#now I jus know they would be obnoxious with it too💀
milliumizoomi ¡ 3 years
So bakugo and his s/o were playing fight and they started choking each other to see who would give in first but both of them are stubborn asf lmao They just kept going they weren't even playing no more so they both pass out and denki saw the whole thing and got a video sent it to everyone in class 1-A now it's an inside joke but bakugo and his s/o doesn't even
Pairings: Bakugou x POC Fem! Reader
Warnings: Strong willed y/n, fluff & crack.
A/n: this request is hilarious to me. This was fun writing so thanks you for the request💕💕.
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Your’s and Bakugou’s relationship was nothing ordinary to say in the least. With both of you very loud mouthed and determined it was best to say you were a dynamic duo. If you were in a tag team argument, the other people wouldn’t even stand a chance. But you also had a playful attitude. And you use that attitude to annoy the living shit out of him. You’d always find some way poke at him and make him annoyed.
One day, you were in his dorm lying on his bed. He was at his computer in his room, studying for exams that was coming up. While you layed there on his bed, scrolling through your phone, you quickly got bored. You shut your phone off and threw beside you on the bed. You turned your head to look at your focused boyfriend. You looked at his relaxed features as he flipped the page of his textbook. He felt eyes on him as he shifted his eyes to look at you. When you realized he went to look at you, you quickly turned away.
He studied you some more before shrugging it off and going back to his textbook. You turned back to look at him and then grinned evilly. You were thankful that your boyfriend didn’t see your huge puffs bobbing off the bed and behind him. You slowly stood up and once again prayed to god that he didn’t sense your presence. You then slowly leaned down and bit him on his bicep. “AH WHAT THE FUCK!!" Bakugou yelled. He swatted you away as you fell to the laughing your ass off. "THE HELL YOU DID THAT FOR NERD?!” He questioned. You looked up at him with tears running down your cheeks as you said, “I just wanted to.” After that, more events like this occurred.
This day in particular is when some stuff happened.
You weren’t in the hero course, you were in Support Item Course . So you and Bakugou don’t tend to see each other in classes. And on a very.. interesting day, something rather out of the ordinary happened that had all of class 1-A shocked. Mr. Aizawa had all of the class go to the Department of Support part of school to see what the students would need or would like to add to the hero costumes.
As class 1-A entered the Support room, Mr. Power Loader was there to greet them. “Hello students, today the support course students will be helping you on adjustments and upgrades on your hero costumes. If you need help, Mr. Aizawa and I will be in the teachers lounge” he said as he turned to leave. As he and Mr. Aizawa began to walk out, Mr. Aizawa turned back to the students and said, “I need you all to behave. We will be back by the end of the period so you need to decide now what adjustments and update you would like your hero costumes to have. You all will be in pairs and the names of who is with who is in that box over there. The room you are assigned to go to will also be there.” They began to leave and Mr. Power Loader called in his support course students into the room.
As the support course students walked into the room, everyone was assigned in pairs. So one support course student with one student from the hero course.
Bakugou’s eyes widened and his mouth went dry. You walked in talking to Hatsume wearing most of the old clothes that were his. You were wearing a white tank top that couldn’t fit him anymore, black overalls with the top part hung down and one of his old jackets tied around your waist. Your kinky hair was pulled up into a high puff and you had grease on your face as if you were working on something else before class 1-A walked in.
You looked at him and smiled. His face broke out in a light blush as he grumbled and looked away. You ended up being paired up with him and you were sent to your assigned room.
You two walked through the hallway and soon made it to the room. As soon as you hours made it into the room, you then looked up at Bakugou and your face broke out into an evil smile as you launched yourself at him. You grabbed his head and put him in a chokehold and started to nuzzle his head. “Hi sweetie! Bet you won’t get outta this one!” You laughed as you held onto his head tighter when he tried to wiggle himself out of your hold. “NERD LET ME GO!” He screams at you. “NEVER!” You yelled. Eventually he got free and you were jumping an tables and chairs to escape him as he ran after you. “HELL NO ‘SUKI! ACK! BOY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME I AINT LETTIN’ YOU FUCK UP MY HAIR!" You screamed as he chased you. He eventually caught you but you in a chokehold. “I ain’t lettin’ you go till you give!” He said as he tightened his grip slightly on you. “W-well.. looks like we finna be here for a while then” you challenge. This went on for a while until you managed to get out of his grip. He then started chase you again to get you back into the chokehold. But you finessed him and he was now the one back into your grip. “AHA BITCH! YOU PLAYED YOURSELF!” You cackled at him. “NO DIPSHIT YOU PLAYED YOURSELF!” He grinned evilly. The next thing you know his own hands come up to your neck and he puts you in a chokehold too. “BOY-“ you said as your grip tightened. “What?! CANT TAKE IT?!” He challenged. “PLEASE THIS AINT NUN’” you said back.
As this was happening, Denki just happened to passing by. He had gotten lost going to the room he was assigned. As he passed by the room you and Bakugou were in, he heard the commotion going on the room. He tiptoed closer to the door and rested his head on the door. He heard the struggle through the door and started to wonder ‘what the hell is going on in there??’ He peered the door open and peeked his head through. His eyes widened at the sight of you and Bakugou having each other in a chokehold. He had to stifle his laugh. You looked like you were about to stumbled and hit your head while Bakugou was turning blue. He took his phone out and started to record what was happening. He stood there for about 5 more minutes recording you both with his phone and watching the two of you struggle in each other’s hold and at this point tears were streaming down his face. “Dude what the fuck..! Their still going at it” he whispered to himself and the video. He could tell that you guys were serious about this now because both of your grips kept getting tighter and tighter. Literally 1 minute later, both you and Bakugou just drop. You both just passed out.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA!” Kaminari cackled and jumped from behind the door. He had stopped recording but was still laughing ‘til he couldn’t breathe. While he was still laughing, he sent the video to all of class 1-A. He sent it with the text attachment, ‘Hey guys you HAVE to see this💀💀.’
After that day, that’s when the inside joke started. But somehow you guys didn’t even get in trouble for not completing what you were assigned to do. But back to the main point, whenever somebody from class 1-A would see you and Bakugou together they would laugh to each other and go “choking is lethal ain’t it.” And you and Bakugou would be so confused because you don’t remember anything from that day at all. You would just stare at them with a blank expression. Then when you would ask they would say “don’t worry about it.” At this point the whole class knew you two were dating which makes it so much funnier. And truth be told you guys never figured out that joke at all.
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©Property of sunaslilone. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission.
Taglist: @uniquabackyardigans @haikyu-whore @kiribis-confesion-page @gm4176 (Open ! click here to be added!)
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