that-girl-lillie · 7 years
Emotional Abuse: I’m not better for having been abused
A lot of time, when people talk about overcoming emotional abuse they talk about it making them stronger, especially in the media. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think that’s usually the case. Like, yeah, I’m stronger than when I first took a step back from the relationship, but I’m not as strong as I probably would be if it never happened. I still have so much self doubt that wouldn’t be there if I hadn’t grown up with an emotional abuser. 
I apologize less for talking too much. 
I sometimes feel like people like me. 
I realize that I am valuable. 
Most days now, I feel as is the world isn’t actually better without me in it. 
It does get better for those just coming out of it. And if you’re not stronger for being abused, that’s okay! Even normal, I think. You are valuable, and eventually you will know that again
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