#now i lowkey want to make a sweater only version XD
deedee-sims · 2 years
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lucilla-sims 4t2 EP12 Sweater Shirt made top-only (requested by curiousb)
Cute sweater dresses! They’re for AF and TF, they have the appropriate morphs. They come in the original 12 colors (swatch is stolen), and you can choose if you want the TF files repo’d to the AF files, or not :)
Download EP12 Sweater Shirt Top-Only AF - Alternate
Download EP12 Sweater Shirt Top-Only TF Repo’d - Alternate
Download EP12 Sweater Shirt Top-Only TF Standalone - Alternate
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ramenrulz8p · 7 years
The Handsome Boy Next Door
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Pairing: Kang Daniel/Reader Summary: You lived in a quiet apartment building until someone finally moved into the apartment next to yours.  Tags: Fluffy Comedy with a dash of angst, mentions of Jeon Wonwoo (SVT), reader is an otaku Word Count: 4.1K A/N: I’d been meaning to write this in full fic form but I don’t think I’ll have the time so I decided why not do a scenario post? This is the short version of what what I originally wanted to write but I figured it was good enough XD Hope you guys enjoy!
You moved to an apartment building in your 2nd year of college because traveling from your house back to your campus was a PAIN.
(You could have stayed in a dorm but you did not like having to deal with curfew and the noise level)
Most of your neighbors were elderly women who always questioned why you weren’t dating or married yet.
It almost made you wish you stayed in a dorm, but it helped you master the art avoiding confrontation.
You lived next to the only empty apartment in your building because its owner had apparently passed away there. No one wanted to rent an apartment that might be haunted.
The landlord had been trying to lease that room for AGES and you’d thought she’d given up. But one day, a year and half later, you heard noises from the apartment next door. You were lowkey freaking out because what if it was really haunted???
Then you looked out your window and saw a moving truck below. You stuck your head out into the hallway to see people moving furniture into the apartment next to yours.
You texted your landlord to ask if someone had moved in next door and she seemed happier than she’d been in a LONG time. She’d managed to find someone who was willing to move into the apartment and she made you promise not to mention it could be haunted when you met your new neighbor.
There was a bad taste in your mouth as you closed your phone. What if weird shit started happening? Did that mean you’d have to leave your new neighbor to fend for themselves?
In the end, you decided to make up for it by giving your new neighbor a nice welcoming present.
But what could you even give?
Well, you did have that extra limited edition Saitama figure, but who the heck gave a 150,000 won figure away as a welcoming gift to some stranger? Besides, you didn’t need your new neighbor to know that you were a hard core otaku.
You decided to give them two of the spare jars of kimchi your mom had given you on your last visit home. (She always gave you more food than you could ever eat alone.)
You were about to step out the door dressed in your sweatpants and oversized One Piece sweatshirt when you realized you were not appropriately dressed to greet anyone.
It took you nearly 45 minutes to make yourself look decent. Your brushed out your hair and wore a simple gray sweater and some jeans. You judged yourself for really trying this hard, but you also had to remind yourself that your neighbor probably did not need to know you didn’t have you life together.
You finally walked up to your neighbor's door and knocked. You stood around for a good thirty seconds and no one answered. You knocked again, and again no one answered. At that point, you leaned your ear against the door to try and hear if anyone was on the other side of that wall, but you heard nothing but silence.
Your new neighbor was not home. Great. Just. Great.
You decided to walk back into your house and just give the kimchi to them another time.
With your sour mood, you defaulted to sit out on your patio which was overcrowded with dead plants. It was a small space but it was big enough to hold a swinging chair. You sat completely drained of energy and started to sketch in your sketchbook.
You had been so focused on doodling that you didn’t notice there was a cat on your balcony until it landed straight on your sketchbook.
It meowed up at you and you nervously lifted a hand for it to know your scent and get used to you. The small cat start lapping at your fingers with the thick bristles of its tongue and you laughed at how it tickled.
“You lost, buddy?” you asked it, knowing it couldn’t respond. This cat was obviously lost, there was no other reason for it to be on your patio. You pet the cat’s head and ruffled its ears as it purred. You lifted it up and checked its collar. The name tag read “Rooney”.
When you flipped the tag over, you saw the owner’s name inscribed on the back. Hi! This is Kang Daniel, if you found my cat please call me!
You quickly dialed the number and waited.
“Hi, Daniel-ssi, I found your cat.”
His tone immediately perked up from there. He kept on thanking you for a good two minutes before he actually asked you where you were. You gave him your apartment building’s address and he started to laugh.
“Is something funny?”
“No, no. I just moved there today. I guess Rooney isn’t used to the new place.”
“Oh, you’re my new neighbor then. I’m in apartment 101, right next to yours.”
“I’ll be right over, thank you so much for finding her.”
You had no chance to protest on him coming over to your door. You looked around and saw how messy your house was. There was no way you were letting him come inside. You cradled Rooney in one arm as you grabbed a paper bag and threw in the jars of kimchi you’d planned to give him.
By the time you were done, he was buzzing at you door.
You rushed to door and looked through the peep hole. You squeaked at the sight of your new neighbor.
He was hot. There was no other way to get that through. Like sure, there were a lot of good looking people out there, but this guy was one of the best looking boys you’d seen in a LONG time.
His soft looking pale brown hair and chiseled chin had you drooling, but you had to remind yourself to behave like a proper human being as your shaky hands opened the door.
“Rooney!” the boy shouted as he reached for his cat. Rooney quickly jumped out of your arms and into Daniel’s.
Dammit he was even more handsome face to face and you wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.
You waited until Daniel was done reconnecting with his cat before you greeted him. He bowed to you in apology as he hugged and petted Rooney. You could only smile at his concern over his cat, because it was really cute how much he cared.
You held out the paper bag full of the kimichi jars as you blocked the view to your apartment. “This is a welcoming gift. I wanted to give it to you earlier but you weren’t home.”
“Oh! Thank you so much!” he gave a shy laugh, showing off his eye smile as Rooney perched on his shoulder. “I wasn’t home because I was too busy looking for this kiddo.”
You nodded and smiled at him, understanding why he was out of breath over the phone now. He was probably searching as hard as he could for his cat.
Before you had to make up some excuse as to why he couldn’t come into your apartment, Daniel bid you goodbye, thanking you one more time. He quickly darted off to his apartment and you realized you hadn’t been breathing properly the whole time.
As you lay in bed thinking about your hot neighbor, you deliberated over how you wanted to deal with said hot neighbor. Like obviously you couldn’t treat him the same way as you treated the old granny neighbors you’d had for the past year and half. But how would you go about approaching him?
In the end, you decided you were going to try and be Daniel’s friend. Not just because he was cute, but because he seemed like a genuinely nice person.
The next day was a Sunday. You weren’t planning to really do much today, except you overhead Daniel say he was going to a friend’s place because he had some stuff he still had to pick up from there when you were having breakfast on your balcony.  
You smiled on this opportunity because it meant you had a chance to spruce up your house without him having to see you lug a bunch of trash and dead plants out of it.
You weren’t always fast but when you needed to, you got shit done. In three hours, you’d cleared away all the junk from your apartment that you didn’t need. All the clothes were cleaned and folded. All the wrappers and empty cartons were thrown. All the plates, cups, and cutlery were washed and put away. All the character figures on your shelves were dusted. For once, your apartment looked pristine.
Now what you needed to do was go out and buy some new plants for your patio. 
When you were getting dressed, you saw the drastic difference in the amount of sweat clothes you owned versus the normal clothes you owned.
You decided you might as well buy new nice clothes while you go plant shopping.
That night you hauled back half a wardrobe of cute clothes, some new makeup and skincare products, and three easy-to-care-for plants.
When you stared at the giant pile of things in your living room, it made you wonder why the hell you were doing all this. But also why it made you feel so good.
On Monday, you went to school wearing one of your new outfits. A blue chiffon blouse, black blazer, and short shorts. This was the first time in a long time you’d actually bothered to make yourself look good on a day that wasn’t an interview day and, of course, it raised eyebrows.
Your friends wondered what had gotten into you and you just told them it might just be time for a change as you walked the campus grounds with a bounce in your step.
Something, or rather someone caught your eye, and you immediately stopped. Daniel? He went to the same school as you? How had you not seen him in your three and half years going here?
You hesitated on whether or not you should try talking to your new neighbor, but you decided against it since he seemed to be having a deep conversation with a tall actor looking guy.
Then, you saw him again, except this time at the bus stop which would take you both back to your apartments.
You still weren’t going to be the first one to make contact, so you pretended to not notice him as you scrolled through your phone.
Daniel tapped you on the shoulder and started talking to you. It was basic small talk. Exchanging why you were there. Figuring out you both went to the same campus. What departments and majors both of you were in. After a while, there wasn’t really anything left to talk about and awkward silence filled the air as both of you waited for the bus to arrive.
You sat next to Daniel on the ride home because it would be weird to just sit apart after having a long conversation. But neither of you was speaking to the other.
You figured it would be a long ride home until your phone notified you that the chapter of the hottest manga out right now had just updated.
It was as if you were in your own world as you opened up the latest chapter and read the contents of the pages. Your foot tapped nervously as the ground and your face didn’t hide anything as you read through the chapter in horror.
The main villain had pulled out his biggest attack when the chapter ended. You had to restrain yourself from letting out and inhuman noise as you saw the last panel.
Daniel tapped your shoulder again and you suddenly remembered you were sitting next to your hot neighbor.
Great, you just had a serious face journey over a manga next to the neighbor you were trying to be friends with.
Except Daniel didn’t seem to care about the face journey, he asked if you were a fan of that manga.
You had to stop yourself from making a snide remark since Daniel didn’t really know you.
Were you a fan? This was only your life!
It hadn’t even been two days and you were already having to let go of your normal person image. But that didn’t matter, because you were in fangirl mode.
You told Daniel EVERYTHING and for some reason his eyes seemed to light up the more you blabbered on and on about plots and theories. You were even shushed by the other people on the bus when you and Daniel were laughing too loud.
It turned out that Daniel liked anime and manga a lot too - maybe not as much as you - but enough to hold up a decent conversation with you.
That was the main reason that the two of you started growing closer.
It started off as you two meeting up at your house and watching anime on your flatscreen. He once asked about the figures on your shelves and how you collected so many. When you told him, the process and how much it cost for you to get your hands on those figures, his eyes bugged out.
For some reason, your otaku nature didn’t bother him one bit and you found it highly amusing.
You could wear all your baggy clothes and anime T-shirts around Daniel and he didn’t seem the slightest bit put off.
You loved going over to his apartment to play with Rooney and Peter, who seemed to adopt you as their other human.
Either you guys were hanging out at your place or his.
The two of you had grown so comfortable around each other that you spent time together, even on campus.
On Wednesdays you two would get lunch together.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays you’d wait for him to finish dance practice before you two took the bus home.
He would tell you what he honestly thought of your paintings and you would tell him honestly what you thought of his dance routines.
Your lives had began to blur together, it was weird for you to think back to a time you didn’t know Daniel.
Your friends and his friends began to intermingle and you all went on a big outings together.
One time all of you went to a museum for someone’s birthday. It started off just fine but you all realized that it would be impossible to keep the giant group of you together. So everyone broke off into pairs.
You and Daniel were like a default pairing at this point. The two of you broke off away from the rest and roamed the museum by yourselves.
Daniel had gone to the restroom at one point so you waited for him by a fossil display. You were scanning the crowd randomly, looking around as you waited.
Your eyes came across someone you’d rather not see and your heart stopped.
Jeon Wonwoo had been your crush for the first year and a half for college. You two were in a lot of the same classes and somehow always sat next to one another. Then fate pushed it even further and paired the two of you up for a project. You fumbled your way through, hoping it might lead somewhere more, but Jeon Wonwoo had always brushed you off. Even when you tried everything to hold up a decent conversation.
You liked him so much it had made you jaded towards liking other people.
It almost made you laugh because your feelings for the boy were so superficial and only ended up getting you hurt.
“What’s wrong?” Daniel asked when he got back from the restroom. He waved a hand in front of your eyes to break your stare.
“Nothing,” you lied as a crappy feeling washed over you.
Seeing Wonwoo again, despite the fact that you were over him, made you feel like shit. The whole rest of the day you were sort of silent and unresponsive as the rest of your friends had fun.
That night, as you as Daniel took a cab home, he took your hand and asked you again. “What’s wrong?”
You didn’t know how to bring it up to him.
You couldn’t say, Hey, I just saw the dude I’d been crushing on for over a year and it short of bums be me because what if we ended up like that.
“I’d rather not talk about it.”
After that, Daniel stopped asking. He let you snuggle up next to his arms and fall asleep as the the cab drove the two of you back to your apartments.
The next day Daniel showed up to your house early in the morning (at noon) with take out and a box of your favorite sweets.
“They told you didn’t they?” you asked, knowing your friends had probably texted Daniel to explain to him why you were acting this way.
“Why didn’t you just tell me you saw your ex?”
You wanted to scream. “He’s not my ex...He’s just…” you hesitated before realizing you should tell Daniel the truth. “He’s just someone I had a crush on for the longest time and it obviously didn’t end well.”
“Well, it sucks to to suck, he missed out on an amazing person.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course!”
“You’re the best, you know that?”
“Of course,” he answered, shooting you a cheeky rabbit smile.
You two spent that whole day together snuggled up under one of your big blankets, surrounded by soft pillows.
Rooney and Peter were running around somewhere under those sheets and you laughed at their antics.
It made you stop for a second and take in just how much of your apartment had been altered because of Daniel.
You’d gotten a litter box for Rooney and Peter. You stocked up your fridge with enough food for twelve people. You had random boxes of jellies lying around for Daniel. You’d even bought special pillows so the two of you could sit down in front of your TV and watch it properly.
What were you to Daniel? What was Daniel to you?
Were you two just good friends? Or was there possibly something more?
Part of you wanted an answer, but part of you was scared again.
You knew Daniel wouldn’t brush you off like Wonwoo had, but to think of you and Daniel not being as close as you were now? That made you legitimately scared.
If you told him you liked him, would it change all of this?
Your mind went through scenario after scenario before deciding to say nothing and stay friends with Daniel for as long as you could.
You regretted your decision.
Because people would never stop approaching you and Daniel asking if you two were dating. It hurt you to say no every time.
It was even worse when people flirted with Daniel and you had no legitimate reason to be mad.
Sometimes you ended up avoiding Daniel to keep your feelings in check and you knew you hurt his feelings when you did.
It went on like this for two months until you decided you couldn’t do this.
In keeping yourself from telling him you liked him, you did the one thing you were trying to avoid.
You had decided you were going to go to his apartment to tell him, when Daniel started banging on your door.
He had a bag of clothes throw in a duffle bag over his shoulder and Rooney and Peter in either of his hands. He looked terrified as he gave you big, sad puppy eyes.
“Going somewhere?” you questioned, hoping he wasn’t leaving town.
“Why did you tell me someone died in my apartment?” he whined, lamely pointing a finger at his door.
You were genuinely lost for a second. “Huh?”
Daniel looked like he was about to cry when he told you he’d overheard the lady who lived below him say the last tenant of his apartment had died in it.
“So, you’re leaving?” You gestured to the bag slung across his shoulder.
“No…I thought I could stay with you…”
So that’s why he was knocking so hard. “Get in here, you big baby,”
Daniel set his bags down over by the edge of the couch and you went to go prepare dinner for the two of you. 1
It seemed like just another normal moment when the two of you were together, but your nerves started to get the better of you as he watched how comfortably he sat on your sofa and scrolled through your TV.
When you set out the food, he came over as quickly and sat down at what had become His Seat™.
You made sure to give Peter and Rooney food as well before joining Daniel at the dining table.
“Why have you been avoiding me lately?” he asked, breaking the silence after shoving food into his face. 
You set down your spoon, looking away from his eyes as you spoke. “I was actually meaning to talk to you about that…”
Daniel reached out a hand and placed it over yours. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
You looked him in the eyes, hoping you didn’t look as scared as you felt. “I like you.”
“Huh?” he asked, seeming taken aback by your sudden confession. 
You gulped at his reaction.“I like you, Kang Daniel,” you repeated. “Please don’t make me say it again.”
“That’s it?”
“What?” It was your turn to be thrown for a loop. Did he just say ‘That’s it?’ while you were laying your heart out?
“That’s all you had to say?”
“What do you mean that’s all I had to say?” Your voice rose as you got to your feet genuinely angry with Daniel for acting as if your confession was no big deal. 
Daniel stood up and walked over to you. He licked his lips as if they were dry and looked down at you with a nervous smile. 
“Well, I saw you change out the dead plants to fresh ones when I moved in. And you cleaned up your apartment too. So, I figured you probably liked me.”
“Oh my god.” You were mortified. So he HAD noticed all that. 
He held up his hands as he spoke, “It’s okay! It’s not like my apartment is any better.”
“Shut up, Daniel!” You choked out as you were trying not to die of embarrassment. 
“If it’s any consolation, I like you, too.” he whispered, pushing back a strand of your hair. 
Your face was on fire as you glared and pouted up at him. How could he be so cute and so infuriating? 
You tip-toed and kissed him to let out your anger. 
There were no fireworks or sparks or anything of that sort.
Just a calmness that soothed all the tension that had been digging into you while Rooney and Peter darted and played between your ankles. 
“Here,” you said as you handed him the 150,000 won Saitama you decided not to give him. “This was your original welcome present, but I didn’t want you to know I was an otaku. Now, Saitama can be like your guardian statue, warding off whatever ghost might linger.”
“No thanks, I think I’ll just stay here.” Daniel placed the box back into your hands.
You looked up at him slightly annoyed, “You’re going to have to go back to your apartment eventually.”
“But I don’t want to…,” he said as he shivered, giving you puppy eyes once again.
Daniel perked up when an idea popped into his head. “You know, we should just look for a bigger apartment! One we could share!”
You tried not to freak out over the fact that he’d suggested you two start living together. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. I literally just confessed to you, plus you haven’t even asked me to be your girlfriend.”
“I thought that was just implied.” He just shrugged and laughed. You rolled your eyes but you learned to accept his antics.
From that day on you two started dating for real, and just like Daniel wanted, you did look into bigger apartments- ones which had a very low chance of being haunted.
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