#nytw x broadway crossover
roukabi · 1 year
Look guys I started that nytw x bway crossover I keep sporadically posting about
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euelios · 4 years
a concept for the pathologic broadway hoes, from the recess of my uni-warped mind: hadestown x town-on-gorkhon crossover
disclaimer: i’m like 7 analysis videos and also 2 days deep into sulmatul’s playthough of pathologic 2. might be talking a little out of my ass but We Shall See 
actually anachronistic setting that has a very specific Vibe (turn of the century russia vs depression-era south) that is also vaguely post apocalyptic? check. 
environmental parable about the ills of industrialization, grounded in in-universe mythology check. 
the attempt to solve problems hampered by regular old human error? fuckin CHECK
properties remade and changed in the making? hella
both 2016 and 2019 hadestown work fine imo. 2016 has a much more personal conflict: orpheus is a little bit of a rockstar in this one, and goes to hell specifically for eurydice--which fits somewhat with the increased focus on artemy’s internal stuff in pathologic 2 
i do like 2019 more. orpheus in this one is a lot more idealistic and concerned with society, specifically the stuff he wants to change and where his work fits into it, to the point that he struggles with the reality of the situation. which fits what i know of the all 3 routes, and especially the bachelor route  
M E T A T H E A T R E and like. actual staging 
i want every hypothetical patho staging to treat the meta like hadestown treats its meta--or better 
explicit acknowledgement of the cyclical nature of stories (”road to hell i/ii”)
hadestown is a play about players playing characters 
pathologic is a game about players playing characters 
by playing to the metafictional aspect not only do u get to lean on the fourth wall (with the narrator and chorus) u kinda..... touch on the cyclical nature of stories/performance? 
imo the hadestown ending is like. about as bleak as the patho ending. either way there’s gonna be smth u lose but at least there’s smth u win. fuckin orpheus just loses everything man 
why do we come back to tragedy/suffering? why do we tell the same stories over and over again? testament to human spirit or human forgetfulness?
“the player and the characters are bound into their roles for as many times as u want to play through” vs the 8 show a week cycle for as long as people wanna watch!!! 
audience implication (actors vs audience)
as much as i want ipl to get funding and patho to be popular asf it kind of feels like it was always gonna be a cult classic 
patho stagings feel like they belong in like those rlly tiny theatres? ampitheatre style where they wrap around the stage (think the NYTW for 2016 hadestown)  
the big broadway stage kind of ensures like. distance? which is FINE but that’s what the weird theatrical writing is for. is there a way to emphasize the play-ness of it but also blur the lines in terms of physical involvement? 
the actors walking around!!!!! !!! if/when they put on the midnight plays i want the healer characters to kind of settle into the audience w us yk??? 
mark immortell is hermes but like. unhelpful. he just kind of narrates and watches the healers walk around and do work and stuff LMAO 
i think any one of the healer characters could be a play on orpheus but prob danko is the closest (and bitchiest) one
no human eurydice--but the fixation with defeating death is there
maybe his work is his eurydice? he’s trying to get a breakthrough here to save his thanatica/his research imo 
the whole thing about pursuing ur work at the expense of reality is v utopian/v danko
darker spin in that it’s not rlly obliviousness here? yes his training and unfamiliarity make it hard for him to understand and help ToG but also. where’s that post about him clinging to the polyhedron out of anger rather than out of sincere joy 
I CANNOT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD: “i used to see the way the world could be / but now the way it is, is all i see” but post-nocturnal ending, or post-doll revelation 
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roukabi · 2 years
if you're still into hadestown id love to hear more details of act II in your broadway x nytw au :)
ok ok first of all i am so sorry for my incessant videnoirposting, rest assured i am still very very into hadestown and I Will become normal again! and i have a backlog of ht-related art to finish lol.
(for the uninitiated: for the longest time i've had this nytw x broadway au, called the “Old Song” au, in which nytw orpheus becomes a very sad ghost and haunts the present (broadway) orpheus. Meanwhile, nytw Eurydice and bway Eurydice find each other in Hadestown and try to help each other 'survive'. I’d recommend reading the first part, otherwise the rest of this post won’t make much sense. I'll drop the link in a rb.)
(And I'm putting this under a readmore, because this is gonna get long.)
Now there are a few things I forgot to mention in that post, one of them being what this whole AU is actually about. Greek tragedy says that, despite what we (the audience) desire and what we understand, the characters will still fail. And that's alright. Life goes on, sometimes for the better. It's awful, but it's not the end.
In this AU, we're past having the characters try and fail. And y’know, it wasn't the end for them, either! Their failures mattered then, and they will now! Orpheus and Eurydice's futures will still go on whether they want them to or not!
But... because they are worlds apart, with (seemingly) no other way of reuniting and having the happy ending they desired... does that leave any hope for either of them?
This leads me to another theme of Hadestown, and the one I'm focusing on in this AU: despite everything, there will always be hope. It might take a while to see it, but it's always gonna be there. And how this AU is gonna work out is that we'll see this hope manifest in some characters (bway Orpheus, nytw Eurydice), how the lack of hope manifests in others (nytw Orpheus, bway Eurydice), and how all of that is subject to change as the characters grow. Somehow, though, they'll all have to cling onto that hope - that struggling dream of a better future - if they want to finally build a better life.
enough cringe talk about themes let's get some found family in this house
Soo.... Act II! I'm gonna start a bit ahead, where the first post left off: the Orphei are traversing the underground, and nytw Eurydice is giving bway Eurydice refuge.
Anyway, where we last left off, the Orphei have made it to the underworld! bway Orpheus kind of broke the Wall, which nytw Orph (nicknamed Ghost in this AU to make things easier, and to let nytw Orph distance himself from his past life) takes as good sign. If he can get past the wall like that by singin' a little tune, then the rest of the journey will be a cinch!
...It was not, in fact, a cinch.
Everything in Hadestown is Really loud, Really bright, and Really unfriendly to trespassers. Bway Orpheus gets overwhelmed very quickly and nytw Orph gets frustrated - he knows this place already, and also knows that strolling in during daytime hours is a one-way ticket to death (see Hermes's advice in Wait for Me).
They end up hiding in some abandoned worker cabin for the rest of the day, a rather unproductive start to their journey.
It's not helping matters that the Orphei had quite the argument back during Chant - nytw Orpheus got after bway Orpheus for not helping Eurydice, and it got to the point where he deliberately tried to break bway Orpheus's optimism so that he'd "wake up" and "finally try to be useful"... yes he was projecting, no it was not fun, yes it is still eating at him, and Yes, their relationship is... pretty strained right now. As if bway Orpheus's self-esteem wasn't already garbage.
This isn't the case for the Eurydices though! They're chilling in the house nytw Eurydice borrowed from Persephone + are escaping work quotas. The bad news is that they're content with sharing a name, which is kind of frustrating to try and write. Oh well!
Anyway, bway Eurydice finds it nice to have someone who actually understands her. Not that Orpheus wasn't understanding, he really, really, was, but he just didn't see the world the way she did. And nytw Eurydice can talk to someone who hasn't lost their head to the mines + machines! So yeah they hit it off real fast.
Eventually, though, bway Eurydice asks how the other managed to get stuck in Hadestown for so long. Nytw Eurydice stiffens. Frowns a bit. She stares at the floor for a beat or two before telling her that she doesn't know. Forgot.
She does know. She knows that it could probably happen to bway Eurydice, too, given all their similarities. But she's not going to be the one to break this new girl's spirit.
It's a vow that nytw Eurydice makes around the same time nytw Orpheus does, too. bway Orpheus isn't sleeping, and whether it's the noise outside the cabin walls, or the sneering voices in his head, nytw Orph doesn't really want to know.
That poor kid. He'd been nothing but kind to nytw Orpheus, trying to make his (after)life more bearable, a little more colorful - and nytw Orpheus had the gall to tear him down. He wouldn't have dared to hurt him if he were his old self.
It's just that bway Orpheus doesn't know how the world really is. Hadestown was cruel, and its brainwashed people wouldn't stop at hunting him down. Hades wouldn't let Eurydice go - not without an impossible price to pay. Nytw Orpheus didn't want to crush his successor's hopes by telling him all that.
And yet, he kind of... did.
Damn it.
He’s got to be better toward that boy. For both their sakes. 
The nytw duo realizes that, despite what happened to them before, they can’t let it interfere with the future of the bway duo. There’s still a chance for things to turn out, and after all, they aren’t the ones with something to lose.
However, not everyone in this story has this mindset. There’s still one more thing I really forgot to mention in the last post...
Because of her appearance in both NYTW and Broadway Hadestown, Jessie Shelton’s fate, Clotho, is here to add even more conflict! What about her sisters? uhhhhhhhh don’t worry about it lol they’re fine. She’s with the bway Lachesis and Atropos, but this is likely to change.
Clotho’s not pleased with the trajectory of this story. It was her job to keep it from changing, and now her #1 enemies are coming around to throw wrenches in her plans? Well. If she’s going to clean up the messes they’re making, she might as well have fun with it.
Clotho ends up terrorizing all four heroes, but really the bway duo, and mostly bway Orpheus because in the end, it's his actions that will determine the outcome of the story. The nytw duo is Very Much Not Happy with Clotho’s existence and they get very protective of their counterparts whenever she shows up. 
bway Orph tries really hard to guard nytw Orph from her, knowing their history and all. It doesn’t really work, but he tries!
(Clotho does, at one point, threaten to kill bway Orph if the Orphei continue their journey. Remember this.)
The Eurydices learn more about each other the more questions bway Eurydice asks - Do you think your Orpheus is looking for you? Is he down here? Will everyone forget about me, too? Different words, all asking the same thing: Is there a chance for me to get out of here?
bway Eurydice tries not to show it, but she’s scared. She has no idea what she’s gotten herself into, and she’s desperate for a ray of hope.
Nytw Eurydice tries her best to reassure her, but sometimes she just can’t answer. 
bway Eurydice does ask if the other workers could break free of Hadestown’s brainwashing. Nytw Eurydice thinks it’s possible.
Meanwhile, the Orphei have taken to sleeping during the day and moving at night - to keep from getting caught. bway Orpheus isn’t handling this well, nor is he handling the constant overstimulation, the paranoia of being an ‘outlaw’, all the pain and horrors inflicted on Hadestown’s people, Clotho being Clotho, etc., and one night he just... breaks down. He never thought the world could be this cruel.
Luckily for him, though, a certain someone who understands exactly what he’s going through sits down with him. Lets him vent. Gives him a hug.
Nytw Orpheus finally apologizes to the boy for his distance, and convinces him that not everything is awful; they have each other, and the very reason Nytw Orpheus is down with him is that he cares about bway Orph and wants to protect him. 
It’s here that bway Orpheus starts to smile again.
From that night on, things are a little better. Sure, all the terrible things  mentioned 4 bullet points ago still exist, but now the Orphei are joking between one another, collaborating on songs, and climbing the petrified trees scattering Hadestown’s landscape.
And for the Eurydices, life-after-death is getting... almost bearable?! Nytw Eurydice made the other a notebook of all her surface memories, just in case, and it’s not like either of them stopped singing. They’ll go out and check if one of their Orphei is out there. Sometimes they’ll just talk for hours about whatever the Memory of the Day is.
For the first time in decades, there's a sound so sweet and clear against the echoes of steel on stone: laughter is heard in the realm of Hades.
A month or two pass, and neither party has found the other. It’s around this time when the bway duo wonders about their companion’s past. 
It’s a topic that sickens the nytw duo, but they figure it’s time to talk about what happened. Time to show where all these mental - and in some cases, physical - scars came from.
After nytw Orpheus turned, Eurydice was almost immediately offered sanctuary by Persephone, who took pity on her. Eurydice took it, as long as she didn’t have to see Hades ever again.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t upset with Orpheus. She was actually pretty bitter about him for months, before she came to terms with how powerless they both were in that situation.
However, time wore on, and the mini-revolution Eurydice + Orpheus created fell further into obscurity. Less workers remembered what happened that fateful night. And then, to Eurydice’s dread, not even the gods knew who she was anymore. Afraid of losing herself, Eurydice hid by herself most of the time, alone with her memories in the old goddess’s house. At least without Hades knowing her, she couldn’t be tracked.
For Orpheus... well, he definitely didn’t receive a hero’s welcome upon returning to the surface. Wholly blamed for the loss of his wife, Orpheus, too, hid himself from the public. His relationship with Hermes soured as he pressured the poet to move on. It wasn’t just a shift in the people, either - in the rare times when Orpheus played music, his songs were so sorrowful that nature herself turned gray, and wept. Believing the change in Orpheus to be a curse, the townspeople banished him. Not that Orpheus had any time to grieve - he had brought upon himself the fury of the Maenads, whose courtship he refused. They slaughtered him by the river and threw his bones into the current. (Hermes found them, but never told Eurydice.) Orpheus woke up as a ghost, stuck on the surface with his guitar. No longer could he be seen, heard, or touched by mortals. Not that they’d want to find him, anyway, Orpheus thinks.
All four members of this Songbird Quartet are in tears by the time the tales are told.
It’s also worth mentioning that both nytw Orpheus and Eurydice conveniently left out the part where Orpheus turns. 
It’s also also worth mentioning that nytw Orpheus takes off his red jacket for the first time since death, letting bway Orph see the extent of the Maenad’s brutality.
The strangest thing happened to the nytw duo, though: things started getting much better for them once the bway duo came into their lives. Orpheus is finding his hope again and Eurydice has found meaning in her afterlife. Through the tragedy, something good did happen.
(... uh, little side note: I really hope y’all are catching on that the relationships between Orphei and Eurydices... are platonic in a brother/sister sense. I mean, I can’t stop you from shipping them, i guess, but romance isn’t what I’m aiming for... that’s all.)
A n y w a y , what ho! After months of searching, bway Orpheus gets the biggest smile on his face upon seeing his beloved Eurydice creeping through metal stacks surrounding Hades’s mansion (it’s work hours). The Orphei agree to split up for a bit: bway Orpheus reunites with Eurydice, while nytw Orph makes a quick last look for his own lover.
He travels a little far, and then farther, getting increasingly desperate. Where is she? Was he never meant to find her? Is she on the other side of Hadestown? Where is she now?
Panic and heartache spark in his chest and he starts to call her name into the expanse.
The voice is from behind. Orpheus won’t dare turn around. Not again.
She knows this. She knows his posture, too, and the shape of his hands - which are shaking. She comes up to his side and takes one before facing him. Tears are already spilling over his cheeks.
“It’s you.”
Tears threaten to spill on Eurydice’s cheeks, too.
“It’s me.”
yayyyy they’re together again! it’s really sappy and they keep apologizing to each other for everything. It’s a little sad when Eurydice puts a hand on Orpheus’s scarred face but that’s neither here nor there.
But woe! the happy reunion is cut short when a loud, booming voice shakes the songbirds’ cores:
“Young man!”
the nytw duo, realizing that their sibling is now in Huge Danger, rush to Hades’s mansion. There stand a stricken bway Orpheus, a dreading bway Eurydice, Persephone, Hades, Hermes, workers... and the Fates.
There’s a moment of “woah everyone’s here” as the Songbird Quartet recognizes one another.
Hades and Persephone don’t recognize nytw Orph, which is great for some reasons and terrible for others.
Hades tells bway Orph that Eurydice can’t go back - she signed the deal, and sold her soul. Orpheus, horrified, looks at her, and Hades... and nytw Orph, who was too afraid to tell him. 
Nytw Eurydice, on the other hand, stares down Clotho with a ‘what the fuck do you want’ look. Clotho just smiles.
Hey, so, remember when I told you that Clotho threatened to kill bway Orpheus if they kept looking for Eurydice? Well.........
Hades calls upon the workers to drive bway Orpheus out. Unfortunately, though, Clotho has also given them the order to kill. Her word isn’t questioned: If Fate wishes it, then it shall be so, after all.
Clotho + her sisters nab bway Eurydice. Two workers restrain nytw Orpheus, who, while not knowing what exactly will happen to bway Orph, can deduct from Clotho’s threat that it won’t be good, and begs Hades to spare the boy. Nytw Eurydice, still wearing worker clothes and remaining undetected, sneaks out of the fuss and creeps behind the mansion (if we are thinking of the stage setup, where everyone is kind of in a circle, the nytw duo are on the opposite side from where the Fates + bway Eurydice are).
Workers circle bway Orpheus, and he gives nytw Orpheus one last terrified look before the first strike lands.
Now, we all know nytw Orpheus as a guy who’d have no problem throwing hands during Papers. Except this Orpheus has been ruined by his past, and freezes up when he sees the mob attack bway Orpheus. There are screams in his ears that aren’t there, the smell of metal, blood and wine, and a thousand terrible scenes in his head. It’s too much for him to watch.
...But the very reason nytw Orpheus is down here is because he cares about his newfound brother and wants to protect him. It was the one thing he promised to do.
So god damn, what was he doing?
Something snaps in him and he tries once again to wrestle his arms away from the workers holding him back. They don’t budge - nytw Orpheus’s strength is his words, not his muscles.
But then a low thud sounds against nytw Orpheus’s ears, and the hold goes loose. 
“Go!” cries nytw Eurydice, wielding a shovel and slamming its head against the other worker’s. “I’ll get Eurydice!”
nytw Orpheus gives a quick nod of thanks to his lover before rushing up to bway Orpheus, grabbing a pickaxe on the way.
Bway Orpheus has tried to flee the pack, but they keep catching him and throwing him down. He’s exhausted, he’s injured, and they aren’t letting up. One of the workers - the largest one in the mob - raises a pick. Orpheus can’t get himself off the ground.
Then there’s a flash of red, a scream, a metallic smell.
bway Orpheus dares to open his eyes and sees that the mob has stopped, paralyzed with shock. The worker who held the pick now clutched his arm instead, pressing against a long, gruesome tear in the skin.
And standing in front of him, a pickaxe in his hands and a wild, cold glare that’s stark against his bloodied face - is Orpheus’s brother.
A couple steps behind the mob are the Eurydices, and one of them still has her shovel. Nytw Orpheus shouts at the workers, telling them to back off (in a much ruder way). The workers, seeing the outcome of fighting these three, retreat.
Nytw Orpheus, chest heaving, drops the pickaxe and carefully steps over bway Orpheus so that he is behind the latter. He gently scoops the boy into his arms. He’s blacked out, but he’s still got a pulse, thank the gods.
Now, while nytw Eurydice did do what she said she would (free Eurydice), that doesn’t mean she got rid of the fates. And of course, Clotho appears.
Nytw Eurydice somehow keeps enough composure to not beat the shit out of her with a rusty shovel. She gives Clotho enough time for her to say that while, yes, the initial murder plan was foiled by our heroic rulebreakers, the damage has already been done. bway Orpheus has been told that his lover sold herself to Hades, and on top of that, the people who could’ve been his friends on the surface nearly killed him in Hadestown. It’s not like this was a sudden effect - Orpheus’s worldview started crumbling the minute he entered Hadestown. This was just the last step. Now with that sweet, sweet doubt in his head, things should go back to normal.
bway Eurydice is quite shaken by this - it’s her story, too. So nytw Eurydice swings her shovel a bit to get her to fuck off. Clotho does. (I like to think that the Fates can appear + disappear in a plume of dark smoke. Just a lil thing that’d look cool in animation.)
The three of them kinda. stare at each other for a bit. 
They take bway Orph to nytw Eurydice’s house to patch him up and rest. Nytw Orpheus washes the blood from his face, and there’s a distant look in his eyes as he recovers from what he did. bway Eurydice, who’s a smidge intimidated by him, says she thought he was pretty cool back there. It gets nytw Orpheus to laugh just the slightest bit, and thus, a friendship is born.
Nytw Eurydice and Orpheus take some time to catch each other up on what happened to them while bway Eurydice looks after her Orpheus.
He wakes up after some hours, a little worried, but with Eurydice there he settles down. She jogs his memory of what happened.
He starts venting to her, apologizing profusely for putting everyone in this mess and placing all their hopes on a song he couldn’t finish. Nothing Eurydice says can comfort him.
Unfortunately, Clotho was right: bway Orpheus is shattered. He goes on about how he is at fault, not just for Eurydice’s imprisonment in Hadestown, but for forcing nytw Orpheus to re-live his trauma to save him, and putting nytw Eurydice back on Hades’s hitlist. He’s hopeless, he says. This whole journey is hopeless. And because he’s the one to blame, he’s better off leaving.
He tries to leave Hadestown, despite the other three trying to get him to stop, but there’s another force keeping him from going too far: the workers. They’ve been listening to his plight, and they feel their old humanity come back to them at his sorrowful song (If It’s True).
Orpheus looks at his family, then looks back at the workers. Perhaps he did do something good for these people. Perhaps there’s still a chance for them.
Hermes comes up to the quartet, bearing news (it’s kind of his thing): Hades has also heard what the workers are starting to whisper about - a possible revolt against Hadestown’s cold-hearted structure - and demands for the four of them to come to his mansion. It’s judgment time.
Nytw Orpheus, who is bitter toward Hermes, demands to know why he didn’t help bway Orpheus since he was a god. Hermes, unfazed, asks why he couldn’t prevent the mob from attacking bway Orpheus, if he’d already lived Orpheus’s life. This quiets nytw Orpheus’s anger.
At the mansion, Hades tries to intimidate bway Orpheus before he actually passes judgment, though a very aggressive nytw Orpheus protects the other. Not today, Hades!
Persephone gives the Eurydices a bit of advice - maybe a mix of the London and NYTW Seph verses for Chant II - as she, too, heard the poet’s song.
The Fates are also there, watching. Plotting, probably.
Finally, Hades gives bway Orpheus his task: Sing a pretty song, and perhaps Hades will make use of him and spare his family. If he fails, it’s to the Great Beyond for all of them.
bway Orph is shaking like an autumn leaf. He’s not done with his song. It never worked the way he wanted it to. He’d tried to get nytw Orpheus to help him with it, but he’d refused, saying that if the song were really special, it would’ve come straight from bway Orpheus’s heart.
From the heart. Okay. That’s what Orpheus will do.
And to make a long story short, it works. beautifully. Orpheus sings his song of love and it swells as everyone else joins in. It’s like the heart of Hadestown is glowing.
At the end, Hades remembers his love for Persephone. He remembers his humanity. The old gods dance as if they were young lovers again.
And Orpheus just about blacks out again from cathartic relief. (Side note: I like to think that nytw Orph says something along the lines of “Easy there, rockstar!” I know the term won’t come around until the 60s but I think it’s really cute :))
Well, things seem to be going alright now! Hades isn’t as Bent on Harming the Four, Persephone’s smiling again, the workers are getting hopeful, and our four songbirds are together now. 
... Except, a look of unease haunts the nytw duo’s faces. They know what comes next after this. So does Clotho. The song wasn’t the real test, as we all know.
bway Orph asks if they can go, Hades says no, blah blah blah we've been here before.
Hermes tells the four (well, mainly the bway duo) of the task ahead. They are, of course, dumbfounded and frightened by what it entails. They look back at their older siblings, wordlessly asking, “did you know?”
Nytw Orpheus and Eurydice look away.
The bway duo demands them to tell the full truth of how they were separated. So they do. They tell their doomed successors that nytw Orpheus failed to bring them both out, and that the chances of it happening again are high. It’s completely up to the new duo, and the nytw duo didn’t want to talk of it out of fear of crushing their hopes.
The bway duo is... not pleased. They’re not just crushed, they’re betrayed. How could the nytw duo lie to them for so long, lead them down this path just to pull the rug out from under them? 
Nytw Orpheus reaches out to bway Orpheus, but the latter backs away, and leaves them. Bway Eurydice just shakes her head. She leaves them, too.
That night, when the four are preparing for the journey out, bway Eurydice finds her lover cupping his carnation in his palms. They talk quietly about the trek ahead, and Eurydice tells Orpheus that, even though their predecessors failed, that doesn’t mean they will, too. For what it’s worth, said predecessors didn’t have dead companions to travel with. And if the nytw duo were able to change (for the better) because of the bway duo’s actions, then maybe their ending could, too. “If they could do it, so can we.” 
Orpheus smiles, but his doubts still gnaw at him. What if their actions changed the outcome for the worse? He just wanted everyone to be safe and happy, but what if this night’s events shouldn’t have happened the way they did? Especially with Clotho’s plan unraveling faster than ever, did they really make all the right decisions? Could he put faith in himself, or was everything that the townspeople said up top, about the harshness of the world and all, really true?
Speaking of Clotho, she appears once more to nytw Eurydice. Eurydice snaps at her for putting everyone on the road to ruin, but Clotho merely states that she’s not the only one trying to get what she wants. Like it or not, everyone had a part to play. “This story of ours was your doing, too,” she says. “Now you finish it. I’m just helping it move along.”
As Clotho departs, Eurydice finds that statement... oddly comforting. If bway Orpheus just holds onto the hope he’d always had with him, then maybe... just maybe...
It’s a long night, and it’s a little odd with two somewhat estranged couples sharing a house. Eventually, they all decide to try and make amends in the tiny living room. Apologizing, conversing softly about their fears and hopes, curling up together on the surprisingly large worn couch. bway Orpheus lets his brother hug him. 
“I’m scared.”
“I know,” nytw Orpheus whispers. “And I have so much faith in you nonetheless.”
They sleep together on the couch that night. Lovers, brothers, and sisters say “I love you”. Hell, friends do, too, why not. There’s an air of peace in the stony caverns of Hadestown, and it’s enough to bring the four to a restful sleep.
They’ll need it for the journey ahead.
And, then, that morning, they set out, and... 
OHHH, GEE! Look at how long this got! Gee whizz, look at the time, too! I think it’s time to stop. We’ll leave the thrilling conclusion for another time!
Thanks a billion for the ask, anon, and thanks a lot to you, reader, if you actually got this far! I don’t write much, but when I do, I get really into it... 
There’s some stuff in Act I of this AU I still haven’t talked about - mostly silly fluff between the brothers, fluff between the sisters, some angst between the brothers, orphydice fluff, and nytw Orph’s strained relationship with the new Hermes, but again, that’s for another time. 
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roukabi · 2 years
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[Img ID: two tumblr replies. One, from threadcutters, says "ado annie and will :)". The other, from arniesmarmy, says "Damonpheus and Reevepheus <333". End ID]
Sorry for the holdup! Here they are :)
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(They're animals, 'cause what's cuter than bunnies and cats?)
Long, fluffy tails can be a hassle to clean, especially when you're disabled. But Will is always happy to lend a helping hand to Annie!
[Image ID: A digital drawing of a pale yellow Persian cat and a brown rabbit, with gray ears and black and white patches. They are animal versions of Ado Annie and Will Parker from Oklahoma! (2019). Will has a blue brush in his paw, smiling as he holds Annie's large tail. Annie looks back at him gratefully. End ID]
And now #2!
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I'd say that I'm back on my nytw x broadway bullshit, but in order to be back on bs, one must be off their bs, and I have never once been off my bs.
Anyway, Reevepheus likes hugs :)
[Img ID: a digital sketch of Reeve Carney's Orpheus and Damon Daunno's Orpheus sharing a hug. Because I said so. A thought bubble hangs to the side of Damonpheus, showing a bawling emoji with little hearts around it, because he can't believe how sweet and nice this new Orph is. The artist would like those using screen readers to know that they absolutely gave up on drawing the hands, and said hands look like cartoon gloves. It's very important that you know this. End ID]
Thanks for the requests, attie + arnie!
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roukabi · 3 years
hey uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh does anyone wanna hear about my angsty nytw x broadway hadestown au
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roukabi · 3 years
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I warned you. 
For reference: Reevepheus is a rat [top right] and a jack russel/beagle [bottom right], Damonpheus is a border collie [left], NYTW Fates are cats [left], Persephone and Hades are a red squirrel and american badger, respectively [center top], bway Eurydice is a cat [right], Hermes is a king cheetah [center right], and NYTW Eurydice is a poodle/weimaraner.
click for better quality lol
[Image ID: A compilation of sketches of Hadestown characters from both NYTW and Broadway productions, but they're animals or furries. From left to right:
1: A profile view of Broadway Orpheus as a rather polite-looking anthro rat, with dark patches on his ears, hair tuft, arms, and small spots on his face. Next to it is a sketch of him smiling bashfully.
2: A drawing of NYTW Orpheus as a border collie. He is smiling, with his signature curls and half-flopped ears.
3: A drawing of Persephone and Hades, as a squirrel and badger. Hades as a badger has reversed colors. Persephone is snarling at Hades, gesturing a hand to something that wasn't drawn. Between the two, the artist wrote, "caption this" in sucky handwriting.
4: 3 Headshots of the NYTW Fates. Atropos has long, fluffy cheeks and mane, Clotho has stripes, and Lachesis has red 'hair' and spots. They all have eyeshadow that matches their clothing (clothing not shown lol). Clotho and Atropos are smiling at each other mischeviously, while Lachesis looks warily at them.
5: A full-body of Hermes as an anthro black king cheetah with silver markings, to match his silver suit.
6: A sketch of Broadway Eurydice as a black cat. She is mostly turned away from the viewer, though she is casting a worried glance behind her.
7: a sketch of Broadway Orpheus as a jack russel/beagle mix. He is standing with his legs apart, a flower in his mouth, and a wagging tail. Dialogue between small Hermes and Eurydice heads say, "Why would I become his wife?" "I mean... are you REALLY gonna say no to that face?" "huh... maybe you have a point..." The artist has drawn an arrow to Orpheus's back leg, writing "Evil Leg. It does NOT Look Right". Because it doesn't.
8: a headshot of NYTW Eurydice as a poodle/weimaraner mix. She has coiled, curly ears and ‘hair’ on the top of her head, with a bow around her neck. She is gazing calmly at something in the distance. End ID]
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Something silly I thought of while watching NYTW livin' it up on top
[Image ID: Squirrel-Persephone pointing and growling at something not drawn, saying "Can you 2 quit KISSING and FUCKING while I am making an entrance plz". This prompts Orpheus and Eurydice (as dogs) to say, "Dude, don't be biphobic" and "Let us have our moment PLEASE". The two lovebirds (lovedogs?) Have their arms around each other. End ID]
And as an added bonus, here are some shenanigans from my nytw x bway crossover au, which can be found here.
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Depressed man
[Image ID: A sketch of Damonpheus as a border collie, now with 90% more sadness. He has criss-cross scars on his face and neck, and his eyes have lost their shine. He has been labeled "Ghost!Damonpheus". End ID]
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Post-Papers angst. Now what happened here? 
[Image ID: The 'Ghost-Damonpheus' from the previous image and Reevepheus (as a dog). Damonpheus is reaching toward Reevepheus with a concerned expression, but Reevepheus, frightened, flinches away. Reevepheus has a black eye, bloody scars, and scuffs on him, while Damonpheus has a streak of blood across his cheek that may or may not be his own blood. End ID]
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General silliness, feat. Hermes
[Image ID: Dog-Ghost!Damonpheus (stay with me here) with a paw on dog-Reevepheus's shoulder. Damonpheus says, "I've only had Orpheus for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I'd kill everyone in Hadestown and then myself". This prompts a small Hermes head (who is still a cheetah) that says "But you're already dead??" End ID]
And a bonus bonus:
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Charon/Orpheus from @arniesmarmy's "We Build The Wall to Keep Us Free"! go read it it’s perfect
[Image IDs: two near-identical drawings of Dog-Reevepheus, only now, he is the one from arniesmarmy's AU where he is Charon. He looks considerably colder than his normal self, glaring down at the viewer. His hair is wild and fluffy. A small scar peeks out from the fur on his neck. One image shows rounded sunglasses on him, one doesn't. End ID]
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