#nothing longer bc tbh this episode is kinda terrible and I don't want to figure out sth longer or more interesting lmao I'm sorry
caricature-of-fic · 3 months
double drabble of 200 words for btvs 1x06 The Pack
Buffy & Willow/gen/general audiences
“I know he remembers.” Buffy pursed her lips, but Willow barreled on, heedless. “Nowhere does it say that animal possession causes memory loss. And Giles was all weird and reluctant about giving me the right books, so I bet he knows too and is just keeping Xander’s secret! For some reason!”
“I’m not saying you’re not right, Willow, I trust you… but maybe we should leave it alone.”
“He was being a jerk! To, to us—“, to me, Buffy heard, and winced, “—and now he’s lying to us about it, it’s not fair!”
“He’s probably too embarrassed to tell the truth. I mean, I would be. Imagine you remember… you know. Poor Herbert.”
At that, Willow shuddered. “Poor little piggy… also, eurgh.”
“Yeah. And he’s probably not feeling so great about how he was acting overall. Especially to you.” And if she was honest, Buffy would prefer to just forget how he’d acted with her, too.
“So, what, he’s just too much of a coward to apologize?”
Buffy sighed. “Yeah, I guess. But hey!”
“You can still keep it in mind. You know, if you ever need blackmail material…”
Willow hesitated, but her grin gave her away.
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