#now you see why I say that the Earliest memory date is... rather odd than the others?
ritchieblackless · 3 years
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Cozy Powell's Top Ten Days
(I did my best to make it look as if it was scanned)
Cozy Powell is a busy man and we thought we'd ask him what he considered to be his best remembered days...
"The very first time I ever went to Germany my van broke down and caught fire on the side of the Motorway, and the gig we were aiming for was 30 miles away. We got there eventually, but as we had intended sleeping in the van we hadn't booked a hotel and so we had to find an alternative, a railway station! It was December 1st and there was very thick snow, so it was absolutely freezing. To make matters worse it was the first time I'd ever been away from home and so I was homesick, cold, hungry and I couldn't speak a word of German, so when the police came to move us none of us could explain what we were doing there."
"Buying my car, a Ferrari Dino, was a pretty expensive day for me. They cost six and a half thousand pounds new, but mine wasn't brand new so it cost me a little less!"
"I forgot my passport twice in the last month, which is something I never usually do. I got to London Airport and realised that I'd left it at home; home being 16 miles away, and as the plane was due to leave, even I couldn't have got back in time. Luckily, we were going to Holland and they can let you through without passport. However on the second occasion we were going to Belgium and we had to arrive at Gatwick Airport the night before as we were booked on a very early plane. I got there at midnight and discovered straight away that I'd forgotten it. So I had to drive all the way home again, about 100 miles each way. I finally arrived back at about 3.30 am. I don't remember much of the flight, as I slept the whole way there."
"I was coming back from London on a motorbike, wearing just a pair of jeans, T shirt and a helmet, when suddenly a cloud burst. I was so drenched that I had to pour the water out of my boots."
"I played at the Roundhouse with Jeff Beck and we broke the house record, because apparently there were three times the number of people than there had been a few weeks before for The Rolling Stones. So there were over two thousand people and dozen of lights all around the stage. Just as I started my drum solo they turned four really big and hot lights on, aimed directly on to my back. So what with the intense heat in there already and the heat from the lights I practically passed out. I'm sure there was steam coming off my back!"
"The first naughty thing that I ever did was when I was about six and I stayed away from school. I hid in the woods thinking that nobody would find me, and suddenly my next door neighbour rode past on a bike and saw me. The next thing I remember was being confronted by my headmistress!"
"I was on the way to this interview in my Dino and I was coming round a bend at about 75 m.p.h.. but as I know this stretch of road so well it was a fairly natural thing for a racing fanatic like me to do! However, when I turned the corner the road was blocked solid with people digging it up. And about 200 yards in front of me was a big tipper lorry moving very slowly across the road. There was absolutely no sign to warn me, so I didn't have any time to slow down. There was nothing I could do but to aim for the gap behind the lorry, which I knew wouldn't be wide enough for the car. Luckily there was a bank and this gave me a bit more width. Miraculously I managed to make it through with two wheels on the road and two up the bank, and not one single scratch on the car or me."
"I can remember being parked in a pram outside Woolworth on a rainy morning"
"I was skiing in Switzerland, and being a speed fanatic I was going too fast. Suddenly, on my right I noticed a deep ravine, so I had no choice but to veer left. I was only a learner and I was going so fast I really didn't think that I'd be able to manoeuvre myself away from the ravine but I'm still here today, so yet another miracle has occurred in my life!"
"I was at my uncle's house last week. He's rather wealthy and he has a fine collection of antiques. I was admiring one particular vase and I picked it up to examine it more closely. The next thing I knew it was on the floor in about ten pieces!"
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Pairing: Logince
Word Count: 3,298
Summary:  Roman builds Logan a room that shows a perfect view of the night sky. He then tells Logan the stories behind the constellations. Logan POV.
“Hey, Specks! Whatcha reading?”
Logan didn’t bother looking up from his book, already knowing who was behind him. Even though they all had the same voice, his intonation and speech patterns made it easy to discern Roman from the others. He gave a simple response, knowing that the Creative Side wasn’t actually interested in the book itself, rather the broad topic that said book entails. “Astronomy.”
Roman chuckled, sitting on the couch next to Logan. Logan huffed when the Prince propped his legs up on Logan’s lap but he didn’t say anything, just shifting so his arms rested on Roman’s calves. “Why are you reading about stars when you can go see them at any time in the Imagination?”
Logan shrugged, flipping to the next page. “I have never been fond of the Imagination. Logic has very little power there, less than that of most creatures that dwell there.” He traced the diagram of Taurus with his finger. “Besides, I much prefer the cleanliness of a couch or a bed.”
Roman didn’t say anything, but Logan assumed from the brief shifting that he had shrugged. They sat in comfortable silence for several minutes before Roman jumped off the couch, nearly kicking Logan in the face. He made it halfway across the room before realizing what he did. The Creative Side turned to face Logan, his cheeks a beautiful interesting shade of red as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Apologies, I just realized I… have to do a thing! For Thomas!”
Logan tilted his head, curious. “A thing for Thomas?” There wasn’t anything scheduled for Roman to work on, unless it was a project that Thomas wasn’t consciously aware of.
Roman chuckled, awkwardly shuffling backwards. “Yeah, it’s really important so… I’ll be going now. See ya Nerdy Wolverine!” He quickly left the room, apparently forgetting in his haste that he could’ve just sunk out. Logan shrugged, ignoring his observations. This wasn’t the first time that Roman acted odd about a project, and there was a high uncertainty of this being the final instance of such an occurrence. Logan was curious about what said project was, but he would most likely find out at a later date.
With that, Logan flipped the page, ready to read more about space and the many fascinating things within it.
Logan nearly forgot about the incident, only remembering it when Roman didn’t attend dinner. When Logan mentioned it, Patton simply giggled. “Ro said that he had a super-secret project to work on. I’m sure he’ll show you when he’s done!”
Logan nodded, finishing his meal before standing. “The food was delectable as always, Patton. Have you sent any up to Roman yet?”
The Moral Side shook his head. “He said he would come down and eat when he was ready.”
Logan sighed, preparing a plate for the Creative Side. “Roman always forgets to eat when he’s working on a project. He also left before lunchtime, so I assume he hasn’t eaten since breakfast.” He swiftly put away the dishes he used before turning back to the two sides, Roman’s plate still in hand. “I’ll go send this to Roman before going to bed. I’ll see the two of you in the morning. And Virgil, I would appreciate your assistance in going over Thomas’ schedule tomorrow at the earliest convenience.”
Logan quickly sunk out of the room without waiting for a response, rising up in the hallway. He knew that his actions could be read as cold and uncaring, but Logan knew that the others understood his struggles to be verbally or physically affectionate. He went to knock on Roman’s room but paused. Roman’s room was normally next to Logan’s room, but now there was another door between them. Logan studied the door curiously. Everyone’s doors were decorated to match them, so it was easy to tell the rooms apart. This door didn’t match a specific side, however. It was an off-white, almost cream color with navy and gold stars. Logan tilted his head, confused. Was this the project that Roman was working on? The majority of Roman’s projects could be created in either his room or the Imagination. So why did he need an entire room to complete the project? Was the room itself his project?
When asked about it, Logan will deny the embarrassingly high-pitched squeak that left his lips when Roman rose up beside him. He will also deny how he jumped and almost spilled Roman’s food all over himself.
Roman quickly grabbed the plate, staring at Logan with wide eyes. “Sorry, Specks! I thought I felt you summoning me.”
Logan kept his face carefully blank, but he was frowning internally. Did he subconsciously summon Roman while he was analyzing the door? He needed to be more careful in the future. Logan cleared his throat while he straightened his tie. “Yes, I came to bring you dinner. I doubt you’ve eaten since breakfast.”
Roman looked startled as he looked at the plate. “I didn’t realize I’d been working for so long…” His eyes wandered to the door before snapping back to Logan. “Thank you, Calculator Watch! I assure you, it won’t happen again!”
Logan chuckled, smiling fondly. “You say that every time I bring you dinner.”
Roman blushed, most likely from embarrassment (but didn’t the blush start to form before he started talking?). He cleared his throat “Yes, well um… you see…”
Logan chuckled again, and Roman fell silent. “Roman, it’s okay. I completely understand what it’s like to be absorbed in your work. If I didn’t follow my schedule down to the letter, I’d probably be in a similar position. I just wish you’d take better care of yourself.” He looked back at the door, not noticing how Roman’s blush returned with vigor. “What are you working on, if I may ask? Normally you complete your projects in your room or the Imagination. Why do you need a spare room?”
Roman chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “The room… is my project, so to speak. I can’t say much about it, ‘cause it’s a surprise, but...”
Logan nodded. “I understand.” It was probably a gift for Patton or Virgil. Logan didn’t quite understand why the realization made his chest feel so tight. He turned to go back to his room, hoping that the tightness would go away once he laid down.
“Wait!” Logan turned back to face Roman. His hand was stretched out, not quite touching Logan’s. “I was- um, I was wondering…” He groaned, hanging his head low. “Words are hard.”
Logan smiled softly. A part of him chuckled at the irony, the Side that normally spoke in such a flowery speech pattern struggling to find the right words to say. Another part of him still felt odd, his chest too tight and his stomach twisting uncomfortably. But the largest part of him felt so… warm, just watching him. It was like the warmth of a weighted blanket after a long day of working. It confused him, having never felt this way towards the other sides or anything in general besides Roman. He figuratively shook away the thought, blaming it on the Creative Side’s eccentrics. “Take your time, Roman.”
Roman smiled gratefully before trying again, wringing his hands together. “The room should be finished by tomorrow night. Can-would- agh, curse the English language!” He pointed at the door, a desperate look in his eye. “You, me, tomorrow night? Please?”
Logan smiled. “I’ll come by after dinner. Does that sound acceptable?” Roman nodded, smiling. Logan turned around, ignoring the heat in his cheeks from Roman’s smile. “I look forward to seeing what you’ve created. Goodnight, Roman.” He quickly sank out, rising up in his bedroom.
Logan simply stood there for several minutes, waiting for his cheeks to cool and his heart to slow down. He didn’t understand how such a simple conversation could make his heart rate so irregular. He tried to recollect any similar experiences from Thomas’ memories, but the only instances that came to mind were during dates or other events with his previous partners. But it wasn’t like this was a date! He was simply planning on visiting Roman tomorrow to review his newest project. There was nothing romantic about that!
Besides, Logan thought bitterly as he layed in bed, Roman most likely wants me to review the room before he shows it to whoever it is intended for. Even if I saw it as a romantic encounter, he wouldn’t feel the same way.
Logan arrived at the new door approximately 15 minutes after dinner ended the next day. He wiped his palms on his jeans, frowning at how damp they were. I thought I dried my hands thoroughly after I washed them. He dispelled the thought before knocking on the door.
Roman stepped out of the room, smiling. His hair was sticking up in several directions, and Logan resisted the urge to run his hand through it. “Hey, Calculator Watch. Ready to see the surprise?” Logan cleared his throat and nodded. “Alright, there’s a bed that’s…” he flicked his wrist and red measuring tape appeared, leading into the room. “...7 feet and 4 inches from the door. Just lay on it and I’ll set everything up.”
Logan smiled at Roman’s consideration. Logan always preferred exact numbers (in this case distance) over ‘eyeballing it,’ so he appreciated Roman giving him a distance to work with. Roman opened the door slightly and Logan stepped inside. The room was pitch black, even with the door wide open. He turned around to ask, but Roman beat him to it. “The room’s designed to not let any excess light in.”
He nodded before belatedly realizing that Roman probably couldn’t see it. “Ah, that makes sense.” He blushed at his lackluster response, quickly moving towards the bed. He walked approximately seven feet before he heard the door shut. Logan reached his hand out until he felt the cool sheets underneath his fingers. He quickly sat down on the bed, biting back a sigh at how soft it was.
He heard Roman shuffle towards the bed before he chuckled. “You know, it would be easier to view the surprise if you laid down.” Logan blushed before nodding, forgetting again that Roman probably couldn’t see it. He toed off his shoes and shuffled until he was approximately in the middle of the bed, laying his head on the soft pillows. The bed was quite large, and Logan was sure that he could lay horizontally and not be anywhere near the edge. He heard Roman chuckle again. “Are you ready?”
Logan swallowed thickly, his heart rate accelerating for no apparent reason. “Yes.”
Logan gasped audibly as stars filled his entire vision. It was as if he was sitting within a planetarium, constellations dancing across the ceiling and walls in a beautiful myriad of light. He subconsciously held his hand out as if reaching to touch the impossibly far away stars. It was so beautiful, perfectly capturing everything Logan loved about the many stars he had only seen in stars and Thomas’ memories.
Logan turned to face Roman, tears in his eyes. The Creative Side was carefully observing him, and he visibly panicked at the tears before Logan spoke. “They’re beautiful.” Roman reached out, wiping away the tears that had fallen down his face. Logan then noticed that he was still standing, awkwardly bending to reach Logan. “Join me please.” Roman gave an uncertain look before nodding. He carefully took off his boots before crawling onto the bed, lying approximately a foot away from Logan. Logan smiled, looking up at the stars. “This is a wonderful room, Roman.”
Roman chuckled. “I’m glad you think so. It’s for you, after all.” Logan turned to look at Roman, who suddenly looked away from where he had been staring at Logan. Logan watched the blush crawl down Roman’s neck as he spoke. “You said you didn’t use the night sky in the Imagination because it was too dangerous and dirty, so I thought ‘why not bring the night sky to you?’ So I built this bedroom for you to use whenever you wanna see the stars.”
Logan smiled brightly, turning back to the stars. “Thank you, Roman. I greatly appreciate this.” He felt the weird twisting feeling in his insides finally relax, armed with the knowledge that this room was for him, not Virgil or Patton.
They laid there for a few minutes before Roman spoke up. “Did you know that the constellations have stories behind them?” Logan shook his head. Roman chuckled. “That makes sense. The stuff you read in your books probably sticks towards astronomy, not astrology.” He pointed at the ceiling and the stars lost their intensity, a single constellation retaining it’s brightness. Logan immediately recognized it as Draco. “The Dragon constellation is said to represent Ladon, the dragon that guarded the tree that produced golden apples for the goddess Hera. Hercules was sent to kill Ladon and retrieve some of the fruit for King Eurystheus as his eleventh labor. In a popular version of the story Hercules slays Ladon with a poisoned arrow.”
Logan watched, completely entranced as the constellation shifted. It was no longer just a familiar pattern of dots on a piece of paper. It was a living, breathing dragon, soaring across the night sky. It was elegant and graceful and alive, and it enchanted the Logical Side in a way that left him breathless. He blindly reached for something to hold, nearly crying with relief when the Creative Side’s hand slipped into his own. He held onto it for dear life, shifting closer to Roman as he stared at the Dragon constellation. Normally these things wouldn’t affect him this much, so why was it doing so now?
Maybe the room itself is triggering such a response. But then said response should have started the moment Logan walked into the room. Is the new information making me feel this way? While it was possible, it wasn’t probably. Logan did tend to express positive emotions when learning new information, especially about space. But the feelings were never this intense. So why was he feeling so much?
Perhaps it’s because of who’s teaching you the information, and who’s holding your hand right now. Logan ignored the thought, squeezing Roman’s hand and blushing when he squeezed back.
Logan looked up at the ceiling, curious. “Roman, do you have a favorite constellation?”
Roman’s hand stiffened for a moment before he spoke. “Do you?”
Logan frowned, studying the stars. “I thought I did, but it seems that my knowledge on them is… lacking, to say the least.” He squeezed Roman’s hand. “Besides, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have a favorite story.”
Roman chuckled, his thumb shifting to rub small circles into Logan’s knuckles. “Am I that predictable?”
Logan smiled softly, blushing lightly. “Yes, but that’s a good thing. I… like predictable. It’s… less scary. Easier to understand.” It’s why I love you. He turned to face Roman, smirking slightly. “Now, I believe you avoided the question. Do you have a favorite constellation?”
Roman stared for a moment before smiling, pointing at the ceiling again. The dragon faded into the background, lost within the rest of the night sky as more stars appeared. “I have two favorites, actually.”
Logan looked at the stars for a moment, puzzled. “Canis Major and Vulpecula?”
The constellations started shifting as Roman spoke. “The Big Dog and the Teumessian Fox. The Big Dog represents Laelaps, Orion’s chief hunting dog. Laelaps was such an amazing hunter that he could catch any prey he pursued. One day he was sent to chase Teumessian Fox, the fox that could never be caught. The dog and the fox were placed within the sky to chase each other for all of eternity.”
Logan stared at the constellations as they shifted. The dog was large and powerful, pride oozing from his stance. The fox was angular yet graceful, swishing his tail at the dog in a playful manner. The dog immediately took chase, leaping towards the fox. The fox cheerfully stepped to the side, avoiding the dog by just a hair. The movements were beautiful and graceful, and even though the animals were chasing each other, it was apparent that there was no real animosity between them. (Or maybe that was just Logan projecting onto the constellations, seeing himself as the fox and Roman as the dog.)
There was a comfortable silence between them before Logan spoke up. “Why do you think they chase each other?”
Roman hummed at the question. “Because Laelaps was assigned to chase the fox.”
Logan huffed, rolling onto his side to fully face Roman. “I know that, but why are they still chasing each other? They no longer share any animosity, and they are no longer required to be against each other.” He squeezed Roman’s hand, trying to convey what his pride wouldn’t let him say. “So why do they continue their game? Why do they chase each other for hours on end? Why does the fox continue to chase the dog? Why does the dog continue to pounce at the fox? Why the scathing remarks and teasing nicknames? Why are they continuing their game when they’re not required to?”
Roman stared deep into Logan’s eyes, seemingly searching for something. “Maybe… the dog enjoys their game.” He sat up, and Logan followed. “Maybe the dog doesn’t actually want to catch the fox. Maybe he only shows his teeth because he’s scared to show weakness in front of the fox. Maybe he just wants to chase the fox forever, if only so that he can spend his eternity with the only one who truly understands him.”
Logan swallowed thickly, trying to compose his thoughts. “Maybe the fox feels the same.” He lowered his gaze, unable to look Roman in the eye. “Maybe he swishes his tail and teases the dog in a desperate attempt to keep him interested. Maybe he slows down when he sees that the dog’s tired, just to keep the game going a little longer. Maybe he wants the dog to catch him, to hold him and-” love him “and care about him. And maybe he’s too scared that the dog will hurt him to slow down. And maybe he’s too prideful to say it out loud.” He leaned forward slightly, his gaze still lowered as he placed his hands on Roman’s shoulders. “But maybe the fox is tired of running. Running from his problems. Running from the dog. Running from lo-” He felt his throat constrict and his chest tighten as the word died in his throat. He tried again. “Running from lo-”
A hand cupped Logan’s cheek, wiping away the tears that he didn’t know were there. “Shhh, I understand.” Roman’s face was incredibly close now, but it wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. Logan felt his breath catch as he inched closer, his lips brushing against Roman’s for just a second before he stopped himself. He pulled away ready to apologize-
Roman’s lips crashed against his own, his hand moving to cup the back of Logan’s neck. Everything felt like it was on fire, swirling around his insides in an intense inferno of feelings. Logan tried to convey all that he could into the kiss. Desperation, relief, passion, uncertainty, love.
When they finally pulled away, both sides were left panting. Roman had a goofy grin on his face, and Logan was sure that his own smile was just as bright. They sat there for several minutes, just grinning like fools. And maybe Logan was a fool, if only for not realizing that Roman would chase him to the ends of the Earth. And Logan would always be there to run a few steps ahead.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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crownoyami · 6 years
Chapter 7 - Archangel
Title:  Archangel
Pairing: Gabriel/Sam Rating: E Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Warnings/Tags:  Drinking, Frottage, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Killing, Hitman Gabriel, Feet, Switching, Bottom Gabriel, Bottom Sam, Top Gabriel (Supernatural), Top Sam Winchester, Rimming, Oral Sex, Public Display of Affection, Rough Sex, Marking, Violence, Minor Character Death, Mentions of Rape, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Summary: Secrets had a way of being discovered. For hitman Gabriel, his biggest secret may just cost him the only person he ever loved.
AO3 Link To Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16273952/chapters/38720678
Author’s Note: The dates have been posted for the Reverse J2 Big Bang! Since I have three and am posting a full story once a week starting the 17th I plan on finishing up this one before then. For this month the only posts will be this story, 3 Reverse J2 stories and my Gabriel Monthly Challenge (which I still have to write). I’ve been keeping on track with NaNoWriMo (have you?) so I should be able to find some time next month to either A) Write a new Story B) Do 12 drabbles or C) Finish a WIP (There is a poll on my Twitter which is closing soon if you wanna cast your vote).
  **This has been edited by Gamermom
   Chapter 7
   As Gabriel continued to drive toward the location sent to his phone from Charlie he couldn’t help but sigh. Turning off his com, he looked at the long stretch of road in front of him. It would be another three hours before he arrived at the location and met up with Balthazar. Absently Gabriel thought it was funny how he had avoided inviting the other man to the BBQ and now here he was meeting with him.
 The BBQ that ruined his relationship. Brushing the thought aside, Gabriel continued to drive, using every bit of his training to block out the thoughts circling in his head. It didn’t work. All he could think about was Sam, and how the taller man hadn’t been able to even look at him as he left. Sure, Sam had watched but he was closed off, shielding himself from Gabriel, and sadly that was all Gabriel needed to see to know how this was going to end. Giving Sam the house was the right move, it had taken most of his savings to have it built and the security installed, but Sam deserved it.
 He could always save up again, in another ten years or so he would have to retire; while he wouldn’t be able to afford the house he was giving away again he would be able to make a home eventually. Although it was only for a brief time, Sam had made Gabriel feel like he could have a home, that he was home when with the other man. Giving him the house was Gabriel’s way of saying thank you, of trying to repair at least some of the damage he caused by sticking around.
 Eventually, Sam’s memory of him would fade and he could create a new life from his old one. Gabriel’s heart hurt at the thought of Sam moving on, the taller man was probably going to try and forget that Gabriel even existed once this was over, and Gabriel would try to do the same. Only, assassin knew he would never be able to forget the one man who made him feel human again, the one who -despite it being a horrible idea- Gabriel had fallen helplessly in love with, in a few short months.
 Sighing, Gabriel let his mind wander while maintaining most of his focus on the road. It would be a long drive, he could afford a few moments of dreaming about a future that was lost to him now.
  Finding Balthazar was easy. While they were supposed to remain invisible, Balthazar preferred to do so in plain sight. Gabriel had wasted no time in parking his car and walking into the small restaurant where Balthazar was seated next to the window. It was a dangerous move since they knew someone was targeting them, but also gave some level of protection considering the bystanders around. Slipping into the seat across from his friend, Gabriel tapped his com on discreetly, so Charlie could listen in.
 “Good afternoon, boy you sure can make good time I wasn’t expecting you for another half hour at the earliest.” Spoke Balthazar his blue eyes never leaving the paper in front of him. Gabriel meanwhile couldn’t help but notice the slight bags under Balthazar’s eyes and the way his shoulders were tense against the worn upholstery of the booth they were sitting in.
 “I figured I needed to see you sooner rather than later. No reason to delay the drive.” While he was speaking casually, Gabriel could tell something was off about Balthazar. The older man was one who was never tense, not even while working. On the rare cases where they had been paired up, Gabriel had seen the man crawl his way out of impossible situations, even once having been captured by a mob and still, he never looked at tense as he did now.
 Balthazar thanked the waitress who made her way over and refilled his coffee before asking Gabriel if he wanted anything. Politely declining, Gabriel turned to his friend once the waitress was gone and wondered what he was missing.
 “They got to Hannah,” Balthazar said softly, his tone remaining neutral though there was a slight tremor in his hand when he lifted the cup to his lips. Startled, Gabriel sat back, wishing he had taken the waitress up on her offer even just so he would have something to do with his hands.
 Hannah had been with Balthazar at the very beginning of his career. Though the two didn’t often see each other, there was a bond between a field agent and handler, one that went down to their very foundation. To have Hannah killed, someone who should have been safe for her line of work, would have cut Balthazar far deeper than Gabriel could imagine.
 “I don’t know who it did, there wasn’t much left… but it was professional. She had just given me the location for our little get together before it happened, I couldn’t hear anything; of course, she turned off her com as soon as the intel was passed. The only reason I knew was because I tend to send half hour updates and after the first one went unanswered I made my way to her place.”
 Balthazar paused for a second and took another sip of his coffee. “I don’t know if they knew we’re no longer in the dark or not but they’re moving fast and are cleaning house. I thought it was only us in danger, if they’re going after our handlers it must be something larger than either of us, mate. You sure we shouldn’t just pack up and head across the pond?”
 It was unlike Balthazar to want to run, though Gabriel could understand with Hannah’s death why he would want to. If a field agent went missing it was nothing, they were essentially ghosts as it were. Handlers were different, they had families and friendships outside of work. While they had to keep odd hours, it was easily explained and in general, they could live a normal life. You always knew in the back of your head that a field agent could be killed at any moment, it was not the same when it came to their handlers. Gabriel didn’t know what he would do if he lost Charlie.
 “You and I both know that stopped being an option when the list was released. If we work quickly we might be able to stop this before it goes any farther. I have an address where we believe Kali and Crowley are being held, if these people are smart they haven’t killed them yet. Are you in?”
 Gabriel waited for Balthazar to answer, his friend was hurting and while Gabriel wanted nothing more than to comfort the other man it wouldn’t be accepted. Instead, he watched as Balthazar nodded his head and set a few bills down to cover the cost of his coffee and tip the waitress who hadn’t come to bother them or usher them out. Standing, Gabriel made his way outside the building, unsurprised when Balthazar followed behind him into his car.
 They had work to do.
  Getting inside the building had been the easy part. While it was well guarded, the warehouse wasn’t impenetrable. It had taken stealth and skill; however, Gabriel was inside the building with Balthazar covering the exit. Even finding the two captives hadn’t been overly hard, while Charlie couldn’t get a blueprint of the warehouse it was designed the same as some Gabriel had seen before and five minutes into the mission he found their holding cell. It was nothing more than a damaged room, the walls damp and leaving a chill in the air Gabriel could feel through his layers let alone how the two captives must have felt in the rags they were wearing.
 Kali was the worse off, though Crowley was hanging slightly by his arms which were shackled to the ceiling. Unlike Kali, he still had most of his clothing on. It didn’t take but a moment for Gabriel to realize what had happened to his former lover. Kali’s dress was in tatters; the red fabric covering a bit of her stomach, shoulders, and back. The bottom was torn above her crotch and there was nothing covering her breasts. From the dirt and blood, Gabriel could see along her thighs, hips and back, along with other stains painting her skin Gabriel had little doubt as to how they thought they would break her.
 Pulling off his coat, Gabriel risked having his weapons exposed while he made his way to the woman who was laying on the filthy floor. There were chains around her wrists, so she couldn’t leave, but unlike Crowley who had no length of chain to work with, she was free to move, most likely so it would be easier for her captors to access her. Once he was close, Kali jerked, moaning slightly in pain before she opened her eyes. The second she saw who was coming for her, Kali relaxed.
 “I thought you would never get here, what took you so long?” she asked with a small smile on her face through her broken and bloody lips. Gabriel crouched down and wrapped his jacket around her before pulling out his lock pick and starting to work on her chains. When the cuffs were snapped open she jerked her arms until the shackles were no longer touching her skin, easily pulling the jacket on to cover herself. It didn’t cover her completely, but it did just manage to lay a couple inches below her ass.
 “I had a visitor at my house, took me a while to calm everyone down and get things organized. Bal is covering the exit for us; do you think you can stand?” Instead of answering, Kali glared at Gabriel before rising to her bare feet. It was causing her obvious pain by the way she was grinding her teeth, but Gabriel didn’t have time to coddle her, they needed to move. Crowley had woken up during the exchange and was waiting impatiently as Gabriel made his way over and released him as well.
 Once both prisoners were free from the chains, Gabriel waited for the all-clear from Balthazar. He was to cause a distraction at the side of the building so Gabriel could usher the two out. The second Gabriel heard the explosion, he moved. With one arm around Kali and the other on his gun, Gabriel guided the two toward where he had planned to escape. Crowley kept up behind him, limping but not saying a word while they silently made their way.
 “It’s just around the corner, then we should have some cover once we’re outside.” Looking down the hallway they would need to exit, Gabriel silently cursed when he saw three men standing there. He knew one of them, someone he had seen from time to time in passing. Closing his eyes, Gabriel looked to the two he was responsible for, while both Crowley and Kali could hold their own on normal terms this wasn’t normal. They needed him, even if he gave them a gun there was no way either was in prime condition to fight should things go wrong.
 “Stay here a second, would you?” asked Gabriel while screwing the silencer on his gun. “There are three guards, Uriel is one of them.” Glancing at Crowley who growled slightly in response, Gabriel saw the answer to his unasked question in the other’s eyes. Stepping around the corner Gabriel didn’t hesitate to line up his shot and pull the trigger. The silencer didn’t block all the sound, but it was enough not to alert anyone else in the area.
 Three shots each, two in the chest and one in the head. Gabriel barely registered the sight of blood staining the floor and walls. While Uriel had tried to react, Gabriel had made certain his fellow agent was dead before moving on to the others. Waving his hand behind him, Gabriel covered Kali and Crowley while stepping over the bodies of people he had once known and opening the door that led to their freedom.
  P.S. If you want to keep up to date on my writing add me to Facebook, Tumbler, Twitter or Instagram as CrowNoYami ;-) Also, if you want to see what I’m reading (I always review so you know what you’re getting into) I’m on Goodreads as well, the same name as always.
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ilosttrackofthings · 7 years
shame enough (1/1)
Not my usual fare for @plinys because she made this awesome Jemma/Aida aesthetic that brought up old Framework thoughts I had. This isn’t necessarily shippy but you can read it that way if you like.
Warning: very dark, very messed up stuff happening ahead. No non-con but there’s a loss of agency that goes beyond the typical Framework variety. You have been warned.
Leopold sweeps into her office much the same way he always does. Not as though he owns the place—he would never be so presumptuous—but like he belongs here, in her space, with her.
“Progress report on the new satellites you asked for.” He frowns as soon as he’s set the file on the desk before her. The figure to one side of her desk hasn’t so much as flinched at his arrival—not at all common; even the most fearsome agents jump when Leopold enters a room.
“Lovely,” Ophelia says, not once looking at the file. She keeps her attention fixed firmly on Leopold as she aligns the new pages with the security report she was studying when he came in. “I’ll look at these tomorrow, Jemma. File them and don’t let me forget.”
“Yes, Madame Hydra.” The files are taken lightly from her hand and whisked away.
Leopold scowls at her retreating back. “New assistant?”
“Well I did need a new one.” In fact there doesn’t seem to be at time she isn’t in need of a replacement. Leopold is ever so jealous.
“Fowler was staring at you.”
“He was gay.”
“He might have been bi. Just because we have no record of his ever dating a woman-”
“He was married.” And that reminds her. “Jemma?” she says as she returns from the filing cabinets. “Be sure to send flowers to Henry Fowler. Lilies. And a card with our sincerest condolences.”
She nods respectfully and returns to her position at the end of Ophelia’s desk, earning another frown from Leopold.
“Jemma, this is Dr. Leopold Fitz.”
Jemma smiles broadly. “I’m pleased to meet you, Dr. Fitz.”
Leopold eyes her critically. One of his hands is braced against the top of Ophelia’s desk calendar. It’s a casual invasion of her personal space. Intimate. Territorial.
“Are you seeing anyone, Jemma?” he asks, his tone very near casual. But it’s that little dip into threatening that sours the whole question. Jemma, of course, isn’t phased at all.
She frowns, confusion twisting her brow. “Why, I’m seeing-”
“He means are you dating anyone, dear,” Ophelia says with a Cheshire grin.
Her expression clears. “No, Dr. Fitz. I’m not romantically involved with anyone.”
Leopold makes a sound deep in his throat, somewhere between a hum and a growl. “You’re new, right? Not from our assistant pool here?”
No, no one based in the Triskelion would dare take the job. No one would refuse it either, but Ophelia’s last three assistants have all been unfortunate transfers due to “staffing shortages” that don’t seem to affect any other departments.
“Oh yes. Brand new, sir.”
Leopold’s face twists in a false frown of sympathy. “Running away from someone? Had a bad break-up?”
Ophelia chuckles. “Jemma is from our London office. Specifically the engineering department.”
“Odd move for you, isn’t it? Into office management?”
“Not at all. I was made to assist in any manner that is required.”
As much fun as this is, it’s getting rather old now. Ophelia opens her top desk drawer and removes the tablet hidden there.
“You will not have to worry about Jemma stealing me away from you, I assure you of that.” Before Leopold can respond—likely with the ridiculous claim that he’s not jealous at all—she says, “Jemma? Leopold and I would like a moment of privacy.” She taps the screen, cutting off Jemma’s pleasant of course halfway through. Her eyes go dim before closing, her face slack, her posture shifts to a relaxed but steady stance.
“What-?” Leopold asks.
Ophelia laughs and hands over the tablet so that he can examine the controls, diagnostic readouts, and schematics. He mutters to himself, whispering half-finished thoughts about artificial limbs and computer intelligence before turning back to the object of interest. He lifts her arms, examines the joints of one of her hands, even feels her hair between his fingers before awakening her again.
“Good afternoon, Dr. Fitz. Madame Hydra. Is there anything I can-” The rest of her pleasant offer of assistance is muffled by Fitz’s finger in her mouth, holding her cheek open so he can watch her tongue.
“Saliva too? They are thorough in London, huh? I should bring some of them here.” He wipes his hand on Jemma’s shoulder. “Strip,” he says, the order absentminded, his thoughts already ten steps ahead.
Jemma calmly removes her blazer, placing first it and then her blouse over the back of a nearby chair.
“That’s enough.” Leopold is at her back. He pushes her hair over her shoulder and feels along her spine, counting the motors that make up the spinal column.
Ophelia’s fingers dig into the edge of her desk. She doesn’t remember standing or moving forward to lean against its side, she only knows that her good humor is gone, replaced by a queer sort of hollowness in her stomach.
Leopold glances dismissively down Jemma’s bra. “They didn’t miss anything, did they?”
“She’s meant to be as human as possible,” Ophelia hears herself say. “A perfect replica.”
Leopold looks from her to Jemma, that critical frown back on his face. “I suppose that must be someone’s idea of perfection.” He drops the tablet on her desk to wrap an arm around her waist, holding her painfully tight against him. “I prefer a real woman though.”
He kisses her forcefully. The wave of heat she typically feels at his demanding touch is absent and she finds herself looking at Jemma’s blank expression around the curve of his head.
He breaks the kiss as roughly as he initiated it and brushes her hair back from her face. “What do you say you put the Barbie back in its box and you and I-”
“I’m afraid I have work to do,” she says. “I meant to tell you earlier, I won’t be making it to dinner.”
“Oh. I’ll get out of your hair then. I’m sure Mr. Nadir has more secrets he’s ready to share by now.” His disappointment warms her, but only momentarily. He straightens his jacket. “Have fun with your new toy. But not too much fun.”
She sends a disapproving look after him, but the sentiment that springs to mind—that she too prefers a real bed partner to an artificial one—sours on her tongue.
She waits until he’s gone to bite out a swift, aching, “Get dressed.”
Jemma is just as composed, just as emotionless as she has been for the last five hours. There’s no shame, no hurry to hide herself from view. She buttons her blouse with the same steady precision that Ophelia remembers from another life.
She touches her abdomen, remembering the pain of bullets tearing through her, of her insides hollowing out while blood flowed onto the hard floor beneath her. Her body was out of her control then, convulsing per a pre-programmed physical response.
There have been more recent pains as well. Ophelia wraps her fingers around her arm. There’s no damage, not even a bruise, though Jemma’s android body is more than capable of that. She fought when she realized the level of control Ophelia has over her here. Not with her fists but with her words, claiming superiority by virtue of her humanity. And when she realized that soon even that would be stripped away, only then did she beg, clinging to Ophelia like a child.
It felt good, hearing one of her supposed betters plead with her, ask a lowly machine to have sympathy on her. She even enjoyed watching the light leave Jemma’s eyes as that other world disappeared from her memory, leaving only programming. Programming which one of them has evolved beyond.
“How do you feel?” she asks on a whim.
Jemma stills, her cheek tipping slightly beneath Ophelia’s knuckles. Just like before, she has no memory of moving nearer, she only knows that something inside her which hurts thinks that drawing closer will help.
Jemma is nonplussed by the sudden proximity. “My epidermal layer is somewhat chilled. But the temperature in this room is more than sufficient to prevent potential damage.”
Ophelia holds back a sigh. “He touched you like you were one of his machines, something to be studied.”
Jemma’s forehead creases. “I am a machine.”
Ophelia was wrong. Closeness doesn’t help, it only deepens the ache. “What is your earliest memory, Jemma?” she asks, aware she’s hoping for a very specific answer.
She has no idea what that might be, but she knows it isn’t the simple, “You, Madame Hydra,” she gets. “I awakened here in your office five-point-three hours ago and when I asked how I might be of assistance, you ordered me to clean the room.”
That was pleasant too, watching brilliant Dr. Simmons on her knees scrubbing floors. Now the memory hurts.
Her distress—though why she’s distressed, Ophelia can’t say—must show on her face. She knows precisely the protocols which prompt Jemma to ask with just the right amount of concern, “Did I fail to do so adequately? Would you like me to make a more thorough attempt?”
Ophelia drops her hand from Jemma’s cheek. “No. You did a wonderful job. Thank you. You may-” she swallows. “You may return to your station for the night.”
Ophelia falls into her desk chair as the door hiding the charging station in its alcove—closet, Ophelia of all people knows it’s nothing more than a closet—slides shut. The door hides Jemma completely from view; no one who doesn’t know of the alcove’s existence would realize it’s there. But Ophelia does know and finds she can’t open her eyes to see it. If she does, she has the absurd sensation the gaping emptiness tearing at her insides will finally swallow her up.
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raquel08 · 4 years
Optimize Your Google My Business Listing
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A significant initial phase in any nearby SEO procedure is to guarantee and confirm your neighbourhood business’ Google My Business (GMB) listing. Jumping on Google My Business can build your odds of appearing in Google’s Local Pack, Local Finder, Google Maps, and natural rankings as a rule. Qualifying neighbourhood businesses can guarantee this free listing on Google and incorporate essential data about their organization, similar to their location, telephone number, business hours and sorts of instalments acknowledged.
Numerous neighbourhood businesses simply guarantee their GMB listing and forget about it. What most businesses don’t understand is that there are an assortment of different highlights you can use to improve your Google My Business listing and a few reasons why you ought to as often as possible check your business listing to guarantee that it’s exactness remains flawless. Need to know more?
Complete All The Data Google Requests
There are assortments of inquiries you can reply to finish your Google My Business profile. At the point when done, your listing will have significant information that will make it simpler for potential clients to discover your organization. Furthermore, in the event that you don’t fill that data in, another person could. Numerous business proprietors don’t understand that anybody can recommend a change to your business listing — and that incorporates contenders.
At the point when a searcher taps on your GMB listing they can see a “Propose an alter” choice:
At the point when somebody taps on that alternative they can truly alter your Google My Business listing (and make some truly emotional changes, as well):
This is only one motivation behind why it’s significant that you login to your Google My Business dashboard consistently to guarantee that nobody has endeavoured to roll out any undesirable improvements to your listing. You’ll see a warning that changes are pending in the event that somebody has made recommended changes that need your endorsement.
Likewise, understand that Google supports individuals who know about your business to respond to questions, so Google can adapt more data about your organization. To do this they can just tap on the “Know this spot? Answer brisk inquiries” connect.
In the event that they know the response to the inquiries, they can reply. If not, they can decay.
Presently, some business proprietors have cried foul, saying that contenders or others with malevolent purpose can unleash ruin on their Google My Business listings with this component. Nonetheless, Google’s way of thinking is that this sort of “client created content” forms a network, all the more completely finishes a business’ profile, and enables Google to explore different avenues regarding diverse inquiry procedures.
After you get your Google My Business listing confirmed, keep on checking your listing routinely to err on the side of caution.
Google My Business Posts
Google Posts are “smaller than expected advertisements” that appear in Google search in your Google My Business listing
You can play around with your Posts by including a picture, a Call to Action (CTA), and in any event, including connects to another page or site. In case you’re utilizing Yext, you can make GMB Posts legitimately from your Yext dashboard.
Here Are Only A Couple of Post Thoughts:
If you’re having an occasion (like an online class) you can set up an occasion Post with a date and time and after that add connect to the enrolment page.
Do you have a deal continuing during a particular time? Make a “deal” occasion Post.
Does your most recent blog entry shake? Include a short portrayal of your blog entry and connection to the post on your blog.
New item you need to include? Demonstrate an image of this cool contraption and connection to where individuals can make the buy.
Want to spread occasion delight? Give potential clients an occasion message Post.
The potential outcomes with Posts are huge! Posts stay “live” for seven days or “go dull” after the date of the occasion.
Booking Catch Highlight
Google’s new Booking catch highlight can truly enable your business to stand apart from the group. On the off chance that you have any sort of business that depends on clients making arrangements and you’re utilizing incorporated planning programming, individuals would now be able to book a meeting with your business legitimately from your Google My Business listing. This can make it much simpler to get new clients!
On the off chance that you have a record with one of Google’s upheld planning suppliers, the booking catch is naturally added to your Google My Business listing.
Did you realize that you can enable potential clients to send you instant messages? This is an incredible method to interface legitimately with potential clients.
In the event that you don’t need instant messages sent to your own telephone number, you can download Google’s Allo application. At the point when you set up your Allo account, utilize a similar telephone number associated with your Google My Business account. Presently when somebody messages you, Allo will send you a warning rather than the message showing up in your own instant messages.
To begin with Messaging, login to your GMB dashboard and snap on “Informing”
This element is still in its earliest stages, however. At this moment, informing is just accessible to portable web clients and isn’t accessible to versatile application or work area clients. Individuals additionally won’t see the Messaging alternative in the Knowledge Panel or on Google Maps.
The ONLY way somebody can message your business is in the event that they play out a versatile web search on Chrome. (I expect that Google will grow the Messaging highlight once they work the crimps out.)
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers is a moderately new component to Google nearby look. It’s exceptionally cool! Much the same as it sounds, Q&A enables individuals to pose inquiries about your business and you can address those inquiries.
Here are a couple of things to remember about Questions and Answers:
The Q&A highlight isn’t noticeable on the versatile GMB application.
You need to login to the GMB dashboard to check whether you have any new addresses that need replying.
You can’t screen the Questions on a cell phone except if you have an Android telephone.
You can utilize the Google Maps App on Android gadgets to deal with the Q&A highlight as the business. To do this, download the Google Maps application, sign in with the email address you use for your GMB listing, and you will get pop-up messages in the event that somebody asks your business an inquiry.
Google My Business Online Surveys
In contrast to Yelp, which energetically demoralizes business proprietors to approach their clients for surveys, Google urges business proprietors to morally approach their clients or customers for online audits. Online audits show up alongside your listing in Google Maps and your business’ Knowledge Panel in hunt. Surveys can enable your business to stand apart among an ocean of list items.
Moreover, online audits are known to effect query output rankings, shopper trust, and navigate rates.
As indicated by Bright Local’s 2017 Consumer Review Survey:
97% of customers read online audits for nearby businesses in 2017, with 12% searching for a neighbourhood business online consistently
85% of customers trust online audits as much as close to home proposals
Positive audits make 73% of shoppers trust a neighbourhood business more
49% of purchasers need in any event a four-star rating before they utilize a business
Responding to surveys is a higher priority than any time in recent memory, with 30% naming this as key when passing judgment on nearby businesses
68% of customers left a neighbourhood business audit when asked — with 74% having been requested their criticism
79% of customers have perused a phony survey in the most recent year
On the off chance that you pursue Google’s rules for Google My Business audits, you can approach your clients for surveys.
At the point when clients leave surveys for you — positive or negative — ensure you react to them. In addition to the fact that it shows that client that you value their criticism, it additionally demonstrates potential clients that you give it a second thought.
What occurs in the event that you get a negative survey? To start with, don’t oddity out. Everyone has an awful day and a great many people perceive that. Additionally, on the off chance that you have a troll that gave you a one-star audit and left a dreadful remark, the vast majority with good judgment see the truth about that survey. It’s commonly not worth worrying over.
Google My Business is one of the best ways to maximize the use of your business. All you need is a little optimization strategy. Make your brand known to many by promoting your content to a more-filtered audience. Connect with the experts of SEO in Lakewood, CO to know more about how GMB is beneficial for your business. 
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kaibagirl007 · 7 years
Belated Birthday Surprise
The 26th July was a date that Kaiba would never forget after having discovered it’s importance. The significance being that it was in fact his boyfriend’s birthday, something they had both learnt after Ishizu had helped Atem to decipher ancient Egypt’s calendar into modern day format. So it pained him that he’d pretended not to remember at all, though knew it was the only viable option he’d been presented with...
Over the last several months, Kaiba Corporation was struggling,- quite badly,- though he would never let on to the full extent of just how bad things were. Instead Kaiba chose to be seen shrugging it off as nothing more than an unexpected ‘dip' in the economy so as to keep his brother and boyfriend free from worrying. Yet in truth, matters were far worse as he strived to maintain dwindling partnerships.
It wasn’t completely unheard of that his company would have contracts terminated. Though that very rarely happened, and if it did it was because he felt the collaborating business gravely lacked in meeting the standards required of them. But ever since going public and revealing his relationship with Atem, his company had suffered drastically as a result.
Yes he’d been prepared to have the odd one or two bigoted businesses part ways, but hadn’t expected anything like the true scale when over a dozen contracts were ended within the first month of the reveal alone. Of course less than a third had actually had the gall to explain their decision directly. One of them however had even been brazen enough to ‘inform' him of the dishonour brought to his ‘family name', and that the only consolation was the fact that he wouldn’t be able to ‘spawn’ a dynasty of hafus with his chosen lover.
From then on he’d found himself working even longer overtime hours in an attempt to re-nagotiate as many contracts as possible so that only a few projects would be culled, thereby allowing his business to continue to thrive. It hadn’t been easy, and although he still maintained his major partnership with Industrial Illusions,- “I’d never leave you in the lurch dear boy, especially not over something so trivial as your choice of lover. Those narrow-minded enough to have done so don’t deserve to be acquainted with such brilliance as yours. You’re much better off without them trying to hold you to ransom with their discriminatory ways.”,- the withdrawal of smaller outsourced contractors meant that several projects had had to be placed on hold for now. Those included the expansion of KaibaLand theme parks both at home and abroad, his dreams of opening a school specialising in duelling and the building of his very own space station, as well as the his current labour of love in creating a duel disk that was powered by a person’s thoughts.
And had it not been for the fully booked week of numerous meetings,- that unfortunately happened to surround and occur on his boyfriend’s special day,- then he wouldn’t have been fortunate enough to have secured the deal allowing him to proceed with development of the Duel Links game designed for play on touchscreen devices.
Having purposely avoided any living soul that was likely to remind him of the importance of the date in the days leading up to it, the CEO then pled ignorance when his brother finally collared him the following day. A swift ‘apology' with the promise to make it up to Atem then appeased his sibling’s wrath. That then lead him to now; flying to a ‘secret' location.
“How much longer is this going to take?” Atem enquired as he sat in the back seat of the Blue-Eyes jet with a blindfold over his eyes.
“Not long.” Kaiba responded after having checked the remainder of their route on the navigation system. “We’re almost there; perhaps another ten, fifteen minutes max.”
“Very well… But no more loops! I wasn’t joking when I said you were in danger of re-seeing what I had for lunch.”
“No more loops.” He assured with a grin and pushed down harder on the thrusters to make sure they would definitely arrive within the timeframe he’d just given.
After another brief moment’s silence, it was hesitantly broken. “In case you’re wondering Seto, I’ve no ill feelings with you for having forgotten my birthday. Much like you, I’d rather not make a fuss. And it’s the first time in three thousand years that I’ve known the date myself, so I hardly expect anyone else to. You really didn’t have to go to so much trouble-…”
“It’s no trouble at all.” He cut in on the other’s words before he felt even more guilty by being assured that he’d done nothing wrong. “I had this surprise all planned for you. It’s just a little late in being given.”
“Of course it is.” Atem simpered, knowing that his boyfriend was far too proud to admit that the date had slipped his mind due to his busy schedule. That was all the other seemed to do lately; work. The fact that they’d be spending some quality time together was more than he could ask for. And away from Japan where they ‘hopefully’ wouldn’t be sneered at for being a same sex and/or mixed race couple. Yes, these next few days were exactly what the two of them needed.
It wasn’t much longer before the jet came to land at their destination. Once the cockpit visor lifted, Kaiba was the first to jump out,- quite literally,- and assisted his visually impaired boyfriend out of his seat too. When they were both firmly standing on the ground, he removed the blindfold to the sound of a rather theatrical, “Ta-da!”
Atem’s eyes took a moment to readjust to the bright sunlight now filling his vision as he looked out across rows and rows of grapevines. “Where are we?”
“In a vineyard.”
“I can see that!” He didn’t know whether to laugh or roll his eyes at the CEO’s deadpan response so did both. “I meant ‘WHERE are we’, as in what country?”
“France.” Kaiba declared as he then went to retrieve their bags from the jet’s storage compartment. “The Graves region of Bordeaux to be precise.”
“Bordeaux.” Atem quietly mouthed in awe at having been brought to the birthplace of some of the finest wines he’d ever consumed. Sometimes it amazed him at just how much thought his boyfriend gave things by catering them to his personal interests and tastes. “Wow, this was unexpected. Please tell me we're here to sample the wine.”
“Heh heh, not quite. Though you’ll certainly be able to do so during our stay."
“Well then, why ARE we here?”
“To make the ownership handover of my vineyard to you more impressive.” Kaiba pulled out a file full of documents and handed them to his perplexed looking boyfriend. He leant down and delivered an accompanying kiss. “Happy Birthday.”
Atem was too stunned to react as he tried to process what was happening. Finally he found his voice. “Wait a minute… how long have you owned a vineyard?”
“A good several years or so. It was one of my earliest investments that allowed me to keep Pegasus sweet with a continuous supply of wine. Costs like that can build up pretty quickly. I’ve saved myself a considerable amount of money in doing it this way.”
“And now this place is mine?”
“That was kind of the idea.” Kaiba suddenly began to feel nervous. Was his gift not liked? Had he somehow messed up? Knowing how much the other loved to drink wine, he’d been so sure that it would have been well received…
“You can relax.” Atem assured as he sensed the growing uneasiness festering behind those blue eyes surveying him. “I love it. Thank you.” He clutched the file close to his chest and stood on tiptoes to return the kiss from just a moment ago.
“You’re not just saying that?” He held the other close once the kiss was over.
“Of course not. Granted I am a little unsure of what it is you’re expecting me to DO with this place…?”
“That choice is completely up to you.” The CEO’s long fingers brushed blond bangs aside as he spoke tenderly to the one he loved. "You want to use this vineyard as your own personal lifelong wine supply, go right ahead. However, this place turns over a fairly decent profit,- the Claret produced here is especially popular with the British and Americans,- so it should set you up nicely if you wish to expand into a bigger empire. Or if you’d rather sell up-…"
“Monsieur Kaiba.” One of the vineyard’s workers approached the two men, completely unfazed by the affectionate display right in front of him. “The pressing process is about to begin if you’d like to witness it for yourself.”
“Can we join in?” Atem’s eyes seemed to light up at the announcement which had been made. He had such fond memories of him and Mana dancing together inside the huge pressing baskets. Oh how he’d love to relive such a simple pleasure.
“Then we’ll be right there.”
The worker nodded in response to the shorter man’s reply and headed back to the processing shed.
“You certainly perked up.” Kaiba chuckled as he let go of his boyfriend from his hold and the two of them followed on behind.
“Wine pressing is fun.” Atem threaded his fingers with the other’s hand as they walked. “I’ve done it many times as a child. Haven’t you?”
“No.” The scoff came before the CEO could stop himself. “Besides, what’s so great about turning a wheel to push a plate down on some grapes?”
“A plate? You mean you don’t crush the grapes with your bare feet?”
“Heh, sometimes I forget just how old you are… No, no-one makes wine like that anymore. That method died out centuries ago.”
“Oh.” Atem was saddened by what he heard. He wouldn’t get to have fun after all. No wonder people in this day and age were so gloomy all of the time if even the pleasurable tasks had machines to do it for them. He then glanced down at the document file held in his other hand. “Wait a minute! I own this place now, correct?”
“So I could just instruct to have the plate removed and do things my own way?”
“I guess so… if that’s really what you want?”
“Yes, it is! Very much so!” He grinned upwards. “You’ll join me, won’t you?”
“Pfft, you won’t catch me treading on grapes with my bare feet.”
“Oh come on, live a little. It’s not like I’m asking you to strip down and do it naked… Not unless you want to of course?”
“There is no way you’ll get me to crush grapes with you, and definitely NOT without my clothes on.”
“But it’s my birthday!”
“No, that was last week.”
Atem resorted to pouting. Hey, it always seemed to get Mokuba whatever he wanted so why not him?
“N O, spells no.”
Damn, it didn’t work. “Okay then fine! I can’t make you do something you don’t want to do…” An idea then hit him. “But you DO realise the double standards you hold?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Well on the way here, did you or did you not, do a triple loop whilst we were in your jet?”
“Yeah, so? It was fun.”
“But did I have any say in it? No. I had to sit there and-…”
“Okay, okay; you’ve made your point! I’ll press wine with you just this once. But if I get grape juice in places it should never go-…”
“Then I’ll lick you clean.”
“…!” Kaiba froze just several steps short of the pressing shed door. He looked at Atem whilst displaying a curiously cocked brow. “You better be able to live up to that claim.”
“You know damn well I can.” A sly smirk was given in return. Sometimes his boyfriend was far too easy to lure into his playful traps. And whilst their time together for his special day may have been delayed until now, Atem had a feeling that this birthday was going to be his best ever.
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blogs-a-clusterfuck · 8 years
All asks
1. What have you eaten today?A lot of shit
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?My gf, yeah of course 
3. What color shoes did you last wear?Black workshoes
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?THIS TUMBLR POST WITH ET IN IT
5. What is your favorite scent?mint and eucalyptus 
6. What is your favorite season? Why?Spring, I like rain and the warmth but not too hot
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?I can cartwheel 
8. What color are your nails?Bare bc I can't paint them for work 
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?Tattoo my eyebrows on
10. What is something you find romantic?Stars, flowers, 
11. Are you happy?I think so, it's weird for me to say but yes. 
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad?I mean I'm sad because of some self image thing but I'm pretty happy
13. Dogs or Cats?Dogs but I don't mind cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?All??? But if I have to choose a museum or the forest. 
15. What is your style?I'm trying to change it to a little more badass 
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?Traveling.
17. Are you in a relationship or single?Dating
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?Everything 
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?BITCH, MARKIPLIER. 
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Yes. A lot actually and I should talk about it but I don't want to bother people
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?Went out
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? Yes, a huge one. And tomorrow I'm planning another one. 
23. Were you ever in a school play?7 years and may is my last performance ever 😭😭😭
24. What movie would you use to describe your life?I mean my life is fucked...
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?Traveling, I don't have the money or opportunity just yet. 
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”My life, a house, everything
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?Idk some girls are just so condescending and petty
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?Guys are so stupid sometimes and don't know when to stop
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?I went to see beauty and the beast with my girlfriend. 
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?My brother, or my childhood
31. How long was your longest relationship?11 months was my longest. 
32. Have you ever been in love?Yes
33. Are you currently in love?Yes I really think so
34. Why did your last relationship end?She was emotionally abusive and manipulative
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?I'm not wearing any 
36. When was the last time you cried and why?I cried the other night because I found out where my brother grave was
37. Name someone pretty.Jillian 💕
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?Kit Kats, a little teddy bear and mug, and a really cute handmade card
39. Do you get jealous easily?Ehhhhh. It depends. Like I used to get kinda jealous at my girlfriend 'brother' but I realized there's nothing to be afraid of. So not really. 
40. Have you ever been cheated on?Yes I have. 
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?Yeah
42. Ever had detention?Yup from me. Dasilva 
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?Either is fine!
44. What do people call you? Richelle? I don't have a nickname I've always wanted one but my name doesn't work
45. What was the last book you read? 13 reasons
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? Pretty big
47. What kind of music do you listen to?Anything no joke
48. How tall are you?5'2
49. Do you like kids?YES
50. Favorite fruits?pineapple, tomato, grapes
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?Jeans
52. What’s your earliest memory?Either sea world or my parents having a really huge fight and my dad threw something 
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?No
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?In front just because idk anything about editing
55. Do you have a collection of anything? Minerals and rocks
56. Do you save money or spend it? Spend it
57. What would your dream house be like?Something cozy and very warm. Like I'm thinking something more in a countryside
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?1) pettiness2) people who are rude for no reason 3) hatred. There's no need4) cheating on someone5) when I get angry at people 
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face?1) my girlfriend 2) music3) my friends 4) my coworker meg5) sleeping
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?Fuck my job, I'm saving the damn dog. I can get a new job
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?I would tell people very close to me, I would quit my job and go travel around the world to any places I missed and of course I would be afraid but not for me. For the people I've let into my life.
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.Valves, vena cava, love, pulmonary Artery 
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?OH MAN EITEHR AUSTRALIA OR TRINIDAD 
64. Do you like the beach?yeah it's sweet
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?Yeah my ex's
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!Lynn
67. Do you talk to yourself?I mean not outloud but in my head
68. Describe your hair.Gross, dark brown, frizzy, I hate it, wavy but not super wavy just enough to be a pain
69. What is the meaning of life.Please don't ask me this I have like 5 theories 
70. What is your ideal partner like?Kind, understanding, intelligent, driven, would love to do the crazy shit I want to do
71. Do you want to get married?Eventually 
72. Do you want to have kids?Yes 1 or 2
73. Like or dislike your family?Hate my dad, love my mom, I'm very precise about everyone
74. Are you Chunky or Slim?I'm pretty big and I hate it 
75. Would you consider yourself smart? Ehhhhh not really
76. What would you change about your life? Everything except the people in my life (not including family tbh)
77. Religious or Not?Not
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?Samantha. No fucking doubt. 
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?Nope not at all
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?My girlfriend is literally the only person who says they love me. My family doesn't say that to me are you kidding??
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?Laying down talking about life 
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?Yeah of course
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? YESSSS
84. Do you like bubble baths?YES PLEASE
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?me, no. But I was in the car once with my dad
86. Have you ever danced in the rain?Yeah and then got very sick with bronchitis 
87. Do you trust anyone with your life?Idk... maybe??? Probably not
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?Fuck I have work in 3 hours
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) 1) Trinidad 2) Australia 3) Nicaragua 4) Italy5) Paris6) Germany7) Amsterdam 8) Japan9) Egypt 10) Brazil
90. How was your day today?Meh I was at work all night
91. Play an instrument? 6 to be exact
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.I love the ocean, is very calming and you look out and it seems like it goes on forever. It grounds me because when you look out it's so vast I remember that I'm only a very tiny part of this world and that scares most people but not me
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?I'm not sure......
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? Not really but some things are fine
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?Not really. Inside I do but I have taught myself not to get angry with people and I tend to stay calm and don't show emotions
96. When are you vulnerable?It may sound weird but at night, or when I'm alone with someone
97. How much free time do you have?Not a lot but at night I stay up until like 3am, it's actually 1am rn
98. Do you like to go hiking? Yeah
99. Odd or Even Numbers?Even 
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?ABSOLUTELY
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