#npc: ishikawa ayato
akumanoken · 2 days
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Also Happy Father's Day to these beautiful men
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akumanoken · 4 days
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"Eh??" Suddenly picked up!!
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"Hello little mouse..." He heard all that... Souji was feeling that mood again. "I know the quiet hurts... but I like you being your own person. No warmth can compare to what I'm feeling right now." He held the smaller closer, resting Souji's head on his chest. He can't absorb Sopuji, but if he just... lets the other hear his heartbeat, perhaps it'll help.
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So solid and steady... The quiet wasn't so bad... not when Ayato was right there. He murmured soft words, barely audible, but the soft pets to his hair let him know his husband understood. He was fine... he'll be just fine. He just... wanted to rest his eyes for a moment.....
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akumanoken · 7 days
Kyouya and Ayato, they're very protective of Souji and love him deeply. Do they feel very protective of any Souji's friends? Like hurt who's precious to Souji, then you're messing with them?
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Yua and Misaki are my first thoughts. Those two, if something happens to them, these boys will not be pleased.
On one hand, you fuck with someone precious to Souji you fuck with them, but also you fuck with someone precious to Souji, we're doing you a favor you'd rather us deal with you thank Souji for real.
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akumanoken · 12 days
How old is Ayato's brother and what does he do? xD
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Akira, the third Ishikawa brother, is around 32 years old and heads the fledgling mobile company. It is doing quite well, as mobile companies are wont to do. His biggest job, however, is annoying little brother who gets to tease his brother about his adorable husband.
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akumanoken · 12 days
very handsome but his face is also very punchable LMAO
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A man who low-key agrees
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akumanoken · 28 days
I heard you have to enter a lottery to ride the Seven Star! Good luck!
✧∑d(ỗ ω ỗ)
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"Thanks...." It was pretty tough to get in, but he was pretty confident.
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akumanoken · 1 month
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When I think about Ayato and his enthusiasm for going places and spending money on Souji, and it goes back to his vows when they got married.
"I had not lived before you."
For Ayato, it's as much a new experience for him as it is for Souji. It was pretty much emphasized when they first started dating and living together that traveling was mostly, if not solely, for business. The only exception could be in Italy, but aside from long road trips, it's not really certain how much he truly took time to enjoy himself.
With Souji, however, with the way Souji takes everything in like a kid, Ayato is also allowed to see the world with fresh eyes, and therefore eagerly rushes forward with Souji, even while being chastised for the money he spends.
It's both the act that he has all this money and's never found a useful purpose for spending it before Souji, and that as he spends that time with Souji, Ayato is also experiencing and seeing the world with new eyes as well. He wants to spoil his husband, but also he is giving himself a second chance to truly enjoy life, which he had never really given himself in all his life.
He'd been so serious and single-minded this whole time. The blinders have finally come off, and he's, while more learned and traveled, just as wide-eyed and excited about the world around him as Souji
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akumanoken · 1 month
The reason we said as if paper to toss easily. Poor boy still gets so shocked, feeling like doesn't deserve any of that.
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"...I know..." Ayato sighed softly to himself. "I can't help but wonder what to do about it. He's such a kinda and caring person, and thinks so little of himself, that I wonder how can I convince him he's worth every good experience, everything with and without a price." Souji is worth everything... he deserves everything.
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akumanoken · 1 month
Ayato throwing money as if just paper. *sprays for that* xD
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"is barely that anymore. Honestly money is simply ones and zeros in a digital account now. Either way, I have enough to do what I love, and I happen to like spoiling my husband with both things and experiences."
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akumanoken · 1 month
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"if you're sure I (or rather we) won't get in the way we can all take a trip..."
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akumanoken · 1 month
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Imaging having more money than you know what to do with and falling in love with someone who gets huffy when you spend money on them....
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akumanoken · 1 month
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a baby who's enjoying his outing with his cute outfit!!!
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A husband who got away with it again....
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akumanoken · 1 month
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suddenly wondering the last time he's spoiled his husband... maybe he should buy something nice....
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akumanoken · 1 month
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A man who's being bitten. He's confused but Souji looks happy so he won't say anything.
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akumanoken · 2 months
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He's... slightly uncomfortable... "....I'll never get used to how tight it gets... How can you stand it??"
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Souji giggled, sitting down next to Ayato, berry in hand. He smiled as the other bit down. "I'm used to it. Don't worry, we'll peel it off soon enough, it's not quite dry yet...." Delicate fingers tapped around the man's face, finding wet spots on the mask he applied on his earlier. It was a spa day, and he had convinced Ayato once again to join him. At least for the facial mask. "Almost... five minutes I think..."
It was the funniest five minutes ever, watching Ayato fidget, hands tapping at his legs before Souji straddled his legs. "Ah--"
He had his cheeks flush again, feeling Souji peel the mask on his face. He forgot just a second what was happening, but he placed his hands on his husband's waist. He sighed and leaned his head against Souji's shoulder. "....I'm glad that's over..."
"You were a good boy..." Souji giggled.
"No you..." he said softly, pressing a kiss on Souji's neck.
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akumanoken · 2 months
Souji is beautiful how he is. As Ayato said, why mess with perfection! xD
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"I'm glad someone agrees with me."
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"Ah... That is..." He's quite flustered now.
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