nvexe · 6 days
tsubasa reservoir chronicle trending?! what year is it 😭 and with good fanart too you guys started drawing fanart of a series that ended in 2009 and didn't tell me? what is going onnn
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the-terminal-show · 6 years
newvegass oc prompt
@sergeiboobtitsky filled out this new vegas oc meme... I haven’t filled something like this out in 5 or 6 years lol, buut my courier is the first character I have a solid recollection of so, why not. It’s now the second day of working on this and I am now dizzier than shit and on fever reducer ssooo ymmv. also this is LONG, Also there have been two incarnations of C.K, after the first I took a long break from playing before starting over and events were...fairly different. Although his core personality was unchanged, he just dropped the song and dance and began acting on impulse. I consider both to be the same, with a second chance. (which ended up way far more fucked than the first gg)
I should say, I’m a godawful writer, and I also over describe, everything. (it’s dumb art brain)...and I have a fever so, your mileage is gonna vary trying to decipher this key slop and my own whacked out train of thought. I’ll only write for CK1 /CK2 if it’s a situation that had a drastically different outcome, but some things overlap.
1. which faction did they side with (NCR, legion, yes-man, or house)? CK 1: Wasn’t really interested in a side, but would talk flowery up front with anyone he could gain an edge over, or get something from them. Most of the time he was just interested to see where a new encounter would lead even if he had abso-fuckin-lutely no interest in helping or hindering any of their causes. Because of this, and his endless need for sniper ammo he ended up more in favor with the NCR right up until the battle at HD. He also wiped out every single Legion camp, and pulled the plug on The Mummy Returns 9: Walt’s Revenge, right after agreeing to help just because he thought House looked so disgusting in the tube.
CK 2: If it was possible, he was even less interested in a side. This time he wanted all of them to fuck off and he wanted to put himself on top. So he took up ‘favor’ with the legion, at the angle it would be easier to wipe out smaller NCR bases and take them over first. Later it wouldn’t be hard to take out the legion camps via sniper. That was the intent anyway, but things changed as time passed.
2.preferred armor? I think if he could he’d run around butt ass naked in sunglasses and a hat, if only he could deflect bullets (and sandy crack). Otherwise he’ll just pick up whatever looks sweet, and allows a wide range of motion, since he spends a lot of time crouching and climbing on rocks. He’s had a knit poncho he tossed over some busted raider armor he took off a corpse, and then for more dangerous missions a black duster and heavier boots that have a bit more defense. But he never takes off his hat or sunglasses, even indoors.
3. melee, guns, energy weapons, or unarmed? His affiliation and interest lies more with knives, and anything more intimate like handmade bows, or just plain fists. But it’s just not practical to only carry a handful of knives, even if he’s a massive sneak. So he used his love of archery to hone skill as a sniper, and he likes to keep count of how many heads he’s taken off on the first shot. Most of the time he uses “That Gun” for closer encounters, but if he thinks he can manage it he’ll pull out a machete, or beat whatever it is with his fists (or a cactus).
4. highest skills? secondary skills? lowest skills? His highest skill is sneak, almost exclusively in the beginning, along with speech and survival. Then he took up lock picking, and put more effort into unarmed combat, as well as hacking. Lowest are definitely medicine, explosives and energy weapons.
5. SPECIAL stats? STR 5, PER 9, END 6, CHR 6, INT 6, AGL 9, LCK 4 He’s fairly well rounded, and adept for living outdoors being hyper aware of almost any motion or sound. Can manipulate most people that aren’t on the same wavelength as him. Quick on his feet, and in a pinch can make an easy mile out on foot. But due to his impulsive and inquisitive nature, the amount of dumb life or death situations he ends up in quadruples thus nulling any benefits.
6. what are their perks? Most notably to everyone else, being a cannibal. Most notable for him, walker instinct, mister sandman, and alertness. For anyone who gets past his quirks with food, ferocious loyalty and confirmed bachelor can come into play.
7. favorite companions? least favorite companions? CK 1: The first CK didn’t have any intentions of meeting any companions, but ended up getting hung up on Arcade’s infuriatingly high optimism and idealistic nature. Something that reminded him of himself in the past, and a part of CK almost wanted to see such changes come to pass, though he knew it was impossible for a world like that. But it kept him more on the straight and narrow having Arcade around, he’d do double takes at his own choices, and actually weigh them against some form of moral compass. After numerous complaints and scoffs of disgust he’d even begun to drag bodies out of the light or away from Arcade before carving up the meat. CK 2: For his future plans of over throwing Caesar and eventually dismantling everything else, he got in good favor with Vulpes starting in Nipton. (I got that companion quest mod cause I’m preeetty sure he was meant to be an option ijs) If he ignores all the blah blah indoctrination rhetoric, he appreciates Vulpes’ combat and sneaking skills not unlike his own. (He’s also a thigh man what can I say.) As time progresses though, the carnage they end up stirring up together starts to bring CK’s more chaotic nature back to the forefront. While Vulpes is on a mission strictly for the legion, CK is garnering more perverse enjoyment from their actions,  biggest turning point being setting off HELIOS One on the NCR encampment. 8. any romantic partners? how do these relationships begin and end? are they healthy? CK 1: He had jokingly flirted with Arcade the first time they met, although he would do it to almost anyone just to see where it goes until he gets bored. But after Arcade actually joined him willingly he wasn’t sure how to feel about it, and things became increasingly more confusing internally. Despite all of Arcade’s talk about what he despised and couldn’t stand, he still stuck around after the murder and tasteless cannibal jokes (l o l)  and sudden gallivants off into whirling sand twisters. C.K thought maybe Arcade needed two pairs of glasses instead of one, or maybe he was just being willfully ignorant of C.K’s real personality. In Vault 34 Arcade almost died, and in turn so did C.K trying to save him. Normally C.K’s self preservation prevailed over all else, always eyeing an escape route and having no qualms about running away if it meant to survive and fight back harder the next time, or get revenge on whoever tried to fuck with him. Couldn’t say whether C.K cared in a genuine sense for Arcade, but there was something which is more than the nothing that’s always there, and he did pursue it one night on a whim. (I have an entire shitty MV stuck in my head to “Moonlight Feels Right” of all the goofy stuff they did during that brief “calm” period. Like Arcade saving C.K from a hoard of rad scorps he was trying to play with wrangle up, but he still gets stung to hell anyway and Arcade has to begrudgingly drag his ass all the way to the nearest NCR encampment.) Unfortunately by time the big battle is nearing C.K’s mind is slipping back into it’s natural state, running on constant adrenaline, excitement, fear and fatigue. Before he even gets the chip back, on impulse he starts taking out the entire legion encampment, which is a plus in Arcade’s eyes, but having known C.K for such a short time he doesn’t really pick up on the subtle changes in demeanor. C.K just leaves everything once the bodies drop, and doesn’t even bother to go back to pick up the chip, he just blows it all to hell. They end up wandering back out into the Mojave, though it’s more like Arcade hesitantly following C.K as he sways around on the road and starts climbing to  jump off rocks for no real apparent reason. C.K finally stills and just stares at the empty sky and sand, he’d done what everyone wanted? The Legion was wiped clean, and sure there would be more conflict, over more nonsense, but it all felt empty, like he’d removed the concept of evil from that world. And in that moment of disassociation he turned around with his gun to Arcade’s head hesitating only for a moment long enough to see a flicker of shock, and then he shot him. He stared and counted sand grains, he stared at the sky again and then agitated a few Mister Gutsys into killing him. That was the end of CK 1. CK 2: I don’t think you could consider what he has with Vulpes a ‘relationship’, more like a convenient benefitship, and it wasn’t easy even to accomplish that. Being that Vulpes only talks about whatever bullshit Caesar put into his head 85% of the time. But if C.K is gonna have any kind of right hand man, he’d like to remold Vulpes to be that, keeping his skills and eccentricities. And if time allowed, to get him to regain his own sense of self. If not he’d just make one that was suitable for both of them, and at worst he’d have to kill Vulpes along with the rest of them. It should be noted that one of the first things C.K (2) did after getting Vulpes to join him was take a trip to the followers to see Arcade. He made sure Arcade saw who was with him so he’d never trust him or willingly join him again.
9. gender / sexuality / ethnicity / species / etc.? He almost exclusively leans towards men 99%, but if there was just some sorta out-of-this-desert special bad ass lady then there’s no way he could say no, but it would take some extremely extensive bonding and mutual interest. VS his nonchalance or some might say enthusiasm to getting some clean looking fellow to drop-trou in exchange for a hefty amount of sniper ammo or a new knife for his collection. Never really thought on his ethnicity, being that I just made an alternate universe idealized in NV graphical jank version of myself.
10. where were they born/raised? when/why did they leave? Isolated in the mountains up around Black Hawk CO. When his dad passed on he no longer felt anything chaining him to an otherwise empty and meaningless place. Though his mother was still living there was too much bad blood between them and he couldn’t really trust himself to be around her unchecked, so he just drifted out, dead set on making his way to the furthest coast. What his true intentions were once he got there he wouldn’t be able to say concretely, maybe it was to just wade and die in the waves, or maybe he’d get another wild hair to turn tail in the complete opposite direction. This all assuming he would survive the journey there.
11. when, why and how did they become a courier? how long did they remain a courier before benny shot them? C.K knew he’d need at least a handful of pocket change to be able to wander aimlessly, so he picked up the only kinda work that made sense for someone like him. It allowed him to still explore and not be bogged down by anyone else, kept interactions to a minimum, and the fact that it directed him towards his end goal was a bonus. It’s safe to say that the brand of bullshit drama that getting popped in the noggin was quickly put and end to any endearment C.K had towards being a mailman, and towards any future ‘legitimate’ employment.
12. how did the bullet affect them? C.K wasn’t new to head trauma, but not to that degree. He’s had sizeable fallen tree limbs drop square on the front of his head knocking him out, and a couple foundation boards while futilely trying to put together a makeshift cabin. But if something had changed those times he hardly noticed, maybe he’d become more impulsive, less empathetic outwardly, and getting shot certainly didn’t make things better. Nothing a solid night of drinking couldn’t erase.
13. how did they deal with benny? It was most important to C.K to get ahold of Benny’s suit, in fact it’s the only thing he really remembered about Benny, and probably the last thing he thought before getting blown away. “Damn, I gotta have that suit.” He said everything he could to win Benny’s favor, egged him on and even tried to get into bed with him, though his revenge by the end of the night would’ve been one dickless Ben man and a more than questionable dinner. When he realized his efforts for a much more elaborate revenge were futile, he just pulled out That Gun and blew the sucker away. He did try to keep damage to the suit to a minimum...but he also got a bit overzealous so he now sports one god awful holey checkered suit when he feels like being ‘fancy’.
14. what’s their reputation with the ncr / the legion? CK 1: His rep with the NCR was rather good, despite that he’d come around at night and take out some troops in their tents to take their ammo and rations. He was only caught once, and had to get rid of everyone at the camp as a result. It wasn’t hard to explain away on legion activity. He was sure Arcade wouldn’t agree with his actions despite how he felt about the NCR, and so most of the time made sure to only sneak out when he was sleeping. His rep with the legion was mixed, until a scout escaped that had witnessed C.K aiding the NCR. After that assassin raiding parties were popping up in increasing frequency. CK 2: The NCR would probably be plastering over Vulpes’ posters with C.K’s face if they had the time or remaining man power. Aside from Lakelurks he uses stray NCR troops as target practice, and routinely checks up on the El Dorado substation for ‘fun’. With his endgame in mind, he tries not to slip up around the legionaries and they continue to exalt him. Though he once really wanted a gladius that a decanus had, and said decanus had to go.
15. what do the people in freeside think of them? the followers, the kings, the garrets, the van graffs? CK 1: He helped around town, and had no qualms about quashing out the local garbage of the area. He wasn’t a fan of the more listless and rabid junkies, but with Arcade around he tried to still his trigger finger unless provoked first. Overall most people thought of him favorably, even the followers though I’m sure that changed. C.K definitely fancied The King and his followers dedication to their whole shtick even in a shithole town like Freeside. He helped out just to see his face light up alone, getting some cool duds and a new hair-do was a bonus. He didn’t much care one way or the other about the Garrets, he only appeased them to get cheaper room fair and a discount on booze. C.K appreciated the Van Graffs because they made him pretty rich, after he began periodically stealing their weapons and ammo to re-sell in the next town over. He could also respect Gloria Van Graff’s cocky assuredness, but he didn’t really agree with her practice, that and there was only room for one cocky asshole in such a small vicinity. It wasn’t long before they all had to go, dragging Arcade into the fight, and then making it out alive with more weapons than they knew what to do with. CK 2: He was far more goal oriented this time, and as such blew past most folks, if they bothered him they were dead and if not he paid them no mind. He did pop in to see the The Kings, but didn’t stick around long since he knew Vulpes would be recognized eventually even in a half-assed ‘disguise’, and he really didn’t want to kill any of the kings. Since his initial silent good bye to Arcade, he never revisited the followers, and the garrets he intimidated entirely at gunpoint, uninterested in whatever shit they had going on, he just wanted a convenient room. The Van Graffs got the worst of it, taking them all out at the warehouse with the legion backing him. 
16. what’s their reputation with goodsprings / novac / primm? (i know primm reputation was cut from the game but like let’s pretend for a minute sdkfjd) CK 1: He was liked in Goodsprings, he assisted in ridding them of the Powder Gangers, and still stopped by sometimes to reminisce and check up on Doc Mitchell. C.K genuinely likes people who are no bullshit, even if he’s all bullshit, maybe they make him think about a better simpler version of himself if it were actually possible. Pretty sure folks in Novac liked him, he helped Boone take out Jeannie May, mostly because he wanted to see Boone without his dumb hat on...and it was worth it. He was also pretty fond of Cliff, he made sure to stop by to buy things from him whenever it was possible. Cliff’s enthusiasm for the stupid stuffed Dinkys was endearing in such an environment, and he was always polite. Primm was lucky he stumbled in, because he could’ve easily dismissed the whole ordeal as “not my problem” and condemned the entire area as a dead zone on his map. Wanderlust still dragged him in though, and he really hated the Powder Gangers. C.K thought Deputy Beagle was a tool though. Instantly regretting freeing him, and was one more dumbass comment away from blowing him up himself. Lucky for Beagle C.K left town before that could happen.
CK 2: As far as the citizens of Goodsprings know, he’s still the same guy they knew before. Novac is still an important hub for him, so he’d never mess things up there, he also couldn’t stand the religious yammering and gaslighting of Chris Haversam perpetuated by the Bright Brotherhood. So C.K assisted Chris in sabotaging the rocket. He also killed Jeannie May himself and tossed her body out back...only after running off with Boone’s hat. What good is a sniper if his shiny forehead gives him away before he can get a shot off? He cleaned Primm out, the same as before...and had no beef with the folks in Vikki and Vance, but he did bring the legion in to occupy the area rather than a makeshift sheriff. Some people didn’t appreciate it, but others were grateful to not worry about blowing up for the time being. It did come with the cost of the casino being forcibly shut down under Caesar’s decree. But for the long haul C.K thought it was an unimportant sacrifice that could easily be reversed later once his plans came through, plus he enjoyed seeing deputy Beagle mope around town while the legionaries degraded him.
17. what’s their reputation with the khans / the brotherhood / the boomers / the powder gangers? CK 1: He never made contact with the khans, only briefly fighting off some Cazadors near the outer fringes of their encampment. With Arcade the brotherhood was an obvious point of tension, and as such it made it extremely easy to blow the place to hell. Yeah the armor was cool, but it really wasn’t C.K’s style and he couldn’t care less about the politics. Once C.K got over his initial irritation with the Boomers trying to blow him into the next dimension just for knocking at their front door, he came to really like them. They were not much different from himself, sticking strictly to their way or no way, and their absolute top tier level of self preservation. The powder gangers were infinite target fodder, target practice never changes. CK 2: He made a deal with the khans just to appease whatever Caesar had going on, for now. He tried chatting around but ultimately decided ‘Rehab or Die’ would be one of his first decrees after speaking with one too many junkies that didn’t value his personal space. C.K fully intends to blow the brotherhood sky high, Again, Part 2 the Reckoning, but he hopes to do so with a more reformed Vulpes...and maybe he’ll somehow manage to get the news passed along to Arcade with no traces back to himself. C.K still values the boomers, though he’s lost some of his patience for dancing around and playing the errand boy, most of the time he steals the parts he needs from the workshop, but still does a few odd jobs to help out. The powder gangers were wiped clean, he and Vulpes made their way through the facility this time only with machetes and a few choice rifle shots. This is the first place where C.K garnered much more trust from him.
18. what do the people on the strip think of them? the omertas, the white gloves, the chairmen, ncr military police, mr. house? do the gamblers like them? CK 1: He mostly viewed the strip as just another way to be dead without actually dying. That or actually dying by catching any number of virulent diseases. C.K liked the hazy view of glowing lights from a distance, but up close in person it quickly lost it’s glamour. No one there probably thinks of him fondly, especially after he pulled the plug on House. He did help out the white gloves, he almost felt obligated to, though he felt their way of procuring flesh almost seemed inauthentic compared to how he had been living. C.K thoroughly believes if you couldn’t, or aren’t willing to take the person with your own hands, you probably aren’t deserving to eat them. CK 2: One of the first things he did was make a B-line to House and destroy everything top to bottom, he didn’t even let House make his long speech. The Omertas were unimportant and ultimately ignored, he’ll probably deal with them later, or sooner, if they wave a gun in his face again. For now he tries to avoid the NCR in the strip, always over disguising Vulpes, and for himself even going as far as wearing a different hat and hideous looking snake skin suit. C.K supposes he’ll just leave the white gloves to their own business, and that business can remain even when he comes back a bit more in charge. The chairmen are pretty nonchalant around him, even after he blew Benny away, but you gotta respect someone wearing your old bosses’ suit with more than a few stains of unknown origin.
19. what is their motive for taking vegas? C.K was never really interested in taking it, until it became part of a bigger plan that would leave him more in control, and his version of control is just being influential enough to be able take out anyone that tries to ruin or inconvenience his day. He hasn’t thought about much else or long term impact, and probably really doesn’t care.
20. do they have a theme song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrwnAmuSq1U
21. what do they look like? how tall are they? are they attractive? any piercings, tattoos, scars? Lean, a bit like a swimmers body, short black hair, usually buzzed off close to the scalp but sometimes he lets he get just long enough to slick back, and olive tan skin. Probably around 5′9. He’s not ugly but I wouldn’t say he fits the average standard of attractiveness. C.K’s come close to trying some potato and heated needle piercings, but always decides against it in the end since he believes it’s like having a giant shiny weak point on your face. Not to mention it’d be a dead giveaway on a sniper under desert sun. He has quite a few scars, a lot are from rocks cutting into him during climbing, some from food- human and animal alike, and a handful are self inflicted.
22. how old are they? do they know their birthday? if so, what’s their sign? I debated, I’m just going to say 30s. He used to recognize his birthday but now it passes like any other day unnoticed. He’s forgotten how old he really is and supposes it doesn’t matter anyway.
23. do they speak any languages other than english? No, even if he wanted to it’s too difficult to amass the amount of material needed to learn another language. He’d probably also enter an existential crisis considering how pointless it really was to be learning it in that climate.
24. can they read, write, do math, sing? did they ever receive an education? He can read very quickly, aside from good eyesight it’s probably his only ‘talent’, his skill only improved the more he learned about terminals and each time he tried hacking. At gun point he’d probably eat another bullet if you asked him to do long division. He does like to sing to himself when he’s alone in the desert, and once he did for Arcade but he wouldn’t admit it. The benefits of being in such an isolated place as a kid were resources were less scarce, books being a part of that. He only really picked up things he was interested in though and shoved aside anything boring.
25. what were their parents like? are they still on good terms with their parents? C.K’s dad was hard working in what remained of the mines in Black Hawk, he also did some smithing on the side. The bleak reality and isolation ate away at him though, and he became an alcoholic over time right up until his death. He had some pretty severe anger issues too which passed on to C.K. He has a mixed history with his mother as most of the time it was like living with two different people, and no amount of sweet talking or attempt at drudging up nostalgia could wash away the damage that had been done. If someone asked him, he’d say they were both fine and leave it at that, he’s not unappreciative of the life he had, but he’ll never return to see his mother again.  
26. what’s their d&d alignment? Chaotic bored- probably just chaotic, or a fluctuation between true neutral.
27. how’s their karma? Somehow both incarnations managed to keep above neutral karma, despite even his good deeds being backhanded ways to benefit himself. In some ways his fake good karma is worse than a legitimate evil karma.
28. how do they feel about killing people? do they try to avoid it? It was only a little difficult in the beginning. The first person C.K killed was relatively shortly after his dad’s death in self defense. He could only relate it to the pain he felt, that maybe he’d just killed someone’s father. But it didn’t take long for him to rationalize it away though, that anyone starting trouble like that couldn’t have been a good one and the kid was better off without him. After that he was on a path that didn’t really falter. C.K judges on his own moral compass and if someone doesn’t meet the check they get axed, genuine criminals don’t get a check, and anyone that’s a perceived threat also has to go without remorse.
29. do they take chems? if yes, when and which ones? C.K took psycho on accident once in a rush to use a stim, after that he decided even collecting chems to resell wasn’t worth it, and he’d definitely never use it again. The less control he thinks he has the more violent he becomes, and the more he panics. He’s a bit of a hypocrite, paranoid that someone could sneak up on him in the wastes if he was zonked out of his mind, yet he’ll still drink around the fire until he’s singing to a cactus. Arcade saw that.
30. do they gamble? where? is their luck good? He tried a couple high rolls after selling all the stolen Van Graff weaponry, but ultimately came out short. He didn’t really see a point since most of his food he gets for ‘free’, and has no problems drinking cactus juice...though the long term effects of that speak for itself. 
31. where do they usually sleep? do they have more than one home location? do they live with any other people? C.K likes to climb up into little rock outcroppings, or find the most out of sight corners and build small fortresses out of tumbleweeds. If a rad storm is coming through though he tries to B-line it back to Novac from any direction if he thinks he can make it. Sometimes he’ll also stay in the bed of trashed trucks.
32. what are their favorite weapons? where did they get these weapons? He really cherishes his sniper, it reminds him of the past when he’d shoot with his dad when he still couldn’t aim worth two shits. C.K found it in a safe in the ruins of a building outside of Freeside. The machete gladius he took from the decanus he murdered he’s pretty fond of too. 
33. do they flirt a lot? is it well-received? He does it constantly both intentionally and unintentionally almost as a survival mechanism, after all someone’s less inclined to spontaneously kill you if they think they’re gonna get action- with the exception of running into a fiend. With more ‘city’ folk he leans more towards intentionally and does it to pass the time, he’s never really sure why. Some people will do or show him some crazy shit just after a few sweet words.
34. do they goof around a lot? do other people find it funny or do they just entertain themselves? C.K is notorious for laughing at his own jokes, he’ll probably find something esoteric to anyone else around completely hilarious. In other words, he’s not actually funny at all. It’s probably a result of him spending most his time up until meeting Arcade talking to himself 24/7.
35. why did you create them?
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36. do they draw, paint, play any instruments? If by draw you mean make rudimentary stick man and radscorpion drawings in the sand with his toes, then yes. C.K would like to learn to play the guitar, and almost asks the lonesome drifter to teach him.
37. how do they deal with injuries? do they use stimpaks, healing powder, med-x? does a companion help them? can they bear a lot of pain, or do they need to attend to injuries immediately? when they do have to see a doctor, do they have a preferred doctor, or do they just see anyone? Most of the time C.K just ignores it, if he’s not immediately dying or incapacitated then it doesn’t exist. He will go very far out of his way to avoid pain despite the actual pain having little effect on him. C.K won’t trust anyone else to help him out so he relies on herbal remedies 90% of the time and saves stimpaks for extreme emergencies. He did however once let Arcade treat him.
38. have they ever been irradiated? how did they deal with it? did it have lasting effects? C.K came close once in vault 34 while trying to save Arcade, but his paranoia is too strong to not carry ample amounts of rad-away. Becoming a hideous disfigured out of control zombie would be a literal hell for him, but probably a fitting condemnation.
39. in conversation, are they kind? gentle? sarcastic? rude? do they speak warmly and openly with people, or are they more guarded? do they talk a lot? He’ll speak however he perceives the other party to expect him to, and the majority of the time it pays off. The only people to see through his bullshit are others with the same set of skills, and by then it’s usually become a fight. The reality is that he’s more of an inwardly thinking man, usually calculating, and in a more relaxed atmosphere just a wellspring of poor jokes. Arcade knows.
40. do they like long journeys through the mojave, or do they prefer to travel more quickly? do they prefer using roads or traveling through the deep desert? After spending the majority of his life in isolation C.K has no problems with long treks in the desert, and definitely prefers it to wandering in a town or city. He tries to avoid any main roads and always takes higher points on small rock cliffs or dunes. He even enjoys wading through sandstorms and he’s probably happiest then knowing no other idiot will be around to bother him.
41. name a random fact about your courier. C.K is very fond of radscorpions and is determined to make a small ranch to raise them as travel partners. Of course most attempts at wrangling them end up with him blacked out face down in the sand, the only reason he’s still living is from repeated exposure to the toxin. 
42. do they watch movie holotapes? what are their favorites? least favorites? I don’t feel like he would, or maybe he’d get through a couple minutes before wandering off again.
43. what do they do with the lucky 38? do they like being there? do they leave their companions there? if they’re a yes-man courier, do they open it back up as a casino? C.K had his fun once running around on all the floors, swinging on things or hanging off the balcony, even some fun with Arcade since it was seemingly the cleanest place they’d ever visited. But once that’d run out he’d lost interest and never came back after getting rid of House.
44. what do they do after hoover dam? CK 1: Never made it to the dam. but I imagine the end result would’ve been similar. CK 2: He has big plans once both sides clear out a significant portion of one another. He’ll behead both factions and their leaders, figuratively and literally, and stick the figureheads on his new chair. (It’ll probably be mostly cactus lbr.) He’s banking on being able to manipulate and sweet talk remaining soldiers with little to no morale left into seeing his side of things, which whatever that is, he doesn’t really know, he’ll probably make it up on the spot and hope it sticks. His dream vision is nice but the reality is he’ll probably end up dead again back stabbed by some loyalist.
45. how do they die? how is their death received, by the mojave and by their companions? Well we already pretty much went over that. The general Mojave public though...would either be “who?” or “ oh yeah that fuckin’ guy”, which could either be endearment or hatred.
46. what are their vices? are they an alcoholic, a thief, a hoarder? C.K is pretty bad about taking people’s canine teeth, if they have nice ones that is. He’s trying to make the perfect necklace. Aside from that he lays into the bottle pretty heavily when he’s alone and loves nothing more than laughing to himself blacking out at the sky on cold sand.
47. can they cook, and if so, what do they cook? what are their favorite & least favorite foods? C.K’s version of cooking is just tossing whatever against a hot rock or skillet for a minute tops and then eating it, or most of the time he skips that step. The real radioactive wasteland is in his stomach, but it’s made him near impervious to poisons. He refuses to eat any processed cereals or old pre-war type foods, so aside from his questionable fleshy dietary choices he tries to stick to raw vegetables and fruit as much as he can get his hands on. He’ll even eat flowers and cactus meat.
48. did they kill caesar? vulpes inculta? what about prominent ncr figures, like kimball and colonel hsu? CK 1: Wiped the legion clean, and assuredly would’ve done the same to the NCR if he lived. CK 2: Caesar will probably be the last to die, and he doesn’t intend to kill Vulpes unless his loyalty is just that unwavering. He’ll be assassinating Kimball soon, and is still methodically clearing NCR camps, McCarran is nearly empty and he’s taken over Searchlight airport.
49. what’s their happiest memory? One night he woke up around 4 am to a real crisp sky full of stars outside of Goodsprings in a small fort he’d put together. He just kinda walked out into the night and stared at the moon, and somehow nothing jumped him for the entirety of his exploration.
wow i fucking did it
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nvexe · 1 year
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I don't know what to say to convince people to watch the ace attorney stage shows so please just look at this
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nvexe · 6 months
"this is such a good idea, I'll quickly make a note so I remember later"
the note:
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nvexe · 4 months
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nvexe · 8 months
tumblr has a lot of incredibly interesting high quality and extremely specific image filters that no normal person has any reason to use in their lifetime
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nvexe · 6 months
hyperfixation really will send you places you wouldn't go with a gun
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nvexe · 8 months
ok let's play ghost trick
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nvexe · 8 months
[Zero Escape post]
I was a big 999 fan about ten years ago (still my favourite game) and at that time I saved up to buy my first touch screen device the beautiful PS Vita so I could play the sequel VLR but I ended up hating it so much I couldn't finish it. I finally forced myself to play it fully so I could at least get through it and play the third game. Thoughts on all three games:
999: (played on DSi?) One of the best games in the world. Everyone should play this, even if it's just to see if they like it. There are versions without escape rooms if you're like me and not super into that. The original version has aged well, but the rereleases and sequels apparently remove some tedium. Wonderful cast of characters.
VLR: (played on Vita) Not the worst game in the world but there's much better out there. Lots of room for improvement, but instead they use that room for repeating the same info three to nine times. I would be more forgiving if the graphics weren't awful after the comparatively beautiful graphics of 999. Characters are mostly just okay. A remake would be nice as most of my issues come from poor quality of life.
ZTD: (played on 3DS) I've never played a game like this before. The graphics and animation are a little janky but it gives it a unique flavour and I actually really like it. MUCH more brutal and gorey than the previous games. Does twice as much as VLR in half the time. Characters are consistently interesting, even if they're not always likeable. I had a really good time. Awesome!
These are sci-fi psychological games and the plot and logic and paradoxes get more and more convoluted as you go along, but it's not an issue if you're expecting it and willing to roll with it. However... things may get a bit too ridiculous for some people at times. I highly recommend 999, but VLR and ZTD are very closely linked, so it's harder to recommend them since I really didn't like VLR much. My friend is enjoying it though, so don't listen to me and please try it if you like 999. All three games are very different from each other. Check on Does The Dog Die first, as some content may catch you off guard. Just give 999 a go, for me... ✌️🥺
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nvexe · 2 months
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I just finished the. character creation
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nvexe · 2 months
it's my birthday so you have to listen to joking motive at least once, it's the law
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nvexe · 11 months
every time I remember there exists a script and a cast out there for an ace attorney stage show postponed due to covid set in an alternate universe in which franziska is an idol I start vibrating oh so very hard and automatically send out an imminent explosion warning
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nvexe · 10 months
does anyone know if the tgaa games have random voiced lines like aa6 because idk if I can take being constantly on edge from sudden american voice jumpscare again... genuine question
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nvexe · 4 months
joining a fandom that's 20+ years old is awesome because maybe your new fave rarepair has like 5 fics this time instead of 1 or 0!
then you realise it took 20+ years to reach 5 fics.
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nvexe · 7 months
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looking for opinions please: I already made two of these (the coloured parts only) but although I knew none of the colours were perfect the purple is really bothering me. should I go buy a different purple that's not the same brand or thickness as the rest of the colours and start over or do you think it's good enough at a glance? please comment!
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nvexe · 11 months
they changed a bunch of random stuff again overnight. why are fast rb's oval-shaped now.
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