elizaherdez-blog · 7 years
walking the streets of new port was like walking around in her own home, eliza knew exactly where everything was. she stepped into her favorite cafe, ordering her regular, a coffee with two spoons of sugar and cream and a little bit of whipped cream on the top. without really paying attention, eliza turns around with her coffee walking straight into someone. “i’m so sorry!” she automatically says, grabbing napkins and trying to wipe the whipped cream and hot coffee off the person in front of her. 
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lielahew-blog · 7 years
“i wonder how many people die without any life insurance. that would suck to leave this world without anything for your family to fall back on. “ lielah thought out loud, she was always wondering how other people lived and what their struggles were like. she wondered of the things she was fortunate enough to avoid in her life. “i can’t wait to open up my organization and give some f these people a break, everyone deserves to live in luxury.” 
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ffsdylio-blog · 8 years
“you know, for someone who can’t seem to remember a damn thing from halloween night, i seem to be in a surprisingly good state. i mean, at this point i’m just thinking i may have passed out on my bed and ended up getting a good night sleep instead of going hard at the parties. is this what getting old feels like?”
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noaaliyahh-blog · 8 years
Aaliyah: So I'm kinda stuck in traffic and I'm bored
Aaliyah: talk to me
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mateo-jimenez-blog · 8 years
Mateo’s pug happily hurried to the familiar face on the beach to lick their ankles, completely deserting her owner who was in pursuit of the slipped leash. “Sorry, sorry, sorry!” He huffed out, swiping the dog up in his arms the moment he reached the pair. “You’d think only having three legs and being a fat baby would slow her down, but I swear she’s faster than any other dog I’ve seen.”
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ffsdylio-blog · 8 years
"now before you ask—I swear to god this is just red paint. i know i talk a lot about murder and stuff, but everyone knows it’d be crazy to walk around covered in blood after you’ve actually murdered someone. if i actually did murder anyone, i would be smart enough to get changed before anyone sees me.”
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ffsdylio-blog · 8 years
“What am I going as this Halloween, you asked?“ She turned her head around, eyes crinkling with amusement as a soft chuckle escaped from the back of her throat. “Well at this point, I think I’m just going to hang a frame around my neck and go as a piece of art. You gotta admit that’s pretty creative, at least.”
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