#now that we know the ice palace is relevant and a specifically creepypasta area
mirror-ralsei · 10 months
MINI THEORY: Ice Palace Victims and Why Dragon Blazers Is Haunted
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Dragon Blazers is a game likely cursed by a wizard. Really.
Noelle: “Normally one of the characters is supposed to guide you through the maze. But it became one of the most famous (or should I say infamous... XP) parts of the game because if you go there without that character, you’ll basically get stuck.. FOREVER. The developers actually say something about this in the manual... It warns you this glitch is actually “one of the bad guy’s magic spells”... Yeah XD... Sorry guys, I think you were just eating a little too much fruitcake when making this part of the game. XP”
The narrative framing of Noelle being overly dismissive of the "bad guy's magic spell" idea suggests this is the truth
There may already be characters "stuck forever" in the Ice Palace.
Snowdrake’s mother Crystal may have “fallen down” before dying.
Snowdrake's mother has a gravestone in Deltarune, and her cause of death in Undertale would have been "falling down" before being kept alive as an amalgamate
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A boss Noelle and Rudy have never seen before, “Silver Drake,” appears in Dragon Blazers as the Ice Palace boss.
Noelle: ““Silver Drake?” I’ve never beaten this boss before...” (Normal Route)
Rudy: “Silver Drake, huh? That’s a new one. Alright, what’s the plan, honey?” (Weird Route)
Rudy: “Ice on the Ice Palace boss?”
It may be that Silver Drake is Crystal in some form.
“Silver Drake” sounds very similar to “Snowdrake” and “Chilldrake.”
Rudy thinks ice won’t be effective against the Ice Palace boss, but fire will, implying it’s an ice-themed enemy; Snowdrake’s family is ice-themed
Unless Dragon Blazers III is a new game that revisits the Ice Palace, or Noelle’s blog entries are from another timeline, then Noelle has replayed the Ice Palace many times since childhood
Despite this, Silver Drake is new to both her and Rudy, which could imply it suddenly appeared in the game
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Rudy may “fall down” into Dragon Blazers as well.
Rudy is very ill and likely to "fall down"
The Ice Palace may have something to do with the FreezeRing, as both keep people "frozen" inside forever.
FreezeRing description: "A ring with a snowglobe on it. ...is that someone inside?"
Spamton Value Network (non-canon, but has alluded to canon events): "I didn't spend years inside the ring for nothing! YEARS inside the ring. YEARS inside the ring. YEARS inside the ring! So much pain, and that's value."
Spamton and a "famous genius" - possibly Gaster - may have been trapped in the Ice Palace before.
Spamton: "AND NOW I'M [frozen in there] WITH SOME STUPID [Famous Genius] I'VE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF"
Spamton: "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M [trapped together in one room, and the door won't open until they]"
Spamton mentioning being trapped with someone behind a door that won't open "until they" seems similar to Noelle's description of the locked Ice Palace door
If the "Famous Genius" is the same person Spamton is trapped in a room with, then Spamton was also "frozen" there, further implying an Ice Palace connection
Berdly may also appear in the Ice Palace in some form.
If Berdly's fate after the Weird Route is to have "fallen down" before dying, then he may join the ranks of those trapped in the Ice Palace
If the main cast visit the Ice Palace and encounter enemy Rudy, Susie will try to use her healing magic to “revive” him.
Noelle: “I wish I knew healing magic in real life. Then I’d make you better and...”
Toby Fox mentioning a character in the upcoming Chapter 2 using healing magic who isn’t very good at it “yet” - as of Chapter 2's release, the character turned out to be Susie, and she still isn't good at it, implying she may get better in the future
If she is successful, maybe other characters can be rescued from the Ice Palace in a similar way.
(Screenshot credit)
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