#nx 3x21
northernexposureonly · 5 months
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BERNARD: Welcome back to K-Bear radio. You're listening to Chris in the Morning. Chris in the Late Afternoon actually. And this isn't Chris Stevens. It's Bernard Stevens, sitting in for my brother, Chris. Chill, Cicely. For the names may change, the tune remains the same. And by the way, my brother Chris would like to thank all of you who've called in to express your support. We're all hoping for a speedy recovery from whatever it is that's been afflicting him of late. In the meantime, a big hello to all of you out there from all of me in here. As you may know, I spent the last three months in Africa, a wondrous, magical place. But as shadows lengthen across the K-Bear window, thoughts turn to homecoming, journey's end. Because, in a sense, it's the coming back— the return— which gives meaning to the going forth. We— We really don't know where we've been... until we've come back to where we were. Only where we were may not be as it was because of who we've become. Which, after all, is why we left. Do you have anything to add, Chris?
3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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t-rina · 3 years
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Star Trek Enterprise Rewatch:
3x21 E²
Synopsis: On the way to a subspace corridor the Enterprise gets help from the past
Ash’s rating: Rating: 4/7
Is that T’Pol???? But old???
T’Pol meditating :)
And she gets interrupted 
By Trip
Who wants a neuro pressure session 
She doesn’t want to do that anymore
He is worried about her ;-;
She has been avoiding him since they slept together xD
Why is his face dirty btw?
T’Pol, darling, you are not fine
Ooh they encountered alien ships
Right they have to go through that part of space to get to the Xindi council
Xindi are not happy with Degra
Omg, another NX class ship in the Expanse?
It’s another Enterprise?
There are Vulcans on board 
Both enterprises look so beaten up ;-;
If Enterprise enters the subspace corridor they are going to be thrown 170 years into the past
Oohhh cool
Enterprise became a generational ship, they wanted to prevent the Xindi from launching the first attack on Earth… but that’s contaminating the timeline
Oh damn, Lorian is T’Pol’s son
The didn’t destroy the Xindi probe, obviously, or the new Enterprise wouldn’t be there
They want to modify Enterprise to reach Degra in time and to stop the second probe
Soooo Humans and Vulcans are able to reproduce 
Trip is Lorian’s father 
Isn’t it a bit indiscreet to just blurt that out like that?
Lorian has humour xD
Eeehhhh the other Trip died when Lorian was 14
aahhhh Archer meets old T’Pol!!!!
She shows almost affection 😭
She immediately asks about Trip 😭
Hoshi doesn’t want to know with whom she got together xD
Malcolm didn’t end up with anyone :/
Are you telling me there is not a singly gay guy on Enterprise and all the people the encountered?
Okay so if Enterprise goes through the corridor the whole mission will fail
Wait Lorian, what are you going to do?
His ears don’t look so good tbh, not as real as T’Pol’s
It’s really weird that Trip talks about what happened to him and T’Pol in the other life
They are bickering xD
T’Pol is getting really defensive here
Aaaaand he shot Trip
Enterprise shooting at Enterprise 😭r 
Archer wants to work together with Lorian :)
T’Pol is paying T’Pol a visit:)
T’Pol will never fully recover from her addiction. She will always have emotions now.
She should follow her heart? That’s so unvulcany!
They are entering the corridor!
I like Hoshi’s new hairstyle btw
Old enterprise saved new Enterprise
Oh boi ship damaged
Awwww old Enterprise sacrifices itself for new enterprise 😭😭😭
That looks like a freaking wormhole
Wait is it a wormhole?
They made it through the corridor and they are in the right time
Other Enterprise is not coming :/
Arrrghhhhh freaking time travel paradoxes
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
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JOEL: This is my weekend. Mine, okay? This is my chance to get away from Cicely and meet some other people— some girls— to have sex with strangers.
3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
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LINDA: Okay. Okay, I can play along. You need control. Fine. You've turned me down. I'm walking away. See? I'll be in 402 when you change your mind.
3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
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3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
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LINDA: I've seen it before, Joel. You can talk the talk, but you can't walk the walk.
3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
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CHRIS: Bernard, natural very it on you looks. Uh, what mean I is, very it looks natural you on, Bernard. Comfortable too.
3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
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3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
CHRIS IN THE MORNING: Uh, word of warning to the unwary— don't get sick this weekend. Our own Dr. Joel is off for a medical conference in Juneau. Everybody's entitled to a little boondoggle now and then, I suppose. While he's away, Joel's provided for an on-call physician from Sleetmute. My advice— take two aspirins and wait till Monday.
3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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northernexposureonly · 5 months
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3.21 It Happened In Juneau
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