taurean12 · 3 months
I like watching the bridgerton seasons on Netflix. I have read the first 3 books. I am not invested in any ship or any gender differences between the books and the show. I would like to consider my self to be accepting of every individual and their representation on screen. I just watch the last 4 episodes of season 3. Polin's story is great. The storyline for the next few seasons have been set up well. The only grief I have is Kate and Anthony had a brief 2020 intro to their season...their story was good but left a lot to be desired ( we saw a wedding in s1 and s3)..we lost out on a wedding and now Kate dissapears after getting pregnant...we see Polin's son before Kanthony...ok forget that. In the 1800's which pregnant woman is going to travel months to another country without any idea about what awaits her there...plus Anthony has seen his mother almost die at childbirth and agonized about Kate falling off a horse and he is now chill about traipsing across the seas with a 4-5 month pregnant wife( that's what it looks like on the show). This is the height of sidelining a pair for everyone else! We never see John Sterling ask Anthony for franchesca's hand...we don't see Kate and Anthony at his sister's wedding where he would have given her in matrimony... this is such bullshit! This is what pisses me off the most!!
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taurean12 · 8 months
SVU and OC disconnect again! There is no mention of Elliot on SVU, but Benson is mentioned/referenced twice on OC! such BS!
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taurean12 · 9 months
I would like for Olivia to not be Elliot's doormat anymore this season...just wanted my two cents in before the shows start up! I am tired of her putting Elliot first...he's been nothing but a terrible friend at the bare minimum..
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taurean12 · 1 year
The new team on SVU...my thoughts
1. Velasco used to annoy me a lot at first, but he's tolerable now.
2. Muncy is ok...the whole Velasco/ Muncy dynamic feels forced...they aren't going to be the next benson/Stabler.
3. I like Terry Bruno's character the best...he makes a good team with benson...keep him a regular
4. Churlish is irritating, annoying and not a team player...benson should dump her back in the bronx...she's going to be a headache for her..
Olivia knows what Cragen had to put up with...I guess when you become a parent yourself, you understand how much crap your parents had to deal with!😁😁
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taurean12 · 2 years
I haven't been writing about law and order weekly episodes for a while...but I think I will jump back in due to that promo for the Jan 26th episode that just dropped.
Here is this week's wrap up in no direct order.
Law and Order OG: it was an interesting episode. Cosgrove and Shaw are good together. But that Shaw is all I can focus on when he is on the screen...what a hottie! I like Sam's acting this episode. I don't really like how they are using Hugh Dancy in this show. He is a phenomenal actor and they are making his character so blah..
Law and Order OC: it's the Stabler show again...I really like Jamie and want to see more of him..but it's always Stabler doing everything again...Ayanna is more like Elliot's junior than his boss...next week looks interesting but let's see...I am not holding my breath..
Law and Order SVU: wow...Olivia is a lioness...that roar/scream gave me warrior vibes...Duarte looked scared (you should be buddy!). I know people like this guy but he annoys the shit out of me. I hope Olivia punches him atleast once. How did he become captain!! McGrath is suspiciously being nice to liv...why? I don't like him either! Poor Fin, stuck with the Bronx mess and the DOJ. Muncy is alright. Velasco is meh...Carisi hasn't seen the inside of a courtroom for weeks except when he got married! What's happening???
Ok..now on to discuss the promo for 26th...listen I have been burned many times by their previous promo drops that turned out to be big fat duds...I am not getting my hopes up. The actual scene will probably turn out to be something like...Elliot is moonlighting as a door dash delivery guy to make extra cash, he delivers food to liv's home. She stubs her toe while trying to pay him and that's why she's crying and he's helping her out!! I swear to God it's going to be something innocuous and they just want us to get in a frenzy for two weeks!
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taurean12 · 2 years
I was team EO during the early years of svu and in the beginning, when elliot came back...new show, maybe they will have a great story line...but I am just tired of the whole relationship at this point. This is miles away from what they had and I think it's too far gone to resurrect...an off screen friendship isn't going to revive an on screen relationship...too much water under the bridge...
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taurean12 · 2 years
The latest law and order episode is amazing..and Hugh Dancy is magnificent in that episode....
In my opinion, there are crimes where the death penalty is warranted...
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taurean12 · 2 years
Just finished watching the 'crossover' of law and order, which was basically the liv and elliot show for 2 hrs...the last hr, I really wanted great courtroom scenes with price and a nice guilty verdict for all these scumbags, but did the writers give me that..hell no...just assassinations and barely any good scenes...they are ruining the OG!! Argh! Liked Price and Olivia's scenes...give me more of that. svu was good for the action, atleast sirenko got pounded by Stabler...that was the best part of that...rest of it was meh..
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taurean12 · 2 years
Is it just me or does this Sirenko dude look like William Lewis a little??!! Stabler is his usual annoying pushy self from the first time he shows up😐😡..
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taurean12 · 2 years
Reading the premise, am feeling blah with the 3 law and order crossovers...I have been a fan of the original since Stone and then Mccoy became ADA...I feel like its getting contaminated with this OC/SVU crap...I for one am not invested in the olivia/elliot storyline...I just want good script, a great story line and acting...I used to care about EO but I think at this point it's taking away from the whole law and order format ,and meloni and hargitay's off screen antics are distracting from the whole franchise...they are trying too hard! this is just my opinion but I am getting tired of this same old merry-go-round....I miss the original script writers of Law and Order! It's turning into a soap opera now...
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taurean12 · 2 years
I think Peter Stone would be way better partner to Olivia than Stabler...Olivia is always going to have a subordinate relationship to elliot no matter the work rank difference...she needs an equal or someone a little outside her police work domain...plus I like the older woman, younger man dynamic!
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taurean12 · 2 years
My favorite ADA across all Law and Order franchises is John James McCoy...no one comes close...maybe Barba a distant second! Sam Waterston is an amazing actor way beyond anyone in the franchise!
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taurean12 · 2 years
If they rehash the same old bad guy couple in OC like they did the last two times, am going to blow a gasket!
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taurean12 · 2 years
Just finished watching all 3 Law and order finales..
Law and order OG...am on the fence with this episode....it left a lot of things off screen, wasn't fully satisfied with either side actually....both prosecution and defense...seemed very contrived....they were trying to paint the cop as bad really hard and trying to paint the sister as really oppressed...it didn't gel right....Hugh Dancy was the shining star in this episode....
SVU...liv, liv,liv...what are you doing?..you are holding Rafa to a higher standard than elliot...and this is coming from a person who was rooting for eo since the beginning, but the way you treat him is just rotten...sorry...he deserves better...now he joins the list of 'lost in liv's love'...WTF? He is an amazing friend at the very least and deserves better..Rafael has been there for the worst times... That line where she says I've known him (elliot) for 23 yrs! ..ya...no!..you knew him for 13, and he ghosted you for 10, just like his family,..let's not get delusional ok!
OC....every finale on OC has resulted in major characters dying or getting killed or killing themselves...this is no exception...getting boring...the combat cross scenes are amazing...elliot crying, cragan, ayanna...very good...except no liv...WTF?? Getting bored, they build up these stores for atleast 8-9 episodes and wrap it up in one..it's getting old...
So next season, is it Barba or Elliot....at this point I'll even be happy with Stone as long as Olivia is happy....I think I have reached official Olivia relationship burnout...I really don't have any ship invested in anymore...
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taurean12 · 2 years
So excited for Law and order next week, svu crosses over with them...hope liv and Nolan meet...plus McGrath is going against mccoy....hope mccoy puts that blowhard in his place!
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taurean12 · 2 years
Both Mccoy and Mr. Big's first and middle names are the same...mind blown!
John James McCoy..John James Preston...
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taurean12 · 2 years
I have my law and order reviews covering multiple weeks...just trying to absorb it for a few episodes to get the feeling for the shows before writing something....ok..here are my thoughts...
OG law and order....every episode seems to draw me in even more...I am getting invested in the characters...Bernard and Cosgrove chemistry is getting better...Cosgrove is a very very old school cop but he has some progressive views showing up...he's not as black and white as I thought his character was..he is very loyal to Dixon which I like...Lt Dixon is great....I think her relationship with Nolan Price is being emphasized here though I can't tell if it is just mutual respect or something else (I got a weird vibe from the last episode where he asked her out for a drink, but maybe that's just me) . His Assistant Halevi....she's great...Mccoy is phenomenal as usual...overall want to see more.
Law and Order SVU...Liv shines...though I can't tell where the relationships are going...it's a little disjointed..every episode is different from the next...once they focus on Velasco, once on rollins...haven't seem carisi in a court scene in ages!! McGrath is just annoying and unnecessary at this point...I get that this is NYPD but this is 2022...he comes in 4 hrs after a crime and berates Liv for no results...WTF...who behaves like that...no one in real life...please get rid of him producers...he brings nothing to the show...Fin is as dependable as always...last episode was marginally better than the couple before ...Still hooked just to watch Mariska..there some subtle lewis flashback in the latest episodes...especially the 'lights out' dialog from one of the victims...you could see a subtle grimace in Olivia's face there...
Law and Order OC...I am the most conflicted about this show...elliot seems totally enamored by Donnelly and the brotherhood...but I guess considering his background it's not a surprise...Ayanna and the other two Cho and Maldonado are just fillers...Jet is very underutilized...why are you using official channels to do your personal shit Elliot...go to any digital media company to get your oldy moldy tapes changed to digital...it's not jets job...ugh...that was annoying...Eli Stabler is annoying the shit out of me...the kid was doing drugs, stealing from his grandmother, almost got arrested for murder and now thinks he has a right to give his father an attitude. NO Sir!! Get your shit in order and zip it till you earn some trust back! The episodes are ok in OC...it's elliot being elliot...meh..seen this before..it's fast paced so I give them that, but no court room stuff here...which I guess is ok if the other two focus on it...
Plus I want to see women do some bad ass physical stuff in some of these shows.. hello they are law enforcement...why do we only see guys doing the chasing and take down...I know a lot of women cops and believe me this is not realistic in the shows...they need to be more physically present...it's always Elliot doing stuff like that....hellooo 2022!!
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