#now I am much more worried about the itn crew đŸ˜©
bereft-of-frogs · 2 years
Spoilers for Into the Night/Yakamoz S-245 if that’s something anyone’s concerned about?
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I’m not sure the writer of the Yakamoz S-245 subtitles conferred with the Into the Night subtitler lol, but also getting the same scene in two different shows, from two perspectives, is a kind of cool illustration of how the subtitles can change the tone of a scene. “Everyone pays the price” vs. “You’ll pay for this”.
Like, part of this is also context. For the scene on the left, Ayaz is the protagonist. We have the full context of his confrontation with Markus, 12 episodes worth of characterization that show he is a flawed but ultimately just man, the line itself is a reference to an earlier conversation about justice and revenge. On the right, this person is a complete stranger, introduced as he’s trying to kill an unarmed person on their knees.
(Not that I really think anyone has only watched Yakamoz S-245. I mean, I guess it’s possible? It’s definitely written to be independent enough that you could in theory watch it first, I don’t think you’d miss out on any plot explanation. But I think most people will be watching it in release order. I’d personally recommend that, it’s a lot more fun when you have the Into the Night context, especially episode 5 and onwards.)
But it is the interpretation as well. The line as translated in Yakamoz S-245 is much more sinister. The personal, direct ‘you’ instead of the more general ‘everyone’. The left is really more a commentary on like, balancing the scales of justice, and the right is a pointed act of intentional violence. It’s really interesting how much more malevolent that one line shift colors the tone of this interaction, even aside from the larger narrative context.
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