#noveno espada
templerites · 2 years
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𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞  𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬  -   𝘈𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘈𝘳𝘳𝘶𝘳𝘶𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦 ( 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 )   /   𝐒𝐞𝐭  𝟏  𝐨𝐟  ???  
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hollow-triad · 2 years
[Ep160] Noveno Espada’s Resurrección
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glot0neria · 5 months
** GREED ; ; intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
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Name: Ariure Aeeriur
Occupation: [[REDACTED]]
Rank: 9
Height: height fluctuates depending on the situation; Current height: 6'6"
Blood Color: Black
Beast Color: [[REDACTED]]
Power: Consumption
Weapons: Depends on the situation.
About: Born from the last pile of writhing amalgam, Ariure is the current dominant personality of the mass known as the Noveno Espada. What happened to his last personalities is left up for debate as this thing is common with them.
Ariure is part of a long line of writhing consciousness that attempts to keep itself tethered to each other or else risk unraveling. This almost came close as it split into two personalities before this. Now whole again Ariure remains dedicated to the mission.
It seems unusual as most of the personalities before this had shared traits, while they have little in common with the previous incarnations. What this new form brings only sparks interest and intrigue.
As of current, him and the other espada are out living and scouting the planet alternia. Searching for signs of something, what that is, is currently unknown for most personal other than the espada. For those who are reading this, this dossier was composed for the Numerós.
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arrancxr · 2 years
What do you think the other espadas feel about Aaroniero? (Aka tenctacle husbando, its nice to find someone that also appreciates him)
I appreciate him so much. OAO Aaroniero, my beloved. I rewatched some of his fight for this, and lskjhsgh he's THE WORST. Underhanded bastard, yet so very good at it.
. . .
Starrk + Lilynette
Neither of them pays Aaroniero much mind. Starrk just plain doesn't care, and Lilynette got so creeped out by him within the span of their first meeting that her opinion was set then and there. He's not a threat to either of them, so he's just kind of... there. Being weird. And still creepy, in Lilynette's opinion. Starrk appreciates that he doesn't cause trouble or make much noise, but other than that, he's pretty forgettable to both of them.
That pitiful excuse for an Arrancar is an abomination even when looking at its better qualities. Barragan has no pity for the weak, and Aaroniero registers as weak on every account. He's a spineless fool who thinks that accumulating power will someday let him touch the very edges of the truly strong. In general, Barragan is of the belief that Aaroniero shouldn't even exist— why bother to make soldiers from the lowest rank of Hollows?
While her hopes for a Hollow's moral standing are low at best, Aaroniero somehow manages to be one of the most abhorrent ones she's met. He's a cruel, self-serving coward who'd do anything to spare his own neck; and it's wisest to avoid those sorts. While it's unlikely the stationary Noveno could pose any real threat to her, Halibel knows better than to leave herself unguarded around his sort. Other than that, she simply ignores him.
Utter disgust. As someone who considers himself above the very concept of emotions (and looks down on everyone around him, in general), Ulquiorra finds Aaroniero's desperation repulsive. He's a failed existence, a mistake of an Arrancar who will only be allowed to live for as long as he serves a purpose to Aizen. However, a lot of that disdain comes from Ulquiorra's resistance to acknowledge the reality that all of them, himself included, are scared.
Their motivations and goals are completely opposite, and that's enough to spark some unpleasant feelings. It's all too common for Hollows to cling to the desperation to live, but Nnoitra remains utterly disgusted by Aaroniero's extent of that. He's the last one who'd claim any kind of moral code, but the Ninth's manipulative tactics are just plain pathetic. He finds the most wretched sides of Hollow nature in Aaroniero— and hates the sight of it.
Coward. That's the main thing that Grimmjow feels about the Ninth Espada. While he recognizes that Aaroniero is capable enough to have stayed in their ranks (and survived so far, to begin with), he finds the underhanded tactics and preference of avoiding threats he can't easily conquer to be just plain pathetic. They're all going to die eventually— it's the least a Hollow can do to face its mortality head-on and go down fighting.
No strong feelings... outside of something that almost qualifies as sympathy. As any Hollow would, Zommari relates to the feeling of wanting to stay alive no matter the cost, and has slightly more acceptance of Aaroniero's more cowardly traits because he's willing to recognize that. Of course, that still doesn't mean there are any true positive feelings mixed in with it. In the end, Aaroniero is a warped, desperate being, the same as all of them.
He'd quite like to study the exceptional specimen that is a functional, sapient, Espada-level Arrancar made from a Gillian, but his opinions don't extend far beyond that. As Aaroniero is the only one of the Espada who's fully beneath him, Szayel isn't too concerned with him outside of whatever data can be collected. His reliance on manipulation and strategic use of his accumulated powers rather than pure brute force also earn him some approval.
Despite Aaroniero technically ranking above him, Yammy mostly sees the Ninth as weak. He doesn't have the direct, physical power to be a threat to much of anyone on their level, so Yammy dismisses him with little more thought than that. He's kind of blocking out the fact that Aaroniero could definitely get one over him through mind games alone, though. Yammy has an unfortunate tendency of underestimating people like that.
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yahoo201027 · 1 month
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April 23: Happy Birthday to the Ninth (Noveno) Espada in Sosuke Aizen’s Arrancar Army over at Hueco Mundo who took on and lost to Rukia Kuchiki as the manifestation of Kaien Shiba, and considered the second weakest, later weakest of the Espada, the Bleach character of Aaroniero Arruruerie.
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bookishnerdlove · 6 months
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Episodio 6.33   “Bueno, en realidad, no es que no haya otro camino además de la muerte.” “¿Qué? ¿Cuál es?”- Él sonrió ampliamente. “Ladra a mis pies.” Me recuerda a Jeremías cuando era niño. “Como un perro.” “... ¿Qué?” (Jeremías) Jeremías, con los ojos abiertos de par en par, me miró sin comprender. ‘Si quieres rogar por tu vida, tira tu orgullo y ladra como un perro.’ - Era una mirada que no podía creer lo que decía. “¿No puedes? ¿O está hiriendo tu orgullo al tomar prestado algo de mí, que es peor que un perro?” “... Tú está realmente loca. ¿Cómo te atreves conmigo...? ¡Yo, que soy Lynne!” (Jeremías) Tartamudeando, Jeremías tembló como un pez recién pescado. Parecía avergonzado. “Estoy bromeando.” El rostro de Jeremías se contrajo severamente. Miré ese rostro sin borrar la sonrisa de mi rostro. “No me puedo imaginar haciendo demandas tan irrazonables a mi hermano.” “Entonces…” (Jeremías) “Cuando Adeline no aceptó el corazón de mi hermano, dijiste que saliste de control porque estabas enojado ocasionando un incendio impulsivo. Es justo. No está del todo mal, y dado que existe un historial, la gente lo creerá fácilmente.” “Entonces seré expulsado.” (Jeremías) “Te refieres a que te expulsarán.” “...” (Jeremías) “Un hermano mayor que abandonó el nombre de Lynne no es nada.” Jeremías Lynne. Toda su vida pudo rodar porque era Lynne. Así de enorme era el orgullo de Jeremías por Lynne. “Dijiste que podías dar tu nombre por Adeline. ¿Susurraste amor con tanta determinación? Realmente tienes un amor tan superficial en tu corazón.” “No, yo...” (Jeremías) La mirada de Jeremías se movió hacia Adeline. Él la miró sin comprender y murmuró. - “Ya no me gustas.” Fue un comentario inusual. Me reí de Jeremías en voz baja. “¿Así que no puedes? Pensé que era mejor que morir, pero supongo que estaba equivocada.” Levanté amenazadoramente la espada dirigida a Jeremías. Jeremías, quien se estremeció, finalmente se dio cuenta de su situación y gritó. “Ay, no. ¡Lo haré! ¡Haré lo que dices!” (Jeremías) Finalmente baje mi espada al piso. “Y díselo a madre… No. Díselo a la Duquesa de Lynne.” Olía a suciedad. Era el olor de Jeremías que se había orinado, quien estaba muy nervioso como si supiera que era casi un suicidio. (N/T: ¡Tremendo cobarde! Se crece con personas débiles, pero es sumiso con los fuertes. Jaja.” “Tu hija está muerta, así que no la busques más.” “...” (Jeremías) “Rescinde todas las órdenes de rastreo dadas a los cazadores. Shriel Lynne está muerta y ya no se la puede encontrar.” Jeremías asintió involuntariamente. “Ah, y deberías cambiarte los pantalones. Huele tan mal.” Me tapé la nariz ligeramente. Jeremías inclinó la cabeza avergonzado.   * * * *   El castillo de Gentilla se derrumbó. La mayoría de las pinturas que presumían de un valor incalculable se habían perdido. La estatua de piedra no se quemó, pero no quedó intacta, como si alguien la hubiera roto deliberadamente. Sólo queda el esqueleto desnudo. “Después de que te vayas, este lugar estará abierto. Todos sabrán que lo que se ha construido hasta ahora no es historia, sino la vergüenza de un pariente consanguíneo.” - Adeline dijo mientras entraban al último piso de la Torre Oeste. El interior, a donde no habían llegado las llamas, conservaba su forma intacta, seguía siendo deslumbrante y hermoso. “Todo el mundo va a criticar, y tal vez me expulsen como dijo Jeremías. Porque tenemos que hacer esto para limpiar la suciedad.” (Adeline) “Porque si tienes miedo de cortar la parte podrida y la dejas intacta, la parte sana también comenzará a pudrirse. Es por eso por lo que asumiste todos los riesgos y tomaste esta decisión.” Miré a Adeline con una sonrisa. Ella asintió. “Crossell.” “¿Eh?” (Crossell) Mientras me movía para ir más allá de la puerta donde estaba el noveno demonio, de repente me detuve. “Lamento decir que parece que te estoy quitando después de dártelo, pero ¿puedes darme la moneda de oro?” “Es tuyo de todos modos. Habla cómodamente.” (Crossell) “Gracias.” Recibí la moneda de oro de Crossell y me paré frente a una cara familiar. Era el niño que se convirtió en modelo de pintura antes que yo. Observé ese rostro pálido. “Mi inacción te llevó al infierno.” Tenía suficiente dinero.  Ese día, si hubiera salido antes, ¿no se podría haber evitado la tragedia que le sucedió a este niño? Ya era pasado, pero era inevitable que la culpa permaneciera. ‘Descansa en paz.’ Puse la moneda de oro en la mano del niño. Y me paré frente a la puerta que conducía al cielo. “¿De verdad vas a ir ahora mismo?” (Adeline) No ha pasado ni un día desde que el Duque de Gentilla desapareció. Adeline preguntó con cautela como si le preocupara que me moviera con prisa. “He descansado lo suficiente, así que voy a moverme rápido. Y tengo que ir rápido antes de que alguien me persiga.” “¿Quién te persigue?” (Adeline) “Su Majestad vendrá pronto.” “... ¿Su Majestad? De ninguna manera.” (Adeline) Era un matiz de cómo el Emperador sabía y acudiría aquí. La explicación era larga, así que me estremecí. “¿Apostamos? Apuesto a lo que viene más tarde hoy.” Adeline sostuvo que era imposible llegar tan rápido a menos que estuviera seguro. Accidentalmente hice una apuesta y pasé por el proceso de confirmación por última vez. Mi objetivo era rescatar al noveno demonio que se convirtió en ángel. Todo lo que tenía que hacer para hacerlo era simple, solo escuchar. Todo lo que tenía que hacer era destruir la obra de arte donde podía sentir la energía del Demonio. Cuando manifesté mi preocupación por cómo salir del cielo, al noveno demonio, dijo que había una única entrada y salida en todas las pinturas hechas por el artesano. En cambio, Adeline designó una imagen como la salida para evitar caer en un lugar extraño. Dijo que podía simplemente saltar a la imagen que se veía igual a la imagen designada. Las cosas resultaron ser más fáciles de lo esperado. “Lo llaman cielo porque hay ángeles viviendo allí.” Antes de abrir la puerta, me di la vuelta y miré a los dos demonios. “Incluso si es un producto defectuoso, los ángeles son ángeles, por lo que serán duros oponentes para los Demonios. Ahora soy lo suficientemente fuerte para que mi cuerpo sea saludable. Entonces, no tienen que obligarse a seguirme.” Tal vez sería algo peligroso para ellos como demonios. Mientras trataba de alejarlos esta vez, el hombre de cabello plateado negó con la cabeza. “No intentes llevar todo por tu cuenta. No importa las dificultades que haya, estaré contigo.” (Dios) “¡Correcto! ¿Esperar de nuevo? Descansé demasiado y me duele el cuerpo, así que no puedo hacer eso.” (Crossell) Tan pronto como el hombre de cabello plateado terminó de hablar, Crossell levantó la cabeza y gritó. “Y tú eres mi, Señor...” - La voz de Crossell era tan fuerte que todos a su alrededor lo miraban. El chico que sintió la mirada no pudo seguir hablando. “¿Qué has visto? ¡Que estas mirando!” (Crossell) Al ver al chico pateando en el suelo sin razón, no pude evitar reírme a carcajadas. “Está bien, vamos todos juntos.” (Shriel) Cuando tomé la decisión de ir acompañada por los demonios, el Demonio 25 voló justo frente a mí. “Lo siento por interrumpir en medio de la armonía, pero lo diré porque siento que tengo que decirlo ahora. De acuerdo con el trato, me convertiré en uno de tus seguidores.” (25) “Pero no acepté el trato.” Después de escuchar el trato, solo pasó el tiempo. De hecho, cumplí todo lo pactado, pero no fue porque hiciera honor al trato. Fue solo por casualidad que los deseos del demonio 25 y mi propósito coincidieron. “En realidad, es mi voluntad, no una transacción. Deja que sea tuyo.” (25) Hice contacto visual con los ojos rojo claro. Asentí con la cabeza después de confirmar que contenía una voluntad determinada. Tener un demonio como seguidor significaba volvere más fuerte. Pensé que no sería una mala idea tomar sus poderes como preparación para una situación inesperada. Ahora era la cuarta vez que aceptaba un demonio en mi hogar. Glashalabolas besó el dorso de mi mano. Junto con el hormigueo del dolor, apareció un patrón desconocido en mi mano derecha. No fue una sorpresa ahora. Atrás Novelas Menú Siguiente   Read the full article
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hollowfiedbatman · 1 year
🟣 || Chase Taylor || Indie Bleach OC || Fraccion to the Noveno Espada ||
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🟣 || Written by Chicky || 25+ ||
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aaronierro · 3 years
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𝐀𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞  (  True  Form  )
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siriusly-orion · 2 years
Camp Espada
I know this is extraordinarily niche, but I've had this idea in my head for literal years and have only just gotten the notion of put it out there into the wilds of fandom tumblr.
The basic conceit of this post is thus: what is the 10 primary campers from Rooster Teeth's "Camp Camp" filled out the roster of the Espada from Tite Kubo's manga, "Bleach"? That's the long and short of it, so there's no point in dillydallying, on with the list:
Noveno Espada: Space Kid
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Rank: 9th Espada Tattoo Location: Left cheek Hollow Hole Location: His solar plexus Mask Fragment: The base of his helmet Aspect of Death: Ambition Cero Colour: Orange Zanpakuto: His Helmet Release Command: "Blast off to the Moon!" Resurrección: Hombre Cohete
Description: To release his Zanpakuto, SK lifts his helmet off his head. Going into his release form gives SK rocket-like gauntlets and boots that blast fire and plasma at extremely high speeds and high temperatures. His attire looks akin to an astronaut's suit, with it and his helmet acting as a second layer of Hierro.
Notes: The newest member of the Espada, having only recently been given the rank after the death of one of the highest ranked ones. He stood out among the lower Arrancars in terms of power, but has a long way to go before ever moving up. He isn't taken very seriously by his superiors or inferiors, the latter of whom still see him as their friend and not their boss. He's upbeat and happy to do as he's told, but is aware that he's only filling the position out of the necessity that there needs to be 10 Espada and he was the only viable candidate at the time. Still, he tries to have good relationships with his fellow Espada, even if some of them don't care for him too much.
Octova Espada: Preston
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Rank: 8th Espada Tattoo Location: Palm of Right Hand Hollow Hole Location: His tongue Mask Fragment: Left half of his face, resembling the Phantom of the Opera Aspect of Death: Dedication Cero Colour: Light Green Zanpakuto: A Katana with a purple hilt and a skull for a guard - Yellow scabbard Release Command: "Perform!" Resurrección: Mano De Escenario Description: Preston's release form gives him the appearance of a Shakespearean actor, with yellow tights, green shoes, a green vest and a red cape. His blade and hilt disappear, leaving with just the skull guard. The area around Preston becomes bathed in a darkness, with the only light appearing around himself and his opponents. He is then able to force his opponent to follow a "screenplay", but only according to what the skull itself declares. The scenarios can include anything from a Machiavellian plot, to a lovers' story, Preston doesn't know until the skull says. This ability is able to keep those with roughly equal and lower Spiritual Energy entrapped inside itself, but anyone whose competently stronger will be able to go "off script". Notes: By far the most dramatic Espada, Preston is closest with Espadas 2 and 7, and they can often be seen together. He often tries to hold his own community events, but struggles to compete with Nerris in this department. He does have a particular soft spot for the newest Espada, Space Kid, who only recently ascended to the rank as a standout amongst the lower ranks. This is primarily because he is no longer ranked lowest, something some higher numbers wouldn't hesitate to remind him of when they felt he was getting a bit uppity.
Septima Espada: Nerris
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Rank: 7th Espada Tattoo Location: Back of right ear Hollow Hole Location: The centre of their chest Mask Fragment: Pointed tips of each of their ears Aspect of Death: Detachment Cero Colour: Violet Zanpakuto: Takes the form of a shortsword with a d12 dice shape for a guard - purple scabbard Release Command: "Make Believe!" Resurrección: Maestro Del Juego Description: Upon releasing their Zanpakuto, Nerris' clothes become ethereally violet, with a cape covered in stars and crescent moons and a pointed hat to the same effect. Their sword turns into a flail whose chain can extend indefinitely. When an enemy is hit with the flail, 1 of 12 different effects will randomly happen:
The enemy will be healed
A fiery explosion with engulf the opponent at the point of impact
An frosty jet with ice spikes will shoot from the point of contact
The enemy will be paralysed with an electric shock
The enemy will be blasted with a thunderous boom so powerful it can shatter rock
The enemy will be inflicted with minor poison that can slow them down and cause dizziness
A ringing will shoot through the enemies head, dazing them
The enemy will be blasted by a wave of invisible force
The point of contact will rot and decay
The flail will instantaneously grow to hundreds of times its size and then roll another outcome - the effect will be increased exponentially
The enemy and Nerris will swap places
The enemy will be ensnared in an ethereal cloak that will sap their Spiritual Energy
Notes: Nerris is closest with Espadas 8 and 2, and the three can often be found together talking about their passions. They have a good working relationship with the rest of the Espada but their interests and sense of humour is often lost on them. They are the most popular Espada among the lower ranks due to their fun-loving and optimistic nature, and Nerris often leads community events to make the Espada as a whole seem down to Earth.
Sexta Espada: Dolph
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Rank: 6th Espada Tattoo Location: Upper Right Arm Hollow Hole Location: His upper left arm Mask Fragment: A white band around his tattoo, with a gap so the tattoo can be seen Aspect of Death: Hubris Cero Colour: Red Zanpakuto: Takes the form of a Small Sword with a curve coming off the guard with a golden hilt - white Scabbard Release Command: "Align." Resurrección: Infanterie Description: Dolphs release gives him a long white trench coat and ornate army officer's uniform. His Zanpakuto retains its previous shape. His mask fragment now covers his entire arm, in which he holds his sword. He is able to, from the point of his blade, summon infantry soldiers who will do as he thinks. He can generate an indefinite number of these soldiers but the more he makes the farther his Spiritual Energy is spread. These soldiers can all see through each others' fields of vision, as well as Dolphs, who is also able to see through their fields of vision. The soldiers are all also capable of using ceros and balas. The true strength of Dolph's ability is how he is able to coordinate with his infantry and corner opponents - their seamless cooperation and ability to share information lets him analyse and pinpoint weaknesses very quickly. He's also able to stay farther back from battle and send his soldiers in, though he will step in if the opponent is too strong for them to deal with, and simply use the soldiers to augment his own fighting and distract the opponent. Notes: Dolph is the Commander General of all non-Espada combatants - he oversees much of the day-to-day administrations of Los Noches and keeps track of much of the important data and goings on. He also has the greatest number of direct subordinates to make this as smooth as possible. In his downtime he likes to keep to himself and indulge in art, though he isn't opposed to mingling with the other lower half of the Espada from time to time.
Quinta Espada: Neil
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Rank: 5th Espada Tattoo Location: Left side of the neck Hollow Hole Location: His heart Mask Fragment: A featureless skull that takes up the upper-right part of his face Aspect of Death: Obsession Cero Colour: Red Zanpakuto: He has augmented his Zanpakuto to take the form of a mechanical lynx, with the hilt being stored in the back - it is covered by a liquid metal which Neil can simply reach into in order to grasp and release his Zanpakuto. If necessary, the lynx itself can turn into a bladed weapon. Release Command: "Envision." Resurrección: Deus Ex Machina Description: Neil's release form coats him in a metallic armour that is stronger than most Arrancar's Hierro. Similar to the Quincy, Neil is able to absorb the Reiatsu from the area around him via plates on his body (5 vertical ones down the length of his back and two each on the tops and bottoms of his forearms). In the centre of his hollow hole, there now exists a tesseract, which acts as a transmuter for all the Reiatsu he's absorbed. In a pinch, Neil can convert his own Reiatsu and can even convert things he's made into Spirit Energy which can reabsorb back into his body to restore energy. After absorbing Reiatsu, and converting it, Neil can transmute it into whatever he can imagine. So long as he understands the machinations and chemical make-up of what he wants to make, he can make it. From bombs to life forms to automatons, even to spiritual attacks like lightning and fire, Neil is only limited by what he can absorb and his imagination. Notes: Neil is the most intelligent Hollow. His mind for science and strategy is second to none (Except for Dolph regarding the latter) and he doesn't mind reminding people of this. Though the Primera and Cero are not afraid to put him in his place if he gets too big for his britches. He's responsible for most, if not all, of the technological innovations in Las Noches and is well-liked by the masses for his contributions to everyday life, even if he only did these things to make himself more popular. He doesn't fancy getting much stronger, as he desperately wants to avoid his release becoming forbidden because his ability to transmute is often essential to his experiments.
Cuatro Espada: Ered
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Rank: 4th Espada Tattoo Location: Throat Hollow Hole Location: Naval Mask Fragment: A curved and pointed diadem-like shape across her forehead Aspect of Death: Ambivalence Cero Colour: Dark Pink Zanpakuto: A switchblade Release Command: "Splatter" Resurrección: Rebelde Description: Ered's release form gives her an immense boost to speed, strength and durability. She is able to, upon seeing an ability once, able to nullify it by using her own Spirit Energy and weaving it in whatever way she needs to to make it come apart at the seams. For example, were a cero or kido spell to be used against her, she could observe its spiritual makeup and manifest the perfect counter to it to make it dissipate and fizzle. And if the ability is within her ability to recreate, she can. This makes her to only Arrancar known to have the ability to use Kido. Notes: Ered doesn't let anything get to her, though she does take some pride in being as highly ranked as she is. Though she won't admit that being the cut-off point for Forbidden Releases does bristle her now and then, especially when reminded of this by Nurf, and Max to a lesser degree. She gets on best with Espadas 0 and 7, feeling kindred with them as the only non-male Espada. She's definitely the most laid-back of the 10, and finds herself relating to the Primera the most, even if he can be an ass.
Tercera Espada: Nurf
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Rank: 3rd Espada Tattoo Location: Back of right forearm Hollow Hole Location: Gut Mask Fragment: A horned Helmet that covers his forehead and the top of his head Aspect of Death: Rage Cero Colour: Red Zanpakuto: A Greatsword with a yellow hilt and and ivory guard - blue scabbard Release Command: "Cover and Shield!" Resurrección: Armadura Description: Nurf's release form triples his size and coats him in a thick, plated armour made from dense Hollow bone harder than any Hierro, making him extraordinarily difficult to damage. He is covered from head to toe, and he has red tassels on his wrists, ankes, and around his waist. These are made from Extremely fine Hollow bones and look like Hair, though touching them would be akin to touching razors. His Zakpakuto becomes a proportionally large Greatsword that can charge and fire ceros and pure Spirit Energy waves. He can also form a shield as durable as his armour should the need arise. Despite his immense size, Nurf is still extremely quick and agile, his plated armour bending in whatever way he needs it to. Final Attack - Arrasar: Nurf sacrifices all defences and dedicates all his Spiritual Energy to offense. His armour disintegrates and all his energy and effort goes into his blade. It shimmers a bright lights and becomes so hot that it melts everything around it, turning rock to lava and glassifying sand - when swung, the sword will release all his Spirit Energy in a single, massive blast that is said to be capable of killing higher ranked Espada, but renders Nurf unconscious and vulnerable after the fact. This level of power is the benchmark for what is considered a Forbidden Release - a release so powerful that it is forbidden in the Castle of the Espada: Los Noches. All Espada from this point on have Forbidden Releases. Notes: One of the more brutish and primal members of the Espada, Nurf represents the faction of Hollows who think that might-make-right and that strength should be ones sole determining factor in regards to worth. Though he has been softened on this front over the years as he's worked as part of a team more and more. He's not particularly close to any Espada, but doesn't despise any of them, though he does find numbers 2, 7, 8 and 9 irritating, and often seethes that he's below someone like the Segunda. He admires the Cero the most, as she is the prime example of what he believes, and feels that she vindicates a lot of his beliefs.
Segunda Espada: Harrison
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Rank: 2nd Espada Tattoo Location: Right eyeball (usually covered with an eyepatch) Hollow Hole Location: Right palm Mask Fragment: A pair of flame-looking patches above his eyebrows Aspect of Death: Loss Cero Colour: Yellow Zanpakuto: Takes the form of a long black cane with a white tip Release Command: "Imagine!" Resurrección: El Mago Description: Upon releasing his Zanpakuto, Harrison dons a very understated release form: he looks every part the magician, with long black coat, a white shirt, a bowtie and a vest. His Zanpakuto itself becomes a shortened version of itself, resembling a wand. Firstly, from this wand, Harrison is able to fire the Gran Rey Cero without any of its prerequisite conditions - that being the need of the Espada's blood to fire it. It can also fire the Cero Oscuras without the need to charge it. As for Harrison's unique abilities: he is able to absorb Reiatsu based attacks and Reiatsu constructs into his wand and incorporate them into himself and his powerset. He is then able to bring them up to his own level of Spiritual Energy, usually increasing their potency given that he has a far above average Spiritual pressure. Pequeño: Harrison can point his wand at an inanimate object and shrink it the size of a grain of sand. Grande: Harrison can point his wand at an inanimate object and make it up to the size of Los Noches. Cerca Neagación: Harrison can trap beings of comparable and weaker Spiritual Energy in a localised Negación box which is nigh impossible to escape. Notes: If the two Espada ranked above him didn't have their specific abilities, Harrison would be the Cero Espada without a doubt. However, Harrison isn't the only one in that body. He and his brother were both within the Menos Grande that eventually became the Segunda Espada, but Harrison won out in the evolutionary battle, though this has left his brother to fester and moulder inside him. Occasionally he bangs on the walls but Harrison is good at keeping him inside. However, were they to ever swap places, the malice in the brother would be so great that it would force his and Harrison's body to undergo Segunda Etapa, making him the Cero Espada regardless of the abilities of the two above him. But this brother wouldn't have the kindness nor the consideration of Harrison, and would make for a much different Hueco Mundo. If this change were to take place, Harrison's tattoo would change to be a "0" in his left eye. As he is, Harrison is closest with Espadas 7 and 8, as they can appreciate his showmanship. He generally gets along well with the rest as well, but finds the Primera and Tercera intimidating. He also likes the newest addition to the Espada, Space Kid, whose rose to the rank after the recent death of previous Primera Espada.
Primera Espada: Max
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Rank: 1st Espada Tattoo Location: Chest and sternum Hollow Hole Location: Below navel Mask Fragment: A pair of pointed lines that go from the bottom of his cheeks, down his neck and to his chest Aspect of Death: Stubbornness Cero Colour: Black Zanpakuto: A glaive with a white handle Release Command: "Get on with it" Resurrección: Chupavidas Description: Max's released form renders hum shirtless with black markings trailing around his neck, sides, chest and arms, as well as under his eyes and down his cheeks. His Glaive grows in size and becomes more ornate in design. The blade of Chupavidas becomes like black obsidian, sharp on both sides with a curved end. When the blade strikes someone, it opens both a physical and spiritual wound - not only does it bleed profusely, the blood unable to clot, it also bleeds their spiritual energy from them. Max is then able to absorb this spiritual energy into himself, keeping himself strong and building an immunity to the abilities of his opponent. As the Primera Espada, Max has a gargantuan amount of Spiritual Energy and a suffocating Spiritual Pressure. His basic cero is the strongest of all the Espada, taking the form of the Cero Oscuras, an ability that all other Espada must release their Zanpakuto to go into. Segunda Etapa: Max is the only Espada capable of Segunda Etapa, a second release. This is what puts him in the position of Primera, without it he would likely be ranked 4th or 5th. While in his Segunda Etapa, Max's entire body becomes black from head to toe, with white marking on his chest, back, and vertically up his cheeks - his hair also becomes much longer and turns white as well. Chupavidas becomes one with him, his fingers becoming glassy and razor sharp to the point that he's able to damage nearly anything, carving through even Nurf's Hierro with ease. In this form, his base speed, strength, and stamina increase several times over, as does his ability to bleed and absorb spiritual energy. Notes: He's considered the true leader of the Espada. When things are serious, he's the one dolling out orders and organising people as the Cero Espada has zero proclivity for any such thing. He prefers to chill out and only train to keep himself sharp enough to stay at number 1. He likes this as, in normal times, this dissuades most from asking him to do anything. He's closest with Espadas 0 and 5, doesn't really like Espadas 2, 7 and 8 as he finds them too flashy and peppy.
Cero Espada: Nikki
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Rank: 0th Espada Tattoo Location: Left cheek (covered badly with bandage) Hollow Hole Location: Sternum Mask Fragment: Pointed coverings on her temples and across her forehead Aspect of Death: Recklessness Cero Colour: Turquoise Zanpakuto: A bandage-wrapped dagger with a frayed green hilt and broken guard Release Command: "Run Wild!" Resurrección: Salvaje Description: Nikki's release form sees her become more reptilian in appearance - she gains a scaly texture across much of her skin, her nails become pointed, she grows a tail of pure muscle, and her teeth sharpen. Nikki doesn't possess any intricate abilities like the other Espada, her power is pure, unabashed, raw strength. She has the most overwhelming and powerful Spiritual Pressure of any Hollow, even able to contest Max when he enters his Segunda Etapa. Her Hierro while released becomes the hardest thing in Hueco Mundo, and her mere presence causes Spirit Particles to behave erratically around her. Even Espadas ranked 6 and below find it hard to stay conscious when she's released her Zanpakuto. Notes: Nikki likes to keep her tattoo "covered" as she believes her opponents will flee if they know she's the strongest Hollow and she won't get to fight at all. She constantly pesters for Max to spar with her at full power, but he's usually not at all bothered to do so. She's also asked for Neil to make things to make her weaker for sparring, but he has a hard time getting a grasp of the breadth of her Spiritual Pressure. She's friendly with everyone, but is closer to Espadas 1, 4 and 5.
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arruerie-a · 3 years
𝐍𝐨 𝟓.  *   𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞
(  As a side note, while these buildings have been referred to both as the “ Espada Towers “ and the “ Espada Palaces “, the latter is actually the correct terminology and what they’re referred to by the denizens of Laz Noches.  )
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 : Aaro/niero’s palace is a windowless structure characterized by a tubular-esque style of green roofing, the building itself stands beneath the sun canopy of Las Noches, in an unspecified region of the complex, and appears to occupy the center point of what appears to be much smaller and compact living quarters for Numeros. It only features one noticeable door, which is accessible only through the bridge that connects his abode to the larger complex. 
𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗗𝗼𝗼𝗿𝘀 & 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Much like the exterior, the interior of the palace is deceptively simplistic, featuring a similar green tubular architecture to the roofing & blue tile flooring, however the pristine yet sparse nature of the rooms effectively disguising the numerous hidden doors & compartments within the structure. Some of the doors are hidden entrances to the tower itself ( the only he knows about ), while others are merely the entrances to various lounge rooms & bedrooms that have never seen life  beyond the Noveno. The seamless cabinets are exactly that, just empty spaces for storage at his disposal, many of them contain basic necessities like cushions, dinnerware, towels, blankets etc all depending on where they’re located ( whether they be in main areas or closer to the spare rooms ).
𝗕𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲: Given that his tank weighs massively on his shoulders, Aaro/niero is not stranger to steeping himself in hot water to loosen the muscles in his back for pain relief, however, given his massive size, a shower is more often than not the easier choice than dealing with how the angle of laying in a bath would shift the weight of the tank. To rememedy this, one of the floors of his palace has been completely remedied to feature a Japanse style hot spring bath house, with separate changing rooms that are endowed with towels and other toiletries. The presence of this floor is a well kept secret, although it certainly has the space to house many Arrancar at once, he’d rather not have to host anyone other than himself.
𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗼'𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺: Aaro/niero’s room is a large space hidden away in the heart of the palace behind several secret doors, his bedroom is furnished by a single, sizeable bed which is characterized by a circular white mattress with white sheets & blankets to match, the pillows on top firm yet soft to support the weight of his heads as he sleeps. Much like the rest of the tower, built into the wall is an invisible door that hosts a large closet space for his personal belongings including various versions of his coat ( both the one he currently wears & the ones worn in previous generations ), shoes, socks, his dress etc. Attached to the room is a personal bathroom, it features both a bath & a shower, however as mentioned, he typically refers a good soak in the hot springs but will make do if he’d rather retire for the night quickly.
( TBA maybe?)
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hollow-triad · 2 years
Devorarla, Glotonería!
Rukia vs Aaroniero
Dave Mallow & Jose Gilberto Vilchis as Fake Shiba
Fumiko Orikasa as Rukia
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glot0neria · 5 months
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Full name : Aaroniero Arruruerie Race : Gillian Ethnicity : ??? Birthday : April 23rd Age : 1000+ Height : 205cm/6'8½ Weight : 91kg/200Ibs ESPADA NUMBER 9 ( NOVENO )
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Aaroniero was a Gillian, the weakest class of Menos, before becoming an Arrancar, and the last of the first-generation Espada. At some point in the past, Aaroniero gained the powers of former Shinigami Lieutenant Kaien Shiba by absorbing Metastacia, the Hollow who killed and fused with Kaien. By doing this, Aaroniero was able to gain not only Metastacia's power to fuse with others, but Kaien Shiba's powers and abilities as well as his Zanpakutō.
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highly sadistic and GREEDS for the power and food to step upon just so he can become more stronger. Cunning and ruthless and tends to think ahead of himself the moment he get a chance of winning. manipulative and smart, yet tends to stay inside his palace all the time and barely comes out of his palace and only comes out to eat a dead hollow nearby. only follow Aizen for the sake of wanting more power and safety. master of acting but will never have the HEART to understand what is it with love between friendships of humans because of him being an arrancar and living without a companion his whole life.
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Strength: ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
Stamina: ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
Durability: ☼ ☼
Intelligence: ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
Magic: ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
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Glotonería (喰虚 (グロトネリア), Gurotoneria; Spanish for "Gluttony", Japanese for "Devouring Hollow"; Viz "Hollow Eater"): Aaroniero's Zanpakutō takes the form of a deformed, brown-tentacled appendage with a gaping maw at the center, surrounded by various coiled tentacles. He commonly hides it under the glove on his left hand.
Hollow Absorption: While all Hollows can cannibalize each other to gain power, Aaroniero has the unique ability to devour a dead Hollow and receive all its abilities and Reiatsu. This ability allows him to evolve without limit, unlike normal Hollows, which is why he is the only Gillian-class Menos among the Espada. By the time of his confrontation with Rukia Aaroniero claims to have eaten approximately 33,650 Hollows and gained their strength, one of which was Metastacia, the eating of which gave him the Shinigami abilities of Kaien Shiba.
Aspect Manifestation: While sealed, Glotonería allows Aaroniero to perfectly manifest any aspect of those he has absorbed, including their knowledge, muscle memory (and thus their battle styles), physical form, and powers. He has only manifested the aspects of one individual at a time while in sealed form. While released, Aaroniero can manifest as many of the absorbed powers as he wishes.
Resurrección: It is activated by the command Devour (喰い尽くせ, kuitsukuse). When released, it turns Aaroniero's lower body into a huge, purple blob-like mass resembling an incredibly bloated invertebrate or octopus, with dozens of stubby tentacles, large red eyes, and large mouths complete with teeth. In the center of this mass there is a bubbling area that seems to boil and displays random masks from the thousands of Hollows that Aaroniero has consumed.
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onigamis · 3 years
❛ ❛ 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞.. ❜ ❜ ❛ ❛ 𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦, 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘪 ? ❜ ❜
JUST AS HE WAS ABOUT TO LOOK AWAY, THE ESPADA SPOKE-- the challenge in those words brought life to akon's tired eyes, his gaze now unwavering.
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    ❝ on the contrary, i counted on it. ❞  it was clear that he meant it, shoulders slack-- exuding calm.
SOMETIMES AKON NEEDED TO BE REMINDED THAT NOT EVERYONE OPERATED ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH AS HIM, but he was almost certain that the noveno had felt it too. the gravity between passing hands was growing stronger-- akon could feel the focus resonating from the looming noveno now and again. they were noticing each other.
    ❝ -- do you think that mask hides your intentions ? ❞   if he was even aware of them, that is. it was only recently that akon had started to unravel the meaning behind his own  fixation. 
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keikakudori · 3 years
glotonria: I can’t speak for other espada but i could honestly write you a dissertation on the noveno for sure
pls fucking do i would love to read this.
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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April 23: Happy Birthday to the Ninth (Noveno) Espada in Sosuke Aizen’s Arrancar Army over at Hueco Mundo who took on and lost to Rukia Kuchiki as the manifestation of Kaien Shiba, and considered the second weakest, later weakest of the Espada, the Bleach character of Aaroniero Arruruerie.
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