#now be brave enough to keep him old and crotchety for eternity
claudiaeparvier · 2 years
okay so I’m looking into VC characters and I hope I’m just reading too much into it but they better not give the David Talbot body swap situation to Daniel in the show
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yoolee · 6 years
if lee wrote otome #7 | All good deeds get punished
The heroine is a badass lady knight who tricked a faerie queen and as a result has been CURSED to do one hundred good deeds in one year or be turned into a newt (or something equally heinous, queenie was so ticked that the heroine isn’t totally sure what that last part was aside from an angry roar) Luckily, she was planning on doing that anyway but it’s definitely easier to accomplish when one is not four inches long and super squishy. She can’t do the same thing more than once, each deed must be greater than the one that preceded it, and the person she does it for can’t say thank you or the deed is undone. She has one hundred days and one epic good deed left.
Errant Lady Knight.  Puts up a bit of a façade (though it isn’t all an act) of being massively crass, blunt, reckless and but is also super dedicated to her cause. Has a quick temper but it goes cold before it goes hot. Massively sneaky (after all, she tricked a faerie queen into surrendering some of her power, and she didn’t even know that old lady in the woods was magical) and fully aware the world isn’t a rosy, easy place with clear black and white decisions. Can’t bear to sit around doing nothing, and while she considers her options, she doesn’t hesitate to fling herself into whichever one makes the most sense very quickly. Very, very paranoid about making bargains. Tough, unafraid to do bad things to help good people, or make hard, hurtful decisions when they have to be done, but there is still a part of her that believes in the best, and wants to be a part of it. Big fan of the ‘hit it with a sword until it stops’ option for problem-solving.
PRINCESS CHARMING: An absolute rogue. Young, lovely, charming, dashing, brave, she runs around rescuing royalty and eliciting instantaneous wedding proposals. Sometimes is just in the right place at the right time – she’s lucky and has excellent timing. Longtime rival of Lady Knight because excuse you, she needs to rescue that royalty or become a newt. A genuine and absolute romantic, who really does believe in love at first sight, and goes along with those ‘kissed you and you woke up let’s get married’ proposals because she genuinely thinks it will work, but she falls out of love just as quickly. Incredibly poetic, always manages to find the perfect light to shine on her hair when she makes an entrance. Optimist who believes everything will work out, because it pretty much always does for her. To LK’s eternal frustration (one of LK’s good deeds was probably putting a stop to one of her weddings). Never given enough credit by LK for the stuff she actually does accomplish through skill and hard work.
MAGIC WISH FISH: Caught in an earlier good deed escapade, a magical being who accompanies the heroine and has for some time, because they owe her three wishes and she hasn’t taken advantage of them yet (mostly because MWF will absolutely twist them to their own purposes). Super duper crotchety and grouchy about being obligated to tag along as her page, but lbh is deep down an absolute sucker for her and her safety and well-being and will go down swinging if anyone comes after her. Master of deadpan snark. Acts like a grumpy teenager being dragged along on a road trip. Nothing nice to say. Tsun to the extreme. Stingy with the immense knowledge of magic that they have. Has some random but devastating weakness
FAERIE QUEEN: rival court ruler to the one who cursed the Lady Knight, the good deed she has requested is to take down the other Faerie Queen. Lady Knight’s not totally sure murder counts as a good deed, but, you say no to a FQ. Treacherous, wicked, tricky, wily, never lies but never gives the whole truth either. Has a grand plan and a lot of power and the creativity and ambition to make it happen.  Weaves a lot of webs and has been for a very long time. Not great at relying on others, pretty ambivalent about the existence of humans unless they wander into her realm. Generally p’o’d because being a leader to a bunch of half-mad immortal creatures who get bored and destructive is a THANKLESS TASK. Has a very dark, cruel streak when tested.
FAILED QUESTOR: The second eldest son, whose older brother failed the quest before him and whose younger brother is about to set on it as well and he will do everything to stop little bro, who is just an awful person, and instead wants LK to help his little sister who has always had an adventurous heart, succeed. Super duper average and normal and boring according to himself, and it’s true he’s not the most exciting person in the world, but he’s very genuine. Patient, excellent teacher, good at details, good at explaining things in different ways. Cursed in some massively ridiculous way (like he turns into goldfish every full moon) or some tragic way (invisible to his family from now on) or maybe both? Totally rolls with it, because he doesn’t have a lot of confidence.
THE DEATHLESS SORCERER: Absolutely out of his mind, according to everyone, including himself. The sort of guy who keeps a flock of swans on his lake who transform back into their kidnapped maiden forms only at night. Except, plot twist - he actually rescued them, they can turn into people any time they want and can leave any time they wish, there’s only one or two maidens (or men, or kids) at any given time, the rest are ACTUAL swans covering for them. His ‘lair’ is actually very much a home for survivors of violence and horrible situations, and he cultivates his reputation very carefully to keep anyone away who would try to drag them back. All this isn’t to say he is a paragon of virtue - he is DEFINITELY vicious and evil and horrible, just not to anyone who is actually helpless. He’s also legitimately an a-hole. Never listens to anyone else, does whatever he wants. Has magic that doesn’t really act ‘normal’ which is partly how he gets away with it all. Executes his own form of justice.
THE WISHED FOR CHILD: Parents were elderly and childless and wished and wished and wished for a child and lo and behold WFC showed up one day. They aren’t exactly human, and they aren’t exactly sure what they are, but they do love their parents, and are on a quest to save them, which is how they hook up with LK. Grounded, even-keeled, steady-tempered (not the least because weird stuff happens when they lose their temper). Just wants to grow vegetables and take care of their family, never mind with all this magical destiny nonsense.  Absolute master of making the totally insane seem absolutely normal and rational and reasonable. Detail-oriented and timely, hard to ruffle, likes schedules.
Past good deeders: The good news about helping people is they want to help you, so various recipients of her prior good deeds are always popping into her life. The dragon whose stolen hoard she returned will offer a loan (with VERY strict repayment policies), the gingerbread witch whose house she rebuilt brings over baked goods. The little boy whose splinter she got out tells her the best hay for napping in (hay that is later spun into gold), the golden goose she freed from the giant flies by now and again etc and so forth.
The FQ’s court: Show up to keep tabs on LK. Varying degrees of unhelpful.
The Silent Cursebreaker: Has to stay silent for seven years to save their siblings, and this is only year six. LK doesn’t have enough time to break their curse as a good deed, but still wants to help.
The Swans: Deathless Sorcerer’s rescued group
See the rest here or if that doesn’t work, from my masterlist
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