#now I gotta keep renovating her personal house vweeee
idanwyn-et-al · 2 years
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Umi no Heiwa
Born and raised at sea, Idanwyn longed for a stationary home of her own. Some years ago, she decided to make said home in Shirogane, since she is just as comfortable in Hingashi as she is anywhere else on the star. Though her duties as Captain of the Free Trader Nixie keep her from visiting home too often, she always enjoys whatever time she can carve out for herself there, either alone or entertaining a few guests.
Her home includes a geomantic shrine; a well-stocked kitchen and two dining areas to enjoy her culinary creations; a relaxing bathroom; her simple, cozy bed; a dressing area and reading nook; and a lofted den, complete with roses, wine, and stories to read. Like many sailors, she is quite fond of greenery, and the plants throughout her flat are lovingly-tended. There are rumors that a juvenile paissa wearing a chef’s hat cares for the place when she is off on a voyage; Idanwyn can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of said rumors.
((Umi no Heiwa is located on Mateus in Shirogane, Kobai Goten, Wing 1, Room 13. Feel free to stop by! Additionally, I know I’ve posted her apartment before, but I made enough renovations over the past few months to warrant a new post, I think :D.))
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