#note: everything listed here is from the kaeya hangout/limited events/character stories. None of these are HCs
kaeyachi · 1 month
Kaeyappreciation post!
Kaeya is wonderful in a sense that he:
Has a penmanship described as "Beautiful Handwriting". He for sure worked on that.
Willingly spends his time making sure his outfit looks perfect
Is well-loved by Mondstadt and the Dawn Winery staff
Is described to like a prince, both in looks and in actions
Is shown to be gentle and caring to children and elderly, most seen with Klee and the staff from Dawn Winery
Is a great listener and, therefore, also knows what gifts to buy based off of something someone said in passing
Is predominantly kind- unafraid to help out and defend someone in need. His first reaction is always kindness, and worry about covering up that kindness later on
But Kaeya also has his moments where he:
Says things out of pocket with enough alcohol in his system. Things that usually lead to shame and regret.
Would rather give others the credit for his hard work if he could help it
Intentionally makes himself look suspicious by withholding information and only throwing tidbits that are not of substance
Has sadist tendencies, which affects how he treats both his (cavalry) company and his enemies
Can and will use underhanded tactics to gain the upper hand
Rarely ever says what he truly wants to say
Has a fake smile. Usually lies or only deals with half truths.
He is such a complex character. I really do want people to appreciate him and his intricacies more. The fact that his entire personality and story is done so well and continues to actually grow and expand as the story progresses is something that genuinely makes me want to keep watch of him. I have never, in all my fandoms, stuck to a character as long as I did with Kaeya, and honestly? I know I'm not alone with this.
Look at how well they made our boy!
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