#notroosterbradshaw's 3k
notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love, rec yourself)
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well, holy shit. ok. i admit, i was going to do a massive challenge, get 50 or so prompts and let you guys let me know what you wanted to write. but nope. changed my mind. there are a few challenges out there now atm were going to do this a bit differently.
Send me an ask and consider:
Is there an amazing fic/writer we should know about that must be put out there to the wider audience? REQUIRED: please tell us about their fic(s), and why it floats your boat. 
Do they create fan art/mood boards/playlists that are incredible? Which is your favourite and why? REQUIRED: link me. Show me why they are so divine.
Do they leave the most remarkable comments on your creations and you’re all 🥰 (and just goo when you read and re-read their amazing reviews)?
Are they just too amazing for this hellsite and deserve a special shout-out? REQUIRED: what makes them so special? 
We write for reasons only we can tell ourselves. We all have that fic that stands out for you and only you. Tell me, what fic is your baby? Give me a blurb and a link and let me signal boost it to let other’s hear all about it too! 
I will start publishing Spreading the Love and Rec Yourself from Sat 27 May x
And thanks again for every follow… except if you’re underage (it’s right there, clear as day that this blog is 18+) or you’re a bot. Thank you for every comment, ask, reblog, fic rec… likes. It’s been so much fun, thank you for being so supportive and wonderful x
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
my friends, i was going to do a writing challenge but there are a few out there in the TGM fandom at the moment. I’m going to do a celly, but a little different x
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
@bratshaws and @endofdays56 deserve a lot of love for their fics!!! I don’t even remember how I came across their fics, but I’m glad I did! These two deserve the world! And they’re the best girls
kicking off the challenge! welcome to the party, D x thank you so much for taking the time to give @bratshaws and @endofdays56 the time and attention they rightfully deserve. friends, go say hi and check their fics out!
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Cass! Congratulations!! For your celebration, can I talk about Jay @thedroneranger for a moment?
She DOES IT ALL. Fics? Yep. Mood boards? Hell yes. Motivational support? You know it. She is a lovely creator and a lovely person.
JAY, JAY, JAY! Yes, an angel in human form. Love this, Emily. We love you Jay, and Emily has met the brief perfectly. But I want to add, as well as creator, @thedroneranger is so fucking supportive. It's not just who she comments and reblogs for; if the day is average, she's in your messages offering support and care. A one in a million. We love you xx
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Congratulations on 3K bestie!! I’m going to rec myself 🫣 look away
This is my first fic that I’ve written for TGM, and even the first fic I’ve written in years! I’m working on another for Jake right now, but so far this is what I’m rocking with!
baby come close
It was the last day of spring break, and the college town of Charlottesville, Virginia was a bit quieter than usual, due to most of its population being who knows where doing who knows what with their time off. Your parents were out of town in Boston, but you much rather would have spent time with Bradley at his apartment than go back to your empty childhood home anyway, exchanging pleasantries with former high school classmates who you would undoubtedly run into in public. You and Bradley, instead, decided that spring break would be much better spent in the privacy of his empty dwelling, partaking in day trips to Virginia Beach in his Bronco and a staycation of movie-watching-turned-heated-groping sessions… And maybe even more if you decided to finally take it there. What better time than tonight, before the first day of the final stretch of junior year at the University of Virginia?
RILEY YES! I'm so happy you sent this thru to REC YOURSELF! I’m so happy that you are proud of this story, you want it to flourish and be seen and heard.
This is so sweet and a perfect, dreamy overview of your first time with Bradley. The nerves, his maturer reassurance, just so sweet and the flow is perfect. So very well written, thank you for rec'ing yourself. You should be proud of this and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reblog (it's been a year...) but this has truly made me smile.
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (rec yourself) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Congratulations on the 3K Cass! What an achievement!
For the Spread the Love event, I want to shout out two people. They hear it from me all the time in private, but they deserve to get it for the whole Tumblr verse.
Firstly, Em (@roosterforme) - Your masterlist is the foundation of this fandom, I swear. You write so much and every single one feels different than the last. I’m lucky enough to be able to see exactly what goes into your creative process and I can also say with certainty that no one I know is as dedicated and passionate to the work she puts out as you are. And babe, it SHOWS!! Not only do you give us quantity, but the quality?! Unreal.
And to the one we both would be truly lost without - Mak!! (@mak-32) You may not write yourself (despite our best efforts) but my goodness if you aren’t one of the most creative people I know. The ideas you throw out are always so amazing, and the encouragement you give is unmatched. You hold us accountable to creating quality content (even if some of it never leaves the groupchat) and show our characters so much love. You’re always willing to talk about any and all the things, and it’s so, so appreciated. Plus, and this is important, the thirst traps you post? IMMACULATE.
I could go on about the two of you forever, but I’ll just say I’m grateful for all the 2 AM brainstorming sessions, the constant back and forth of multiple conversations at one time, the therapy sessions, and everything else.
This fandom wouldn’t be the same without the two of you, and I wouldn’t be the same without your friendship. Love you both 💚💜
And you deserve a shoutout too, Cass! Thanks for hosting such a cool event 🥰
Literally not sure what I'm supposed to add here, Alli haha So what I'm going to to is call out Em and Mak and tell you both that you're both so wonderful and the fandom would be a completely different place without you both. And I'm adding Alli to this because you're such a stunning writer. Talent knows no bounds x
Hey @roosterforme @mak-32 @beyondthesefourwalls come get your love x
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
First off, Congratulations on your milestone! You deserve it. 🎉
I want to send love to some of my lovely readers who fastidiously comment on every single thing I write. Their comments and reblogs keep me going and I read them again all the time. I thank all of my readers, but these are the ones who are always there lifting me up or sobbing in the comments of my work. Thank you for your support and keeping me encouraged @alygatorcrocodile @gracespicybradshaw @dzkat2 @keyrani @caystar13star 💙💙💙💙
A special bit of love out to @pollyna who has spawned so many ficlets, reblog blurbs and now a whole series from posts. 💙
I love your celebration idea so much! More love than hate every day. Congrats again!
okay, party crew, continuing the 3k love-in nominating @gracespicybradshaw @caystar13starstar @keyrani @pollyna @alygatorcrocodile I can't tag @dzkat2 (apologies friends!). Looks like we've got some Grade A, reblog/comment legends and creatives in their own rights. Big love, team.
You've got some amazing support here darling @semperhuggs That's what this place is all about! Supporting, sharing, creative, squeeing! x
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Hi, darling! I’m back, this time to spread some love to people who leave the most remarkable feedback and whose comments I find myself going back to again and again!
@fav-fanficssss leaves the most hilarious, detailed tags on all of her reblogs and I absolutely LIVE for them!!! She also left a massive commentary on one of the chapters of my Ancient Rome AU that had me squealing for joy!!! Her support means so much to me ♥️
@luminousnotmatter also leaves the BEST tags that have me smiling and kicking my feet! She is such a dear, dear friend to me and I’m so glad this fandom brought us together! 🥰
@teacupsandtopgun always leaves the most darling comments that brighten my day, and she makes sure to reblog as well, which is so appreciated! 🩷
- @bradshawsbaby 💕
okay, throwing myself back into these because I've had a busy week and have certainly let them fall behind! @bradshawsbaby ok, darling heart, you've nominated some real angels! @fav-fanficssss @luminousnotmatter and darling Beth, @teacupsandtopgun you cheeky sausage, another tag! We love friends who are so generous with their comments, reblogs and the joy in tags. You don't know (or I hope you do know!) the joy you bring when you read a fic and leave something as simple as keyboard smash. It's a true joy and clearly you are just making the fandom world turn. Gems!
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
okay okay I'm sending a couple recs because I cannot possibly choose just one (and three was a hard limit to stick to honestly)
first I'd like to rec @teacupsandtopgun for the wonderful comments Beth leaves. I always get so excited when I see a reblog from her in my notifications and reading and rereading the amazing and thoughtful comments she always leaves always makes my day
I'd also like to rec @wkndwlff and @autumntouched for being just all around amazing people. they're busy people with busy lives but the effort they put into all their works and the thought they put into all of their interactions with others is truly incredible and I am lucky to have them in my life
i could go on and on about the other amazing people on this hell site but we would be here all day ❤️
okay Sylvia coming out with the big guns - three impossibly generous friends in the fandom, @teacupsandtopgun @wkndwlff and @autumntouched dolls and all so special! Each with a very special role within the fandom, amazing writing and helping make it just the best place! We love you, team x Nice work, @sylviebell xx
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Congrats on 3k, my love!!! 🥳👏🏻🩷
I love your idea of celebrating by spreading some love in the fandom! I may be dropping into your inbox several times 🤭
I want to give a shoutout to @ryebecca, who has become such a dear friend and who is such an integral part of the TGM fandom! Her mood boards are absolutely stunning and so creative! She puts her whole heart into them, and they deserve all the love! I’d choose just one to recommend, but they’re all amazing, so check out her masterlist! 😍
- @bradshawsbaby 💕
bb, you are so sweet to mention our creative, sweet, generous @ryebecca big love unconditionally for her sensational mood boards and the ability to just get it so right. she's so sweet and so supportive, I think you're definitely rec'cing joy in human form! we love you both unconditionally @bradshawsbaby and @ryebecca x
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
some of the SPREAD THE LOVE asks I’ve received are A+++ Honestly there is so much love out there, it is insane! Use tumblr for good, not bullshit anon fuckery.
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
I’m also going to rec bestie Millie, @roosterbruiser!
All of her stories that I’ve read so far are so incredible. I’m particularly partial to Landslide and Cruel Summer!
It is so incredibly rare for me to come to tears while reading a story, and Millie has gotten that out of me several times. It’s all so beautiful, thought provoking, and fleshed out. I feel like I don’t even have the words for her work. You can tell how much love and consideration she puts into her stories, and that she writes because she actually loves what she’s putting out. I always love when you can absolutely tell when something is created out of love.
RILEY! Yes, let's rec Millie because she is incredibly sweet and talented AF. @roosterbruiser ability to multi-task her fics, have her sleepovers and generally just be down-to-earth and charming is her MO. We love you Millie! Love Cass and Riley xx
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Idk if this is allowed but I'm here to break the rules‼🗣
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An amazing fic writer you all should know is this girl called Cass, also known as  @notroosterbradshaw
Her series "The Boyfriend Experience" completely changed my brain chemistry bc it was the first fic I felt actually & truly compelled to talk to the writer about it directly. I was still kinda shy at the time and was afraid to be a bother by DM'ing writers and she was just so so so sweet 🥹🥹🥹🩷🩷🩷 it was my first interaction with a writer and I'll never forget it okay😌🌹
I wrote an extensive text about this series and it has a special place in my heart. (I should re-read it again actually)
And although Cass lives in the other side of the planet and we've been mutuals for about 3 months, I feel like I've known her for so long 🥺 she's the sweetest and I love her dearly
That's my mutual right there bitch‼‼‼🗣🗣‼🗣🗣 I'm so proud of you babe, keep slaying
— with love, nyn 💌
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Nyn, you dream. I have looked at this every day since you sent it and it just makes me smile so wide. Thank you for being so damn sweet x
I was actually not going to post this. I had a couple of asks that came to me directly and the intent of this challenge was to boost our friends in the fandom. I'm publishing this because I know that special effort was put into those who sent asks (some real heart and soul stuff and I couldn't be so rude as to not acknowledge the effort). To those who sent asks, remember your creators love the kind words, and they cherish every keyboard smash, meme, art, and comment/reblog. To those who've been tagged, remember that there is someone out there who thinks you're the bee's knees. It might be hard for them to come off anon. Your language may not be the same and the effort put in to send affection is a massive task. Give and take makes the fandom go around.
Please remember to be kind. Remember you curate your own experience. Thanks to everyone who was a part of this challenge. This will be the last ask I accept, but if you have joy to share, go to your creators and let them know. It's amazing how you can make someone's day but just saying hi.
And on that note, this challenge is now closed. Thank you to all that participated. It's been so much fun to do with you. Fluffy challenge on it's way soon x
notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (we done x)
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Hi my love, it's me again! I have another writer I'd like to talk about!! ♡
That would be my bae, my honey, my little meow meow @waklman 🤍 she is an amazing writer and I started following her after reading her series "something bout' you". When I tell you this fic changed my brain chemistry. My skin got clear. I got good grades. My body got hydrated. WISJSKDJSKKDKSKD
Tilly has the incredible talent of fusing romantic & fluffy with funny, sexy, angsty, anything you can imagine all at the same time. And that's why I fell in LOVE with this little series, bc I was laughing audibly while reading but also bc I identified sooo hard with the OC. Her writing feels so real and down-to-earth, like-- real things that happen on a daily basis without sounding too fiction-esque (if that even makes sense).
And the idea of the fic too?? CALLING BRADLEY BABYGIRL IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS‼‼‼‼ SHUT UP😩😩😩🤚🏼🤚🏼 So yeah of course I was absolutely SOLD and I have all the right in the world to be obsessed with it!!! Bark bark🗣🗣 [y'all should DEFINITELY check out her masterlist, she's awesome]
Tilly is such a sweetie, too!! She is so fucking funny, I love her sense of humor and oh oh oh-- she teached me how to use google forms KSJSKSJDKSKD
I usually write extensive commentaries under fics I read but at the time I read her series, I was just generally not doing well. I was tired and overwhelmed and reading her fics definetely helped me feel better. I wish I had written one of my huge play-by-play analyses on this little series :/ but anyways skjdksjdkskdkd
She's always so so kind answering asks and comments, I just wanna give her a forehead kiss 🌹💌 Tilly also has amazing music taste and she's really fun to chat with. Sending her the biggest hug ever bc she's a lovely human being and I love her sm.
xoxo 💌
Okay, Nyn. How do I improve on this? @waklman Tilly, doll. Looks like you've got some incredible support here. This is what I need to see in our amazing fandom! this is like a novel, Nyn haha I'm so very impressed with this! You've brought pure joy to Nyn and helped at times that we've needed a beautiful pick-me-up and that is why we do this. so we can try and make other people. I have nothing else to add except, this is immaculate x
notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Ahhh! Congratulations Cass! ❤️🎉
For your celebration, I would love to recognize @sebsxphia! ❤️ They leave the most detailed, well thought out comments on fics. They truly rock! I think I’ve cried a few times reading their thoughts on something I’ve written. They definitely have kept me going when I’ve doubted my writing. On top of that, Seb is just one of the loveliest humans on the planet! 🥹❤️
Taylor, love love loving this nomination! Wouldn't be right if we didn't see darling @sebsxphia to spread the love! Notorious for their asks, thots and head canons, I love their creativity and sweet generosity to the fandom! Here for this, love celebrating such amazing humans xx
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (spread the love) have you submitted your ask yet?
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Cass, my dear! I was thinking of who to shout out for your 3k-ish follower celebration, but then I realized there are far too many! So I'm gonna say this - thank YOU for being such a bright spot in this fandom. You're such a kind soul and I'm so glad you're here! Call this a cop-out, but I only speak the truth. ❤️
mutual admiration society. I fucking love your work, Rebecca, and am so proud to be moots with such a sweet, considerate friend. You make this fandom better with your sweetness and creativity. We're so lucky to have you and your gorgeous aesthetics. Thank you for this ask!
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notroosterbradshaw’s 3k-ish follower celebration (we done x)
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