#notice how he doesn't elaborate on Limestone's madness too much
alchemyismagic · 4 years
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Even before the Official Founding of the Mason Family, the bloodline was tainted by the hooves of cruel fate. Limestone Mason went on to travel the world annually, without fail, as he grew sicker and sicker. He learned from all the ancient civilizations and their practices, and eventually..
Eventually he found a lover, who in turn helped him in the process of creating what my ancestors passed down from generation to generation. A practice that was kept obscured with care to the outside world, and lead to the Masons becoming a very secretive clan of ponies hidden from the world themselves and always, always watching. We know things others do not, for we all carry the curse of Limestone Mason’s greed for knowledge. Some of us are driven mad by it. Limestone Mason was not only the ancient founder of my family... But in fact the co-founder of Alchemy itself.
He died shortly after the creation of Alchemy and all its convoluted rules, leaving behind a wife and unborn son. His brothers mourned his death, and each changed their names to join the clan themselves. Midnight became known as Obsidian Mason, and Summer Star became Quartz Mason. Our naming scheme is.. odd I will admit, but it is said that the brother’s father was himself fond of masonry and stones.
Now I suppose I should move further to modern day... It pains me to spill secrets so willingly, but I am without desire for further fools telling me I am a murderer of my own kin. There are two rules with my family, the first is to never reveal our secrets, of which I had already broken long ago... and the second is that you are never to kill another Mason, for any reason.. And now I stop my blubbering, and begin the tale of my dear sister’s unfortunate demise, and how I met her face-stealing copy whom I call my daughter.
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