#nowadays my dad listens to a lot of yard act i think? and they’re pretty fun quite different but i enjoy it
autism-disco · 9 months
sometimes i wonder why i am the way i am and then i remember that the penultimate track on the summer 2014 car cd was ben folds five boxing. and yeah no that adds up
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crybaby-mv · 6 years
ikon and the types of energy they give off
i’ve been thinking about this ever since @huangamoto and i talked about the kind of significant other energy the boys give off so here’s my interpretation of the energy they give off to me even though they’re all over the place uwu
jinan reminds me of that friend that just listens to your problems then pours you a giant glass of your favorite drink after everything
he gives off hella fiance vibes like he’s there but not fully there for all the commitment that comes with marriage just yet (but that’s okay)
he also gives off super feline vibes and not just because he has feline features but it’s like he’s always watching and waiting to see how things will play out like a cat does and i think that’s pretty cool
jinan is like going out into the night, not knowing what to expect in the beginning, but by the end of it all, you’ve had an amazing night
this man is so super suited to be a husband i can’t even begin to explain he’s just so domestic and looks so happy in the kitchen you’d have yourself the best partner in crime when it comes to wanting to try to make new dishes or to look for the perfect vacuum for your place
and on that same track, yun also seems super suited to be a dad, but not like he’s ready to have kids right now, but like he’d be okay and he’d be a super attentive and loving dad oh no
he also gives off really lame greaseball vibes but he’s so happy and confident in how he presents himself it really just makes you laugh and love him that much more
yun gives off the vibes of watching a black comedy with a friend who doesn’t really understand the humor but watches it anyways because they can find humor in the other things in the picture
okay bobby is ya homeboy he literally exudes the vibes of being the best best friend ever like you could hit him up and he’ll be down to do anything and vice versa he’ll hit you up as soon as he has an adventure in mind
he’s that guy that you can bring around your family and he’d just be adopted as a new member almost immediately, only adding to the fact that he is indeed bff material
he also gives off super comfy vibes like you could have perfect lazy days in with him, like the whole nine yards with going out and getting snacks for the lazy day the night before and not leaving the couch for anything that’s not within a ten foot radius unless it’s to open the door for the delivery man
bobby gives off the vibes of watching a movie with an incredibly detailed plot, only to have a simple outcome in the end
oh man hanbin’s a switch he can be super shy and timid when he’s not comfy or is in a new environment but god forbid he’s somewhere he’s feeling himself he’s a totally different man
he’s really good with people of all ages, but i see him being especially good with kids and older people because he’s a soft and patient soul
he’s also really suited to be like first or second boyfriend, there’s all those nerves and butterflies waiting to happen, and when they do, it’s the best feeling ever
hanbin also gives off the big art vibes you get walking through an art gallery and wanting to take in everything the gallery has to offer whether you understand all the pieces or not
he’s a soft fuckboy, like he has all the capabilities to be a fuckboy granted he can dress the part and 3 times out of 10 act the part, but he’s such a sweet and kind hearted boy that he can’t actually be a fuckboy
he gives off the vibes of being young and dumb and so damn in love with life, trying to absorb as much as possible at all times
donghyuk gives off the same vibes as going up a really high roller coaster and stopping at the top for a few seconds before being thrown forward full speed again
he also gives off the vibes of finishing assignment crunching successfully just to go back to binge watching on netflix
junhoe is also dual like hanbin, but in the way that he gives off really big thot vibes, but he also gives off deep thinker vibes
out of all of the ikons, junhoe intrigues me the most because i don’t really understand him, sometimes i think he’s just a loud boy but other times i’m like what really goes on up there but that adds to his mysterious charms i suppose
he gives off summer time vibes of going to the beach for an entire day, day drinking and partying with a small group of friends and ending the night with a quiet bonfire
he also gives off the vibes of an old time poet, the kinds that are known nowadays for their works, but were probably not praised at all for their skills in their lifetimes
chanwoo gives off soft best friend vibes, he’s the clingy and cute best friend that you never want to lose because you don’t know if you’ll ever find someone who understands you like he does
he also gives off really observant, recluse vibes a lot of the times, he’d rather stay home, but if need be he’ll go out, but will prefer to stick to listening and people watching
he’s the joy of watching your favorite sports team winning a game despite any and all the struggles they went through to get that win
he’s also the frustration of playing a game and not seeing why you’re losing until you’re 20 losses in and so close to ripping your hair out when you see where you were going wrong
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