biologicalengineer · 7 years
@notallbusiness​ //
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           alex has done nothing but work and hole up in her apartment for three weeks.  ever since her conversation with maggie in the bar following her revelation about her sexuality, she’s been on a steady downward spiral. shame has kept her locked away for the most part, knowing what she’d done after she’d left the alien dive bar that night. she’s closed herself off from everyone--though kara remains as persistent as ever in trying to get her to talk. she isn’t having it. so when she hears a knock on her door, alex doesn’t even move. she just assumes it’s her sister. “kara, i told you,” she starts to say, throwing herself off her island’s stool to unlock the door.  alex swings it up without even thinking, still convinced it’s kara. “i’m fi--” she stops mid-syllable, her mouth hanging open as she tries to come to grips with who she’s looking at. “maggie.”
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willowbound-blog1 · 7 years
@notallbusiness //
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           everyone knows her. aliens aren’t exactly known for their propensity to abstain from gossip.  plus, there’s something interesting about a human that’s so comfortable in a largely non-human setting. (then, obviously, there’s the whole darla debacle; that’ll never not be funny.) so, one day, out of sheer boredom, mera approaches the tiny human cop with a sideways smirk. “hey, darla’s girl,” she tilts her head. of course she knows her name; mera’s a career criminal by earth’s standards, and maggie’s a police officer, but she enjoys teasing her. “--or, ex-girl, i guess. what’re you drinking?”
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eliizadanvers-blog · 7 years
@notallbusiness agreed to do a thing
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    The precinct was not the most difficult building to find, even for someone who’d only recently moved to the big city.  Eliza smiled at the officer who held the door for her as she walked in, hardly here to discuss the architecture of the place. She noted with maternal complaint that she could see Alex thriving in a place like this, and shook her head in amusement at the fact that of course she’d found herself a detective. Which was oddly enough the endeavor of today; to get to know the woman who attended herself to her oldest daughter and made her bloom in a way she hadn’t thought possible. “Ah, Detective!” she called out kindly as she spotted Maggie, figuring it was best to use the other’s rank within the walls; and never raising her voice. “I fear I’ve come to corner you. Alex told me this was your precinct,” she quickly explained, despite the phrasing unabashed. 
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loveisaviolence2 · 7 years
notallbusiness replied to your post: very tentative starter call in honor of my...
:o it’s so pretty
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marsdina-blog · 7 years
@notallbusiness generally the day of the episode, but if we’re lucky one might come a day or two before
Thank you for that. I’m hoping we get one earlier! 
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nctwearingthat-blog · 7 years
[ text ] brb, descending into hell.
[ text           maggie sawyer ] kay[ text           maggie sawyer ] waIT WHAT
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
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             maggie’s not expecting it — but she’s learned that alex generally defies all of her expectations. they’re in public — some benefit for the ncpd that she normally wouldn’t be too excited about attending. if it wasn’t for charity, she wouldn’t be here at all. maggie knows that alex isn’t afraid of them being seen together, but this is still relatively new to her, so she expects some sort of hesitation. which, of course, she wouldn’t blame alex for whatsoever. instead, she’s all but swept up in alex’s arms and suddenly swaying to the rhythm of a slow song.
             ❝what are you doing?❞ maggie asks, surprised, but with an amused smile on her face. looking up at her adoringly, she bites her lip. to say that seeing alex confident in herself is a turn on would be anunderstatement. ❝you’re such a romantic, danvers. who would’ve guessed?❞  //  @biologicalengineer  //  slow dance meme.
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              “dancing ... with my beautiful girlfriend,” alex replies matter-of-factly, the playfulness in her voice transferring to the expression on her face. her hands settle at maggie’s waist, the grip somewhat possessive but nothing too over the top.  she grins at maggie’s final comment, the corner of her mouth slanting to one side as though she’s trying to exude more charm than she’s worth. “me? a romantic?” she scoffs and makes a point to twirl maggie out melodramatically before bringing her back in so that her back is pressed to alex’s chest. “never.”
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inze · 7 years
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Moving through the throng of agents, Astra scanned the crowd looking for her. Her hands were shoved in her pockets and there was an uncharacteristic slouch to Astra’s shoulders. It was becoming more of a trademark than she would have rathered it be, but working at the DEO with all of these people that she had fought against made it hard for her to act like she owned the place. Especially when so many of them made it very obvious that they were moving out of her way whenever she walked. The only one who really made her comfortable here was Alex and that was why she was walking towards the main hall. Astra had been sent, well Alex had requested that she go and let Maggie know that she would be a few more moments. Normally Astra wouldn’t have even entertained the idea of playing the role of an errand boy, but the look in Alex’s eyes had made her give a small sigh and agree. She can remember wanting to make sure one’s partner knows that they aren’t being ignored. And it was Alex who asked her. Astra was starting to realize that there was very little that she could deny Alex. Not when she had that shine of joy in her eyes. So here she was.
Spotting Maggie across the crowded room, Astra made a conscious effort to straighten. She wants to hate her. To dislike her immediately. But she watches a few moments of Maggie standing there, looking far more comfortable then she really had the right to, a smile on her face and Astra can see why. She can see why it’s Maggie who’s captured Alex’s heart. After all she’s beautiful, confident, and seemingly so well put together, unlike Astra. She wouldn’t deserve to have Alex’s love anyways. Perhaps it would be better this way. Getting to meet Maggie means that she can put a face to those stories that Alex tells her with a smile. It means that perhaps Astra can let go of all of this and move on. It wasn’t right for her to pin after Kara’s sister anyways. Striding forward, Astra forces a smile on her face and then calls out to Maggie. “Detective Sawyer? Hi, I work with Alex. She wanted me to let you know that she’s going to be a few moments. We were working on something and it needs a few last minute adjustments.” 
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agoodluthor-blog · 8 years
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          ❝ i didn’t know we were gonna be PLAYING POOL, ❞ lena says biting her lower lip anxiously. she feels like an intruder at the bar, an outsider from all the people who seemingly get along just fine and drink beer after beer carelessly. not only is she LENA LUTHOR      whom half the alien population HATE BECAUSE OF HER LAST NAME. she’s also not dressed for the occasion in the slightest, she thought they were going to have drinks and talk, which is the reason why she didn’t bother to change out of her work clothes. A TIGHT SKIRT AND HIGH HEELS are not a good combination to be playing any kind of game. ❝ i have to confess... i’ve never played it before. ❞     //     @notallbusiness
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
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            she doesn’t say anything until they’re out of the deo again and within reach of their bikes.  all at once, she wants to say everything, but then she thinks about the conflicting nature of everything in her head, and she can’t say anything.  so, she reaches for her helmet and starts to - with uncharacteristic inelegance - forcefully put on her leather gloves.  she doesn’t look at maggie, because there’s part of her that knows she should feel ashamed. the larger part, of course, is far more thankful than perhaps she should be that she hadn’t needed to execute her own sister.
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heroheart · 7 years
      'okay, first of all, the more you try and shake my hand, the more i'm gonna hug you.’
she's beaming. it's more than that -- more than just a grin that threatens to split her face in two. maggie --... maggie makes her sister happy. and therefore, kara's going to have to accept it. and -- no, it's not a begrudging thing. she loves seeing them together. and she loves seeing alex happy. so. note the way her arms extend and i hope you realise she gives some of the best hugs on the planet. accept it maggie. you aren't getting out of this so easily.
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         ‘and second of all. you're dating my sister -- you're family now. so get in here!'
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eliizadanvers-blog · 8 years
       MAGGIE.   @notallbusiness​   from  this
         ❝we’re great. alex is great. i think… we’re actually in a really good place right now.❞ she absentmindedly wonders if eliza has heard about valentine’s day. ❝have you spoken to her lately?❞
        she raised alex. which means she’s more than keenly aware of words being said without being spoken. given the NEWNESS of it all, she’s gentle in her approach to it. “that sounds wonderful. i was worried you two would be caught up in everything that’s happening... it’s nice to hear you have time for one another,” she tells maggie, “and not since last thursday. we spoke briefly but she was interrupted by work. something about an alien suitor...?” talk about BIZARRE.
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starsfallen-blog · 8 years
     ‘ maggie? ‘ alex rolled over to empty space in the bed next to her. brows creasing with a mixture of worry & still being half asleep. it wasn’t hard to force herself out of bed, not when she had to make sure maggie was still there. throwing a shirt on, alex walked towards the kitchen. a smile spreading across her lips instantly when she sees maggie there. ‘ ----- are you making me breakfast? ‘
( sc | @notallbusiness​ )
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winndowsvista-blog · 8 years
notallbusiness replied to your post: notallbusiness replied to...
yep, i found the source. she’s an alien and they may possibly have more than one date.
aaand that means there’s a possibility it’s a good relationship and winn can finally have a nice relationship maybe  thank you for sharing what you know :)
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i know i haven’t exactly been the most ~fun~ mun to see on the dash lately and i don’t really have an explanation but as much as i love maggie and writing / developing her makes me really, really happy, this blog has taken a lot out of me ooc-wise. somehow i ended up in this mindset that people on this blog in particular don’t like me for reasons that don’t even exist. or maybe they do exist, i don’t know. and sometimes i feel like people only write with me / talk to me ooc because i’m one of the only active maggies and not because they actually want to write with me. i feel a lot more isolated and alone on this blog than i did a couple of months ago - to the point where i feel like i have nobody - and maybe it’s self-inflicted, maybe it’s the nature of the fandom, but??? either way, i guess it still affects me.
i doubt this will change anything when it comes to my activity and me writing ( because i do love maggie more than words can describe, and if she was a real person i’d hug the shit out of her for being my rock around here ) but idk, i guess i need to be more careful about ooc stuff because i’m really sensitive - perhaps too sensitive for this kind of thing - and i need to protect myself a bit more. i deserve to put myself and my feelings first. and maybe spend a tad less time here, because that might be healthy. 
and i want this to be the last negative post i make about this because i’m sick of being the downer all over the dash all the time. so, yeah. maybe expect less shit like this in the future? consider this a detox lmao.
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