#now I cant stop thinking about itttt ughhhgbdbf
gregoftom · 1 year
ever just watch and replay the kiss to feel some emotion in your chest
the commitment to it the length of it the softness the firmness the eyes closed the eye open and unwavering in their contact the holding of his head the touch to his cheek and shoulder the pause on leaving to turn and nod, like the need to linger there, the want, the more that could be but doesn't come, the lack of words, the unfettered emotion
the length of time of that fucking press of lips to greg's forehead. the most raw outpouring of tenderness. of gratefulness. of getting to have and to hold and to keep. of being overcome by happiness and the expression of that is to kiss greg with such affection and care
to linger on that for as long as he genuinely wants to
to feel feel feel
to be almost in tears by it!
to be surprised by his own self for doing it. to have acted without inhibition, and that's what came
it's the softest thing in the world
and when he releases the kiss, to behold this angelic face in his palms...
ohhh my heart is aching for him.
and he had to remove himself from the corporate room of wives and bosses to let himself experience something so in need of pouring out of him. to be able to express that in front of greg, with greg. his release, his escape, his levity, his friendship, his comforting anchor of security. the one he's found and orbits to constantly since. the one he wouldn't want to do this without. a partner. a grounding presence. someone to be free around. someone he doesn't need to hide any part of himself around. he can be a prick, he can be macho, he can be loving, he can be feminine, he can be playful, he can be flirty, he can be sad, he can be tired, he can be grumpy, he can be nurturing, he can be seen in his socially weak moments without embarrassment or fear, and in fact taking greg's metaphorical hand to help him so openly. he'll be closed-off and angry at times but he can be weak and vulnerable. he shows his belly with undoubting trust.
greg's his one person I don't think he should ever have to go without in his life
(and really they should spoon and fall asleep together about it)
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christ anon you want me dead!!! bc alllll of this - and the way tom does a little gulp and blinks afterwards, like he almost cant believe he did that, the way greg searches tom’s eyes for the joke, for a razz, and it doesn’t come, only genuineness and affection so he nods, understanding, his hands clasped almost in prayer like he’s a disciple of this hurricane of a man. the way tom’s fingers pet the back of greg’s head, such a tender action and something he knows greg likes, to soothe and answer his question; is it real?
yes greg, yes it is. realer than anything in this shitass world where people put on a meatsuit and pretend every day of their lives. it’s real with you. i’m real with you.
and about the belly thing, SO true but an actual visual example of this is the wrist in america decides - he exposes his wrist which is a vital weak spot to greg when greg takes the coke from it, representing so much in terms of their relationship. tom can’t help but expose himself, he loves greg so much. and despite it getting him burned greg loves him too, kissing his hand when pretending to snort the drugs [toms ring hand btw, which shows subservience indicating that greg Likes to be in that kind of position with tom and thus chooses to be and explains his pure joy at the sticker scene] bc these mfs are so desperate to press lips to one another that they find any way they can. skin other than mouth because they’re both too afraid to do that but they find any way they can because they want each other so badly.
they should you’re SO right and tom jetpacks greg, we seen that boy wrap his own arm around himself, he wants to be cuddled! needs to be! so he’d be so at peace and happy and feel so safe to have tom’s thick and warm arm around him.
IKR damn like. that really happened!!! and greg did the same in 4.08!!! damn these bitches are gay!!!! good for them!!! good for them…
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