why-am-i-pluto · 7 years
Ask me my “TOP 5/TOP 10” anything! Sent in IM by @notsosolosmuggler
Top five books you've read 
Hector and the Search for Happiness - Francois LeLord
Nerd Do Well - Simon Pegg
Band of Brothers - Stephen E Ambrose
On the Edge - Richard Hammond
Do fanfiction count, because I’ve read some fics that have been better than a lot of books I’ve read lol
Top 5 movies
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation
Hot Fuzz
Mary Poppins
Top 5 fictional characters
Benji Dunn (obviously lol)
Derek Hale
Evelyn Carnahan/O’Connell (she’s just amazing ok)
Diana Prince
Ilsa Faust 
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why-am-i-pluto · 7 years
Fandom(s) for the ask thing: M:I and...Harry Potter
send me a fandom@notsosolosmuggler
fav character: Benji, obvs
least favourite character: Uh… I don’t know if I really have one? The villain in MI2 sucked. 
otp: Benji/Ethan
brotp: Ethan/Luther
notp: Oh where to I start? Brandt/Ethan, Ilsa/Ethan, Ilsa/Benji, Lane/Benji… 
fav character: Hermione
least favourite character: Lavender Brown
otp: I honestly don’t think I have one? I do love Molly/Arthur’s relationship though
brotp: Harry/Hermione
notp: Uhhhhh I dunno if I’m in the fandom enough to have a notp?
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why-am-i-pluto · 7 years
number 53 for Benthan, please?
send me a pairing and a number and i’ll write you a drabble
53. “Who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?!”
(college AU)
Benji startled awake at the sound of a loud crash in his bedroom. Had the sound come from another part of the flat, he might have thought it was his roommate coming home, but unless Luther had forgotten his key and decided to scale the fire escape to use his bedroom, he had reason to be concerned.
He reached under his bed and grabbed his cricket bat, eyes falling on the stumbling figure that was moving in the shadows, but it was only when he heard a groan that he realised that he probably shouldn’t take a swing at the intruder.
“Ethan?” He flicked on the desk lamp to reveal his boyfriend, scrambling to his feet next to the window.
“Hey! Sorry… about that. I figured I was being all cool and mysterious but I guess I kinda failed there.” He chuckled and ran a hand over his hair, brushing it out of his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” With his cricket bat still in one hand, Benji stared at the older boy with an incredulous expression.
“I figured we could go get ice cream.”
“…who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?!” A moment passed between them as if Ethan was actually realising in that moment that maybe, just maybe, his plan wasn’t exactly the best.
“Me, apparently.” Ethan’s face lit up with a bright grin as Benji shook his head.
“You are unbelievable…”
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