23funshine · 3 years
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Be thankful everyday and know how blessed you are😇😇😇 one thing I’m thankful for is how healthy my hair is and how quick it grows. #beblessed #letfoodbethymedicine #nutritionrocks https://www.instagram.com/p/COa4t99AmfJ/?igshid=zac5w4h5i7td
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HOW SHOULD WE HAVE OUR BREAKFAST ❓❓READ 📝BELOW 👇 As discussed in my earlier post, breakfast is a very important meal 🥘 of the day. Some of us don’t have any breakfast at all , whereas a majority of those who have breakfast have high carbohydrate based breakfast. Carbohydrates are stored in our body as fats. Having excess fats in the body makes our body more vulnerable to lifestyle diseases 🤮 Our Breakfast should be protein based. 25-30 grams protein helps to keep the stomach full and prevents us from eating unhealthy snacks. As a bonus protein isn’t stored in our body. Either protein is utilised by the body ( building blocks) or excreted from the body. Comment 🗣below👇 if your breakfast has protein in it नाश्ते के लिए हमें क्या खाना चाहिए❓❓नीचे 👇दिया गया पढ़ें📝 जैसा कि मेरे पहले के पोस्ट में चर्चा की गई थी, नाश्ता दिन का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण भोजन है। हममें से कुछ लोगों ने नाश्ता 🥘बिल्कुल नहीं करते है, जबकि नाश्ता करने वालों में से अधिकांश में उच्च कार्बोहाइड्रेट आधारित नाश्ता है। हमारे शरीर में फैट के रूप में कार्बोहाइड्रेट जमा होते हैं। शरीर में अतिरिक्त फैट होने से हमारा शरीर जीवनशैली से जुड़ी बीमारियों 🤮की चपेट में आ जाता है हमारा नाश्ता प्रोटीन आधारित होना चाहिए। 25-30 ग्राम प्रोटीन पेट को भरा रखने में मदद करता है और हमें अस्वास्थ्यकर स्नैक्स खाने से रोकता है। एक बोनस प्रोटीन के रूप में हमारे शरीर में जमा नहीं होता है। या तो प्रोटीन शरीर द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है (बिल्डिंग ब्लॉक्स) या शरीर से उत्सर्जित। नीचे 👇टिप्पणी 🗣करें कि क्या आपके पास प्रोटीन नाश्ता है? #breakfasts #breakingfast #importantmealoftheday #healthybreakfastclub #healthyfoodhealthymind #proteinbreakfasts #nutritiousbreakfast #importanceoffood #cleaneatstayfit #proteineats #plantbasednutrition #nutritionrocks #stayfitstayhealthy #wellnesslifestyle #immunebooster #takecareofyourbody #healthybodyhealthymindhealthylife #foodforthemind #positivityquotes #behealthywithme #healthconscious #healthylifehappylife Follow @fat.fit24entrepreneur (at Patna, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_mFTCMD8s6/?igshid=umxz8d6pjrm9
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daleynutrition · 5 years
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BETA-CAROTENE 🥕🥬 - this is the first of a series of posts about basic nutrient requirements from our food. ⠀⠀ Beta-carotene is one of my favourite nutrients, it’s a provitamin A, meaning that it can turns into vitamin A in our guts. -- It’s role is mainly as an antioxidant & supports our immune system. Most people have heard of beta-carotene due to carrots 🥕. BUT kale 🥬 & spinach 🍃 are high in this nutrient also, and if it wasn’t for chlorophyll they would appear orange instead of green. 👇🏻Keep on reading. -- 🥕 PLANT BASED VITAMIN A - those that avoid meat, dairy & eggs can achieve optimum vitamin A levels by eating plants rich in beta-carotene. Just 100g of cooked sweet potato will produce your daily RDI intake of vitamin A. (L R. Engelking et al., 2015). -- 😷 IMMUNITY - beta-carotene has been linked to improved immunity by protecting our cell membranes during infection (P. Robinson et al,. 2008) -- 🦠 CANCER - beta-carotene has shown in studies to reduce cancer growth, in particular breast cancer cells. Meaning it plays a role in cancer prevention across the lifespan (Bakker MF et al,. 2016). -- 👀🎃 EYE HEALTH & ORANGE VEG - a supplement of beta-carotene up to 15000ug per day research has shown to delay reduce age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and vision loss. (ER Monsen., 2000). -- 👀🥬 EYE HEALTH & GREEN VEG - However, Lutein & Zeaxanthin, which are other carotenoids mainly found in green veg (not provitamin A) have shown a stronger link in eye health as they directly influence the eyes lens & retina. They work as an antioxidant by absorbing blue light that can damage our eyes. (Perry A., et al 2000). -- 👟 SPORTS NUTRITION - beta-carotene (32mg) has shown to reduce oxidative damage post workout in basketball players, leading to reduce oxidative stress makers (Schröder H, et al. Eur J Nutr. 2001.) -- ❗️Recommended dietary intake (RDI) for adults males 19-70 years = 900ug per day (REs). For adult females = 700ug per day (REs). -- ♨️Orange veg will release more of their beta-carotene if they are cooked, so roasted carrots are a winner for our health. -- #nutritionrocks #nutritioneducation #veg (at Patterson Lakes, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ndJy5FgJE/?igshid=cs7pr8vfknyo
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