#nymphadora silva
loosesodamarble · 4 months
Avalinia: This is our pet cat, His Majesty. We got him after we tried to run away from home and Father said he was looking for the family cat when Mom asked what he was up to. He really committed to the bit! His Majesty: (meows) Dawn: Ohhh! That's so cool! This here is my pet dog, Gimo! Technically he's my father's pet but what's Father's is mine! Gimodelo: … Nymphadora: Awfully quiet dog. Ava: That is weird. I hear that the smaller they are, the yappier they tend to be. Gimodelo: (panics) B-bark! Bark! Ava: (blinks) Huh. Interesting. Nymphie: (thinking) It literally said "bark." Like the word. It spoke a word like a human. This is no dog. (looks at Dawn, still thinking) And this is an idiot.
Dawn is my oc.
Avalinia and Nymphadora are @koneko-pi's ocs.
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koneko-pi · 1 year
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I was intending to make a one shot but it kind of expanded into more ^^'
inspired by @lyranova
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Avalinia Silva wandered all around their home looking for her sister; she opened doors, peaked down hallways and even accidentally stumbled on a few servants being a little too close to one another.
"I'm so sorry!!" She slammed the door quickly, face as red as the tomatoes her mother loved to grow. 'Sister where are you?!'
Their father had summoned them to his office almost ten minutes ago, he would scold them both for being this late!! With the haunting thought of Nozel looming over them angrily Ava quickly rushed down the halls, calling her sisters name here and there-
Soon her feet carried her to a stop, pausing her movements outside a door that normally she was not willing to get anywhere near. She had walked far enough to end up in the small branch of the house that had been given to their mother to hold all of her things.
While she slept in the same room as their father and most of her essentials were within the main manor, much of her… more collectible items were kept in a locked room that was in the far corner of the house, a place you would actively have to seek out to find.
But as Ava stared at the door, she realized it was not locked and even hung open slightly, a small glow coming through the crack in it.
"N-Nymphy..?" Ava slowly pushed the door open. This room really gave her the chills. Literally, it was like suddenly walking into a refrigerator as she passed through the doorway. 
Their mother had forbidden them from entering this room because of how dangerous the times inside could be. She was a collector of things from what she called "the old world", the era humans had erased from history books (save for one) and the era their mother was originally from. So the items here were more potent than the things witches would create today.
Some of the things Ava saw in the glass cases looked suspicious. An ominous black crown with red gemstones inlaid into it. A decorative blue and gold urn that seemed to whisper to her. A small mirror that looked transparent. She paused in front of an open case displaying some of the more harmless items, she assumed.
"Oh!" Her mood brightened a little as she picked up an old worn out head piece. It was green and gold, the blue stones on either side now dull with their loss of mana. It was made to cover up one's ears and wrap around the backside of the head. Ava smiled as she tilted it this way and that. "This was mama's first set of earmuffs." She remembered seeing it in old photos the squad had of her parents when they first met. Nowadays she wore much more decorative ones to hide her ears, gifts her father had made for her knowing how insecure she was about her ears.
She was getting so lost in fond thoughts that when something suddenly fluttered behind her she almost dropped the sentimental piece out of fear. She squealed as she fumbled with it in the air, her hands clasped the earmuffs tightly as she then slowly put them back down. She let out a breath of relief before turning around towards the noise.
Past a few boxes she saw a bit of dust floating through the air in a light in a far corner. Something had been disturbed…
She swallowed nervously as she steeled herself to move towards it. She did not like this room… the goosebumps were almost unbearable.
"N-Nymphy…?" Ava's voice was shaking as she peaked around a stack of wooden crates-
The light source was a lantern, lit up by a magical stone in its core, it was on the ground by a girl's feet and she stood in front of a decorative floor to ceiling wall mirror.
"Nymphadora!" Ava called her name with relief.
The other girl turned to her twin. "Ava?" She looked amazed her skittish sister had even made it this far into the storage room. "What are you doing here?" 
"Looking for you!" Ava was quick to grab onto her sister's hand. "Father has been calling for us for nearly an hour! He wanted to talk to us about something."
Nymphadora's expression quickly soured. "Oh what could he possibly yell at me for this time." 
Ava didn't want to be that person… but she did just catch her in a room they were forbidden to enter… "w-well maybe he's not scolding you! He called for me too." 
"He just uses you as the example of a goody-two-shoes!" The younger twin yanked her hand away, leaving Ava feeling disappointed and a little hurt. Because of her fragile nature their father had always doted on her just a little bit more. Be it in worrying for her safety or making sure she got everything she needed, which left Nymphadora feeling left out.
It didn't help either that she had a powerful curiosity for their mothers projects, much like their little brother. But unlike Mikhail who was satisfied with just the stories, Nymphadora wanted to touch, use, and explore her mothers creations and findings. Which more often than not, were dangerous. So their mother refused her curiosities everytime, which cut the wound even deeper…
"W-what are you even doing in here..?" Ava asked to try and brighten her mood a little and change the subject. While Nymphadora really shouldn't be touching their mothers things, she was always excited to talk about them. And so as she answered her posture changed and her voice sounded happier.
"I wanted to look at this mirror! I saw it last time I was here."
'How many times have you been in here!?' Anyone could see the panic on Ava's face as she paled considerably and her hands wrung themselves together. "M-mirror?"
"Yeah, check it out!" The frame looked like it was made of solid gold and was well polished. Details of leaves, numbers and foreign letters or runes were etched into it, giving it a very antique kind of feeling. It was leaning against the wall but if it was standing straight up it would surely be taller than the room. As Nymphadora waved her hands, danced and moved in front of it excitedly, Ava realized there was no reflection. At least not of her sister. Rather the image in the mirror was incredibly dark and Ava could barely make out the outlines of boxes and trinkets inside. The only things not reflected seemed to be the lantern and girls.
"This is weird…" Ava whispered, and although it was still chilling to her, curiosity and amazement was still taking over.
"Isn't it!" Nymphadora laughed giddily as she struck a small pose in front of the mirror. "I wonder what it does."
"How did you find it?"
"I was in here last week looking for moms dream wine-"
"Eh!?" The wine that almost killed people because they weren't waking up?!
"-but she almost caught me so I had to hide and it was behind this thing!" The younger twin gestured eagerly to the mirror. "I didn't get a decent look at it though 'cause I had to hightail it out of here."
"W-well now that you got your look we can go right?" Ava gave a sheepish smile, hoping to maybe convince her sister they should LEAVE. After all, the longer they didn't show up to meet their father the more likely he was to come looking for them.
"No way!" And she was back to being her stubborn spiteful self.
"Nymphy, pplleeaaseee!!"" Ava whined as she grabbed hold of her sister's arm and began to tug. "If Father finds us here we'll be in so much trouble!"
"Good!" Nymphadora tugged back angrily, till the two of them were in a game of tug of war against leaving and staying put. "Maybe finally you can get punished for something!"
"But I'm not the one always breaking rules!" Ava began to tear up, not wanting to admit how hurtful her sister's words felt.
"Then maybe you should-! You're such a spoiled pretty princess around here and I'm sick of it! I want dad to yell at you and feel-"
"Nymphy-!" Ava's chest felt tight suddenly, her legs getting weak and giving out as she wheezed.
All the force Nymphadora had been using to hold herself in place suddenly had nothing to pull against, and it sent the pair of them flying back towards the mirror. Her head whipped around with creamy colored eyes wide in fear. She could already feel the hundred of cuts they were both about to get.
Arms wrapped around her body and her vision was covered in liquid metal.
The pair of them were cocooned tightly together by Ava's magic, something she was supposed to use sparingly because of how hard it was on her body. 
"Kya-!" Both girls cried out as they hit the floor and were knocked around inside their protective casing. They clung to each other, confused and shaking.
Nymphadora was certain she hadn't heard the glass break…
"Guh- cogh-!"
"Ava!" The magic melted away and Nymphadora quickly got up to support her sister. Her body was hunched over, her hands clasping at her chest as she coughed and wheezed in a struggle to breath. "It's okay, just relax!" She quickly rubbed and patted her sister back to try and ease her of her blight.
Ava coughed a few more times before she managed to take in breaths of air. "I-I'm.. ok… I'm ok…. Thank you…"
She felt Nymphadora suddenly leave her side and stand up. "Sure." She responded coldly. "Dad would yell at me for putting you in the situation anyway, so I might as well make sure you live."
"N-nymphy…" Ava reached for her looking hurt but Nymphadora moved past her, uncaring, to the mirror.
"How weird… I was certain we were going to hit it." She muttered more to herself than her sister. The mirror was completely intact, with not even a fingerprint or smudge on it. They hadn't collided with it, did they fall past it? But the longer Nymphadora stared the more she noticed weird things, like the lantern she had brought with her was now on the other side of the mirror. In the reflection.
"Nymphy?" Ava stood up slowly and reached for her sister, wanting to talk to her about how troubled she was but-
"Who goes there?" 
The girls flinched as light suddenly flooded the room. "Ah-!" And they had to shield their eyes. 
"What are you doing in here!?" A girls voice sounded panicked and the twins felt hands wrap around their wrists and quickly pulled them out. "Don't you know this place is off limits to guests!?'
"W-were sorry!" Ava pleaded as her free hand rubbed at her watery eyes. "We were iust-"
"We're not guests!" Nymphadora snapped as she tried, and successfully, tugged herself free of whoever had snatched them away. "This is our house!"
"House?" The voice sounded confused.
The girls quickly rubbed the pain from their eyes as they adjusted to blinding light. And they were left speechless at what they saw.
What should have been on the outside of the room was a hallway, with green wallpaper and wooden floors.
What they were met with was a massive multi level room with bright lights, magical tools and people rushing to and from place to place.
"Whaaaaat..?" Nymphadora's mouth fell open.
"Oh my lord…" Ava could feel another coughing fit coming on out of panic.
"Are you ok?"
They both slowly turned to the one speaking and jumped, one twin grabbing hold of the other so they didn't faint.
It was a girl and she was short, probably around 15 years of age. Her hair was purple aside from some of her bangs that were snow white and covered up one of her eyes.
"Uhh… m-miss… Liliana?" Ava asked in a shaky voice.
The girl looked surprised. "You know me?"
Pucelle Liliana was one of their moms closest confidants, and a worker with the Crimson Lions. She often visited Briar in regards to work but… last time they checked.. She was in her twenties? This was a CHILD.
"I don't know…" Ava was trembling, despite trying to smile. "I'm really confused actually." With her eyes spinning she looked like she was about to lose consciousness.
"Oi oi!" Nymphadora suddenly had to hold all of her sister up as her legs gave out again.
"Woah okay- let's get you to a doctor first!" Pucelle looked panicked as she got to Ava's other side and helped her up. "We'll question you later but come on she looks sick…"
"Y-yeah…" Nymphadora wasn't sure what else to do but help carry her sister to the nearest infirmary…
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Taglist: @lyranova
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lyranova · 5 months
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@thoughtfullyrainynightmare mentioned that if we were to combine all of Nozel’s wives from across the different universes that he would have a football team…so I made a family tree to show just how large his family (along with the other Silva siblings) would be! I made this a while ago, so sadly there isn’t any Vanessa x Nozel or Dorothy x Nozel 😅.
Nozel x Helena ( @kalolasfantasyworld ‘s OC): Noureen, Heinry, and Natalia
Nozel x Helia ( @loosesodamarble ‘s OC): Aecor, Fleuriana, Chalivas, and Soliel
Nozel x Selena ( @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare ‘s OC): Morena, Verity, and Nathan
Nozel x Briar ( @koneko-pi ‘s OC): Avalinia, Nymphadora, and Mikhail
Nebra Silva ( @/loosesodamarble ‘s OC): Skylar and Elana
Solid x Holly ( @/loosesodamarble’s OC): Eirlys and Ferro
Asta x Noelle (mine and @/loosesodamarble’s OCs): Brielle, Aimee, Mizuki, Naru, Kaiyo, and Filomina
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Fandom List
If you don’t see a character here that you’re really wondering about, you can absolutely ask. There may be some character that I forgot to add.
❌ - No sexual content for this character or fandom
⛔ - Platonic content only for this character or fandom
Harry Potter
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lily Evans
Golden Trio:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood ❌
Ginny Weasley ❌
Cedric Diggory
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Percy Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas
Nymphadora Tonks
    Next Gen
Teddy Lupin
James Sirius Potter
Albus Severus Potter
Lily Luna Potter
Rose Weasley
Hugo Weasley
Scorpius Malfoy
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
Emily Prentiss
David Rossi ⛔
❌Percy Jackson❌
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace ⛔
Nico di Angelo ⛔
Clarisse La Rue
Travis Stoll
Connor Stoll
Leo Valdez
Piper McLean
Jason Grace
Peter Pevensie
Susan Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie ⛔
Prince Caspian
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Venderberg
Ciri ⛔
The 100
Clarke Griffin
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
John Murphy
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
The Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves ❌
Ben Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Evie Grimhilde
Carlos de Vil
Harry Hook
❌Ouran Highschool Host Club❌ 
Haruhi Fujioka
Kyoya Ootori
Tamaki Suoh
Hikaru Hitachiin
Kaoru Hitachiin
Takashi Morinozuka
Mitsukuni Haninozuka ⛔
❌Avatar: The Last Airbender❌
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Lydia Martin
Jack Kelly
Crutchie Morris
Katherine Plumber/Pulitzer
Davey Jacobs
Racetrack Higgins
Albert de Silva
Spot Conlon
Be More Chill
Jeremy Heere
Michael Mell
Jake Dillinger
Rich Goranski
Christine Canigula
❌Julie and the Phantoms❌
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
❌Anne with an E❌
Anne Shirley Cuthbert
Gilbert Blythe
Diana Berry
Cole Mackenzie
Jerry Baynard
Sebastian Lacroix
Josephine Berry
Moody Spurgeon
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Marquis de Lafayette
Hercules Mulligan
Eliza Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
George Washington
Aaron Burr
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Philip Schuyler
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trippysiren · 7 years
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Nymphadora Tonks by rebekah-byrd-silva featuring a bralette crop top
LE3NO bralette crop top / Velvet skater skirt / Knee high socks / Charlotte Russe sparkly pumps / Tech accessory, $2.50
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archived-muse · 7 years
Rules: Tag 9 people who you would like to know better.
@i’m not tagging anyone ‘cause do it if you want!
Relationship Status: single and not wanting to mingle Last Song I Listened To: Don’t Leave - Snakeships Last Book Read/Listened To: ... does a finance textbook count Top Three Shows: currently schitt’s creek, speechless, and izombie  Top Three Characters: books: nymphadora tonks, luna lovegood, jesse de silva; movies/shows: kimberly hart, ravi chakrabarthi, sana bakkoush Top Three Ships: ...this is like asking me to pick between my children. han/leia, booth/brennan, noora/william
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are a passion I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity   I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the united states There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CD’s I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
0 notes
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Alistar: Weirdest thing your parents ever told you growing up. Go! Dawn: Father always said that Gimodelo and the others were normal pets. It wasn't until I was ten that he sat me down and explained the truth. Nymphadora: And you believed the lie? Dawn: Well yeah. Why wouldn't I believe my father? Leonidas: They've got horns and wings. It's a pretty big give away. Hikari: ... Wait, you're saying not all dogs are like that? The others: ...... ... Alistar is @lyranova's oc. Nymphadora is @koneko-pi's oc. Leonidas is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc. Hikari is @eme-eleff's oc.
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lyranova · 4 months
I decided to update the Silva family tree with a few more kids and ships…and wow:
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Nozel x Helena: Heinry, Noureen, and Natalia ( @kalolasfantasyworld )
Nozel x Selena Equinox: Morena, Verity, and Nathan ( @thoughtfullyrainynightmare )
Nozel x Briar: Avalinia, Nymphadora, Mikhail ( @koneko-pi )
Nozel x Helia: Aecor, Fleuriana, Chalivas, Soliel ( @loosesodamarble )
Nozel x Vanessa: Unamed Son, Unamed Daughter, Unamed Son, Unamed Daughter
Nozel x Dorothy: Unamed Son, Unamed Daughter
Nebra: Skylar, Elana ( @/loosesodamarble)
Nebra x Zora: Unamed Son, Unamed Daughter
Solid x Holly: Eirlys, Ferro ( @/loosesodamarble )
Solid x Rosette: Eis, Nanthilde ( @vilandel )
Noelle x Asta: Brielle, Aimee, Mizuki, Naru, Kaiyo, Filomina (myself and @/loosesodamarble )
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lyranova · 6 months
Black Clover Next Generation Voice Claims 1/?
Alistar Vangeance: Kenichi Suzumura
Hikari Yami ( @eme-eleff ‘s OC): Maaya Sakamoto
Leonidas Vermillion ( @thoughtfullyrainynightmare ‘s OC): Katsuyuki Konishi
Cyraleona Vermillion ( @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare ‘s OC): Ai Kayano
Dusk Faust ( @loosesodamarble ‘s OC): Kengo Kawanishi
Dawn Faust: ( @/loosesodamarble ‘s OC): Kana Hanazawa)
Nymphadora Silva: ( @koneko-pi ‘s OC): Marina Inoue
Avalina Silva: ( @/koneko-pi ‘s OC): Marina Inoue
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koneko-pi · 1 year
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Soft Silva moment, Nozel with his two daughters. Avalina on the left and Nymphadora on the right.
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koneko-pi · 1 year
HELP. Feels a little out of place doing her profile first but I've been reworking her a lot and am finally getting satisfied with her UuU so here is Leolai, a character who's been in the works for a while. It's kind of funny how a next gen oc is getting the first profile. I very much have enjoyed her as a character and who she is, as I think it creates potential for some nice drama and conflict for specific reasons.
Some of this may be subject to change in the future.
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Leolai Alette
A homunculus created by a fairy named Gepetta and taken in by Briar Rose after her defeat during the spade kingdom arc.
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Leolai's was created by a fairy named Gepetta, whos magic involved making hyper realistic dolls of other people after she was able to study their Grimoire. However this fairy had an unhealthy obsession with going beyond just dolls and wanted to make something REAL and ALIVE. So with her magic, experimentation and a sample of potent mana (Fuegoleon's arm in this case) she finally managed to make Leolai, but Gepetta was slain during the spade kingdom arc by Briar Rose shortly after her creation. Leolai, as an infant, was later discovered and adopted by Brair. Her presence sparked many fights between Briar and other individuals; Fuegoleon especially, who insisted on taking the girl in himself. But Briar would fight him on it due to the fairy blood in her body and nature of her "birth", wanting to keep an eye on her herself. This would spark a rather intense feud between the Vermillion's and the Silva's once Mereoleona got involved. It would be settled eventually as Leolai got older.
Leolai would be confused as she was the spitting image of Fuegoleon (because she's basically his altered clone) yet she lived within the Silva family being raised alongside Avalina, Nymphadora and Mikhail. While the two families settled on letting her move between the two houses so she could see Fuegoleon, she ultimately lived with the Silva's so Briar could oversee her growth. As she wasn't sure what would happen to her as she got older.
Growing up Leolai would be lonely, choosing not to interact with her adoptive siblings because they were moms "real children" while she saw herself as some kind of fake. And she couldn't understand why she was being shared between the two families.
She eventually does learn of her origins and her aggression only skyrockets as she becomes tormented by emotions and confusion. Feeling lost. Briar will keep her close and act as motherly as she can, as Leolai's magic is the spitting image of her younger sister, Cinderella.
It is later determined by Briar that Leolai is the new Cinderella fairy, her Mana stones manifesting on her chest as she gets older.
Leolai really likes sharks
While she is difficult at times, she really wants friends
'Alette' is Briar's family name.
Like Briar, Leolai is a black hole for sugary treats. (it's a fairy thing)
Because of how she was "born" Leolai does not have a grimoire. This is also a sign of her fairy magic
Leolai's name is a combination of Vermillion tradition and Briar's sentiment. Leo- a commonly used in man family vermillion names. And Lorelai- the name of Briar's aunt, who she loved deeply. Nozel came up with it when Briar and Mereoleona were bickering on what her name should be.
She thinks Fuegoleon's egg trick is the coolest thing in the world.
She looks like Fuegoleon's little clone because no other DNA was used in her creation.
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koneko-pi · 1 year
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Part twwooo I've made a tag-list for anyone who wants to be tagged when I post this one lol
wordcount: 2144
no warnings
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"Ava…. Avaliniiiaa?" Nymphadora waved her hand several times in front of her elder sister's face to no reaction. "You have to be kidding me…"
She had been stuck in this state after they really got a handle on the situation they were in. The "infirmary" they were taken to was none other than the royal hospital within clover castle, the one Owen practically ran, and when he heard there were a couple of Silva's in need of some help he rushed right over. 
He looked so young. 
It frightened both the girls even as they sat down on a bed and were checked over carefully. While the doctor looked over Ava, Pucelle had been questioning Nymphadora on who they were and how they had gotten into that room before, as it was usually heavily guarded.
The girl had done her best to answer all her questions but it left everyone feeling more confused than anything else. Both Owen and Pucelle had decided it may have been best to call upon someone to check the legitimacy of their story, and so now the pair of them were not only waiting on Marx, but also Nozel.
"He's gonna kill uussss." Ava wailed after finally coming to her senses and falling back onto the bed. She covered her face with her hands and kicked her legs like a child in panic.
"Calm down!" Nymphadora scolded her. "You'll trigger another coughing fit!"
"How can I calm down!?" The girl sat straight up. "Father is coming here and he's gonna be so angry at us-!"
"He's not our father yet!" Nymphadora hissed the words out and covered Ava's mouth before glancing down towards the door. She caught sight of a few of the nurses quickly skittering away and she frowned. "I think we both know that stupid mirror sent us back in time…" she quickly moved to the door and closed it up so they wouldn't be spied upon again.
"How did they know we were his kids?" Ava asked with teary eyes.
"I don't think they did…" Nymphadora put a hand to her chin in thought. "We look like Silva's." They didn't even have to tell anyone their last names, Silva's made it a habit to wear their family insignia on their body, and Ava had it in four places. "And Dad is the head of the Silva family-" she was relieved they hadn't been sent back any farther. "-so naturally he would be involved in a couple of potential Silva kids no one knew about."
"I guess…" Ava turned over on the bed so she sat on her knees and leaned forward. "What do we tell him? Knowing information about the future is super dangerous, you know?"
With a Mother like Briar Rose the girls were well aware of the consequences magic or tools could have on things. Yet that never seemed to stop Nymphadora from touching things she really shouldn't be…
"I don't know…" the younger sister clicked her tongue in irritation. Honestly this seemed like a 'deal with things as they come' kind of situation. They couldn't prepare for it in any way. She was more concerned with how their presence may affect the future, were their parents even together yet?
A knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts and the muffled voice of Owen came through.
"May we come in?"
The girls glanced at one another. They couldn't do much else but let things play out, and roll with the punches the best that they could. "Yeah…"
The door opened and Owen walked in, smiling kindly at them. Following in afterwards were the much more serious looking Marx Francois and Nozel Silva. One of which looked thoroughly irritated to be pulled away from their work. Nozel probably thought this was all some prank, and that thought left a bitter taste in Nymphadora's mouth.
"How are you girls doing?" Owen asked in his friendly tone.
"I feel sick." Ava said honestly, feeling her future fathers gaze burning into her.
"It's just from nerves though." Nymphadora quickly added.
Owen wanted to comfort them somehow but…
Nozel stepped forward first. "Who are you two?"
Once again the pair glanced at one another. It was obvious they were hesitant to answer but Nozel wasn't in the mood for it.
"Using the Silva name for some prank could get you executed." He didn't mince his words and was even glaring at them.
"We aren't pranking anyone!" The youngest twin spun around to glare right back at him, and for a moment he looked caught off guard.
"We are Silva!" Ava pleaded. "But our… situation is…'' she still wasn't sure how to say it. Would saying it outright be easier? Should they try to hide it till they found a way back? But could they even do that on their own?
Slowly the girl's shoulders sagged.
Nymphadora didn't say anything, rather she continued to stubbornly hold Nozels' gaze. 
Until he suddenly stepped closer and stared into her eyes with interest.
"W-what?" The girl took a step back nervously when he was suddenly upon her.
"Your eyes." He said slowly, his own purple orbs coming into a squint. He leaned around to see Ava, who jolted at his burning gaze.
Nymphadora began to sweat. Why did they have to be born with their mothers' incredibly unique eye color?
"Marx…" Nozel slowly pulled back. "Look into their memories."
The girls took on a look of defeat. Now it didn't matter if they told them or not.
They couldn't really fight back as Marx did his thing and performed his magic. The girls only thought was tphat they wished his magic was more private, rather than display everything out in the open for everyone in the room to see.
Owen was the most amazed by it, as he watched some of Nymphadora's memories he was oohing and aahing with wide curious eyes.
"This is rather jarring…." Marx shut his magic down and hid his arms behind his cloak. "Nozel what do you- Nozel?" 
Both men turned to find the captain just to see him staring out a window with a disappointed look on his face and an obvious gloom cloud hanging over his head.
"Uh… sir…"
"Why did it have to be that woman?" He muttered bitterly.
The twins looked a little surprised at the reaction. Sure they had watched their parents bicker but it seemed to be out of fun. Poking one anothers buttons to get a rise out of them was something they usually did to each other, as if their love language was teasing each other.
So to see Nozel look so bitter over who his future wife was…
Ava suddenly fell back again and looked like she would cry. "I told you this was gonna be bad…"
"What if they don't get together now because we were here-"
"AVA." Nymphadora smacked her sister's arm and she squealed.
"Well…" Marx stepped forward. "Once this issue is resolved I can remove the memories so nothing can affect the future."
The relief that washed over the girls was obvious.
"That being said… how did you get here?"
They gave their explanation and once again Nozel was looking bitter. "So it's HER fault too." How was it that all the weird things seemed to be connected to Briar somehow…
"No it isn't!" Nymphadora snapped angrily at him. "It's mine because I was doing something I shouldn't, don't get angry at mom for something she wasn’t even there for."
"Should you really be talking to your father in that tone?" Nozel glared at her.
"You're not my dad, yet." The girl shot back.
"Now now!" Owen moved between them before they could start any kind of fight. "We know it was one of Briars tools that created this little hiccup-"
"-so we merely need to ask her to help us fix it! Or to at least give us permission to let the girls pass back through the mirror."
"She isn't here." Nozel huffed.
"What do you mean?" Marx looked a little surprised.
"She's on a mission at the moment. Something personal came up and she's not in the capital currently." Nozel looked miffed. "I'm not sure when she is returning either."
"So then…" Ava slowly came into view behind her sister. "We can stay with you in the meantime?"
Nozel looked like he was about to object but Owen clapped his hands together to interrupt them. "That sounds like a great idea!"
"It does!?" Marx looked shocked.
"Why not? We certainly have no right to keep them cooped up here in the Hospital. And we can't simply use Briar's things without her permission. So long as they don't share any important information why not let them stretch their legs a little and live over at Silva Manor? They are Silva after all, technically."
The girls looked wide eyed as they so easily could be agreeing to this. But the deciding factor was… 
They looked to Nozel, who was off to the side watching them with a calculating gaze. Like he was weighing his options on what to do.
"Please…?" Ava pleaded with him, her eyes wide like a puppies.
Nozel let out a sigh and only nodded.
"Perfect!" Owen cheered. "You girls can go whenever you're ready."
"Thank you so much!"
Nymphadora looked down bitterly, once again it was the favorite child who got to Nozel's heart. She shouldn't have been that surprised, given their future….
"Oh wow everything is almost exactly the same!" Avalinia was bouncing around the foyer of the Silva manor, staring at paintings and vases that had not moved in the years they had been there.
"You really don't redecorate?" Nymphadora glanced to Nozel who didn't respond as he walked right past her. The girl huffed in disappointment.
"Who are they?" Solid's face twisted in confusion as he and his elder sister watched from the second floor walkway.
"Cousins maybe?" Nebra hummed as she tapped a finger against her cheek. "I've never seen them before."
"I assume you won't get lost or need a tour." Nozel said as he started climbing a wet of stairs.
"No sir." The younger twin responded. "So far it all seems to be the same…"
"Then do what you want." He turned his back on them. "Carefully."
Ava hummed as she moved to stand beside her sibling. "He seems… colder in the past…" she whispered.
"I don't see a difference." The other girl said blandly before she started walking away.
"I'm going out to the garden." It's obvious Nozel had no intention of spending time with them.
The other silva on the second floor watched as Ava flailed a little, noy sure what to do, before hurrying to follow her sibling.
A grin slowly grew across Solid's face. It's been a while since he had someone he could mess with….
"Come on." He said.
Nebra giggled to herself before she followed her younger brother.
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tag list: @lyranova
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