#now I'm actually posting it on the right account lel
grongle9001 · 2 years
The song is "Pierrot" English acoustic cover by Ashe
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rexcen · 2 years
☆ When Bravery Struck
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> oikawa x m.reader (fluff)
[a/n] this is my first fic so i am very sorry if it's bad however i really liked the idea so i made an account just to post this lel I think this is a lot of words also idk how much but I think it would be a lot LMAOO I feel like I'm catfishing people with this like this is probably complete ass
[N/N] - nickname
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It had been such a stressful day, unfortunately a relaxing Saturday slowly turned into the shittiest evening imaginable. Piles of papers were littered on the countertop and surrounding floor of your desk. Running your fingers through your hair and leaning back you sighed. You had flunked two important tests due to stress and trying to regain yourself was a joke since none of the words from your notes were sticking to you.
Rolling your eyes, you checked the time seeing it was already 1:24am you closed one of your textbooks, pushing it aside, and dragging your computer towards you. You rose from your seated position and grabbed a bottle of alcohol you had from a few months ago out one of the cabinets in your small apartment. Being completely fed up is a good reason to drink like an idiot right? Apparently it was because you started downing the entire bottle while stupidly deciding to watch a romcom.
Stupid was the right word because you just couldn't stop thinking about Oikawa. You've had a crush on him for god knows how long though you would never actually tell him that per se granted that he could be with anyone in the entire school and you had zero luck with the few past crushes you've had. He was in the same class as you and sat next to you so you had the luxury of seeing him during classes. However you couldn't get one second of alone time with him since every time you were about to ask him to eat lunch with you, his fan girls would drag him away so you barely got time to truly hang out with him - the only other time you would see him is when you would go watch his volleyball practices after school which you quite literally would make time to go watch him play.
Coming to the end of the movie you were most definitely drunk and out of it. Opening your phone in a fit of giggles, your finger 'magically' found Oikawa's contact and clicked on it. After seeing the couple in the movie, you came to the conclusion that you really wanted to talk to him and that's exactly what you did. What happened after was a blur and that's the last thing you remember, besides getting on your feet and getting cozy underneath your blankets of course.
You woke up to loud knocks accompanied with the worst headache imaginable. Groaning you got up and went to see who the hell decided it would be wise to harass you so damn early in the morning. You slowly made it out the bed and trotted to the front door. "Coming!!" you shouted out, groaning while twisting the door knob wondering who could possibly be behind your front door.
Surprised couldn't be used to describe the absolute shock captured on your face as Oikawa stared right back into your eyes. "[N/N] I've been waiting soooo long let's go!!" Just as fast your expression turned to confusion as those words left his pretty lips. "What,, what are you talking about? Go where?" You grew even more confused as dismay washed his face "On our date?! the date you asked me to last night after confessing alllllll your love t-" A deep blush dusted your cheeks as you quickly slapped your hand over his mouth to hush him. The realisation came to you all at once making your nerves at ease "Wait.. Y-You like me too?" "Of course I do [n/n-chan] Iwa said it was obvious!!" Your cheeks turned an even darker shade of red as the space around you felt warm. He hugged you. "Let's finally go on that date now hm?"
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benefits1986 · 8 months
That hyphen on the word "dead-end" makes more sense and no sense, at once. Or it is just me and my dyslexic moody nothingness, yet again? This morning, dad was supposed to go on a long ride in ode of the long weekend. In an hour or so, we heard a loud sound that seemed like a firecracker, a loud one to be exact. Since I am still recovering, I asked him to check it out. He opened the door of our tiny house and looked around. Lo and behold, his three-year old bike tire exploded. We were talking about how mother dragon must have been breathing down my neck and today, my dad's neck, too. LOL. I asked him to thank mom because he could have gone wild on the roads especially during lusongs na malala. He stopped and looked at me. I knew he misses mom more and more.
I nebulized today because I can feel my breath shorten a bit which is not usual for me. Asthmatic era na ba talaga ako as an old lady with pets who shed their furs a whole lot this time of the year? LOL. I said sorry to Vici as he had to sleep on his own because mhie, I am literally and figuratively breathless-ish. Damn this bug. Ang lala but we are not stopping. Dad asked me saan ba ako pupunta this long weekend. LOL. I said that he should stop irking me because I can't afford a binat. A number of close friends are recovering from the flu for two weeks and counting; and I CANNOT imagine me in that scenario. Anyhow, I am supposed to backpack in no less than Bicolandia. However, I need to prioritize my health not only in time for the mega mad dash to the end of Q4, 2023. More importantly, the past days and weeks taught me that I am not getting any younger. Yes, I am not taking any maintenance drugs, thankfully; but it does not mean that I can go all out non-stop. LOLOLLOLLOLL. FML. I went easy on OD-ing vitamins and meds because my liver maybe crying out loud. I remember LA Tenorio's post which talks about his bout with CA. It's not just about the game but most importantly, the one who drives the ball and is part of the team. It begins and end with the self... always. This is easier said than done especially when I along with countless millennials are experiencing the pull of gravity; regardless of BMI, insulin resistance, number of zeroes in our bank accounts or the emoji reacts that our feed grants us. :D LELS.
We're all racing toward our own versions of dead-ends. We're all bound by our breath and nothing else, really. We're all but a speck of dust in the wind. It's funny how we often say that dogs' dead-ends are shorter than ours; however, I'd like to believe that all dogs have a life well-lived. They know what true love, compassion, loyalty and pure intention are. Enough said. I might be too dramatic for tonight's thought fart. I guess this is my way of resisting the AI boss bitch streak which is where I'm swimming in and will be in for the next X number of years. I guess I'd want to believe that there is a better version of Her (the movie starring Joaquin Phoenix) in this lifetime. I guess, humanity will prevail if and only if there'd be people who'll choose to make their versions of dead-ends worthwhile. Can I just say that I kinda feel like Anne Frank right now? So many social unrest, injustice towards the women and the disadvantaged. So many unnecessary factions that can actually be tackled if and only if people come together to over-communicate and negotiate. If only we work toward our dead-ends to heal the world instead of lambasting it more and more, maybe, just maybe, we'd be in a better ground. Let's see. For the meantime, I shall rest my case. Catch you in the next one!
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