#nyaitsu 100 followers šŸˆ
nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
Congrats on 100+ followers!! Could I request Izumi with prompt 23 please? ^^
it feels like such an izumi sentence... this one leans a bit more into comfort territory than just plain fluff too <3
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āœ§ izumi + 23: I want you, and only you āœ§
ā€œIzumi?ā€ A pause. ā€œCan I ask you something?ā€
ā€œAsk away, I guess.ā€
ā€œDo youā€¦ do youā€¦ā€
You stop once again, trying to find the right words. And those words donā€™t seem to want to be found, as the pause this time gets longer.
ā€œDo Iā€¦? Iā€™m sure that you can come up with a full sentence on your own, Iā€™ve seen you do that before.ā€
You chuckle for a second, only to go back once again after building up some more courage. Itā€™s a hard question and you arenā€™t sure about what scares you the most: either his reaction or his answer. But you keep thinking about it over and over again and itā€™s time to know, whether it hurts you or not.
ā€œDo you everā€¦ regret dating me?ā€
A heavy silence surrounds the room. You can feel his eyes on you, putting away his phone and coming closer, an eyebrow raised.
ā€œYouā€™re much more stupid than I thought you were, really. Much, much more stupid. Reeeeally stupid.ā€ Without a moment of hesitation he takes your right cheek and starts stretching it, huffing under his breath, ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with you, asking that all of a sudden? Did you hit your head?ā€
You blink in confusion and only a sound comes out of your lips.
ā€œI said.ā€ Tug. ā€œWhatā€™s wrong.ā€ Tug. ā€œWith you.ā€ And another tug. You whine as your cheeks get stretched relentlessly, under Izumiā€™s fierce glare.
ā€œIt was just a question. Iā€™ve beenā€¦ Thinking,ā€ you mumble, resting your hand against his. Izumi scoffs and softens just the slightest bit, his thumb tracing circles across your cheek.
ā€œThen you should stop thinking. Just so you donā€™t get any stupid ideas in that silly little brain of yours, okay?ā€ His words feel sharp as usual but thereā€™s this sad light behind his eyes, like he wasnā€™t expecting you to ask something like that. You are tempted to point it out and apologize for your question but your cheeks get squished under his hand before you get a chance, ā€œDid I make myself understood? No more silly questions or Iā€™ll get angry.ā€
You nod.
A frustrated sigh escapes Izumiā€™s lips as his hand finally releases your cheeks, only to place itself on top of your head, brushing your hair softly. No matter how much he hides his true feelings, you canā€™t shake off the feeling that asking thatquestion hurted him.
That you hurt him.
This time itā€™s a poke in your forehead together with another sigh. Not quite the exasperated type but more likeā€¦ the loving type. Lifting up your chin, blue eyes meet yours, communicating just as much if not more than his words ever will.
ā€œLook, whatever you might be thinking now I can tell you that itā€™s not the case.ā€ There is a pause as he wraps his arms around your figure, searching for the right words. The right sentence that will make you see the situation as he does.
And then it comes out, just as your lips join for a gentle kiss.
ā€œI love you. I want you, and only you. I will never want anyone else other than you. Are we clear now?ā€
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
20 and natsume please? congrats on 100 btw!~ ā¤ļø
hello there welcome to the longest solo request in my entire blog, with an outstading count of 1.2k words ā™Ŗ(Ā“ā–½ļ½€) nonnie you don't even know how much i've enjoyed this aaaaaa natsumeP nation this one is for you <3 wishing you all good luck on his bday gacha!! anything for the best boy on his birthday ehehehe
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āœ§ natsume + 20: You make me feel safe āœ§
ā€œThe things I do for loveā€¦ā€
Itā€™s just a soft mumbling and yet loud enough for you to catch it. The grin of satisfaction in your face canā€™t be ignored as you cling onto Natsumeā€™s arm, looking at him with expectation as you walk down the road together. So he is in that kind of mood tonight!
ā€œWhat was that? I didnā€™t quiiiite get itā€¦ Something about being in love with me?ā€ You tease him, getting closer and closer to him with every sentence and hoping to get anything. A sigh, a poke, anything.
Natsume simply rolls his eyes. You definitely did get his words and he knows.
ā€œAh, the wind is pretty strong tonight, looks like it might rain soonā€¦" And so he proceeds to ungratefully ignore your (maybe poor) attempt at teasing.
"Aww Natsumee! Come on, don't be mean! I was just messing with you for a bit!!" You feel like trying to explain yourself is the only plausible course of action in the current situation, seeing as Natsume is suddenly much more interested in looking at the tree branches dancing in the wind than at your face.
And there it is. That tiny little frown in his face like you have personally attacked him just for some light teasing. Can you believe the audacity of this man? He's like a grumpy old cat, always wanting your love and affection in a certain way at the right moment. And he will not hesitate to hiss if you're not doing it the right way.
Which in this situation translates to giving you the cold shoulder.
"Natsumeeeee. Natsume. Hey. Don't ignore me, that's mean!" You start poking at his cheek, trying to get a different reaction out of him but he doesn't even blink, instead walking ahead like nothing ever happened. "I'm sorry, okay. I really really really am!"
A sigh escapes your lips, letting go of his arm as you get no answer.
"So not only do you drag me out in the middle of the night and try to make fun of me but you expect a measly apology to fix it?ā€ Natsume turns around, pointing at his chest, ā€œI'm a victim here. Who's the mean one now, little kitten?
You lower your head for a bit, replaying in your head the events prior to your impromptu date. It had been absolutely random, calling him near midnight and hoping that he wouldn't be asleep just yet so he could keep you company for a bit. You hadnā€™t really said "Please come get me" yet you hadn't not said it either. Actually, relief was very obvious on your face when you saw him knocking on your door less than 10 minutes later.
Seeing it like that, you couldn't quite argue against his definition of "mean".
"I'm sorry." This time it's a real apology coming from your lips. Stopping for a second, a storm of words ensues. "I justā€¦ wanted to see you very much. I was all alone at home and I couldnā€™t stop thinking of you. I love you and being next to you makes me feel so safe and comfortable, so..." The next words die at the back of your throat for a second, seeing as you are about to confess the real reason you wanted to hang out with him. "...I wanted you to hold me. You and only you, just for a bit."
And at last that gets a reaction out of him, hints of a grin forming in the corner of his lips. You blink slowly, seeing Natsume walking back to your side once again.
"What was that?" Natsume peeks into your face, the smirk getting more and more obvious every passing second as he mimics your exact same words from before, on a slightly different tone, "I didnā€™t quiiiite get itā€¦"
Gasp. Cat got the mouse, by all means.
"Y-Youā€¦! You did that on purpose!" You point an accusatory finger his way and he doesn't even blink, brushing a strand of his hair aside.
"Did what on purpose? I am truly, 100% innocent of whatever you might be accusing me of." Again that evil smile that screams anything but innocent. "I'm just a poor little boyfriend out on a date with his partner, what did I supposedly do this time?ā€
ā€œPoor little boyfriend? Iā€™d say thatā€™s questionable!ā€ This time youā€™re the one pouting a bit, even if itā€™s just to follow his game. Natsume has regained his usual teasing happy mood and you canā€™t really say you donā€™t like it. Itā€™s so much better seeing him like this than frowning and ignoring you.
He takes another step forward, closing the distance between you two.
ā€œRemember Iā€™m here to indulge you. After all, it is a magician's responsibility to try and make people's dreams true" he says, masking as usual the real reason before such an affectionate outburst. Natsume wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close for a hug and going back to that exact same tone he used earlier. Soft and gentle, quiet and yet loud enough so that you ā€”and no one elseā€” can listen to his voice. ā€œIs this what you were looking for?ā€
Pressing your face against his chest, you nod slowly. Moonlight shining upon his features, Natsume was now smiling with such gentlenessā€¦ truly, a shame that you werenā€™t looking at the right moment. Almost like you could feel that, you look up to meet his eyes again and, surprisingly, he doesn't pull back in the slightest.
ā€œYou look so cozy between my arms, is it really that good?ā€ he says, letting one of his hands play with your hair. This time you are the one smiling.
ā€œIt is. Really really cozy, look!ā€ And so you pull him into a stronger hug, this time putting your own arms around his neck. He looks aside for a moment, back to his usual mumblings.
ā€œI really canā€™t help but feel so nice when weā€™re like thisā€¦ Maybe you do make me feel safe, somehowā€¦ā€ Even under all the what ifs and soft pauses, you can tell Natsume means every bit of his words just as much as you do with yours. Heā€™s just slightly more roundabout, sparkling random extras into his sentences just to hide the real meaning a bit further. Just so you have to dig a bit more.
But being with him for so long makes you unaffected by those magic charms, no matter how much he hides behind them.
ā€œYou make me feel safe too. And happy,ā€ you add, completely unfiltered. This manages to regain his attention, with Natsume staring intently into your eyes.
And so, closing the short distance between both of your faces, you press your lips against his in a soft kiss. The kind of kiss that is sweet and nice, a spur of the moment kind of kiss. One of his hands reaches towards your face, holding it as his thumbs traces circles around your skin. Because you arenā€™t pulling back and so isnā€™t he, either.
You didnā€™t lie when you said that you wanted Natsume to hold you. You just, very kindly, ignored the part where you said that what you wanted the most was to kiss him.
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
Hii! Congrats on reaching 100 followers! I've always loved your writing anyway! Uhm, as for my request, can I have s/o saying 25 to kaoru at the most random moment possible? Like it was a normal day doing normal activity and all of a sudden s/o said 25 to him, in addition to that, s/o is usually a shy person so this is a rare situation for both of them! I'm sorry if it's too specific hzmhzzmhzm anyway hope you have a nice day!! <3
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hi hiii i hope you don't mind me putting these two together! they actually got in at around the same time, i see kaoruPs want some kisses from him,, can't blame you for it ehehe (*/Ļ‰ļ¼¼*) i enjoy writing for him so i'm not complaining <3
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āœ§ kaoru + reader!25: Kiss me āœ§
"Kiss me."
Kaoru can't help but stare at you when those come out of your lips, completely unprompted. Most of the time, he is the one reaching out for kisses, soft touches or any kind of sign of love because he enjoys being affectionate with you no matter the day or the time: it is an important part of his love language after all. So seeing you actively trying to participate in something so important for him pushes a soft chuckle past his lips.
ā€œā€˜Kiss meā€™? You want me to kiss you?ā€ He repeats your exact same words, trying not to let his grin show too much. Too much. And yet Kaoru is so incredibly happy.
You puff your cheeks in a mix of slight frustration and embarrassment.
ā€œT-Thatā€™sā€¦ Thatā€™s what I said, yeah. I couldā€¦ really enjoy a kiss right nowā€¦ if you donā€™t mindā€¦ I kind ofā€¦ wantā€¦ā€ Your words become quieter and quieter only to die as a soft whisper when a pair of soft lips press against yours. Gentle and sweet, his breathy laugh tickles against your skin.
ā€œA kiss, I know. Just one?ā€ Kaoru stares into your eyes with the fondness of a man in love, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Itā€™s this sudden kind gesture that shows just how much he is head over heels for you, the way his lips ghost over yours again, almost touching but not quite. Heā€™s waiting. Heā€™s so close for another kiss but he is waiting for your answer, just to make sure. Or just to make you say that you want another kiss, only he knowsā€¦
ā€œNot just oneā€¦ā€ you mumble, shyly reaching out to place your hands against his chest. As soon as those words register, Kaoru doesnā€™t miss a beat to go for a second kiss. A third, a forth, each longer than the previous one, a tiny bit more passionate.
Since you asked him so sweetly, Kaoru isnā€™t sure he has the self-restraint to stop kissing you any time soonā€¦
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
Prompt 44 please! Except Reader-chanā€™s the one saying it to her crush Mao hehe
i was waiting to post this one exactly on his bday and since itā€™s still the 16th here iā€™m on time!! happy birthday mao i love you <33 i was sooo tempted to make a cute lil kiss at the end but i had to stop myself,, just friends so far. pinning really hard for each other, for now ( ā€¢Ģ€ Ļ‰ ā€¢Ģ )āœ§
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āœ§ mao + reader!44: I have a surprise for you āœ§
ā€œSoo, where are you taking me again?ā€
You stop for a moment before poking Maoā€™s cheek with your free hand.
ā€œI told you before, I have a surprise for you! So no peeking until weā€™re there, okay?ā€
ā€œWhaaat? But I wanna seeā€¦! Can I get a hint at least?ā€
Mao tries to turn around even with his eyes closed, holding your hand. Curiosity is getting the best of him and itā€™s really, really cute to see him this excited. You fail to avoid a soft laugh.
ā€œNope, no hints! Just be sure that youā€™re going to enjoy it very much, okay? I mean, what's the fun of a surprise if you already know what's going to happen?" And with those words you go back to leading Mao into your planned destination, followed by the loveliest sigh from him.
ā€œWeeell, itā€™d be a ton of fun if I were to get a tiny little hint tooā€¦ Just a tiiiny little one? To check? Iā€™m really really curious you knowā€¦!ā€
Just as he finishes those words, a familiar bell tingles as you open the door in front of you two. You canā€™t hide your smile any longer as you push him into the dark room, right in the middle. Wrapping your arms around him, you pull him into a hug from behind.
ā€œMao? You can open your eyes nowā€¦ā€
Thatā€™s the signal. Just as Mao finally opens his eyes, thereā€™s a flash of light in the cafĆ© before everyone comes out of their hiding, together with a rain of confetti and brightly coloured decorations. Just as the party poppers go off, everyone wishes Mao a happy birthday.
Resting your head on his shoulder, you peek the slightest bit into his face just to check his reaction. Maoā€™s smile is bright like the sun. Even with the slightly off tune happy birthday song that follows the message, he seems so delighted to see all his friends having such a sweet gesture with him. Working this hard, for him.
ā€œTold you youā€™d enjoy your surprise, right?ā€ You smile, pulling him into another sweet hug as you reveal the big mastermind behind the surprise birthday party. A joint effort with everyone in Trickstar and Maoā€™s closest friends, but you had insisted on taking care of the planning. On making the perfect party for him, just like he deserves.
ā€œHave I ever told you just how much I love you?ā€ You happily shake your head just to hear those words once again. Suddenly, there's a warm feeling all over your chest, ā€œI love you. I really, really love you!ā€
This time you take his hand, pulling him into the back of the room where everyone is together. There is a loud cheer started by Subaru as more and more people start surrounding Mao, who is now laughing wholeheartedly.
ā€œThen be sure to enjoy to your heartā€™s content! We have a lot of food and things to do, okay? Iā€™m sure everyone wants a piece of the birthday boy!!ā€
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
ibara + 22!
okay okay this one. look i am not a huge ibara fan,, maybe because i don't know a thing about him. but the more i write for him the more i'm like "uuuu maybe i should give him a chance?". like i'm crazy soft after writing this aaaa (Ā“ļ¼›Ļ‰ļ¼›`)
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āœ§ ibara + 22: Give me a brush. Iā€™ll fix your hair for you āœ§
ā€œGive me a brush. Iā€™ll fix your hair for you.ā€
ā€œR-Really? I mean, I think I can do it myselfā€¦ā€
ā€œYou said you wanted to look presentable so I insist. Why, do you not trust me?ā€
Seeing Ibaraā€™s smirk reflect against the mirror, you are tempted to say ā€œNoā€ just to tease him the slightest bit but you arenā€™t in the position to say so.
The stress is undeniable. You donā€™t even remember how Ibara convinced you to accompany to a formal meeting of that kind, surrounded by fashionable people whose favourite piece of clothing was probably worth more than your entire wardrobe. As Ibaraā€™s partner you wanted to make a good impression and support him as best as you could, but you couldnā€™t shake that bad feeling off your chest.
And to top the night, you were having a bad hair day.
ā€œI do trust you. I donā€™t want to be more of a bother now, itā€™s justā€¦ā€ Your words trail off for a bit before you sit down on the bed. He has been helping you out so much lately, is it okay to ask for more? Even when itā€™s just a silly little thing like your hair not wanting to cooperate?
Ibara completely disregards everything next to the first sentence and proceeds to pick up a brush, sitting behind you to get your hair ready.
ā€œI donā€™t mind doing this. In fact, I find it quite relaxing for me tooā€¦ā€
He stops talking for a moment, getting a bit closer to your ear. You have seen him do this before when he wants to share a secret. To speak of something his pride wonā€™t quite let him, to be honest with you.
ā€œI know it might be stressful for you, so you are free to take this as a reward of sorts. And I promise I will do something nice afterwards too. Right now, you only have to think of me. Of us,ā€ he says, with a voice sweet as honey that feels like the exact thing you need, his hands playing with some rebel locks of hair. Finishing off his words with a soft kiss on your nape, Ibara goes back to brushing your hair like nothing had ever happened.
You nod lightly, closing your eyes to indulge some bit in your own private moment of happiness.
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
can i request 81 for rei like he comes over to ur house to hang out and he just starts flipping through the photo album of your baby pictures
let rei roam freely around your room they said. nothing bad will happen they said <3 you might take the pictures from him but the memory will stay on his mind for years to come (ā—Ė‡āˆ€Ė‡ā—)
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āœ§ rei + 81: You looked so cute when you were little āœ§
You donā€™t remember ever experiencing something as embarrassing as your current situation. Never. Not even in your youngest years, where climbing up trees and running everywhere seemed to be the norm no matter your skill.
When you had decided to leave Rei alone in your room you hadnā€™t even considered the absolutely crazy idea that he would start poking around your shelves. And even if you had, letting him browse through some books and decorations wasnā€™t going to hurt your image, right?Ā 
Then, how did he even find your old photo albums?
He flashes you the sweetest of the smiles as he sees you run into the room, trying to take the book from his hands. Oh no. He isnā€™t letting go this time.
ā€œRei! Give it back!ā€ Maybe seeing you stretch like that, your cute little angry expression as plays around with the photobook wasnā€™t really the smartest move to make him return your embarrassing childhood pics. Reiā€™s smirk spreads through his face, showing just a hint of his wild side.
ā€œBut dearest, you were absolutely adorable when you were littleā€¦ Look at these cute round cheeks, it makes me want to eat you up,ā€ he flashes his fangs for just a second before you finally get hold of the album.
Oh. That was part of his plan, wasnā€™t it?
Your entire world goes upside down as strong arms bring you down into the bed, forcing you to rest against Reiā€™s chest, never willing to let go of your most embarrassing possession even as he holds you closer and closer.
ā€œI did mean that last part, just so you knowā€¦ And, since I lost my current interest I suppose I shall try and find a new oneā€¦ā€ A kiss against your cheek, it takes Rei just a couple of seconds to take the old book from your arms, under an improvised cuddle session.
ā€œOh wow. Not only do I find you snooping around my shelves but now you ask for cuddles as compensation? Compensation for what exactly?ā€ You protest, once again trying to take hold of the pictures. With a hand keeping you close, he starts browsing through some of your middle school pictures.
ā€œFor keeping these absolutely adorable pictures from me for this long,ā€ he says, kissing the top of your head, ā€œEven though you do look much more gorgeous now.ā€
ā€œFlattery wonā€™t get you anywhere, Mr Sakuma.ā€ You sigh, finding a more comfortable position between his arms. ā€œI guess thereā€™s no hiding it now so Iā€™ll have to show you some of my old pics. Just some of them, okay?ā€
Rei nods, not even trying to hide the grin on his lips. Resting his head against yours, you decide to take him through your memories, one picture at a time.
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
17, for nazuna, but the reader is speaking, please S2 (the same anon who asked for the number 27 for him, and yes, he deserves all the love in the world! AnonLollipop! šŸ­)
for people who haven't read it, it's this one! i do really like nazuna actually!! but i haven't read anything for him in a while so i kinda lost touch with him ehehe i wish i could write so much better for him, he literally deserves the world <3 maybe if i hadn't taken this long to reply aaa i'm sorry lollipop nonnie,, i do hope you get to read this!! (ļ¼žļøæļ¼œ)
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āœ§ nazuna + reader!17: I want to kiss you āœ§
Nazuna makes the cutest expressions when youā€™re together. You feel your heart escape a beat as he reaches for your hand quietly, flashing you one of his sweet smiles.
It feels relaxed, like thereā€™s just the two of you. Like the entire world is just for the two of you. You only have eyes for each other even as people come in and out from the nearby streets.
It makes you think that you donā€™t even need it to be an official ā€œdateā€ for it to be a good time together, that as long as you both are happy, even walking around the city center feels like the best time ever.
You are in love and it shows.
ā€œHey, Nazuna?ā€ You call out for him, swinging your intertwined hands together. He immediately looks back at you, ā€œCan I ask for something?ā€
ā€œYeah, sure! What do you need?ā€
You canā€™t hide the smile from your lips.
ā€œI want to kiss youā€
Your immediate declaration takes Nazuna by surprise, judging by the way his eyes widen just a bit.
ā€œY-You mean likeā€¦ now?ā€ That last word comes a bit higher than expected. He is now scratching his cheek, not quite looking you in the eye but not quite looking away either as his eyes seem suddenly much more focused on your lips. So he does want a kiss after allā€¦
You giggle and bring your head forward. Your noses are close to touching.
ā€œYeah, now? Can I?ā€
Nazuna nods for a moment and you can almost see him hold his breath before your lips meet in a sweet kiss. Itā€™s short and gentle, a small proof of love, one of many to come in the future. His cheeks are indeed just a tiny bit redder than before so you donā€™t miss your chance to lean against his shoulder and sigh happily. How can you even resist kissing him when heā€™s this sweet?
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
Chiaki + Prompt:87-Don't be scared,I'm Right Here,pleasee^^
Also,Congrats on 100 followers as well Author-Sannn!!ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
oh my god i canā€™t believe iā€™ve writen this much buuuut here you have 1k words of absolute chiaki fluff (*/Ļ‰ļ¼¼*) this is my longest request by far ehehe plus itā€™s still his bday here so happy birthday chiaki youā€™re an absolute sweetheart <333
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āœ§ chiaki + 87: Donā€™t be scared. Iā€™m right here āœ§
The thunderstorm is inching closer and closer. No matter how nicely closed the windows are, the thunder keeps roaring every so often. You drag the blanket up to your nose, trying to ignore the noise.
The perfect night for a power outage.
Being alone at home with no lights under such a strong storm is scary. You canā€™t watch a movie and your phone only has so much battery. So maybe that is the reason you have dialed Chiakiā€™s number without thinking about it. After the second tone, his lively voice answers.
ā€œY/N! Hey! Howā€™s it going?ā€
ā€œI just w-wanted toā€¦ Listen to your voice...ā€ Your own voice comes out as a shaky whisper even as you try to regain your calm. Just when you are ready to speak again, lightning flashes through the window and you shriek.
ā€œAre you okay? Whatā€™s wrong? Where are you?ā€
ā€œI-Iā€™m at home! I justā€¦ the storm. Iā€™m a bit scared but itā€™s okay. The lights went off and itā€™s justā€¦ uncomfortableā€¦ And itā€™s cold,ā€ you mumble, fidgeting with the blanket over your shoulders. The more you try to explain your situation, the sillier it feels: itā€™s just a couple thunders and bright lights and you are safe and sound in the comfort of your own home, there isnā€™t anything to worry about...Ā 
Suddenly, you hear some noise at the other end of the line, the clinking of some keys and a door opening.
ā€œItā€™s fine, donā€™t worry. Listen to me, okay? Iā€™m not hanging up, Iā€™m here for you.ā€ Chiakiā€™s warm and sweet voice is soon drowned by a heavy background noise.
A downpour.
ā€œChiaki? What are you doing?! You're going back home right now!ā€ Suddenly, youā€™ve regained all your energies and youā€™re practically jumping out of bed as you pay attention to the sounds coming from your phone. He decided to go out in such heavy rain?! Listening to a strong thunder at the same time it strikes in the sky doesnā€™t make you scared but rather, worried. Is he going to be okay?
ā€œWorry not Y/N! Heroes arenā€™t scared of rain, thunder or snow! This is like training under a waterfall, it will only make me stronger and stronger!ā€ Chiaki raises his voice to make himself be heard over the storm, between fast breaths and water sounds.
Not only did he go out during the worst storm of the last 6 months but heā€™s also running, what is he even thinking?
ā€œChiaki, wherever the heck youā€™re going to can surely wait until it clears out, you hear me?ā€ You walk towards the window, looking at the dimly lit street. As expected thereā€™s not a soul out there, not even cars.Ā 
What kind of dork would go out in such weather?
Less than 20 minutes later, your own precious dork is knocking at your door, completely drenched in rain.
ā€œMade it!ā€ Chiaki is smiling even as he tries to shake off all the water from his hair, finally hanging up the phone. He has been keeping you company all the way, talking about anything and everything that came to mind. And it had served its purpose, you had slowly stopped listening to the scary roaring thunder outside, focusing on Chiakiā€™s comforting voice.
ā€œLet me take this off and Iā€™ll be there in a minute,ā€ he says, trying to peel off his jacket and dry his shirt. Thereā€™s a slight pool of water where heā€™s standing so you run towards the bathroom to fetch a couple towels for him.
Of course, you keep nagging him as you dry his hair and his face.
ā€œW-What were you even thinking, Chiaki?! Coming out here, under a thunderstorm? Are you crazy?! You could have had an accident!!ā€
ā€œBut I didnā€™t! I couldnā€™t leave you alone either, you sounded soā€¦ scared,ā€ he says, gently caressing your cheek. He is smiling once again, warm like the sun even with such awful weather, ā€œWhat type of person would I be if I didnā€™t run to my favourite personā€™s rescue when they needed me the most?ā€
ā€œ...thatā€™s not an excuse either.ā€ You huff, letting the towel hang all over his face as you walk to the living room. Sighing in relief, you close your eyes and let yourself flop into the couch.
Finally calm again.
And so lightning strikes once again.
Your natural reaction is grabbing the end of the blanket on your shoulders and holding it with much more strength than before.
ā€œItā€™s not scary, itā€™s not scary, itā€™s just rainā€¦ itā€™s just a storm,ā€ you whisper to yourself, trying to calm down. It sounds logical in your head but your heart keeps drumming faster and faster, anxiously.
A pair of strong arms circle your waist and you are soon being held by Chiaki, your back against his chest. Heā€™s still slightly wet, the earthy smell of rain clinging to his body and yet for some reason that feels comforting too. You hold back his big hands, giving them a slight squeeze.
ā€œDonā€™t be scared. Iā€™m right here.ā€ he whispers, resting his head on your shoulder and kissing your cheek. Such a soft voice, such gentleness that has nothing to do with the male who was happily laughing under the heavy rain barely a few minutes ago
He pulls you even closer until you can feel his warmth spreading through your own body, taking care of a couple tears that you donā€™t even realize have decided to come out of their own accord. As he wipes them with his thumb, he gives you the kindest smile ever.
Ā ā€œAs long as Iā€™m here with you, nothing will ever hurt you. Ever. You can rely on me as much as you need to, Iā€™m not leaving your side.ā€
Loyal to his word, Chiaki spends the rest of the day cuddling with you. Sometimes youā€™re leaning against his shoulder, other times youā€™re curled up in his lap as he presses sweet little kisses to your forehead. He doesnā€™t even talk as much as usual, focused on keeping you as close and comfortable as he can.Ā 
After a while, the only thing you can hear are his kisses and the beautiful sound of his laugh.
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
hello can i request prompt 17 + leo for the event? :D congrats on 100 btw! ā™”_____ā™”
okay so this one is really really short compared to all the other ones but i really like it <33 i'm sorry for the leo spam lately, i'm in a mood (*/Ļ‰ļ¼¼*)
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āœ§ leo + 17: I want to kiss you āœ§
Leo tilts his head as his finger traces the lines of your cheekbones all the way down to your lips.
ā€œI want to kiss you,ā€ he says, as he taps your lips. Once. Twice. Three times. And then he asks, ā€œCan I kiss you?ā€
Seeing Leo look so calm and composed makes your heart skip a beat and you end up nodding along, seeing the corner of his lips rise ever so softly before you two meet in a kiss. The kind of kiss that is soft and romantic, gentle in nature but with so much love underneath. Leoā€™s hands brush softly against your cheeks and you can feel his smile in every little kiss that follows the next one.
ā€œI really, really, reeeally like you. You know that, right? My museā€¦ā€
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
96 + Shu pls
valkyrie,, iā€™ve been listening to a lot of valkyrie lately. and shu has grown so much on me ever since i read some of their stories <3 i feel like shuPs need some soft and cute moments so iā€™m here to provide~
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āœ§ shu + 96: Your voice is so relaxing āœ§
Shu Itsuki, careful as ever, trusts you much more than he lets the world see. Maybe itā€™s because he doesnā€™t want anyone to know how much you mean to him, in fear that something might happen. Good things never last too long, after all, so he wants to treasure each and every second by your side. Maybe itā€™s because he doesnā€™t know how to express his feelings, how to show everyone just how precious you are to him.Ā 
Just like that, until he finds the words to say all of that and much more, he is only able to put down his barriers when there is just the two of you, with no one else around that might listen to your conversation. He has always liked the quietness, the comfortable silence when there is just him and his work and yet ever since he grew close to you, he started realizing there is something nicer, much more comfortable.
And so, one day, as youā€™re keeping him company while he is working on Valkyrieā€™s newest outfits, he decides to let you know the thing that has been on his mind for a while.
ā€œYour voice is so relaxing.ā€
Shu doesnā€™t even seem to realize how sudden that sentence is when he hasnā€™t said anything in a while, or just how flushed your cheeks grow after getting such a kind compliment out of nowhere. He doesnā€™t pay attention to any of that ā€”at least, he makes you believe he doesnā€™t, with his hands focused on the sewing on his hands. But if you look closely, there is a soft smile peeking from his lips, barely noticeable as you seem much more worried in trying to hide the blush all over your face.
ā€œYou canā€™t justā€¦! Say thatā€¦ out of nowhere! Shu, thatā€™s bad for my heartā€¦!ā€ You protest, looking at him between the tips of your fingers. You have lost your train of thought, that much is obvious to him, but he isnā€™t one to give up just as soon as he gets you right where he wants to.
ā€œSay what? Arenā€™t you always complaining about honesty, about being true to oneā€™s own opinions? Iā€˜m just stating the truth, whether you feel embarrassed or not by it, that is on you.ā€ Finally, his eyes raise from the work on his hands to look at your eyes. Because itā€™s you ā€”you and no one elseā€” he doesnā€™t mind too much that you can see the softness in his eyes, his good mood as he enjoys the sweet embarrassment on your expression. Making you feel like that is rewarding, just like it is to share these small quiet moments together.
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
HELLOOO for the event can we get madara and 49 ?
one big serving of domestic fluff with mama, here you go <3
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āœ§ madara + 49: Last night your feet were really cold, so I found some of your socks and put them on you āœ§
ā€œMadara? Do you know what happened?ā€
Your boyfriend turns around right as you call his name, happily putting aside the frying pan and turning off the stove. Last nightā€™s little sleepover is still on your mind and you canā€™t quite hide a soft smile after seeing Madara working on what seems like lunch for both of you. Itā€™s definitely too late to call it breakfast now, isnā€™t it.
ā€œDo I? What happened?ā€
You walk a bit closer, finding an empty corner in the countertop you can sit on before wiggling your feet. There they are. With one blue short sock and a longer green one, you even find the mismatch to be kind of cute. Itā€™s not only the colours but they have completely different patterns too. But you donā€™t remember having put on socks last night.
Under the grand reveal, Madara laughs wholeheartedly.
ā€œOh! That! See, last night your feet were really cold, so I found some of your socks and put them on you!ā€ he says, getting a bit closer to place a soft kiss on your temple.
ā€œItā€™s a nice match, I think,ā€ you add, wrapping your arms around his shoulders for a very soft morning kiss. Madaraā€™s hair is still a bit messy but his smile lights up the room immediately.
ā€œAhaha looks like it was a lot darker than I thought it was! They look cute on you! Everything does, of course!ā€
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
congrats for 100 followers!! for the event can i request prompt 20 with ritsu?
thereā€™s something about writing for ritsu that puts me in such a soft and romantic mood,, i keep making his scenarios fluffier and cuter every day and i donā€™t regret my choices (āĀ“ā—”`ā) heā€™s definitely one of my favourite characters to write for <33
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āœ§ ritsu + 20: You make me feel safe āœ§
ā€œMhmā€¦ Morningā€¦ā€ Ritsuā€™s sleepy whispers goes past your ears as the sweetest greeting, his arms taking hold of your waist once again.
ā€œItā€™s way past morning now, sleepyheadā€ you whisper, bopping Ritsuā€™s nose. Heā€™s still half asleep, yawning and trying to rub his eyes. At times like this (and most of the time, but especially now) Ritsu reminds you so much of a cat. A lazy, oversized cat that lives for naps and cuddles, with your lap being his favourite place for casual sleeping. Your lap, your side, your chest: anywhere as long as he gets to rest in you.
You catch him staring at you, his little fangs peaking a bit as he yawns once again.
ā€œI was rightā€¦ Your lap is so comfyā€¦~ā€ Pressing his cheek against that same place, he proceeds to hug you with a lazy smile, ā€œYouā€™re my favourite pillow...ā€
ā€œIs that so? It doesnā€™t look that soft, though...ā€ You mumble, looking at Ritsu. He has closed his eyes once again and has brought one of your hands to his head. You quickly notice the hint and play with his hair, patting his head. Heā€™s almost purring.
ā€œThereā€™s just so much more. See, itā€™s not just about being comfortableā€¦ Hm...ā€ Ritsuā€™s lips press against your hand as he gives some more thought to his answer. He repositions his head so he can lock eyes with you.
After a few headpats, he continues.
ā€œBeing around youā€¦ Is like napping under a fluffy blanket in winter. Itā€™s so soft and comfortingā€¦ the kind of thing you donā€™t want to let go, hm?ā€ he whispers, slowly standing up just to sit next to you and rest against your shoulder. His hands wrap around your waist as he presses a soft kiss to your cheek, ā€œYou make me feel safe. Youā€™reā€¦ like home to me. So Iā€™m never, ever letting you go, okay?Ā 
This time, Ritsu kisses your lips with his usual gentleness. Soft and careful but still not letting go of his hold, keeping you close to him as he whispers one last sentence against your ear.
ā€œI love you.ā€
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
hai congrats on the 100 followers ! ^o^ for the event, can i request makoto yuuki with 87 please? i have a scenario in mind about the reader being nervous to go to sleep because of a couple unpleasant dreams. thank you lots!
nawww this is really soft!! o((>Ļ‰< ))o i got one of makoto's 5* a couple of days ago so i felt like i had to write this right now www
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āœ§ makoto + 87: Donā€™t be scared. Iā€™m right here āœ§
To be afraid of nightmares at your age feels a bit childish but you canā€™t even blame yourself for it. Itā€™s a bad feeling, waking up all sweaty with your heart beating so loud you canā€™t even breathe properly.
But the bad dream itself, that is without a doubt the worst part. As you canā€™t even tell it aside from reality, your will to have a proper sleep schedule is going away so fast, rather turning into one and every distraction you can find to keep you awake for just as many hours as possible.
And yet when you asked Makoto to spend the night at his place, you hadnā€™t even thought of it. Rather, you remembered reading somewhere that sleeping next to someone you love is supposed to give you a good nightā€™s sleep, as you feel safer between their arms! So maybe that is the reason you couldnā€™t resist trying your luck.
Lying next to each other in the bed, you arenā€™t sure that it will work out. Makoto quickly catches your reaction, pulling you a bit closer into his chest.
ā€œDonā€™t be scared. Iā€™m right here! And I wonā€™t be going anywhere for the rest of the night, okay?ā€ He hesitates for a moment and then proceeds to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. Every fear and bad thought in your mind melts under Makotoā€™s shy smile, as he tries to find the best position for you two to rest. Pulling the covers over your body, you snuggle just a bit closer, raising your hand to meet his face.
ā€œYou promise?ā€
ā€œIā€™ll be by your side as much as you need me to,ā€ he answers, closing his eyes without letting go of your figure. Itā€™s such a nice fit, the way you are just the perfect size for Makotoā€™s arms to hold. And the way your hands cupping his face feel just so right he canā€™t really help but nuzzle a bit against your hand.
Your light giggle is interrupted by a soft yawn and, for once a long while, youā€™re excited to fall asleep. Why? Because you will be doing so next to the person you love the most in the world.
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
jun and event prompt #8? congrats on 100 followers btw!
ahhh to be carried by jun sazanami ā™Ŗ(Ā“ā–½ļ½€) this prompt is surpisingly popular but i love writing for it way toooo much ehehe
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āœ§ jun + 8: Come here, Iā€™ll carry you āœ§Ā 
ā€œAhhh that was a long queue,ā€ You stretch your arms, still slightly stiff after waiting for what felt like hours under the scorching sun. No, it had probably been a couple of hours, judging by how your legs didnā€™t feel like walking anymore.Ā 
ā€œYeah, I wasnā€™t expecting this series would have so many fans but the release was wildā€ Jun saves the brand new book on his bag before turning to you. You admired peopleā€™s determination to stand on line for so long and, seeing how excited Jun looked when he finally got his hands on that one volume, you were sure that the wait had been more than worth it, even if your body wasnā€™t quite sure about it. ā€œYou okay?ā€
You look at Jun, who is now staring at you.Ā 
ā€œHm? Yeah, Iā€™m not that used to standing in the same spot for that long,ā€ you answer, fixing your shoes once again and trying to make the soft pain go away, ā€œNothing a warm bath canā€™t fix!ā€
Jun stops walking for a moment as you turn around to face him.Ā 
ā€œCome here. Iā€™ll carry youā€ Pointing at his back, he stretches a hand in your direction. You chuckle.
ā€œWell, since you promised me it would be ā€˜Really, really fastā€™ and my feet donā€™t quite agree with that statement, I guess Iā€™ll have to accept your nice offer,ā€ you take his hand, quickly finding a comfortable spot on his back, your arms around his neck. Resting your head against his, you smile, ā€œIā€™ll ask for some compensation tooā€¦ How does some ice cream sound? Ohhh maybe something a bit fancier tooā€¦?ā€
ā€œHey, donā€™t you go taking advantage of my kindness or Iā€™ll drop you,ā€ Jun answers, but he doesnā€™t sound half as credible for you to take that seriously.
ā€œWhaaat, just because I want my boyfriend to treat me a teeny tiny bit after waiting more than 2 whole hours under the sun? Jun you meanie, I thought youā€™d be nicerā€¦ā€ You poke his cheek and Jun chuckles, carrying you through the street.
ā€œThis is a one time offer so donā€™t go playing tricks on me or Iā€™ll seriously drop you.ā€
ā€œYeah, yeah, I got it. Love you too~ā€
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
Prompt 23: ā€œI want you, and only youā€ with Y/N saying it to her crush Tsukasa pls and thank you (for the umpteenth time iā€™m so sorry) ~šŸŒ¹rose anon
@ rose anon and all the tsukasaPs in the area: this one is for you ( ā€¢Ģ€ Ļ‰ ā€¢Ģ )āœ§ will i ever get tired of making tsukasa the absolute softest man in love? nope <3 teeth rotting fluff for everyone!Ā  (ļ½€āˆ€Ā“ )ĪØ
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āœ§ tsukasa + reader!23: I want you, and only you āœ§
As long as you are able to ignore the loud beating of your heart, you will be okay. Confessions are hard for anyone, experienced or not, and you are no exception to that rule. Tsukasa is not the type of person that would make fun of you for getting nervous over something like that, so you will be okay. It will definitely work out!
This and many other little things are what you keep telling yourself as you walk together with Tsukasa, seeing his hand so lonely. You want to take his hand and explain that heā€™s the reason you canā€™t sleep at night, how your heart beats faster and your cheeks grow warmer every time you are together but you know that you canā€™t rush, that you have to stick to your dating plan.
ā€œThis is beautifulā€¦ā€Ā 
Tsukasaā€™s amazed voice brings you back to the current situation, as he walks to a big cherry blossom tree in the middle of the park. You feel extremely lucky that there are barely any people around this time, so you can prepare yourself for what is to come.Ā 
Seeing amethyst eyes so focused on the pink flowers brings a special feeling into your chest, as you focus on his relaxed smile. Tsukasa, when he isnā€™t at duty, looks even more handsome and perfect, so regal but with a hint of softness, of all the tiny little quirks of him that you loved so much.
You clear your throat, shyly reaching out for his hand. As he turns around, you face him with all the courage you can muster.
ā€œTsukasa. Iā€¦ I want you and only you!ā€ You confess, hoping that your feelings will reach his now slightly flushed cheeks.
ā€œH-Huh?ā€ He makes a slightly confused noise, trying his best to remain composed even when his fingers are tapping anxiously against yours. Good. He wasnā€™t expecting it at all.
ā€œRemember what you said the other day? You asked if there wasā€¦ someone on my mind. As inā€¦ someone special,ā€ you say, as the spring breeze blows your hair softly. Under a rain of pink petals, you inhale, ā€œYou are my special person, Tsukasa. Youā€™re the one I think about before going to sleep and the first thought in my head every morning.ā€
Seeing as he is slightly turning away, in a mix of surprise and embarrassment, you decide to grab his other hand and lace all of your fingers together. You press your forehead against his, closing your eyes for a moment.
ā€œMaybe I wasnā€™t clear enough, not the other day and maybe not todayā€¦ Will you be my boyfriend?ā€
You open your eyes again when a warm hand brushes a couple of stray petals from your hair, holding your face with such gentleness that all the courage you had found for the confession feels so, so far away. Even if his cheeks are just as red as yours, he speaks in a soft voice.
ā€œI can not believe my feelings are being reciprocated after all. I really am the luckiest man aliveā€¦ā€ Again, there is that tiny light in his eyes, in his smile, as he reaches forward and presses a gentle kiss against your lips. It lasts for a second but you can feel so many things through his lips. There is love, devotion, an immense amount of affection that he has been harbouring for so, so long, waiting for the right moment to express all of that. Seems like you arenā€™t the only one completely head over heels in this brand new relationship.
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nyaitsu-writes Ā· 3 years
Hello! If it's okay, could I request prompt 79 with Aira and a fem s/o please? Thank you so so much! ā™„ļø
ohhh first time ever writing for aira! iā€™ve been working on this one for a bit so i hope i didnā€™t mess him up too much ehehe i need to read more alkaloid (and crazy:b) stuff so if you guys have any recs iā€™m all ears! ā™Ŗ(Ā“ā–½ļ½€)
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āœ§ aira + 79: I never imagined that someoneā€™s heartbeat could sound so amazing (fem!s/o) āœ§
Walking through the beach hand in hand with Aira when the sun is just about to set feels like a scene out of a romantic movie. The soft sound of waves splashing against the cliffs, distant laughs of just the few people that have had a similar idea than you two. Because who could resist the idea of a lovely date on the beach, right before sunset?
Seeing more couples trying to have a beach date together, Aira is strictly determined not to let it ruin your fun. Heā€™s been planning this outing for weeks, consulting on the weather and all your preferences just to give you the perfect place. And somewhere between all that thinking and planning, he hadnā€™t even considered the idea that more couples would have thought the same. Not getting your well deserved romantic date feels so frustrating to him.
With a slight tug at your hand, Aira points at one of the nearby cliffs.
ā€œOkay, the next stop is over there! There should be a nice view of the sunset, right?ā€ Before you get a chance to answer, Aira is already dragging you with him, up to a nice little place with no one around. Just you. Him. And the ocean.Ā 
A pleased sigh escapes his lips as a soft and comfortable silence spreads between you two.
ā€œSo. Weā€™re finally aloneā€¦ā€ You say, sitting just a bit closer to Aira. Heā€™s quick to rest his head against your chest, taking a soft hold of your hand as he nods.
ā€œFinally,ā€ he repeats, snuggling just a bit closer. Heā€™s smiling, ā€œI wanted to have a special day by your side, just the two of usā€¦ā€
Once again, silence. There is only the sound of the waves hitting against the cliffs, Airaā€™s soft breathing as he presses closer to you, just a bit more. After some time, he speaks again.
ā€œYou knowā€¦ I never imagined that someoneā€™s heartbeat could sound so amazingā€¦ā€ Thereā€™s a soft giggle from your side as your hand finds the right place on his head, playing with soft locks of golden hair. But Aira is too concentrated on your heartbeat, like a soft melody that is slowly but surely making him drift off to sleep. Soon, the waves are much more distant than he remembers them and thereā€™s just you. Him. And your heart.
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