Now That’s What I Call Music! 10
Preface: Hi internet! I belong to a fantasy football league with my friends from college, and I lost this season! I received my punishment for placing last of the 12 teams, and I am required to listen to all of the Now That’s What I Call Music! compilations that currently exist (70 as of May 2019), review them (by rating each song on a scale of 1-10/10), and (at the end of this descent into madness) create my definitive power ranking of each album.
Album: Now That’s What I Call Music! 10
Release Date: July 23, 2002
Track Listing and Awarded Scores:
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Average Score: 6.20/10
The Good: 
This album is interesting in that it is just one generally large swath of mediocrity. There are a couple of standouts in this otherwise unremarkable beige hillock of music, but they seem to be overshadowed by just how unmemorable this album is. 
For example, check out the video of Vanessa Carlton mowing down pedestrians in her famous 2002 music video! It’s a bit different than I remember, but I guess that’s what time does to your memories. 
Also you guys! Anyone around here remember Paulina Rubio? No? Just me? Because this song is a bop. It’s got a warm embrace of distant background noise nostalgia. Take a look.
And I can’t finish the goods without mentioning the one time that Nickelback was universally beloved. The album that has “How You Remind Me” as of 2014 has sold over 10,000,000 copies worldwide and went quintuple platinum in the US. That’s fuck you success right there. And weirdly it was released on 9/11/2001. Not sure what to make of that, but I’d figure I’ll just float that tidbit out there. Here’s that video. 
The Bad: 
I can’t even with it. The bad is unmemorable, and by the time I finished listening to the album, I have actually nothing to say about it. 
That Baha Men sophomore slump of a follow-up single is ROUGH. But not terrible to listen to. It’s just unadulterated bad, easy listening. 
Takeaways: This is not a good album. I had low expectations when browsing the tracklist before the listen, and somehow it has managed to fall short of those. There are also good songs. I don’t know. I have sixty more of these and they are getting worse fast. 
Current Power Rankings:
Now 4 (7.72/10)
Now 6 (6.89/10)
Now 2 (6.67/10)
Now 1 (6.65/10)
Now 9 (6.65/10)
Now 7 (6.63/10) (Mitch score = 6.26/10)
Now 5 (6.58/10)
Now 3 (6.22/10)
Now 10 (6.20/10)
Now 8 (6.10/10)
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