#nsr taitana
Troops! To the Sky-y-y-y-y~!
Been a bit since I did a NSR stuff.
Love this game.
OBSESSION Let’s list exactly how many stuff we can relate to 10 here in regards to 1010. - 1010 is Binary for... 10. - Neon, the Noble Gas, has an atomic number of 10. - J is the 10 letter of the English Alphabet. - 1010 is printed on the side of Blue / Purlhew’s head. Red / Zimelu and Green / Eloni hairstyles likely also show 10 from the front when put together (Or IO) - 10 outta 10, best band. (Which means Eve is literally in a league of her own). - Neon J’s radar is a J-Scope. - It takes 10 seconds for White / Rin to respond when Mayday confronts them. - There’s 5 members of the band, half of 10. And they’re the Fifth Megastar... Half of 10. - The Letter J is derived from the Greek Letter Iota... Mayhaps 10ta? (Hilariously, if you place the obsolete letter Digamma back the Alphabet, this makes Iota the 10th letter, with the 10th value). Really, if its not 5, 10, its also IO or maybe I/O. Its even in their designs. And for a band that’s meant to be satirical, hot damn, that’s a lot of thought and research (Could even be unintentional, which is the best kind of intentional). There’s prolly plenty of stuff I missed, and some of this stuff was pulled from the wiki.
NEW Neon is derived from Neos, Ancient Greek for “New”. The element Neon is literally “New One”. Nova, from DJ Subatomic Supernova, is Latin for “New”. Also consider that Atomic part when put next to Neon. No wonder these two are friends, they share an aesthetic.
THE SYMBOL OF EYES Real talk now. The multicolored population and strange eyes are significant in this game, moreso than one thinks. When Bunk Bed Junction gains fans, those fans will suddenly be colored outside of hijacks, and when you look at Yinu Mom’s fight, her eyes are very significant to it. And its through her that your shown that Eyes are Very important here. It isn’t just Love, its Idolization, its Bondings, and it also shows you have an inclination towards certain people who share that color with you. [Meaning that the multicolor of this multicolor population actually has some real significance outside of fantastical design] Yinu’s Mom’s eyes are yellow, and both her husband and her daughter are yellow. She has eyes for them. And when she forgets them, her eyes go blank in her fight. Using this has the example... When Mayday idolizes someone their person shares the same color as her eyes in some form or fashion. Sayu is Magenta or Fushia, and so, Mayday is pretty easy to fall into being a fan of Sayu. When Mayday idolizes 1010, she’s specifically has eyes for Rin. While Rin is white, notice his Barracca Portrait... Purple-Pinks. Even in his BioShields, they’re Pinks and Indigos. Mayday highly idolizes Kul Fyra, who later turns out to be Tatiana. And Tatiana? Shares Mayday’s eye color. Going on from Mayday... - Zuke Zuke has Red-Orange eyes. He has a very close friendship with Mayday, who is Orange and wears Red. But this also extends, as he seems to be attracted to those with a lot of Passion. His relationship with Eve is an indicator, but she’s only half (The relationship broke off at his end). He still cares for Eve, but it was a very one-sided relationship. Also, notice how his brother, DK West, has Red Hair. Mayhaps a special sign that he looked up to his brother. - Eve has Green Eyes. She has eyes for Zuke, something which Zuke himself eventually has to refute. - DK West His eyes are always closed. Literally, he’s close-minded to forming relationships. Though some digging shows he has the same kind of eyes as Zuke’s. Mayhaps they show the same inclination to make the same kind of bonds? - SAYU and 1010 Don’t know what to tell you there, they’re specifically designed artificial idols. Inspite of their very cool looking eye designs, they don’t seem to have eyes for anyone in particularly... or anything, for that matter. - Yinu herself has Red and Pink eyes. Perhaps this signifies a strong familial bond with her mother? I don’t think so. I think that her Red and Pink eyes signify a passion for her craft, over any friendship or familybond she’d have. When she takes back control over her concert, it only plays classical (Something she loves performing). She rips it away from her mother’s dubstep, and even, from You. No matter what album you play during her performance, her finale will always have her classical. Further proof of this shows up later. - DJ Subatomic Supernova He doesn’t have eyes. Or a face. But the same theory applies. His “eyes” are directed to space and eternity, and his entire head mimics that. Hell, the black hole that forms from his head is literally his ego collapsing on itself. I mean, he is egocentric, after all. - Neon J Same as the DJ, he doesn’t have eyes. But he does have a Radar Face. Radar is mostly to track outside movement or radio signals. The guy isn’t looking for anyone in particularly, he’s looking out for Everyone and Everything. In a reversal to DJSS’s self-obsession with eternity, Neon J is literally looking out for everyone and not focusing on himself (Hell, his own cyborg body is merely a white uniform variation of 1010′s black uniform bodies) - Tatiana Her eyes are magenta-purple, akin to Mayday’s. This both shows their similarities and as being Mayday’s idol, but it also shows that Tatiana really does have eyes for the city. Dido goes for her lennon specs. They share the same color as her eyes. Cos NSR Tower is also Magenta-Fuschia. Truely, Tatiana only has eyes for the city. But in the end, look how her eyes mimic Yinu’s, and that’s just after she regained a passion for Rock. Tatiana formerly magenta eyes, only for NSR and the city, now has shifted with Red. A rekindled Passion for her Craft alongside being passionate for the city. And the specs are no longer anywhere to be seen. Mayhaps her sunglasses mimicing her eyes show how she’s trying to either block, hide herself, or shield herself from her old past with Rock...? - *sigh* Kliff Notice how blank his eyes are? You could just about compare them to Sayu’s own blank eyes. Save Sayu’s turquoise eyes are at least heartshaped. Kliff doesn’t really have eyes for anyone here. Also notice how he is designed like somebody from the real world walked into this game, he doesn’t share the fantastical aesthetic. Meaning that nobody else is designed for him either.
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