#nyc has the shittiest apt market
taocastleprincess · 7 years
i'm ranting for a second bc i've been ignoring everyone ALL DAY bc this shit is so irritating. like it's making me so anxious what the fuck // and i'm on mobile so i can't put this under a read more so i'm sorry in advance for clogging your feed w my personal drama :(((( i literally CANNOT and WILL NOT be able to rest until we finally put the deposit down on this apt and sign the lease. idk why everyone else is acting like NOT having a place ready for august is completely and totally fine. IT'S NOT. bc this is what's going to happen... i'm going to wait all fucking summer for them to get their shit in order while begging the fucking landlord not to sell to anyone else THEN SUDDENLY "oh shit, i don't think i can go thru w this anymore... i think i'm just gonna dorm again, Shy lol :( i'm really sorry" and i swear to God i will lose my shit. like i don't understand what's the problem? living off campus is WAAAAAAAAAAAY cheaper and we're all grown ass adults? why do you wanna be under the thumb of a catholic school while paying for bad wifi, horrible food, and an even shittier living space? if they don't have the money to put up right now, then i get that, i'm broke too i'm literally using the leftover money i have from being abroad to operate until i start my job, but if that's the case THEN BE HONEST. JUST SAY YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY AND WE CAN WORK OUT A SOLUTION instead of me looking like a fucking jackass whenever i ask the landlord to extend the deadline. everyone is being so fucking selfish/inconsiderate bc they can ultimately just fall back on campus housing, but i literally don't have my parents helping me anymore and i'm not taking out a huge ass loan my last year of college. this situation is annoying the fuck out of me, meanwhile THE SAME ANNOYING ASS PPL are calling/texting/FBing me wanting to talk about how amazing their summer is so far. WELL I CANT RELATE CAUSE YALL ARE ABOUT TO HAVE ME HOMELESS AS FUCK IN THE FALL. just leave me the fuck alone until you can pay your share of the deposit or fuck off. i don't want to talk about how much money you just blew at the club while i'm literally begging you to stop being a dumb bitch and pay your share of the deposit. jesus christ i hate people. like, i know the rest of you are spoiled fucking rotten and you don't give a shit about anything beyond the next two weeks and half, but don't tell me to "chill out" if your punk ass already has a fall back plan. this whole situation is a shitshow and it's making me even more angry bc the only reason we're IN this situation is bc of the same girl that everyone GUILT TRIPPED ME to share a room with. and i'm not even going to elaborate on how much EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL LABOR that's going to take; that's a whole 'nother 5pg rant that I don't feel like getting into. this is just the shittiest situation ever and i hate everyone involved and i wish they would stop spamming my fucking phone until they get their shit together bc rn i'm liable to ruin a friendship or two. or three.
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