#npc: lianna brights
calidrisminuta · 1 year
Orsterran Cuisines (from CotC)
OK! Finally done! Since I’m attempting to write again - and my next writing project has a foodie theme - I’ve been checking all the NPC dialogue in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent for mentions of cuisines, dishes, foods, rare ingredients, or anything connected to cooking. Some of the Memoirs mention food, too, so I included them as well.
It was quite fruitful, really! A lot of towns don’t make mention of food at all (Theatropolis, Rippletide, Berecain, Sufrataljah, Donescu, Clearbrook, Victors Hollow, Flamesgrace or Emberglow), but there are some really nice ones in various places, mostly in Valore and Grandport. I can only check from my current point in the story (which is up to date as I type this post), but I’ll be checking in future in case any more get added.
On to the list, then! I’m not used to Tumblr, so apologies if it’s not formatted correctly.
Atlasdam: Crimson Crab Pie (Capable Culinarian), and River Fish (Liquor-Loving Fisherman)
Grandport: Stewed Fish with Quatrait (Mentioned in bio of Woman from Quaragosa)
Also Grandport: Mossy Cave tortoise garden salad, Giant Sheep a la tomato stew, River Bean Vichyssoise, and White Grape Muffins, all mentioned by the Fastidious Housewife.
Shepherds Rock: Sheep’s milk cheese and grape wine (Jocular Soldier)
Sunshade: Cactus Cocktail (Tavern Patron Comparing Drinks, Working Dancer)
Valore: Raisins (Long-time Resident), Powder that “Tastes really good on chicken” (Powder Seller), Crushed Nuts (Ruffian Chef), and Rosso’s Favourite Powder “Valorian Mustard, and the Sunlands legendary Sufra Masala” (Rosso)
And finally I’cirlo: Alpaca dishes (Tavern Keeper)
There’s also a couple from the Memoirs: Steamed shellfish, using the leftover juice to make a soup (Trish and Barrad memoir)
Plounder Carpaccio, Saucy Shrimp,  (Fish - Clearbrook’s Claim to Fame memoir)
Armor Eater Tomato Stew, Shaggy Spider Meat,  (Yugo’s Gourmet Diary: I’cirlo)
So there we are! I know there’s more, and I’ll be adding to this list as I find it. Hopefully it’ll help anyone else with adding details to their fics, or just for appreciation of the depth of worldbuilding in CotC. At least by putting it here, I won’t be able to lose it when I’m looking for info when I’m writing!
*****Editing to add some contributions from @blazlngblade, after a quick collab over on Twitter. Thank you so much for the help! Since some of these aren’t in the Global version yet, I’ll edit this again to update it when necessary. :)
Ember Mushroom Pie: Crispy pie crust, snowy cream filling, ember mushrooms (Frostlands/Emberglow)
Rinyuu’s Stew: Wild boar meat marinated in alcohol, vegetable (Frostlands)
Rinyuu’s Cream Pie: Ember mushrooms (Frostlands)
Cave Mint Stuffed Chicken: (Frostlands/Flamesgrace. Lianna’s dish)
Shrimp Stock soup and anything with the Phantom Crab: (Trish’s dishes)
Herb roasted chicken stuffed with intestines: (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Bean Soup: (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Strawberry Tart - made with bright red wild strawberries (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Magg’s Rainbow Trout Carpaccio with shrimp sauce (Riverlands/Magg’s Tavern)
Crab shell seared with fat (Coastlands/Grandport Markets)
Seared Whirlpool Flounder (Coastlands/Grandport’s Tavern)
Herb Grilled Killer Chameleon (Cliftlands/Cragspear)
Sauteed Demon Goat (Highlands)
Unnamed Eastern Sweets (Mentioned in Sarisa’s Traveler’s Story)
Orsterran made Eastern Bento Box - Honeyed fish teriyaki with white rice, chicken fried tatsuta, stewed river beans.
Edit #2! Just scanned through all of @scholarlycait‘s Letters from a Cait Scholar for foodie mentions, per a wonderful idea from @legendaryandroid. I found four, so here they are! :)
Emberglow/Flamesgrace stews
Cave Mint tea
Reaper Crab Salad - a popular dish in the Coastlands
Cave Tortoise moss and embershroom stir fry - Frostlands Dish
Edit #3:
Mentioned by Bargello’s Crew:
Pasta with tomatoes, Rabbit Soup, and White Grape Juice
From OG Octopath Traveler:
Gigaswallow Soup. The Gigaswallow comes from a remote location and is very rare, as are its eggs. Called “One of Orsterra’s delicacies”
Valore (Hell):
Veal Saute (LeRuiz Chef)
Panini (Mighty Turilli)
Milkwine (Buttermilk) - from W’ludai’s Traveler Story.
Herbal Bread (Bowman in Shepherd’s Rock - from Dorothea’s Story) Apparently contains medicinal herbs in it.
Plum bread (Dorothea’s Traveller Story, Shepherds Rock)
Flying Fish Teriyaki, Marinated and deep-fried Cetus Maximus, stewed river beans in sweet sauce - Yugo’s Gourmet Diary - Theatropolis.
River Beans: The specific type is Phaseolus Lunatus - Lima beans!
Züsbaum, Per one of Isla’s letters, it grows in the Frostlands and its leaves have a sweet flavour. A tea made from them has a taste distinct from sugar. Many monsters love them, so picking the leaves is a monumental challenge, but many say it is worth the risk.
Herb Wine: a drink from the Frostlands - remember to drink in moderation, Isla says!
Berry pies: a favourite of Elrica’s.
Snow Beets: From OT1, but from the Frostlands. Naturally sweet.
Embershroom cooking method: (From Isla’s letters) “In Emberglow, the city which glows like dying fire against the night, the people harvest embershrooms. The name comes not only from the place it’s found, but also the way the mushrooms are prepared - embershrooms are cooked by roasting them slowly over the embers of a bonfire. In snowy regions, it’s im-purr-tant not to waste a single spark.“
Alpaca Cheese: from the memoir between Pia and Varkyn. From I’cirlo. It’s distinctive aroma can put some people off, but it does go well with wine.
Ketchup apparently exists in Orsterra, too. Isla mentions the condiment in one of his letters.
Catnip Juice. Another thing Isla mentions. Possibly a kind of wine for caits.
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illicreatxm · 5 years
npc factfile: lianna brights
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name: Lianna Maria Brights
nickname(s): Li; Anna; Brights
birthday: 18th July
parents: Jake Trent & Mandy Brights
sibling(s): Joseph Leister-Trent, Daniel Leister-Trent, Rebecca Leister-Trent, Leah Leister-Trent
final height: 5'7"
hair: Natural brunette, but dyes her hair whatever colour she feels like
eyes: Brown
faceclaim: Amanda Arcuri
universe: the simple life (main); canon (divergent)
10 facts:
Born as a result of Jake's infidelity
Conceived whilst her step-mum was still pregnant
Unknown to her father until she was 15
An artistic soul, which she gets from neither parent
Expresses herself with no constraints
Can get very defensive and stands up for herself and others
Often butts heads with Joseph
Does martial arts - mostly judo and jiu-jitsu
Wants to become an illustrator
Has what is considered a "unique" sense of fashion
quick overview: Often considered quirky and a little odd, Lianna is very much seen as a bubbly, friendly girl, much like her mother was at her age. The only problem is, she was born as a result of her father cheating on his wife, so she's not all too popular amongst her half-siblings - especially the eldest, Joseph.
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illicreatxm · 5 years
📂 Mandy
prepare yourself for random facts [always accepting!] | @a-simple-rper​
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Mandy originally wanted to name her daughter after her grandmother, but after the way her mother’s family treated her for being pregnant out of wedlock, she named her after one of her close nursing school friends instead.
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