#now I must crawl back into my hole until the next full moon lol
vanillatwilight17 · 7 years
A New Beginning (Chapter 6)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I hope you all are still with me! Here is the next chapter! Please leave me some reviews or comments after you read! I didn't get a single one for the last chapter and I have no idea how you guys felt about it lol.
Here is a link to chapter 5 with all other chapters linked if you forgot, are new, or want to reread to catch up!
Chapter 6: Yellow or Green?
The entire town of Storybrooke could talk of nothing for days after Emma and Killian's big baby announcement. Between Snow and the dwarves telling everyone they could, anyone who hadn't been at the party knew within a day or so. Slowly, especially for Emma who was still throwing up on a daily basis, the days turned to weeks and before Emma knew it she was five months pregnant. As their alarm went off to wake them up for work, Emma reached over to turn it off and felt instantly amazed.
"Killian," She said trying to wake her still sleeping husband.
"Whaaaamf iz tit uuuvve?" he mumbled into his pillow.
"I didn't throw up last night!" Emma said elated! This would seem a silly accomplishment to anyone not getting over the stomach flu but to her it was a Christmas miracle. Dr. Whale told her that some women experience morning sickness their entire pregnancy and Emma was beginning to think she was one of those lucky few. Morning sickness was obviously a relative term because anytime of the day she could find herself needing to sprint to the closest bathroom. She started figuring out foods and smells that set her off more than others but it was still extremely annoying.
"Really?" Killian rolled over, placing his arm under her neck to pull her close to him. "No more morning sickness?"
"I wouldn't go that far yet but this was the first time I slept through the night without puking since before I found out I was pregnant."
"I was beginning to think you were this horrible mother who was sneaking out after I went to sleep to binge drink at the rabbit hole and was crawling home to puke your guts out." He teased her causing her to swat playfully at him.
"Hahaha I would much rather have the drunk pukes. At least they don't hit you in the middle of grocery shopping or parent conferences." Emma said thinking back to some recent unpleasant memories.
"Someone's been giving Mummy trouble already." Killian said placing his hand on Emma's rounded stomach and bending down to give it a gentle kiss.
Killian was absolutely obsessed with her baby bump and Emma loved it. She remembered the first day her clothes no longer fit her. She had been particularly hormonal that day and they were supposed to be going over to Regina's to celebrate baby Robin's birthday. She must have tried on every outfit in her closet and not a single thing fit her. She ended up in sweat pants and her bra sitting on the floor sobbing. When her husband had come up stairs to check on her, finding her like that he rushed to her assuming something was wrong.
"Emma love what's wrong? Is it the baby?"
"Yes!" Emma said through angry sobs.
"What is it? Do you need a doctor?"
"It's not like that. The baby is fine. Great actually that's the current issue."
"I'm afraid I'm not following love." Killian said, he had learned to be patient with his wife when she was having hormonal moments if he liked his head.
"Look!" Emma said pulling off the shirt to reveal a small bump on her stomach.
"I see! You're finally showing! Our baby is finally making itself known to us!" Killian said wrapping his arms around his wife and pulling her in for a hug.
"And none of my clothes fit! I'm a cow. What is everyone going to think when I show up to the party like this?" Emma said pouting.
"Well you have to be the cutest damn cow I've ever seen." Killian said. "They might think it a tad on the scandalous side. Crazed mother to be shows up to a two year olds birthday party in nothing but her bra and sweats sobbing that she has joined the bovine family." As much as Emma wanted to smack him she couldn't help but smile. He had a way of making her laugh.
"Maybe my mom still has some of her maternity clothes that she can lend me for this afternoon then we can go shopping."
"That's the spirit love! Here, wear one of my shirts until then," Killian said, turning his wife around so her back was to him and they were both staring at their reflections in the mirror. "This right here, is the most beautiful site in the entire world." He said, kissing her cheek and placing his hand and hook on her stomach. You have never been more beautiful to me than you are right now, carrying my child."
From that day on whenever possible, Killian's hand was on her stomach. He talked to the baby constantly. This morning waking up was no different.
"I hope this isn't a sign for what we are in for." Emma said laughing.
"Say no Mummy! You are a little angel aren't you baby." He said kissing her swollen belly then coming up to kiss his wife.
"Did you think on the appointment today?" Emma asked him.
"I did. I don't want to know."
"Really? You don't want to know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"If you really want to we can. Where I'm from we have to do it the old fashioned way and find out when it's born."
"I'm fine with not knowing. There aren't very many surprises left in life."
"Thank the gods. I really wasn't feeling another big reveal operation. Those are exhausting!"
"You and me both. I'm sure my mom will give us a hard time about it though just be prepared."
"Do you have preference for what it is?"
"No, not really." She said.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked eying her suspiciously.
"I mean…."
"There it is!" He said proud of himself.
"I just mean that I will love him or her unconditionally regardless, but we already have a boy, it might be nice to have a little girl. I'm sure you want a little swashbuckling boy though."
"Why can't I have a little swashbuckling lass?"
"You certainly can! I just figured you would want a little Killian is all."
"I, like you, will love our child unconditionally regardless but I would be a miss to say I wasn't fond of the idea of daddy's little girl."
"I think that role would suit you well." Emma said smiling, nuzzling her husbands cheek. "We better get up and get going since we have to leave early today for the doctor."
"Unfortunately you are right love. Are we picking Henry up from school?"
"No, my mom is leaving early to check him out and bring him. She has been begging me even more than he has about coming to an appointment. Sorry, I should have told you." Emma said, hoping the additional guest at their appointment wouldn't bother him.
"No reason to be sorry love. I am floored that our child is entering the world surrounded by people who love it."
"Me too. My mom missed so much with me, and she says that there are so few milestones in my life left, that she wants to be part of all that she can. Who am I to deny the woman that?"
"And if you did she would just come anyway." Killian pointed out.
"True story bro." Emma said.
"Last I checked we weren't siblings…" Killian said confused.
"It's an expression. All the cool kids are saying it these days. I'll get dressed then head downstairs to get breakfast going."
"True story bro!" Killian said excitedly.
"No you can't say it for…you know what…never mind!" Emma said walking away laughing. One of these days she would get her pirate into the 21st century.
At three o'clock Emma, Killian, Henry, and Snow were all sitting in the waiting room of Dr. Whale's office.
"This is so exciting! We're going to get to see your little brother or sister!" Snow said wrapping her arm around Henry's shoulder.
"It would be more exciting if these two would find out if it was a brother or a sister!" Henry said.
"What? You don't want to know?" Snow asked surprised.
"Mom there are so few surprises left in life. Why ruin one of them?"
"How will we decorate the nursery if we don't know what it is though?"
"You can go gender neutral or wait until the baby is born and do it then."
"A baby should have a proper nursery when it's born!" Snow said appalled at the idea of waiting until her grandchild was here before painting the walls of it's bedroom.
"How did you decorate my nursery? You didn't know what I was." Emma said and Snow went very quiet and began fiddling with items in her purse.
"Mom…you didn't know what I was right?"
"True we didn't have fancy technology that let us see the baby before it was born but we had….ways of finding out what it was."
"You didn't Mom!" Emma said surprised.
"Grandma!" Henry said even more surprised.
"Really Snow?" Killian said.
"It wasn't like I cast a spell or something on myself or put you in any danger! Your father's mother had this necklace that was enchanted that could tell you if you were going to have a boy or a girl."
"Mom you know all magic comes with a price! What if the price had been that I was born with three heads?"
"Or what if she was cursed to act like a chicken during a full moon?" Henry added.
"Or what if she could only speak in haiku's her whole life?" Killian said accusingly. Unfortunately the three of them were not able to keep the façade up and started laughing.
"Oh please! Like the three of you haven't used magic to find something out. Clearly she came out just fine so no harm no foul."
"Emma Jones! The doctor will see you now please follow me!" A nurse called out and the four of them followed her back to the room.
"You know…sometimes when I'm around horses I feel like I…" Emma started but was cut off by her mother swatting at her shoulder.
"Shhh and follow the nurse young lady. I brought you into this world and I can take you out! You are fine!" Snow said.
Fifteen minutes later after vitals were taken, Dr. Whale was performing the ultrasound on Emma with her family members gathered around.
"Brought the whole crew today huh?" He asked.
"Oh this isn't the whole crew." Emma said laughing. "If you really wanted to draw out the family tree I don't think we would all fit in here." Everyone else started laughing too.
"Well they will be sad they didn't make the cut because this is one of those super high tech ultrasound machines that should you a 3D image of your baby. It's basically the next best thing to them actually seeing them. So let's see here…" Dr. Whale started moving the wand around to find the right angle. "Here we go. Ready to meet your baby?" Emma grabbed Killian's hand and both tightened their grip as an image filled the screen. Instead of a traditional grainy ultrasound image this one showed actual detail.
"Oh my God!" Emma said unable to hold back the tears. She gazed upon a perfect little nose, to perfect little lips, perfect little fingers and toes.
"That's our baby!" Killian said shakily. Emma looked up and saw he was crying too.
"Look it's waving at you!" Dr. Whale said noting that the baby's hand was moving. "If you've been talking to it frequently it probably recognizes your voices.
"Oh Emma! That's your baby!" Snow said kissing her daughter's head, barely holding back tears. "It's beautiful."
"It's perfect!" Emma and Killian said together, unable to take their eyes off the screen.
"Hey little dude! I'm your big brother!" Henry said.
"Pretty cool huh kid?" Emma asked taking her son's hand. Henry's eyes were so full of excitement, this baby couldn't have asked for a better big brother.
"Do you want to know if it is a little dude or dudette?" Dr. Whale asked. Emma was seriously tempted, she looked to her husband and saw that he was feeling the same way. They met eyes and had a silent conversation and squeezed each other's hands.
"The temptation is so strong but we want to be surprised." Killian said.
"Please Mom and Dad!" Henry pleaded.
"Sorry kid, gonna have to wait like the rest of us!" Emma said.
"I for one am glad you are waiting. So few people do anymore. It's so much more exciting that way. I'll get you copies of these pictures and then we will get you on your way." Dr. Whale said.
"Make an extra set for me!" Snow said.
Later that evening they were all sitting in her parent's living room looking at the ultrasound pictures. Regina, Zelena, Belle, and the kids had all come over for dinner.
"What sort of magic is this?" Regina asked looking at the pictures.
"I wish I had gotten one of these done!" Belle said.
"You and me both!" Zelena agreed.
"Well the question of the hour…who does it look like?" Regina said.
"Emma!" Belle said.
"Killian!" Killian said.
"I think it's a good mix of both of them!" David said.
"Mom!" Henry said.
"It's absolutely gorgeous so obviously Emma." Killian said.
"I was going to say the same thing about you!" Emma said.
"You two are revolting!" Regina said. "I can't believe you didn't find out what it is! How will we buy you gifts for your shower?"
"Oh you guys don't have to…"
"Oh don't even for one second think I'm not planning you a shower missy!" Snow said.
"Well you will just have to buy neutral colors like green or yellow." Emma said.
"Yellow is so not a neutral color!" Killian added.
"Yes it is!" Emma and Snow argued back.
"No it's not!" Killian and David said together.
The two sides looked to other members of their family for support and a full out debate ensued over the color yellow which turned into how would they paint the nursery which turned into laughs and good memories. Emma was so thankful that she had found her family and that her baby would be surrounded by nothing but love and support from day one.
A/N: So sorry for the wait! I was struggling with this chapter then I left the country for vacation and yea. Hope you are all still with me and that you leave me some reviews! I love hearing your feedback and knowing what you thought. It inspires me! Next chapter hopefully out much sooner!
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