you wake up earlier than you expected. The warmth spreading through you at the dream you had woken up from. Grey hair and your hands running through it, whispers and moans. Once you fully open your eyes you can’t believe your own mind going there. “Damn brain, we got some good taste in men.” All the while trying to remember the dream that is quickly being lost to the morning light.
Getting out of bed has always been a chore to you. You’d rather just stay there and live your best life. Anxiety had made your life Hell for years, and you knew the bedroom was your safe space. You do eventually get up, begrudgingly so. Groaning as your knees pop on standing and stretching.
Your normal morning routine consists of coffee, breakfast of some description, a shower, and pajamas on your days off. What a lovely day off it is too. Min Seo had a meeting with someone and you had the entire apartment to yourself. You grabbed up your laptop, plopping down on the couch.
“Let’s see who these boys are, shall we?” Your fingers begin to run across the keys. You’re searching every site typing in ATEEZ and every other keyword you could think of until you come across a Kpop Wiki page for them. “Hmm, Kim Hongjoong, 21 years old, Rapper, leader, and main composer.” You start to scroll down, but stop yourself, and quickly scroll back up to read it again. “Wait, What the hell?! He’s a composer?! Like he writes his own music? Wow. Big things in small packages, I guess.” You shrug and continue reading. Eventually making your way to Jung Wooyoung, “Oh, he’s beautiful. He looks like the devil and an Angel all at once, if that’s even possible.” Your absent mind can barely scroll past his picture to get to his bio below. “Jung Wooyoung, 19 years old, Lead dancer, vocalist, and visual.” You continue scrolling a bit farther, “What the hell is a visual? I mean he’s gorgeous if that’s what it stands for. I need to learn more about this K-pop stuff.”
That’s how your day remains, on the couch in your pajamas reading everything you can about K-pop and this group called Ateez. You listen to all their songs, and pick your favorites, numerous dance videos and performances live and otherwise. Soon enough, you stumble upon the glorious fancam, and you make it through all of Wooyoung’s that you can find until you hear the door beep, as Min Seo unlocks it. “Oh no, I can’t let her know, she’ll never let me live it down after trashing K-pop for so long.” You slam your laptop closed, throwing it on the table in front of the couch, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.
“Hey Y/N, how was your day?” Min Seo yells from the entryway.
“Ugh, boring and uneventful as usual. Would you expect anything different?” You reply as she walks into the living room to sit down at the other end of the couch.
“Honestly? No probably not. You’re a boring person.” You roll your eyes at her, “Jeeze, Thanks Minie. I really appreciate the vote of confidence.”
“You’re welcome!”, She chirps as she flicks on the Tv and changes it to some variety show she watches regularly.
The evening is spent with your best friend. You order in for dinner and while watching a movie together, she pipes up out of nowhere, “Hey, um, I know you weren’t crazy about the fan sign event, but Ateez has a concert next weekend. There’s going to be another Hi-touch and I really want to see San again. I think I’m getting somewhere with him!”
You lay your head back against the couch, trying to pretend you didn’t really want to go, even if you did. “When is it Minie?” You say with a sigh.
“It’s Friday night. You could do the Hi-touch yourself this time. Meet them, and maybe if you talk to them you’ll like them more. I’ll pay for everything, all you have to do is show up.”
You look over at Min Seo, “You’ll pay for everything, even dinner where I want to eat after?” She turns her full body towards you on the couch excitement flashing on her face. “Even dinner wherever you want, and drinks too. I promise.”
You side eye her with your head on the back of the couch, “Alright Minie, I’ll go, but don’t expect me to fall head over heels in love with any of them. I’m just doing this because you bribed me with free food and alcohol.” Though deep down you know, that’s all a lie.
As the days pass, you get more nervous. Anxiety flaring in your stomach, making your head swim. “I’m going to be touching them, should I get my nails done? Shit, I can’t have my nails done, I have to work and they don’t allow it.” Your brain runs through these thoughts constantly. What will you wear? How will you wear your hair? Will you wear any makeup? You know you want to make a good impression on Wooyoung. “He probably has a girlfriend anyway, and why would an Idol want someone like me.” Your confidence took a nose dive from its already low point.
In your turmoil, you hear a knock on your bedroom door. “Come in, it’s open.” Min Seo opens the door, and walks in, sitting at the edge of your bed beside you, seeing the outfits thrown haphazardly around the room. “Are you trying to find something to wear for Friday?” She asks you gently. “Yeah, but I don’t have anything but pajamas and work clothes Minie. I wore the only casual type outfit I had last time. I can’t wear it again.” you put your head down, the facade of you trying to act like you didn’t want to go, was crumbling away fast.
Min Seo’s face lights up, “I’ve got so many different outfits you could try on! I’m sure I’ve got something for you to wear.” With that being said she jumps up and runs out your door, down the hall, and into her room. You stand and follow her, not knowing if you’ve made a mistake or not.
Hours pass, and you’ve tried on all of her tops and a few pairs of jeans. “No Skirts, Minie! I don’t wear them unless I’m working.”
“Come on, Y/N. Just this one. it doesn’t look anything like the skirts you wear to work. It’ll be so cute on you!” She pushes what looks like a leather jacket into your hands, “Try it on!” You roll your eyes and look up, saying in a hushed voice “God, please help me not to strangle this poor girl and get sent back home. Amen.” Without too much more fuss, you pull on a leather mini skirt, it has belts crossing the front with tiny skulls on, and a red plaid patch on the hip. “Hey, this isn’t bad, Min Seo. My ass looks like a dream.” You say, looking at yourself in the mirror on her closet door.
She puts her hands on her hips, “Y/N! Language!” You smile at her, “Yeah well Minie, when your ex used to stay over I heard much worse than the word ass. These walls are paper thin, dear.” You wink at her, and her face turns a shade of red you’ve never seen before. You start to laugh, then you double over, tears leaking from your eyes. “Calm down, Min Seo. It was just a joke, but seriously did he really make you call him Daddy?” You ask with a quizzical look on your face.
Playfully slapping at you as her embarrassment flares, “Oh go on! Take it and get out! You’re making me remember the trash can I once dated, and yes, I called him daddy.” She says as she pushes you out the door, still in the skirt. You fall over into the floor howling with laughter as she slams her door in mock anger. Slowly getting up to walk into your room and change back into your trademark sweatpants, still wiping tears away from the occasional laughing fit that overtakes you.
Friday is upon you before you know it. You rush out of work early and even spend the extra money to get a cab home. “I’ve got 2 hours to get ready, and an hour to be there, that’s not nearly enough time.” There’s that anxiety rearing it’s ugly head again.
When you walk in the apartment, you don’t have time to worry. Min Seo is already home and practically shoving you into the shower. “Hurry Y/N, we need to get you fed and dressed before we leave!” You jump in the shower, washing as fast as you possibly can, and brushing your teeth while you’re in there. You turn off the water and wrap a towel around yourself. No sooner do you step out and dry off is Min Seo shoving you again, this time into her room. Your outfit laid out neatly on her bed.
“Y/N, do you have any cute panties?” She asks while pulling out her makeup and laying it across the bed.
“Excuse you Minie. Do I have any what?!” You raise your eyebrows in surprise at her asking such a forward question, she always seemed so shy.
“I asked if you had any cute panties. This skirt is short, and if the unexpected happens then at least you can be happy knowing you showed them your best.” You cock up your eyebrow before thinking about it. “Yeah, actually I do have a red lace pair of high cut boy shorts, but those are for special occasions, not to mention the price I paid for them. ”
“Y/N, it’s been a year. You haven’t been laid ONCE. Not one time. I’ve introduced you to a hundred different guys, and none of them made you go as far as you’re going right now.” She looks down, putting different shades of eyeshadow on her hand. She brings her hand up next to your face. “Ah, well since you’re wearing red panties, let’s go with it.” She says smiling brightly, and all you can do is groan at the whirlwind of makeup brushes and curling irons.
It takes just at 2 hours for you to get ready, and when Min Seo is done you stare at yourself in the mirror. A red high collared shirt with sheer sleeves, the leather mini skirt, your favorite red panty set, fishnet hose, and Min Seo’s combat boots. You barely recognize yourself. Your lips are stained red like you’ve eaten a popsicle. Your eyes are dark, glitter across them, and your skin looks amazing. Your hair lays across your shoulders in curls. All the while thinking to yourself, “This is how Minie pulls it off, eh? Hours of work, but the results are pretty good”
Min Seo, throws her handbag over her arm, looking back at you. “Hey Y/N? Why are you going all out like this, if you don’t really like it anyway?” Oh no, you’re caught out, best just to tell the truth and let her have her fun. “Well Minie, I can’t lie to you. I’ve been kind of obsessed with these guys since you took me last time.” She squeals with delight, grabbing your hands, she asks you, “Who’s your bias?! Is it Hongjoong?! It better not be San, you know I called him first.” You start to laugh, but stop yourself, “No it isn’t San or Hongjoong. It’s Wooyoung.”
“Ooooh Y/N likes the bad boys does she?” She gives you a sly smile as she shuts the door behind you both. You grab your phone and call a cab. Your nerves flare again, this is it, your chance to make an impression on Wooyoung. Let’s just hope this works.
As you’re getting out of the cab, you see why Min Seo told you to wear cute panties. You can feel a slight breeze, and you know you were keeping your legs together as politely as possible. Walking up to the venue, your heart starts to race, seeing those same posters but now they mean something entirely different. You look at Wooyoung’s face, and down at yourself. “I hope this works.” You think as you close your eyes, trying to calm your heart. Min Seo is pulling at your arm, “Come on we have to hurry, the line will be so long if we take our time.” You start to move faster, as fast as possible in a mini skirt and boots.
Before you know it, you’re in the line. Wringing your hands, and breathing heavily. You see them, all sitting at their table. Not having had a chance to learn all their names yet, the only ones you can spot are San, Wooyoung, and HongJoong. They’re all at the far end. You breath deeply as Min Seo sits in front of the first boy, she says a few words, he smiles at her, and she moves on. Clearly making a beeline for San. You sit in front of him next, he seems nice enough as do the others, but he isn’t who you’re waiting for. When you sit in front of San, Min Seo is with Wooyoung, and you feel a pang of jealousy.
“Hello beautiful, your friend told me you’re new to this” San says in a low voice, patting your hand gently. “Uh…Um, Yeah, I uh, don’t know much about pop music at all” You reply back, squeaking a bit. Then you overhear Min Seo next to you, “My best friend, Y/N says you’re her bias Wooyoung. Be nice to her won’t you?” You could kill her right now and send her to Jesus. Tapping her leg frantically “Minie, shut it will you?!” She just smiles and moves down to HongJoong, at the same time you’re moving down a chair, to sit in front of one of the most beautiful guys you’ve ever seen.
You sit in front of him, and you take a few seconds to soak it all in. His eyes are soft, and with his contacts in, they look like the morning sky. His nose is slightly sloped, and his jaw looks as though it were cut from granite. You can’t help thinking to yourself, “He can’t possibly be real.” This is your chance to make some kind of impression on him. “Hi Wooyoung, I’m Y/N.” He lifts his eyes and smiles widely, “Aw Y/N it’s nice to meet you. I’m glad Min Seo brought you here, she told me I’m your bias.” He smirks, and your cheeks flush a rosy shade. “You are, I think you’re an incredible dancer, and singer. You’re amazing.” He barely looks up, seemingly uninterested, your face falls a bit. Your confidence goes with it. His reply is quick and sounds almost robotic, “Thanks sweetheart, enjoy the show.” You smile at him and bow slightly, but your heart feels like it’s been smashed now.
You stand and move to sit with Hongjoong, Min Seo was waiting for you at the end of the line. He notices your outfit, and unlike Wooyoung he’s very impressed. Almost a bit bashful, which is new for him. He immediately remembers you and grabs your hand playing with your fingers. “Hello gorgeous, what’s your name?” You register him speaking to you, and look up almost in a daze, “Oh, uhm, it’s Y/N. You’re Hongjoong?” He smiles and you notice right away his teeth are nearly perfect, and so are his lips.
“You look like you’re actually enjoying yourself this time, unlike the last time I saw you.” He dips his head as he says this, catching your eyes again. You blush, this time it spreads down your neck, and you can only hope he doesn’t notice. “Yeah, I wasn’t into this stuff, until I saw you guys. It changed the way I view pop music.” You try to avoid his gaze, he had contacts in and they were a shade of lavender and grey. They matched him well, you thought.
“You’re blushing for me, it’s adorable, can I call you Pink cheeks from now on?” You think he’s joking, but upon looking at him you can tell he’s quite serious. Without putting too much thought into it you reply, “Sure, why not? Can I call you shorty?” He balks at that and Wooyoung laughs beside him. Hongjoong leans in closer, just before you’re supposed to get up and whispers softly “Sure you can, but only if you promise to pay attention to me tonight while we’re performing.” He pulls your hand up and kisses the back of your knuckles softly. “I’ll think about it” You reply nonchalantly and stand, feeling a breeze again, you know someone got a look and you can only hope it was Wooyoung.
It wasn’t Wooyoung that seen the flash of red when you stood to walk away, it was Hongjoong. You were nearly his undoing just then, he had to lean back a bit to breath. “That woman must be the devil in combat boots.” He laughed to himself, as the next girl in line sat down. He felt kind of empty after you left though. Your hands were so soft. He wondered how those hands would feel running down his back, or up into his hair. How that blush would look spread across your body, and if it went lower than your neck. He shook it off and told himself, “Get it together Hongjoong, be a professional, you’re the leader.”
Min Seo pulled you over to the side, “This is gonna be over soon, let’s get close to the front like last time. I wanna see San in all his glory.”
“Or you just wanna see San hip thrust his tightly clothed dick in your face, but maybe I’m wrong.” You retort. Wooyoung’s indifference to you, with all the effort you put into yourself, did hurt. You kept glancing over to see if maybe he’d try to steal a quick peek, but you only found one set of eyes on you, and those belonged to Hongjoong.
After the formalities were finished, the boys all grouped up and Min Seo dragged you back to the front again. “Great, just great. I promised Hongjoon I’d pay attention to him, but Wooyoung looks so good today. UGH!” You inwardly chastise yourself.
Then a new song comes on, one you haven’t heard before. The boys are surrounding Hongjoong, and then the music picks up, and He pops out from the middle, rapping his verse while looking you dead in the eyes. “Unlike the daytime, the night is dark. It gets colder when the sun goes down, but we already know. Why are you worried? We are stars for each other.” You try to keep your eyes on him, but Wooyoung just looks so handsome. You can’t help but look at him as his body moves fluidly across the stage. Hongjoong picks up on it, looking over at the younger boy. It hurts him, but he notices your face drops a bit when Wooyoung doesn’t acknowledge you. He’ll take care of that.
The next and final song is Pirate King, and when it comes on, it the same thing as last time. Hongjoong desperately trying to get your attention, but you were having none of it. When they split the group He walks up and tells Wooyoung something, he looks back at you and to his hyung with a wicked smirk on his face. “What are those two up to?” you ponder. Before you know it, your favorite part is nearing. Wooyoung steps out in front and says “Will you be my friend?” With a tilt of his head, and the cute tiny wave but this time he’s looking at you.
“Am I dying?! Is this Heaven?!” Your brain is burning to bits under Wooyoung’s intense stare, even if it doesn’t last but a few seconds. Your smile, and blush returns. Hongjoong notices and his heart feels like it’s flying. He just wants to see you smile even if it’s not at him.
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for K anon
Hi everyone! It’s nearly been a week since I’ve posted and I apologize, between work and family, things get crazy! I have a ship for an anon who goes by ‘K’, so K, I hope you’re reading, and let’s get into it!
Based off of your request, I gathered these things about you: 
You’re 5′6
You’re Asian American 
You have long and wavy brown hair that has an ombre effect
Your fashion style is soft grunge 
Virgo and ISFJ personality
You can be introverted and sensitive at first, but you can be talkative and loyal when you’re comfortable
You like: nature, traveling, learning other cultures, going to concerts, watching Netflix in bed, and eating 
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with BTS, EXO, NCT, and Seventeen! This is gonna be long so please, sit back, grab a drink, and let’s get shipping!  P.S- I kinda started using the nicknames I gave the idols, can’t help it lol 
BTS: Jin 
I wanna start by saying that I love this ship because it is so sweet. You two would take good care of each other, having each other backs 24/7 and you’re always there for each other. Not to mention that you two would have so much admiration for each other, and it’s one of the sweetest things ever. At first, you two would be equally as shy to each other but as time would go by, you would become more comfortable with each other. I can also see that you two would bring out the best in one another. You two would push each other to be your best, and you’d live your best life. I like to think you two would be like ying and yang. Then I’d also like to think that you two would be a cute balance of black and white. I’m merely saying this from your differing clothing styles, but it’s still a cute thought. You would be Jin’s little grunge babe. He would appreciate that you wouldn’t want to go with the flow of normal trends and you’d always looks cute no matter what you wore tbh. Jin would also be that boyfriend that would LOVE to talk about you to everyone he’s around. There isn’t a part of Jin that he wouldn’t admire about you. From the way you would ramble about something or express your excitement, Jin would think it would be the cutest thing ever and he would always tell his friends, the members, or his family about how cute and precious you are, and how you have amazing ideas and how creative you can be. Moving on to talking about date night, your date nights would always revolve around food. Whether it be ordering in or actually going out to a restaurant, date night is always about food and you two having a good time. And listen, let’s say Jin is an idol in this scenario. When he would do an episode of “Eat Jin” your date nights would be a live stream for “Eat Jin”. Now, you wouldn’t do this every date night because you wouldn’t want every date night to be out to the public, but it would a fun thing to do every once in a while and answer fans questions! Also, I can see you and Jin being one of those couples that enjoy to stay inside and spend time together. You two would have the cutest little city apartment with a balcony where you’d have a little fire pit, and you’d hang out there all the time. You and Jin would appreciate you time, as life can be so busy and there’s nothing better than spending time with your S/o. I also think that Jin would straight up prefer to have you to himself and neither one of you would mind that. You’re wrapped around each others pinkies- and that’s totally okay!
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EXO: Yixing
Again, this is another sweet ship that I am living for! I think that you and Yixing would really hit it off due to the similarities in your personalities and your interests. You two would be that it couple that everyone dreams to be. Talking about some things in your relationship, dancing and concerts would be your thing. Imagine you two making a simple choreo together and not only did you two work amazingly together, but you two actually give feeling and life to the dance. Like if you two were to post the dance on YouTube or Instagram, EVERYONE would be able to see the love that you two would have in your eyes and by the moves of your bodies. It would be like one like no other. Now, moving on to concerts, concert tickets would always be a surprise thing because you’re young and only live once. With your favorite flowers in one hand and the tickets in the other, Xing would love to surprise you with tickets. He’s the type of boyfriend that will get you the tickets for you and him, or even for you and a friend. The tickets can range from your fav groups, to his favorite groups. Hell, there would even be a new artist that you two would discover together and seeing that artist would be a perfect experience for you both. Going to a concert is a perfect way to spend a weekend or part of a week, so I can see you and Xing coming up with different ways that you could make a mini trip out of it. Traveling around your area and going to new places is always a wonderful idea, and you two would make so many memories together, it would never get old. With the amount of attention that you two would have going towards your relationship, I would say Xing would prefer to have your relationship stay a secret and offline. Of course you wouldn’t stay completely isolated from the public and there would be the occasional Instagram picture every now and then, but you two would prefer to have your relationship a secret, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Moving on, I think this is an interesting observation on Yixing’s part. I think that Yixing is a very curious person and he is willing to try anything once. So, do not be surprised if Yixing starts taking an interest in soft grungy style. He would high-key love to help pick out clothes for you and dress you, and he would totally want you to help dress him. He’d think it would be awesome to try and couple-style. I also wanna hit on date night super quick. Yixing has connections everywhere, so you best believe that you and Xing are going to have a great date night. Be prepared for a lot of great food, and also be prepared for a wonderful night with an angel, because he’s going to treat you like a queen. 
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NCT: Mark
Moving right along, we’re going to move onto some more wild child, what I like to call all around type of relationships. Mr. Lee here is your all around type of guy, and it’s really hard not to love him. By the way, you will have to protect him. I think that you two would go great together because I think you two would give positive energy to each other and you would always strive to get into each others interest. It wouldn’t be hard to be comfortable around Mark tbh, and since Mark is a literal puppy, he would know when to dial down just enough so you wouldn’t get too overwhelmed. You two are like two peas in a pod, so cute! You two could equally be a wild and mild couple. Both you and him would have a lot going on at times and you would have your life together and then you would have your lives separated. As much as you two would enjoy going your own thing, there are those weeks where you really want to focus on your relationship and staying in the dorm away from people and watching Netflix or listening to music can help you two out tremendously. You two would be that type of couple that would snuggle up together and watch a show together. Then when one of you would be busy and you’d be alone, you’d watch an episode..or four without the other and get caught. The silly betrayal would be precious to me, I don’t know why. And then, as a past time, I think it would be super cute if you and Mark would start studying a language together, and you’d also study the country that went along with your language. The process of learning the language together would be a fun project to work on together, and you two would always keep yourselves motivated to study and get better, and you two would also practice with each other, so you’re really killing two birds with one stone. #innovation am I right? lol. I wanna go back for 2.5 to when you two would meet my notes are a mess, sorry. I can see Mark being a little nervous bean when he would want to approach you for the first time. He would be worried that you would have the “don’t f*ck with me” type of attitude, but when you would show your true colors to him, this bean would melt like putty from your attention and he would easily become a love sick puppy for you. By the way, you two would stand up for each other so amazingly. I’ll just say that if anyone were to come for Mark and slander him on the internet, you would shut that shit down so fast and you’d have the best clap back ever. Your protective and defensive nature would send Mark in heart eyes mode, and he would admire the loyalty that you would give him.
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Seventeen: Seungcheol 
Okay, last but not least, this may be one of my favorite ships so far. I was a little unsure about which member to ship you with, but Coups hit me in the face like “PICK ME PICK ME” and here we are. You two have so much balance and you are his princess or prince if you happen to be a boy/different pronoun. Coups would be the bEST boyfriend ever when would come to surprises. I know I used the surprise card with Yixing earlier, but listen, his surprises go further than concert tickets. Coups would really want to keep the element of surprise alive in your relationship- it’s always a great idea to keep you on your toes. Coups would always surprise you with the best date nights(if it wasn’t your turn to plan date night) from dinner dates to a simple night alone in the dorm. Bringing you roses and your favorite flower would be his specialty, as he would always when know to surprise you if you would be having a rough week. Also, good morning and good night texts are always a MUSt with this man, so you never have to worry about him not showing love. He is a wonderful person without being in a relationship, so just imagine him in a relationship. Which I also want to add this because I think it’s precious. Coups would love to hear about the dreams and ideas you would have for trips and date nights. He wouldn’t take all the ideas, just so he doesn’t hog the relationship, but he would love to take the ideas you would have and transform them into reality. Coups would always pull strings and set up amazing dates for you. There is one particular date I would like to talk about for an example. You would have this idea of visiting a national forest of sorts to see what all nature has to bring, and Cheol would make a weekend date out of it. Going to the local wildlife zoo, going on hikes and walks, and even going as far as camping, would be on your agenda for the weekend. Being together and out in nature, and most importantly- making you happy would be the main goals for the weekend. Having some Healing time(HAH, get it?) would also be on that agenda, and you two would get to learn so much about each other, and you would bond and fall even more in love with each other. Very lastly, I want to touch on PDA. Out of all the boys I have shipped you with, I think that Coups would have the most PDA with you. Coups would be in love with you and he is not afraid to show it. Coups would always want to post cute little pictures of you together on Instagram. Then forehead kisses and back hugs are also his thing. And most importantly, he would always have his hand connected to yours. 
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