#notttt sure i can actually Do anything about this but. it's a thing i guess! <3 lmao
bobzora · 2 months
deeply funny to me to encounter an issue where my friend's computer ran my shitty rpg maker 2003 fnaf fangame Too Well at 120 whole frames per second which made all the enemies go way too fast and kill you near instantly
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haunted-linguini · 1 year
Hi I want to request a match up if it's not to difficult?
I'm a 5'1 ft girl with lower bust black hair, slightly tanned skin and asian. I have wavy, thick, uncontrollable and alot of volume hair. I love sweets but will often avoid cakes, picky eater and will enjoy the more simple meals than the more complicated and fancy ones. My love languages is Acts of Services(Giving), Words of Affirmation(giving and receiving) and Physical touch(giving>> and receiving>). I love the night time, sketching and drawing, nature, reading, writing, playing games, laying down, I am fascinated by anatomy and would often study it to draw f*cked up sh*t(g*re) in my sketchbook. I would describe myself as a shy person at first, not engaging in conversation at first but it would take a while for me to be comfortable but I am quite chaotic once gotten to know. I enjoy my safe space(bedroom) and treasure privacy the most. I am anxious often and would overthink about the smallest thing, but also get distracted quite easily but will end up always remembering the thought that caused me anxiety. I have poor memory and forget easily:(( I have bad habits. I like to cling and do anything for attention whenever I feel left out or unappreciated from time to time. I have a stuffed animal I still sleep with, I cannot go to bed without it. I love horror but get scared easily. I take attention to alot of things, and will add many meaning to everything I do(Deel meaning towards the nickname I give, emotional significance to the slightest action I make) and I have a bad sleep schedule and often sleep at near 4-5 am. Also I have Teratophilia... I guess that's all! Sorry for the long description btw.
this one was hard for me to match because this fits two people perfectly, but the monster fucker thing (no offense because SAME) rlly sealed this for me. enjoy qt! <3
i match you with: Eyeless Jack!
eyeless first found an interest in you when he saw you making a detailed sketch of someone torn apart by a clawed creature
and it being anatomically accurate??
made him kind of suspicious because you did notttt look like the type to engage in such things
was def into it tho
very observant - the type to leave little things he'd think you'd like without saying it was him
new, expensive pencils? that was him. a book he overheard you saying you wanted? also him. new game? all him!
with the help of BEN cOugh
would 100% be the type to ask you out by surprising you with an actual human heart in a box w a note that says "you stole my:"
he's corny like that
does NOT understand the sweets thing; he is very much a savory/salty kind of person
DOES, however, understand being picky
bro is on some hannibal lecter shit
eyeless enjoys being the "protector" in some aspect of his life rather than the threat - so he lowkey has like 'damsel in distress' syndrome but FOR you
all around a pretty awkward dude, so he totally gets the 'awkward' phase of talking to you
"so what do you like to do for fun?"
"........murder (???????)"
he is also highly attentive to detail and can read you like a book
*you changing the posture of your shoulders*
"what happened at work?"
makes sure to NEVER make you feel not included, especially in group settings
very much the type to get asked a question and be like "yeah blah blah blah, but my SIGNIFICANT OTHER-"
shows you he adores you through damn near constant affection + the leaving of corny cute notes (that may or may not be in someone else's blood)
....understands the monster fucker urges
does notttt blame you ;)
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seraphimalune · 6 years
85 Questions Tag
Tagged by my lovie @milkynozomi​
The rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Drink – Uh....uh....Mountain Dew? Right? Right.
2. Phone call – Mum.
3. Text message – ...I got a Target coupon. Lol.
4. Song you listened to –  The last one I remember listening to is Say Something by Justin Timberlake
5. Time you cried – Last month, I’d guess.
6. Dated someone twice? – Nah, boo.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it – No.
8. Been cheated on – Not that I’m aware of.
9. Lost someone special – Yes.
10. Been depressed – As a result of extreme anxiety, yes.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up – Never even been drunk. ;)
Favourite colours
12. Purple
13. Silver
14. Blood Red
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends – Yes
16. Fallen out of love – THAT, my dear, would require falling in love with someone, and my heart is a barren wasteland at the moment, lol.
17. Laughed until you cried – No
18. Found out someone was talking about you – I suppose, but I also knew they were like that, so it was more like “confirmed” that someone was talking about me.
19. Met someone who changed you – Yes
20. Found out who your friends are – Yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list – No
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl – All but three of them. Not a fan of adding people I’ve not met.
23. Do you have any pets – One very floofy, 17-year-old cat.
24. Do you want to change your name – Sort of? I don’t intend to go by my last name professionally. I also don’t intend to get rid of it, either, I just publicly go by a different last name for privacy purposes.
25. What did you do for your last birthday –  Went for a hike in the mountains :)
26. What time did you wake up today – 8-ish.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night – Feeding the aforementioned floofy cat, most like. She has an odd schedule and has to be fed constantly to keep from losing weight.
28. What is something you cant wait for – Summer travels. Hopefully seeing Oregon and/or Montana and northern California.
30. What are you listening to right now  – The air running from the furnace, lol.
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom – Uh. Had a professor with that name, once. A few classmates in high school, so: technically yes, but not for a long time.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves – The fact that we’ve not had a refrigerator for two months because the repair company is incompetent.
33. Most visited website – Tumblr, FaceBook, YouTube, InstaGram, and WordPress.
34. Hair colour – Dark Brown
35. Long or short hair – Super short, atm. Just got it cut on Saturday.
36. Do you have a crush on someone - No...
37. What do you like about yourself? – The fact that when I say you can trust me, I mean it. Your secrets are safe with me. Period. (Unless you intend to hurt yourself and I need to tell someone else to stop it) Also the fact that I can do almost anything artistic well within a few weeks after learning it.  The fact that I’m able to be genuinely happy for people without being jealous (most of the time). I also like my sense of fashion. Generally, I also think I’m a genuinely kind person who is accepting of most things.
38. Want any piercings? – I’d like a couple more cartilage piercings, but I’m dead afraid that they’ll get infected (like my lobes did when I was a wee girl) and of going into a piercing parlor to get them done.
39. Blood type – I actually don’t know. But both of my parents are A-, so that’d be a good guess.
40. Nicknames – ... .... ...................my parents call me Puddin’. Shuddup.
41. Relationship status – Single
42. Zodiac – Taurus
43. Pronouns – She/Her
44. Favourite TV shows – The Nanny (omg Milky!!!) <3 <3 <3, Game of Thrones, Westworld, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, um...there’s more, but I’m blanking atm.
45. Tattoos – Nah. I have a couple of skin conditions that makes them impossible for me. Otherwise my arms would be covered in roses by now.
46. Right or left handed – Right
47. Ever had surgery – Only wisdom teeth and a few stitches from that one time I face planted whilst ice skating.
48. Piercings – 2 earrings per ear.
49. Sports - Uh...weight...lifting? I guess? I don’t sports ball.
50. Vacation – Spent a couple days in Colorado Springs last January. I don’t do much till the summertime.
51. Trainers – Not...sure what this is asking.
More general
52. Eating – Last thing was a Caesar salad and an avocado BLT.
53. Drinking – Nothing atm. Might procure some Oolong shortly.
54. I’m about to watch – Something on YouTube, I’m sure.
55. Waiting for – My refrigerator to be fixed, dang it.
56. Want – A new job.
57. Get married – Sounds fake, but I’d like that.
58. Career – Book publisher, writer, editor.
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - ...kisses.
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes
61. Shorter or taller - Taller (but not by much, I like the shorter dudes, makes ‘em more kissable ;) )
62. Older or younger - Older. Younger is negotiable if within 2 years.
63. Nice arms or stomach - Stomach
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship. I do not do hookups. Period. Fuck that. Or, rather, don’t.
65. Troublemaker or hesitant – Hesitant, 100%. If shit is going down, someone else started it and I’m just judging it from the sidelines.
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger – No.
67. Drank hard liquor – Yes, but not often.
68. Lost glasses – Can’t lose something you’re blind without, lol.
69. Turned someone down – Unfortunately.
70. Sex on first date – Hell no.
71. Broken someones heart – Unfortunately.
72. Had your heart broken – Shattered, yes.
73. Been arrested – No
74. Cried when someone died – Yes
75. Fallen for a friend – Who else am I supposed to fall for? ;)
Do you believe in
76. Yourself – Trying to.
77. Miracles – Yes...
78. Love at first sight – No. Lust, certainly. Hope, definitely. Yeah. Let’s go with hope.
79. Santa Claus – Yes, and my music teacher sat down the whole class in 2nd grade and told us he was fake. Fuck that teacher, still. Lol.
80. Kiss on a first date – Proooooobbbbably not. I’ve got a space bubble a mile wide. But, who knows. You might get lucky.
81. Angels – Sure.
82. Best friend’s name – Do not, in fact, have one of those at the moment.
83. Eye colour – Brown, almost black. Though I’ve been told they’re orange in the sunlight.
84. Favourite movie – Howl’s Moving Castle, Beauty and the Beast, Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Caribbean...omg. Pride and Prejudice. Yes. That one.
85. Favourite actor – Um. Notttt a huge celebrity person...but, um, Brad Pitt is pretty cool. And, uh. Hugh Jackman is adorable. Uh. Yeah.
Tagging: @funkypoacher, @solas-the-dreamboat And anyone else who wants to do it. Don’t feel pressured if you don’t want to. 
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7/29/17, july pt4
So Saturday night at work I started talking to this new girl from tinder, as it was vital for me to continue to grow the harem as all I currently had going for me was Ashlyn who was a little emotionally unstable and too far away to do anything serious with. Angie and I hit it off really well, as she’s much nerdier and not into smoking (which is something I kinda sorta have been meaning to quit now that I’ve been considering picking up some side work.)
Angie and I met up sunday and went to buy some beer, she lives in town so she showed me where I can go shopping lol. She had just started rewatching Adventure Time, so we threw that on and drank a bit, talking about old drinking and drug stories. Pretty excellent start, to be sure. She got invited out to boxcar to see some friends and we dipped out to there. Her friends were cool as shit, we actually talked a bunch about video games and drinking and rap music, and they invited us back to one of their places to drink and smoke afterward. Hung out there talking and sharing music with each other until about 3 in the morning (I quit drinking like two hours before so I’d sobered up quite a bit), when Angie and I decided it was time to go home to her place. We started getting hot and heavy as soon as we walked in the door, but because her roommate is her best friend’s girlfriend and he was over to visit her, I told her we should probably move into the bedroom. Was almost a great idea, until as I was pounding her from behind her dog decided to come into the door and at that point I’m not going to stop to close it. Her best friend then chose that time to get up to go to the bathroom, and as he walked out of the other bedroom I yelled “Oh Shit!” immediately drawing his attention directly to our sexual intercourse. We stopped and fell onto the bed laughing our asses off for a while, and laid there for a bit before getting horny again and having sex one more time before passing out there until the next morning. She seems really cool, even has the same beach towel as me lol. Gonna see her tomorrow and we’ve got plans to drink and fuck and watch the new rick and morty before we’re gonna to boxcar with her friends again settle this bet I made with one of them about who’s the better smash 64 player. 
monday I took it easy til board game night, had another great night of playing the GoT card game and smoking hookah and playing werewolf. Got to meet sean’s new bittie, she’s funny as fuck.
Tues I mostly did melee, did really meh. Got my shit together though and went out to walker’s for karaoke, and saw these guys there who the previous time I had been there had convinced me to do Backstreet Boys with them the next time I saw them. So I did it with them that night and it turns out they’re like professional singers (one’s like an opera singer??)! I had convinced Aaron to join in the boy band too, so we had this like perfect rendition of I Want It That Way going. I got complimented by like 8 people at the bar, and this one chick bought me a drink! Admittedly that wasn’t as much from my karaoke skill but more about discussing medical treatment for their friend with them who had had some respiratory issue and they were concerned about him, when I had just gone out front to ask them for a cigarette lol. Stayed there until the bar closed just chatting with people and smoking. Greensboro is really nice, actually.
Oh yeah I’m like smoking again, but i’m back into ‘white-girl smoking,’ i.e. only smoking when I drink. Haven’t bought a pack still, but I think I will today because Angie and I bummed like 20 off her friends last week and I don’t wanna do that again lol. 
Wednesday I had made plans with Ashlyn to hang out because she’s getting ready to go on vacation. But I really wasn’t feeling up for it because I’ve been watching more and more magic streams and have been jonesing to go to a draft and found out this local card shop does them on wednesdays. So I blew her off telling her I was sick, not caring if she decided that was enough to not want to see me again, because like I said she’s a little cray. So I guess things might be done with her, I tried to have her come out after I was done playing magic by saying I wasn’t sick it turned out I was just hungover but that was notttt the play lol. She invited me to go chill at Shannon’s with her and her bf and I was like nooooooo thank you. Which turned out to be the most amazing decision, as Aaron texted me that night to drink at Corner while ash did karaoke. Sang a few songs, had a few drinks, took aaron home who was drinking heavily as it was his last chance to before an acl surgery, and he treated me to some sheetz. He told me to order whatever I wanted and to take my time with it. So as I’m paying he ‘casually’ loads his arms with as many of the prepackaged sandwiches that he can and fucking just walks out with them lmao. I thought it was hilarious and it was even better when he comes BACK IN and I was like “wtf you like got away what are you doing you shouldn’t try to pay now.” and much to my delight he put his finger to his lips and proceeded to load his arms up with a SECOND load of sandwiches lmfao. We drove back to his place and he threw on this episode of Gravity Falls with the voice actor from R&M, it was fucking hilarious. Between his and collin’s recommendation I finally started watching that show in the morning and have binged through the whole first season in the two days since.
So i’ve been chilling at work watching a lot of magic, playing some hearthstone to get ready for the new cards to come out, chatting up angie, and not bringing my melee setup to work so that I would actually finally catch up on these blog posts. Oh yeah I’ve been practicing melee at work too lmao it’s the fucking greatest. Plus the internet finally got improved at the sandwich shop next door so I can watch twitch in HD, life is pretty fucking good. I just hope I’m not up shit’s creek with my boss for complaining about not getting fourth of july pay. Been budgeting a lot at work and between how I’m cooking for myself now I think I can get out of debt Much faster than anticipated, but that’ll only be until shit comes up to set me behind again, or I stop getting consistent hours. Idk. I really ought to get a side job somewhere else so I can get a fourth night of work but that sounds pretty ass, actually. 
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